Obama's Watergates...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
It took a long time for Nixon's Watergate debacle to come to a boil. Obama is not out of the woods yet. He has more serious problems than did Nixon. The similarities are interesting...if not encouraging. we may get rid of Obama before his term is up.

Obama?s Watergates | National Review Online

Yet the truth does come out. None of these scandals so far has been as ignored as the initial Watergate break-in and associated Nixon-administration misdeeds. If the doctrinaire press is now leading from behind, instead of launching a full-scale attack as it did in the Watergate years, the media as a whole are far more diverse than in 1973, with so many different venues and agendas that it’s difficult to suppress the truth for long.

Remember, between when the Nixon operatives drew up their initial plans to commit illegal acts in early 1972 and when the media furor over cover-ups and lying forced Nixon out of office in late summer 1974, the time elapsed was over 30 months — a period as long as or longer than the gestation of the present scandals. Recall also that no one died in Watergate; that the IRS resisted, not abetted, calls to go after critics of the president; and that Attorney General John Mitchell did not lie under oath to Congress. Scandals wax and wane, but until the truth is told, they never quite end.

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