General Raymond Takes the Space Force to War Against Racism


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
During Stalin's time there were always political commissars attached to the military to make sure everyone followed the communist party line....even outstanding officers were sent to siberia for not following the communist ideology in the manner some political commissar thought it should be followed.

Now we see this politization of our military and the consequences will be just as bad or worse as they were in Russia.

Dats rite. Them racist better watch out too. You know who the Real Power behind the Space Laser is right"

Right? Go Space Force!
During Stalin's time there were always political commissars attached to the military to make sure everyone followed the communist party line....even outstanding officers were sent to siberia for not following the communist ideology in the manner some political commissar thought it should be followed.

Now we see this politization of our military and the consequences will be just as bad or worse as they were in Russia.

Weapons grade faggotry.
During Stalin's time there were always political commissars attached to the military to make sure everyone followed the communist party line....even outstanding officers were sent to siberia for not following the communist ideology in the manner some political commissar thought it should be followed.

Now we see this politization of our military and the consequences will be just as bad or worse as they were in Russia.

Lessee, while the Chinese look to conquer space, OUR space force will be busy trying to conquer racism. Whoa be unto us.
During Stalin's time there were always political commissars attached to the military to make sure everyone followed the communist party line....even outstanding officers were sent to siberia for not following the communist ideology in the manner some political commissar thought it should be followed.

Now we see this politization of our military and the consequences will be just as bad or worse as they were in Russia.

Horrible sourcing.

  • Overall, we rate FrontPage Magazine a Questionable source based on Extreme Right Bias, the promotion of conspiracy theories regarding Islam, as well as propaganda that only reports negatively on Islam. This source has also failed numerous fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers."
During Stalin's time there were always political commissars attached to the military to make sure everyone followed the communist party line....even outstanding officers were sent to siberia for not following the communist ideology in the manner some political commissar thought it should be followed.

Now we see this politization of our military and the consequences will be just as bad or worse as they were in Russia.

Why do all of all of the pro-Trump loons cite conditions in communist Russia? There is no authoritarian dictatorship in charge of the US government. There is a legally and democratically elected government of, for and by the people, in charge of the government and the military.

Now you see violent, right wing, terrorist organizations sending their members to the US military for training. It's become necessary to purge the military of those officers who are training with the military at the behest of right wing terrorist organizations who seek to install a white supremacist authoritarian government in power.

They're not going to be arrested, tortured, or sent to Siberia. They're going to be found out and dishonorably discharged.

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