George Conway and Under Trump The GOP is History


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
When Republicans say Trump has destroyed the GOP does that mean it's a losing bet for Trump?
Are Trump supporters Republican posers?

Are you a Republican without a party?

“It’s destroyed by it having become essentially a personality cult,” he explained."

"The Republican Party may not ever be able to restore the party — even after Donald Trump leaves office."

"George Conway, the longtime GOP lawyer who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, explained his thoughts on the future of the party to New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
“I personally think that the Republican brand is probably destroyed,” Conway said."

When Republicans say Trump has destroyed the GOP does that mean it's a losing bet for Trump?
Are Trump supporters Republican posers?

Are you a Republican without a party?

“It’s destroyed by it having become essentially a personality cult,” he explained."

"The Republican Party may not ever be able to restore the party — even after Donald Trump leaves office."

"George Conway, the longtime GOP lawyer who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, explained his thoughts on the future of the party to New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
“I personally think that the Republican brand is probably destroyed,” Conway said."

The GOP after Trump will be one of the most fascinating political moments ever.

They don't have another cartoon character waiting in the wings.
When Republicans say Trump has destroyed the GOP does that mean it's a losing bet for Trump?
Are Trump supporters Republican posers?

Are you a Republican without a party?

“It’s destroyed by it having become essentially a personality cult,” he explained."

"The Republican Party may not ever be able to restore the party — even after Donald Trump leaves office."

"George Conway, the longtime GOP lawyer who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, explained his thoughts on the future of the party to New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
“I personally think that the Republican brand is probably destroyed,” Conway said."

I think the Republican Party is done for the next decade. At least until they winnow out the older baby boomers and some of the more radical younger baby boomers and Gen-X'ers.
Now, I think they can come back. If they return to their roots as traditional conservatives and expel the whack-a-doodles. A process that may take a few years.
When Republicans say Trump has destroyed the GOP does that mean it's a losing bet for Trump?
Are Trump supporters Republican posers?

Are you a Republican without a party?

“It’s destroyed by it having become essentially a personality cult,” he explained."

"The Republican Party may not ever be able to restore the party — even after Donald Trump leaves office."

"George Conway, the longtime GOP lawyer who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, explained his thoughts on the future of the party to New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
“I personally think that the Republican brand is probably destroyed,” Conway said."

The GOP after Trump will be one of the most fascinating political moments ever.

They don't have another cartoon character waiting in the wings.
The game show "To Tell The Truth" should have some GOP characters on it. Could any of them be honest?
Will the real Republican please stand up.
The Republicans need to hit the reset button. Embracing the reactionary wing has driven out the Eisenhower moderates and the Goldwater conservatives. Trump myrmidons are the voice and face.

Nothing grand about this old party...
When Republicans say Trump has destroyed the GOP does that mean it's a losing bet for Trump?
Are Trump supporters Republican posers?

Are you a Republican without a party?

“It’s destroyed by it having become essentially a personality cult,” he explained."

"The Republican Party may not ever be able to restore the party — even after Donald Trump leaves office."

"George Conway, the longtime GOP lawyer who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, explained his thoughts on the future of the party to New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
“I personally think that the Republican brand is probably destroyed,” Conway said."

The GOP after Trump will be one of the most fascinating political moments ever.

They don't have another cartoon character waiting in the wings.
And what fascinating characters do the Dims have waiting in the wings.When Ol' Pedo Joe has his final death rattle......who's on deck? ...I bet she's a lesbian minority with a hardon for white people...that will be the defining moment..... Will we be a Banana republic under the Dims?.....No borders and no laws?....Dims best shut the fuck up and tend to their own leadership crisis.
Unfortunately, do to our duopoly the electorate will eventually turn to the GOP when the Democratic Party becomes the new problem.
I think the Republican Party is done for the next decade. At least until they winnow out the older baby boomers and some of the more radical younger baby boomers and Gen-X'ers.
Now, I think they can come back. If they return to their roots as traditional conservatives and expel the whack-a-doodles. A process that may take a few years.

So in your opinion, the Republican Moderates- people like Romney and Kasich are impotent and are destined to be losers until the 2030's? But why would anyone take them seriously then, after more than a decade of Defunding the Police and allowing men in dresses access to the nation's ladies' rooms? What would they run on in the 30's, and why would anyone vote for them instead of AOC and the squad?
When Republicans say Trump has destroyed the GOP does that mean it's a losing bet for Trump?
Are Trump supporters Republican posers?

Are you a Republican without a party?

“It’s destroyed by it having become essentially a personality cult,” he explained."

"The Republican Party may not ever be able to restore the party — even after Donald Trump leaves office."

"George Conway, the longtime GOP lawyer who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, explained his thoughts on the future of the party to New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
“I personally think that the Republican brand is probably destroyed,” Conway said."

The GOP after Trump will be one of the most fascinating political moments ever.

They don't have another cartoon character waiting in the wings.
And what fascinating characters do the Dims have waiting in the wings.When Ol' Pedo Joe has his final death rattle......who's on deck? ...I bet she's a lesbian minority with a hardon for white people...that will be the defining moment..... Will we be a Banana republic under the Dims?.....No borders and no laws?....Dims best shut the fuck up and tend to their own leadership crisis.
It all depends if the police that follow them actually listen to their orders. For they will be spiting themselves also.
Oh, and George Conway is a sore loser. He can’t believe Trump didn’t give him the job he wanted. He and Romney are both bitter ole souls.
I think the Republican Party is done for the next decade. At least until they winnow out the older baby boomers and some of the more radical younger baby boomers and Gen-X'ers.
Now, I think they can come back. If they return to their roots as traditional conservatives and expel the whack-a-doodles. A process that may take a few years.

So in your opinion, the Republican Moderates- people like Romney and Kasich are impotent and are destined to be losers until the 2030's? But why would anyone take them seriously then, after more than a decade of Defunding the Police and allowing men in dresses access to the nation's ladies' rooms? What would they run on in the 30's, and why would anyone vote for them instead of AOC and the squad?
Don't put words in my mouth ...I asked a direct answer it .....who the fuck do you have?
Unfortunately, do to our duopoly the electorate will eventually turn to the GOP when the Democratic Party becomes the new problem.
Becomes the new problem? Roflmao.

Yep. Voters are fickle and shortsighted. Political parties will never do enough fast enough before the voters wonk.
There is gonna be a big surprise come Nov 3. And it won’t be for the gop.
I think the Republican Party is done for the next decade. At least until they winnow out the older baby boomers and some of the more radical younger baby boomers and Gen-X'ers.
Now, I think they can come back. If they return to their roots as traditional conservatives and expel the whack-a-doodles. A process that may take a few years.

So in your opinion, the Republican Moderates- people like Romney and Kasich are impotent and are destined to be losers until the 2030's? But why would anyone take them seriously then, after more than a decade of Defunding the Police and allowing men in dresses access to the nation's ladies' rooms? What would they run on in the 30's, and why would anyone vote for them instead of AOC and the squad?
Don't put words in my mouth ...I asked a direct answer it .....who the fuck do you have?

Me, I'd like to see Donald Jr. succeed his father into the Republican leadership. Not losers like Romney.
Unfortunately, do to our duopoly the electorate will eventually turn to the GOP when the Democratic Party becomes the new problem.
Becomes the new problem? Roflmao.

Yep. Voters are fickle and shortsighted. Political parties will never do enough fast enough before the voters wonk.
There is gonna be a big surprise come Nov 3. And it won’t be for the gop.

You really think the GOP is going pull it off?

Presidency or Senate?
When Republicans say Trump has destroyed the GOP does that mean it's a losing bet for Trump?
Are Trump supporters Republican posers?

Are you a Republican without a party?

“It’s destroyed by it having become essentially a personality cult,” he explained."

"The Republican Party may not ever be able to restore the party — even after Donald Trump leaves office."

"George Conway, the longtime GOP lawyer who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, explained his thoughts on the future of the party to New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
“I personally think that the Republican brand is probably destroyed,” Conway said."

Trump took over a party that ran and voted to repeal and replace Obamacare when Obama was in office, knowing he would veto it. But when Trump took over, they refused to vote to repeal and replace Obamacare even though they had done so a few years prior. The reason? They never had any intention of repealing and replacing Obamacare and knew if they voted to repeal and replace it again, Trump would sign it and they would have to actually do what they said they were going to do.

So essentially you have a GOP that had no soul, no convictions, no fight. It was a wet noodle content with hiding in the shadows as the Left continually attacked them as a bunch of racist white supremacists.

Trump became the first to actually fight back against the Left, the first to actually throw a few punches and all of a sudden he has destroyed the GOP?

If Repubs do not win in ten years we are all done. Obama did a lot of damage in 8 years. All of the revolutionary cell groups were activated. We see it now.
That is a delusional post if not downright sad.
I think the Republican Party is done for the next decade. At least until they winnow out the older baby boomers and some of the more radical younger baby boomers and Gen-X'ers.
Now, I think they can come back. If they return to their roots as traditional conservatives and expel the whack-a-doodles. A process that may take a few years.

So in your opinion, the Republican Moderates- people like Romney and Kasich are impotent and are destined to be losers until the 2030's? But why would anyone take them seriously then, after more than a decade of Defunding the Police and allowing men in dresses access to the nation's ladies' rooms? What would they run on in the 30's, and why would anyone vote for them instead of AOC and the squad?
Don't put words in my mouth ...I asked a direct answer it .....who the fuck do you have?

Me, I'd like to see Donald Jr. succeed his father into the Republican leadership. Not losers like Romney.

LOL. By all means. I have no problem with that whatsoever. The final nail in their coffin.
Just as an aside, they were floating Tucker Carlson as a possible candidate in 2024.
I welcome that as well. Seals their fate.

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