Senior Member
what kind of shit is this? i guess all those people who tried to shake the specter of death and suffering and party a bit on New Years are evil and unseemly too... man these anti-bush folks are off their fucking rocker...
you can just hear them now...
"America's evil people, evil evil evil... if we don't bow down to the UN and let them waste our national security resources (that we so nicely redirected to help the tsunami relief, not the UN), we're not "team" players."
you can just hear them now...
"America's evil people, evil evil evil... if we don't bow down to the UN and let them waste our national security resources (that we so nicely redirected to help the tsunami relief, not the UN), we're not "team" players."
Have you also heard these media complaints that it is unseemly for George W. Bush to spend $30 to $40 million on his inaugural festivities in the aftermath of the terrible natural disasater in South Asia?
Some points of reference.
January 1993. War rages through Bosnia. Massacres and mass rapes – “ethnic cleansing” has forced Muslim Bosnians to flee their native towns. Sarajevo is a city under siege with electricity, water, and other necessities of life sporadic at best. Bill Clinton spends $33 million on his first inaugural.
January 1997. In the aftermath of the 1996 Rwandan massacres, an estimated 3 million refugees are living crowded into camps in desperate need of external humanitarian assistance. Following the Rwandan war, Zaire is now spinning into civil war and brutal violence. Bill Clinton spends $29.6 million on his second inaugural.
My point? Well I don’t have one really. This is a big planet, rife with violence and human suffering, to which Americans have consistently responded with generosity. At the same time, the United States is a lively, competitive two-party democracy that fights a grueling presidential election every four years – after which the winners naturally wish to celebrate their victory.
Inaugural festivities are a ritual of American democracy. They are attended by tens of thousands of people, and so they are unsurprisingly expensive. But the taxpayer does not pay the bill for these celebrations: the parties do, with funds they raise from willing donors. The taxpayer does pay for security – of which there will be more than ever in 2005 – to enable peaceful demonstrators to come and express their views. That’s part of the ritual of democracy too.
And guess what? This marvelous country can afford it all, including the cops who make it possible for the protesters to protest and the voluntary donations so that the celebrators can celebrate – without in any way compromising its contributions to humanitarian relief or its national defense.
So could these Dems quit their carping please. They gave themselves a party when their guy won. Turnabout is fair play.