General Election Guess: Perry/Bachmann; Obama/Clinton


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
I doubt Obama has the courage to dump Biden for Clinton, but I believe that's his best chance if he really wants a 2nd term - IF she would accept it.
Neither are likely.

Perry and Bachmann are from the evangelical wing of the party. Their chances of winning would go down substantially. Either as the candidate would pick someone who isn't associated with the social conservatives. Perry/Giuliani is an example.
well we all know that the GOP will be pushing for Rubio,but I have no idea who is "Plan B" for VP. Rubio just may take the position being he is so angry with obama,he would take the spot just to spite him.(kinda like that classic sienfeld scene!)
well we all know that the GOP will be pushing for Rubio,but I have no idea who is "Plan B" for VP. Rubio just may take the position being he is so angry with obama,he would take the spot just to spite him.(kinda like that classic sienfeld scene!)

Maybe. Or maybe Rubio, if chosen, would accept the VP slot with his eyes on a future Presidential run.
Perry/Cain would be the best talisman for ensuring that you can vote for them without being called a racist.

Perry/Rubio would be almost as good and could make a few dedicated libs give them a vote just to prove themselfes simpatico to Hispanics. Guilt is a powerful motivator.
perry is never going to win. his religious belief makes al qaedas beliefs look sane
I think the VP might be Pawlenty. Could be Bachman, reaching for the female vote. Can you imagine the uproar if the GOP nominee chooses Palin? OMG, nothing would energize the Dems more than that. But either Pawlenty or Bachman gives the GOP a better shot at taking Minnesota, which is a swing state.

If I'm Hillary Clinton I don't want to be on the ballot with Obama. If she still wants another shot she's better off giving it another try in 2016. I'm surprised she's hung around this long as Sec'y of State.
bachmann and/or perry on a ticket will guarantee obama's second term. there isnt enough religious nuts in the country to support their election and their are millions of people who don't want to see us turn into iran
bachmann and/or perry on a ticket will guarantee obama's second term. there isnt enough religious nuts in the country to support their election and their are millions of people who don't want to see us turn into iran

Oh, I don't know, the Anti-Bush vote went a long way towards getting Obama elected, so the anti-Obama vote in 2012 may work the same way regardless of who the GOP has. Especially if things do not improve much over the next year or so.
well we all know that the GOP will be pushing for Rubio,but I have no idea who is "Plan B" for VP. Rubio just may take the position being he is so angry with obama,he would take the spot just to spite him.(kinda like that classic sienfeld scene!)

you don't know jack shit, the GOP knows Rubio isn't ready to run.
I like Clinton, but I don't think there's any reason to dump Biden.

On the Republican side, things are more interesting. Perry is of course quite plausible to lead the ticket. I think Huntsman might be an interesting VP nominee to balance the ticket and reassure moderates. I think either Perry or Bachmann's weakness would be seeming to be religious extremists, and I don't see any reason to double up on that. If Perry wants to nominate another clear conservative, I think he could get that from Rubio without Bachmann's baggage.

I think Pawlenty has an outside shot. He and Perry seem to be quite friendly, and I think he would balance things much more than Bachmann.
well we all know that the GOP will be pushing for Rubio,but I have no idea who is "Plan B" for VP. Rubio just may take the position being he is so angry with obama,he would take the spot just to spite him.(kinda like that classic sienfeld scene!)

you don't know jack shit, the GOP knows Rubio isn't ready to run.

I don't think Rubio wants to be the 2nd banana, he's marking time until 2016 or 2020 when he can make his run for the WH. JMO, and besides, he really isn't experienced enough. I know, that didn't stop Obama, but I just think Rubio is biding his time.
I doubt Obama has the courage to dump Biden for Clinton, but I believe that's his best chance if he really wants a 2nd term - IF she would accept it.

Look Obama voters are wearing bags over their heads right now--WISHING they would have elected Hillary Clinton versus Obama. IF Clinton would have stayed in the senate--versus joining this administration--she could have challenged Obama for the nomination and probably would have won. But being in his administration puts 10 strikes against her--and everyone knows it's the President--not the VP that runs this country.

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bachmann and/or perry on a ticket will guarantee obama's second term. there isnt enough religious nuts in the country to support their election and their are millions of people who don't want to see us turn into iran

Bullcrap, they hold the same beliefs Obama does...he's a Christian, they are Christians. Same/same.

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