Genocidal Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran threats against Israel since at least 1991 - still today (Bosses of Hamas/PIJ/Hezbollah)


Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2023
Threatening to nuke and/or wipe off Israel of the map has been made by Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran (or/and its reps.), including in 1991,
1 2 in 2001,3 2002,4 2005,5

May 2012, 6, 8 Sep 2012,9 2014,10 2019,11 2020.12

Promoting genocide online at the May-2021 'Guardian of Walls,' including via Hitler, his genocide praising hashtags: 13
Iranian state actors are intensifying their disinformation campaign on social media to spread discord and anti-Semitic tropes inside the U.S., two U.S. intelligence officials say.…But within days of the conflict beginning last month in Israel and Gaza Twitter accounts linked to Iran were amplifying anti-Semitic messages in English, including the phrases “hitler was [sic] right” and “kill all jews” at a rate of 175 times per minute, according to analysis by Network Contagion Research Institute.

In Nov 2021, Iranian Brig.-Gen. urges destruction of Israel prior to nuke talks.14 15

In March 2022, Iran (via mouthpiece): "Israel's nuclear weapons will not prevent its destruction (sic)."16

April 2022, 'Quds Day Exposes Iran's Genocidal Ambitions – Again.' 18

Oct 17, 2023
"Iran Vows To 'Eradicate' the 'Cancerous[sic]' Jewish State.."19.
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Israel takes no responsibility for what they have done.

Seems to me they're taking full ownership of what they're doing in Gaza. They're telling the whole world to step off and stay the hell out of their way. Good on 'em for that. If the Palestinians want to bleed for another 75 years, that's their choice.
Surada, you keep posting that link of yours over and over again. Can you respond to the subjects?

"Historian" Surada also wrote that the Muslim Brotherhood was founded as a "reaction" to the state of Israel. LOL
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Seems to me they're taking full ownership of what they're doing in Gaza. They're telling the whole world to step off and stay the hell out of their way. Good on 'em for that. If the Palestinians want to bleed for another 75 years, that's their choice.
It's called self infliction.
Threatening to nuke and/or wipe off Israel of the map has been made by Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran (or/and its reps.), including in 1991,
1 2 in 2001,3 2002,4 2005,5

May 2012, 6, 8 Sep 2012,9 2014,10 2019,11 2020.12

Promoting genocide online at the May-2021 'Guardian of Walls,' including via Hitler, his genocide praising hashtags: 13
Iranian state actors are intensifying their disinformation campaign on social media to spread discord and anti-Semitic tropes inside the U.S., two U.S. intelligence officials say.…But within days of the conflict beginning last month in Israel and Gaza Twitter accounts linked to Iran were amplifying anti-Semitic messages in English, including the phrases “hitler was [sic] right” and “kill all jews” at a rate of 175 times per minute, according to analysis by Network Contagion Research Institute.

In Nov 2021, Iranian Brig.-Gen. urges destruction of Israel prior to nuke talks.14 15

In March 2022, Iran (via mouthpiece): "Israel's nuclear weapons will not prevent its destruction (sic)."16

April 2022, 'Quds Day Exposes Iran's Genocidal Ambitions – Again.' 18

Oct 17, 2023
"Iran Vows To 'Eradicate' the 'Cancerous[sic]' Jewish State.."19.
One of their former demonic presidents referred to Israel as a "one bomb state".
One of their former demonic presidents referred to Israel as a "one bomb state".
And mostly "cancer" is the most prevalent term there:

Some examples of cancerous[sic] islamist fascist rhetoric:

Never-Before-Seen Video Of Iranian Supreme Leader ...
Nov 14, 2023 — ... Israel – a goal touted by Iran's Islamic regime, which refers to Israel as a "cancerous[sic]." The video shows parts of the 1998 meeting


Iran leader urges destruction of 'cancerous' Israel - December 15, 2000
Dec 15, 2000 — Iran leader urges destruction of 'cancerousNov 14, 2023 — ... Israel – a goal touted by Iran's Islamic regime, which refers to Israel as a "cancerous[sic]' Israel. December 15 ... He praised the 11-week Palestinian uprising against Israel... which


Iran's Khamenei: Israel a 'cancerous tumor'
Mar 4, 2009 — JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel is a "cancerous[sic] tumor[sic]," Iran's spiritual leader said. ...

Iranian Leader: Israel A "Cancerous Tumor."
Mar 4, 2009 — ... Israel a "cancerous[sic] tumor[sic]" on the verge of collapse. Speaking at a conference in support of Palestinians ...
Nasrallah: Israel is Cancerous[sic], Illegal
December 15, 2009

In a speech given in honor of the last day of Ramadan and “al-Quds day” [“Jerusalem” day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism as well as Israeli control of Jerusalem], Nasrallah stressed that “normalization with Israel is forbidden according to the sage ones [of Shiite tradition]. Palestine, from river to sea, is the property of the Palestinian nation. The Zionists have no right to the land and no one—Arab, Palestinian, Muslim...has any right to give away one inch of Palestinian land. The Israeli entity is aggressive, cancerous and illegal. No one is allowed to recognize its existence or pursue normalization with it.”
The Hizbullah leader pointed out that his support of Palestinian groups correlates with his criticism of the moderate Arab forces, especially Egypt, calling on all to “support the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance—lift the siege they are under. You don’t have to supply them with arms, but let them smuggle them. If you don’t want to aid the Palestinian, Iran will, but don’t give Israel information on the Palestinian tunnels, or on their leaders' whereabouts. Either support the Palestinian people, or let it be.”


Iran Uses Palestinian Conference to Spotlight Anti-Israel Rhetoric
Feb 21, 2017 — ... Israel a “cancerous[sic] tumor[sic]” and urging the Palestinians to wage a “thunderous” intifada until what he called “the complete liberation of ..."


Khamenei: Israel a 'cancerous[sic] tumor[sic]' that 'must be eradicated.'
June 4, 2018.


Iran's Supreme Leader Calls Israel 'Cancerous[sic] Tumor[sic].'
May 22, 2020.


Hezbollah chief calls Israel a 'cancerous growth' which 'must be ...
Jul 30, 2023 — Hezbollah chief calls Israel a 'cancerous[sic] growth' which 'must be destroyed'. A high-level Israeli government security summit will take place to. .


Israel; A cancerous[sic] tumor[sic] in the heart of the Palestinian nation
Nov 1, 2023 — Israel; A cancerous tumor in the heart of the Palestinian nation ... Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip in international legal forums. Iran


Iran Vows To 'Eradicate' the 'Cancerous[sic]' Jewish State. ...
Oct 17, 2023


As well as at "morerate" Arab Palestinian imams, politicians.

Here's more: Pal Watch
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Seems to me they're taking full ownership of what they're doing in Gaza. They're telling the whole world to step off and stay the hell out of their way. Good on 'em for that. If the Palestinians want to bleed for another 75 years, that's their choice.
We give them money and weapons and wonder why planes are flown into our skyscrapers. Duh!
Threatening to nuke and/or wipe off Israel of the map has been made by Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran (or/and its reps.), including in 1991,
1 2 in 2001,3 2002,4 2005,5

May 2012, 6, 8 Sep 2012,9 2014,10 2019,11 2020.12

Promoting genocide online at the May-2021 'Guardian of Walls,' including via Hitler, his genocide praising hashtags: 13
Iranian state actors are intensifying their disinformation campaign on social media to spread discord and anti-Semitic tropes inside the U.S., two U.S. intelligence officials say.…But within days of the conflict beginning last month in Israel and Gaza Twitter accounts linked to Iran were amplifying anti-Semitic messages in English, including the phrases “hitler was [sic] right” and “kill all jews” at a rate of 175 times per minute, according to analysis by Network Contagion Research Institute.

In Nov 2021, Iranian Brig.-Gen. urges destruction of Israel prior to nuke talks.14 15

In March 2022, Iran (via mouthpiece): "Israel's nuclear weapons will not prevent its destruction (sic)."16

April 2022, 'Quds Day Exposes Iran's Genocidal Ambitions – Again.' 18

Oct 17, 2023
"Iran Vows To 'Eradicate' the 'Cancerous[sic]' Jewish State.."19.
We give them money and weapons and wonder why planes are flown into our skyscrapers. Duh!

Your point Surada?
Your point Surada?

Complete Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied in 1967, including the Golan Heights, based on United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) 242 and 338;

A just settlement of the Palestinian refugee question on the basis of UNSCR 194; and

Recognition of East Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state.

In exchange for those measures, the member states of the Arab League would:

Declare an end to the Israeli-Arab conflict, entering into a peace agreement with Israel; and

Establish normal relations with the State of Israel.

Thus, the initiative is, in fact, a basic formula outlining principles for negotiations and a political settlement but one that leaves maneuvering room for different meanings and practical solutions. For example, it was determined that the solution to the “Palestinian refugee problem” should be “agreed upon.”

Another example is the lack of a demand for the evacuation of all Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which is intended to leave room for flexibility regarding arrangements for the blocks bordering Israel. Indeed, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal noted in 2007 that the member states would have “to take notice of new developments, which require additions and developments in whatever is offered.”

As only 10 of the Arab League’s member states were present at the Beirut Summit, the API was reintroduced at the 2007 Riyadh Summit and unanimously endorsed by the member states. (Syria and Lebanon objected to some aspects of the initiative but supported the document.

The Hamas representative abstained.) It remains to this day the single peace plan agreed by all members of the Arab League.

The varied Israeli response versus support from the international community

Israeli political leaders have addressed the API in a variety of ways since it was first introduced.

Ariel Sharon, the prime minister at the time, flatly rejected the proposal on the grounds that it would require Israel to accept a large number of Palestinian refugees and that it crossed Israeli “red lines.”

Nevertheless, subsequent Israeli responses have been more ambivalent.

The late Israeli President Shimon Peres welcomed the plan, and then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert termed it a “revolutionary change,” while rejecting the elements related to refugee returns.

For his part, former head of government Benjamin Netanyahu has offered a variety of opinions on the plan over the years, rejecting it in 2007, calling it as a “general idea … good” in 2015, but then rejecting it again as a basis for negotiations in 2018.
Iranian pair suspected of working for Guard Corps deported over alleged plot to kill Swedish Jews
Threatening to nuke and/or wipe off Israel of the map has been made by Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran (or/and its reps.), including in 1991,
1 2 in 2001,3 2002,4 2005,5

May 2012, 6, 8 Sep 2012,9 2014,10 2019,11 2020.12

Promoting genocide online at the May-2021 'Guardian of Walls,' including via Hitler, his genocide praising hashtags: 13
Iranian state actors are intensifying their disinformation campaign on social media to spread discord and anti-Semitic tropes inside the U.S., two U.S. intelligence officials say.…But within days of the conflict beginning last month in Israel and Gaza Twitter accounts linked to Iran were amplifying anti-Semitic messages in English, including the phrases “hitler was [sic] right” and “kill all jews” at a rate of 175 times per minute, according to analysis by Network Contagion Research Institute.

In Nov 2021, Iranian Brig.-Gen. urges destruction of Israel prior to nuke talks.14 15

In March 2022, Iran (via mouthpiece): "Israel's nuclear weapons will not prevent its destruction (sic)."16

April 2022, 'Quds Day Exposes Iran's Genocidal Ambitions – Again.' 18

Oct 17, 2023
"Iran Vows To 'Eradicate' the 'Cancerous[sic]' Jewish State.."19.
Why doesn't Israel pay their debts to Iran? They owe over $100 million plus 40 years interest.

Why doesn't Israel pay their debts to Iran? They owe over $100 million plus 40 years interest.
Are you saying, Imam-Surada, that Islamic Republic sends its thugs all over the world to massacre dhimmis-yahud over a maybe debt dispute?

Start with the 1994 AMIA massacre of 85 people by the Islamic fascist Republic sending its thugs Hezbolah..

Or so many attempts in Turkey... (2022 is one example).

Or a few days ago attempts in Sweden..
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Are you saying, Imam-Surada, that Islamic Republic sends its thugs all over the world to massacre dhimmis-yahud over a maybe debt dispute?

Start with the 1994 AMIA massacre of 85 people by the Islamic fascist Republic sending its thugs Hezbolah..

Or so many attempts in Turkey... (2022 is one example).

Or a few days ago attempts in Swede
don't count---killing yahud is not only legal in shariah law---it is
laudable and compensable---that is why the kill for allah boys like to
film their HOLEY MOLEY acts
Threatening to nuke and/or wipe off Israel of the map has been made by Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran (or/and its reps.), including in 1991,
1 2 in 2001,3 2002,4 2005,5

May 2012, 6, 8 Sep 2012,9 2014,10 2019,11 2020.12

Promoting genocide online at the May-2021 'Guardian of Walls,' including via Hitler, his genocide praising hashtags: 13
Iranian state actors are intensifying their disinformation campaign on social media to spread discord and anti-Semitic tropes inside the U.S., two U.S. intelligence officials say.…But within days of the conflict beginning last month in Israel and Gaza Twitter accounts linked to Iran were amplifying anti-Semitic messages in English, including the phrases “hitler was [sic] right” and “kill all jews” at a rate of 175 times per minute, according to analysis by Network Contagion Research Institute.

In Nov 2021, Iranian Brig.-Gen. urges destruction of Israel prior to nuke talks.14 15

In March 2022, Iran (via mouthpiece): "Israel's nuclear weapons will not prevent its destruction (sic)."16

April 2022, 'Quds Day Exposes Iran's Genocidal Ambitions – Again.' 18

Oct 17, 2023
"Iran Vows To 'Eradicate' the 'Cancerous[sic]' Jewish State.."19.

Israel's role in the Iran–Iraq War consisted of support provided by Israel to Iran during the Iran–Iraq War from 1980 to 1988.

During the war, Israel was one of the main suppliers of military equipment to Iran. Israel also provided military instructors during the war, and in turn received Iranian intelligence that helped it carry out Operation Opera against Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor. The nuclear reactor was a central component of Iraq's nuclear weapons program.

At this point in time Israel still owed Iran $100 million dollars plus interest for Iranian oil.

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