Gekko/Genie: TrumpUSA Declarative?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
America was founded on principles of self-governance and democracy. Americans like to be friendly about commerce and they like to celebrate the 'thrill' of fortune-hunting. America is a land of opportunists and dreamers. Why then do Americans receive criticisms for being 'daredevils' and 'unruly cowboys'?

After 9/11, Americans really started taking stock of global dissatisfaction sentiments targeted towards the power and opulence of America.

Americans seem to love romanticizing bank robbers: e.g., Bonnie and Clyde, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Perhaps America's brand of blending federalism (and organized banking) with free-choice consumerism (and stock market 'gambling') makes 'risk' and 'derring-do' rather...poetic.

So what can we say about Gordon Gekko -- the iconic character from Oliver Stone's Wall Street films (portrayed by the Oscar-winning American actor Michael Douglas)?

Gekko is a fictional stockbroker/shark and tycoon who exemplifies a deification of profiteerism, piracy, wealth-management, opulence, business-acumen, and ruthless ambition. He also represents a brooding about risk-management and commerce (as it pertains to Wall Street).

Is Gekko the new Shylock?

Here's a tale about Gekko encountering a strange and haunting Arabian genie (borrowed from Arabian Nights); the story is a sarcastic spin on the Hugo story about Jean Valjean (Les Miserables).

IMO, this tale holds special relevance for our commerce-idealistic 'TrumpUSA.' I'd like to hear more chatter about our First Lady (Melania Trump) thinks about our 'capitalism-subjective' U.S. President.

I wonder what TrumpUSA journalism will be, and will our celeb-prez generate another form of Reaganomics (Trumponomics?)?


Gekko was in the Virgin Islands vacationing after his $15 million profit victory from a lucrative Ford Motor Company investment gamble in 2008-2009. He was reading a copy of the Arabian Nights which his ex-wife gave him as a present. Sitting on the beach and drinking a margarita while reading his book, Gekko ruminated on the wonderful fortune gained from his risky-but-rewarding Ford investment. Suddenly, a cloud of smoke rose from his Arabian Nights book. Gekko thought he was drunk and hallucinating (since he was half-asleep).

A genie appeared out of the smoke and mist that rose from his copy of the Arabian Nights book. It started talking to him.

GENIE: Do you know why I've appeared to you, Gekko?
GEKKO: No, but I can guess. Is it because I'm a Wall Street 'fat-cat'?
GENIE: Precisely, and you owe society something...
GEKKO: What do I owe? I've made all my fortunes through sheer intelligence, imagination, and perseverance.
GENIE: Perhaps that's true, but now you must become a philanthropist!
GENIE: Anyone who possesses money must find ways to circulate it (rather than hoarding).
GEKKO: Do I need a genie to tell me that?
GENIE: Yes, you do, because many Americans *wish* you would become a philanthropist.
GEKKO: Shouldn't I hear this from God?
GENIE: God does not meddle in the affairs of capitalism...but I do.
GEKKO: I understand, and if I refuse, you'll continue to haunt me about unfulfilled *wishes*.

Gekko accepted the genie's challenge, and when he returned to his Wall Street office, he began making phone calls. He donated $1 million to the environmentalism-consciousness organization The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, $1 million to an AIDS research organization, $1 million to an inner-city education improvement fund in Harlem, and $1 million to the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. He then called the Wall Street Chronicle and had a reporter do a special interview and article about his ambitious donations.

Two months later, CNN and Frontline and Charlie Rose all did a special interview and featurette about the strange turn of behavior and philanthropy-activity of the iconic Wall Street shark, Gordon Gekko. People were calling him the Jean Valjean of capitalism, waxing lyrical about the notion that even stockbrokers and tycoons have interest in American concerns and charities. One night soon thereafter, Gekko had a dream while sleeping in which the genie from the Virgin Islands who appeared to him out of his Arabian Nights book appeared to him again.

GENIE: You did well, Gekko...
GEKKO: I kept my promise, Genie!
GENIE: Yes, and how do you feel about your luxurious wealth, now?
GEKKO: I suppose I'm humbled and more spiritually grateful for my successes...
GENIE: Isn't it funny how charity makes everyone feel better about misfortune?
GEKKO: I'm sure you'll stop bothering me now!
GENIE: Yes, I won't *haunt* you, Gekko, but I have a riddle for you...
GEKKO: Alright, what is it?
GENIE: "What do you get when you take the advice of a genie?"
GEKKO: Hmmm...perspective on gambling?
GENIE: Precisely! I want you think about this question, "Do genies visit only the wealthy?"
GEKKO: I suppose I owe President Trump a special 'media Wall Street toast.'



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