George Zimmerman Stoned Trayvon Martin...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
[ame=]George Zimmerman Stoned Trayvon Martin: Deuteronomy 21 : 18 - 21 - YouTube[/ame]

Well worth the 15 minutes it takes to watch and listen to this Harlem preacher tell his black congregation some things about Trayvon and his reason for being in Sanford instead of living with his mom and going to school in Miami.

Watch to the end and then comment.

It is a shame that Jesse and Al can't be as honest as this man seems to be.
Thanks for the best 15 minutes I spent today, asaratis. That's what everybody knows, but the politically correct crowd rejects--the actual details of what happened and what it means.
Was he really trying to say Trayvon should have been killed because his mom sent him to go live with his father? Was he really justifying GZ's actions and relating it to stoning? I am totally blown away by that video. That preacher is f'kin crazy!!
Was he really trying to say Trayvon should have been killed because his mom sent him to go live with his father? Was he really justifying GZ's actions and relating it to stoning? I am totally blown away by that video. That preacher is f'kin crazy!!

Not surprising that some would agree to that poison but that's all it is.

Interesting that some seem to think that all blacks should think and talk alike.
Was he really trying to say Trayvon should have been killed because his mom sent him to go live with his father? Was he really justifying GZ's actions and relating it to stoning? I am totally blown away by that video. That preacher is f'kin crazy!!
No, he wasn't trying to say anything other than what he said. All the false pretense that Trayvon was just an innocent child walking home from the store with candy and a drink is just that...false. Trayvon was a thug. His mother knew it. His father knew it. All of his "friends" knew it. But it played well with the press and with Jesse's and Al's goal of inciting racial strife to play the part of a mother and father grieving the loss of a sweet little boy at the hands of a racist wanna-be cop...white boy. The media ate it up. Obama ate it up. All the racist assholes ate it up.

Zimmerman's actions do not need further justification. He has been acquitted. His actions have been justified. Justice was delivered by the jury. What the race baiters and pimps need to get over is the FACT that they have been duped into promoting sympathy for a thug who got himself killed by not trotting on home to his daddy's shack.

Was he really trying to say Trayvon should have been killed because his mom sent him to go live with his father? Was he really justifying GZ's actions and relating it to stoning? I am totally blown away by that video. That preacher is f'kin crazy!!

Not surprising that some would agree to that poison but that's all it is.

Interesting that some seem to think that all blacks should think and talk alike.
Not at all. People should form their own opinions based on FACTS...not emotion and hatred of people because of the color of their skin and some jacked-out-of-shape story about the history of the killer and the killed. Trayvon was a thug looking for trouble. George was a man looking to better his community. George was not and still is NOT a racist.

It does not give me joy that Trayvon was killed. It certainly gives me no joy that his death sparked racial hatred and violence across the country. I cannot help but believe that had the confrontation in Sanford not happened and Trayvon had eventually been killed by another black thug in a gang shootout, we'd have heard NOTHING ABOUT IT save for the statistic.

You people that promote the denial of truth are patently obtuse.

Not to mention the apparent belief among some that smoking a J is a crime punishable by stalking and cold blooded, PRE-MEDITATED murder.
He said nothing of the sort...and there was no premeditated murder. There was no murder. There was justifiable homicide of an assailant that was pounding a man's head into concrete pavement. Let that happen to you and see if you don't fear for your life.
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No offense, but that Preacher is a lying, angry, unforgiving, un-christian jerk. If he were my preacher, I would have said that to him right in front of his congregation, walked out, and never returned to his church.


No offense, but that Preacher is a lying, angry, unforgiving, un-christian jerk. If he were my preacher, I would have said that to him right in front of his congregation, walked out, and never returned to his church.


What did he lie about, specifically please?

Who has he not forgiven that you believe he should...and why?

What makes his comments 'un-Christian'?

No offense, but that Preacher is a lying, angry, unforgiving, un-christian jerk. If he were my preacher, I would have said that to him right in front of his congregation, walked out, and never returned to his church.


What did he lie about, specifically please?

Who has he not forgiven that you believe he should...and why?

What makes his comments 'un-Christian'?

Every single sentence that he uttered about Trayvon, his mother, and father was a blatant lie. Can you cite one sentence that he said that had even a shred of truth to it?

First sentence is a Lie. "Trayvon Martin, I can not believe what is going on." Then he subsequently explains for fifteen minutes why it is going on.

Your turn.

Then he says he "prayed for his mom the other day." Yeah prayed for her to go to hell. Did you hear what this guy said about her? That's not how you "pray" for someone. That's how you demigod someone.

He wanted her to tell everyone the verdict is in shut up. Yeah he wanted her to defile her child's memory and vindicate the murderer of her child as an innocent victim of her child. OMG

Then he ridicules a grieving mother for saying my baby trayvon. Jesus help me, every mother on the planet thinks of their child as their baby no matter how old and this jerk ridicules her.

Then the "preacher" goes into a tirade character assassination of the dead child attacking him because he was "kicked" out of school. Everything he said about that was an outright lie of omission stating only the facts from the character assassination perspective. Not from a christian perspective.
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No stalking occurred.
He was followed for a matter of seconds under instruction from the 911 operator.
Then GZ stopped following when the operator told him" you don't have to do that" to which GZ answered "ok"!
Facts of the case!!
Stick to them.

The 911 operator never instructed Mr. Zimmerman to follow Mr. Martin.
Was he really trying to say Trayvon should have been killed because his mom sent him to go live with his father? Was he really justifying GZ's actions and relating it to stoning? I am totally blown away by that video. That preacher is f'kin crazy!!

Not surprising that some would agree to that poison but that's all it is.

Interesting that some seem to think that all blacks should think and talk alike.

Some people think that they should all be treated equally too.
There was justifiable homicide of an assailant that was pounding a man's head into concrete pavement. Let that happen to you and see if you don't fear for your life.

Nothing introduced into evidence, with the exception Zimmerman's multiple statements, ever establishes that occurred.

And Zimmerman is a proven liar.

No offense, but that Preacher is a lying, angry, unforgiving, un-christian jerk. If he were my preacher, I would have said that to him right in front of his congregation, walked out, and never returned to his church.


What did he lie about, specifically please?

Who has he not forgiven that you believe he should...and why?

What makes his comments 'un-Christian'?

Every single sentence that he uttered about Trayvon, his mother, and father was a blatant lie. Can you cite one sentence that he said that had even a shred of truth to it?

First sentence is a Lie. "Trayvon Martin, I can not believe what is going on." Then he subsequently explains for fifteen minutes why it is going on.

Your turn.

If everything he stated was a 'blatant lie', then you ought to be able to point to one statement and explain to us exactly why it was a lie.

You made the accusation, back it up.
There was justifiable homicide of an assailant that was pounding a man's head into concrete pavement. Let that happen to you and see if you don't fear for your life.

Nothing introduced into evidence, with the exception Zimmerman's multiple statements, ever establishes that occurred.

And Zimmerman is a proven liar.
The photos shown during the trial showed physical evidence on GZ's head that corroborated the story. Additionally a witness placed TM on top beating GZ mma style, and also place the two on the sidewalk for a portion of the fight. The original photos of GZ showed to the public were low detail and doctored by the press to make it look like GZ had no injuries. We were duped by the press who had a reason to victimize Trayvon.
There was justifiable homicide of an assailant that was pounding a man's head into concrete pavement. Let that happen to you and see if you don't fear for your life.

Nothing introduced into evidence, with the exception Zimmerman's multiple statements, ever establishes that occurred.

And Zimmerman is a proven liar.
The photos shown during the trial showed physical evidence on GZ's head that corroborated the story. Additionally a witness placed TM on top beating GZ mma style, and also place the two on the sidewalk for a portion of the fight. The original photos of GZ showed to the public were low detail and doctored by the press to make it look like GZ had no injuries. We were duped by the press who had a reason to victimize Trayvon.

Actually they did not. Neither did the medical evidence.

Had Zimmerman's head been "slammed" into the concrete his "injuries" would have required more that an bandage. Actually, the EMTs didn't even bandage his "injuries".

And none of the multiple witness or the forensic evidence corroborated that Zimmerman had his head physically slammed into the concrete.
Nothing introduced into evidence, with the exception Zimmerman's multiple statements, ever establishes that occurred.

And Zimmerman is a proven liar.
The photos shown during the trial showed physical evidence on GZ's head that corroborated the story. Additionally a witness placed TM on top beating GZ mma style, and also place the two on the sidewalk for a portion of the fight. The original photos of GZ showed to the public were low detail and doctored by the press to make it look like GZ had no injuries. We were duped by the press who had a reason to victimize Trayvon.

Actually they did not. Neither did the medical evidence.

Had Zimmerman's head been "slammed" into the concrete his "injuries" would have required more that an bandage. Actually, the EMTs didn't even bandage his "injuries".

And none of the multiple witness or the forensic evidence corroborated that Zimmerman had his head physically slammed into the concrete.

I thought so too... then I saw the actual photos in high rez on my HD TV as they showed them in court. I shit my pants. It was all right there on the guy's head for all to see.
Follow the link..!/image/3588640412.jpg
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