A Harvest of Hatred


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
I am a farmer. I do not sow the seeds of abomination, but I reap the vile fruits of hatred.

Today's harvest found growing along the side of a street:

7-13-20 harvest1.jpg

7-13-20 harvest2.jpg

7-13-20 harvest3.jpg

7-13-20 harvest4.jpg

In order to be compliant with USMB rules, I provide some links and quotes from those links:

"The "Antifa" (short for "Anti-fascist action"), sometimes known as the ARA (short for "Anti-Racist Action") is an international terrorist movement of anarchists and Marxist-Leninists dedicated to the overthrow of the existing order and responsible for violence, mayhem, and church burnings in the United States and throughout the world.."

Antifa - Conservapedia

"Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a fundraising arm for the DNC[2][3] and a Fifth Column organization that is promoting social radicalism. As of July 4th, 2020 Black Lives Matter protesters murdered at least 4 Blacks, including two children, and shot at least 3 other Blacks..."

Black Lives Matter - Conservapedia
What you sow is lies.

In 2015-2016 BLM, Antifa, & the Black Fist willing accepted money from the Russians and Soros to spread racial division, hatred, and violence.

There is undeniable evidence now that BLM and Antifa are again colluding with and taking money from Soros, the Russians, China, and Iran through Venezuela. Soros along just donated more than 200 million to the insurgent-domestic terrorist attack on this country from within.

With the overwhelming evidence that exists attempts to deny these facts equate to more leftist extremist / enemy of the US propaganda.

Overwhelming evidence also exists proving the DNC's top LPSD leaders have betrayed the country by selling their loyalty / obedience to the very same enemies finding the attacks on the nation from within.

De Blasio standing shoulder-to-shoulder with BLM in painting the socialist-funded graffiti on tac payer-funded streets and declaring he refuses to allow Americans to exercise their Constitutional rights to assemble and speak while declaring he will only allow BLM to do so - even snowflakes like you are not too f*ing stupid to realize that for what it is.

Democrats have surrendered and have joined our enemies in attempting to destroy the Constitution / the country as created by our Founding Fathers...
What you sow is lies.

In 2015-2016 BLM, Antifa, & the Black Fist willing accepted money from the Russians and Soros to spread racial division, hatred, and violence.

There is undeniable evidence now that BLM and Antifa are again colluding with and taking money from Soros, the Russians, China, and Iran through Venezuela. Soros along just donated more than 200 million to the insurgent-domestic terrorist attack on this country from within.

With the overwhelming evidence that exists attempts to deny these facts equate to more leftist extremist / enemy of the US propaganda.

Overwhelming evidence also exists proving the DNC's top LPSD leaders have betrayed the country by selling their loyalty / obedience to the very same enemies finding the attacks on the nation from within.

De Blasio standing shoulder-to-shoulder with BLM in painting the socialist-funded graffiti on tac payer-funded streets and declaring he refuses to allow Americans to exercise their Constitutional rights to assemble and speak while declaring he will only allow BLM to do so - even snowflakes like you are not too f*ing stupid to realize that for what it is.

Democrats have surrendered and have joined our enemies in attempting to destroy the Constitution / the country as created by our Founding Fathers...

I am not the "sower." Someone else did that, I merely harvested the despicable fruits of their labor.. They will go in the burn barrel and tomorrow, I will do the same thing.
What you sow is lies.

In 2015-2016 BLM, Antifa, & the Black Fist willing accepted money from the Russians and Soros to spread racial division, hatred, and violence.

There is undeniable evidence now that BLM and Antifa are again colluding with and taking money from Soros, the Russians, China, and Iran through Venezuela. Soros along just donated more than 200 million to the insurgent-domestic terrorist attack on this country from within.

With the overwhelming evidence that exists attempts to deny these facts equate to more leftist extremist / enemy of the US propaganda.

Overwhelming evidence also exists proving the DNC's top LPSD leaders have betrayed the country by selling their loyalty / obedience to the very same enemies finding the attacks on the nation from within.

De Blasio standing shoulder-to-shoulder with BLM in painting the socialist-funded graffiti on tac payer-funded streets and declaring he refuses to allow Americans to exercise their Constitutional rights to assemble and speak while declaring he will only allow BLM to do so - even snowflakes like you are not too f*ing stupid to realize that for what it is.

Democrats have surrendered and have joined our enemies in attempting to destroy the Constitution / the country as created by our Founding Fathers...
Oh, my gosh. All the bad people in the world fund Pelosi and Maxine Waters' wet dream--people to stalk Trump's staff, Republicans, and the police. The Democrats ought to be spanked. They're colluding with the Russians, Maduro, China, and Iran against Trump and the police right now, and nobody is doing anything about it. They intentionally picked Trump's enemies to do evil deeds to the Executive Branch, and that's unconstitutional

Why do Democrat traitors get away with bloody murder, but they impeach Trump if he looks around the room? They're sick people. And the damage they are doing to freedom and the Constitution is getting old.
"The "Antifa" (short for "Anti-fascist action"), sometimes known as the ARA (short for "Anti-Racist Action")
This is relatively new, but more or less the usual police academy propaganda to justify a fascist police state.
an international terrorist movement of anarchists and Marxist-Leninists dedicated to the overthrow of the existing order and responsible for violence, mayhem, and church burnings in the United States and throughout the world..
This has been standard police academy dogma for many, many years now, to justify strange and elaborate set-ups and entrapment schemes for arrests.

The "suspect" is supposed to be targeting "critical infrastructure" such as a railroad or oil pipeline and pro-actively and pre-emptively arrested before any actual crime takes place, out of an abundance of caution, in spite of the Constitution.
I am a farmer. I do not sow the seeds of abomination, but I reap the vile fruits of hatred.

Today's harvest found growing along the side of a street:

View attachment 362907

View attachment 362909

View attachment 362910

View attachment 362911

In order to be compliant with USMB rules, I provide some links and quotes from those links:

"The "Antifa" (short for "Anti-fascist action"), sometimes known as the ARA (short for "Anti-Racist Action") is an international terrorist movement of anarchists and Marxist-Leninists dedicated to the overthrow of the existing order and responsible for violence, mayhem, and church burnings in the United States and throughout the world.."

Antifa - Conservapedia

"Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a fundraising arm for the DNC[2][3] and a Fifth Column organization that is promoting social radicalism. As of July 4th, 2020 Black Lives Matter protesters murdered at least 4 Blacks, including two children, and shot at least 3 other Blacks..."

Black Lives Matter - Conservapedia

The Conservapedia. Because facts don't matter to conservatives.
Day two: They didn't put up any signs this morning. But I did harvest this picture of three idiots on the courthouse lawn.

Some primitive people believe that when someone photographs them, they steal their souls. I would do that if I could but unfortunately, leftist idiots don't have souls.


LMAO! "idiots1.jpg" :auiqs.jpg:

That effeminate-looking thing in the middle is actually a guy. He was pounding on a fuckin' set of bongos.

There was a truck with a trailer to the left, at the intersection. The truck pulled out fast and left a big black cloud of diesel smoke.

They squealed something at the truck and I burned rubber going through the intersection and flipped them off.

Thanks. Wasn’t familiar with this latest White Supremacy symbol. Of course reading the ravings of this asshole it was always pretty obvious. Most fascists don’t try to hide what they are. But anonymous “keyboard fascists” are a dime a dozen these days. Not worth bothering about.

Ironically, John Galt is a fictional character created by a Russian Jewish lady. I wonder if he is aware.
Thanks. Wasn’t familiar with this latest White Supremacy symbol. Of course reading the ravings of this asshole it was always pretty obvious. Most fascists don’t try to hide what they are. But anonymous “keyboard fascists” are a dime a dozen these days. Not worth bothering about.

Ironically, John Galt is a fictional character created by a Russian Jewish lady. I wonder if he is aware.

Don't give a flying fuck. I have nothing against Russia, except for the fact they they're a bunch of drunk-assed godless commie fuckers who are only capable of expressing three emotions: Revenge, depression, and vodka.

I do like their AK-47's and cheap ammo though. Those are awesome. I would have loved to have an SVD or a Dragunov, but thanks to that cocksucker Obama, the prices went through the roof back in 2012.

Free speech is part of America. Watch out when posters start using lame phrases like "sowing the seeds of abomination". Usually it's just another trolling effort by the Alinsky left wing.

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