Gazing Into The Abyss


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. There is 'looking' and there is 'seeing' and often they are not the same thing.
All of us are observing the anarcho-communists in our streets, burning, looting, assaulting. Looking at same, the reaction may be 'tsk, terrible.'
But seeing also means understanding what one is observing, and recognizing where it fits into time, and what it presages.

"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:
Note the themes of the Port Huron Statement (The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.): utopia; remaking human nature; anti-capitalism; dissent as the path to an authentic identity.
See Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” ch 5

3. One SDS member gave this prescription, exemplifies the principles of the modern Democrat Party:
“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110
And, of course, “against anti-Communism” means pro-Communism and anti-religion.

4. Andrew McCarthy knows whereof he speaks:
"The Revolution Is Winning
Radicals from the 1960s and 1970s now hold powerful positions in government and academia
This is what the revolution looks like.
Weather Underground terrorists, who made no secret of being anti-AmeriKKKan “small-c” communists, are having more success than they could have dreamed of in the 1960s.

They are dominating the language. You know that whole “white privilege” nostrum that we’re paying universities $60K per year to drum into our children’s brains? It is derived from their lamentation of “white skin privilege.” In their ideology, the revolution to overthrow the capitalist, racist, imperialist system summoned them — lily white radicals — to abandon their privilege and embrace the armed struggle."

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

It was great while it lasted.

6. Here's the thing: the Leftists, the totalitarians are not rational, they will perish with the civilization that they destroy. They don't give it a thought.....they are like the scorpion in the fable:

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

We were warned.
We did nothing.
Now we reap the whirlwind.
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1. There is 'looking' and there is 'seeing' and often they are not the same thing.
All of us are observing the anarcho-communists in our streets, burning, looting, assaulting. Looking at same, the reaction may be 'tsk, terrible.'
But seeing also means understanding what one is observing, and recognizing where it fits into time, and what it presages.

"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:
Note the themes of the Port Huron Statement (The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.): utopia; remaking human nature; anti-capitalism; dissent as the path to an authentic identity.
See Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” ch 5

3. One SDS member gave this prescription, exemplifies the principles of the modern Democrat Party:
“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110
And, of course, “against anti-Communism” means pro-Communism and anti-religion.

4. Andrew McCarthy knows whereof he speaks:
"The Revolution Is Winning
Radicals from the 1960s and 1970s now hold powerful positions in government and academia
This is what the revolution looks like.
Weather Underground terrorists, who made no secret of being anti-AmeriKKKan “small-c” communists, are having more success than they could have dreamed of in the 1960s.

They are dominating the language. You know that whole “white privilege” nostrum that we’re paying universities $60K per year to drum into our children’s brains? It is derived from their lamentation of “white skin privilege.” In their ideology, the revolution to overthrow the capitalist, racist, imperialist system summoned them — lily white radicals — to abandon their privilege and embrace the armed struggle."

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

It was great while it lasted.

6. Here's the thing: the Leftists, the totalitarians are not rational, they will perish with the civilization that they destroy. They don't give it a thought.....they are like the scorpion in the fable:

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

We were warned.
We did nothing.
Now we reap the whirlwind.

Yep, you lost the revolution, but you still think that orange tub of lard can be elected. You already listed many of those who will fight to kick his ass out. What makes you think he has a chance? The only reason he won the first time was the sane people were complacent. That won't happen a second time for him.
1. There is 'looking' and there is 'seeing' and often they are not the same thing.
All of us are observing the anarcho-communists in our streets, burning, looting, assaulting. Looking at same, the reaction may be 'tsk, terrible.'
But seeing also means understanding what one is observing, and recognizing where it fits into time, and what it presages.

"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:
Note the themes of the Port Huron Statement (The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.): utopia; remaking human nature; anti-capitalism; dissent as the path to an authentic identity.
See Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” ch 5

3. One SDS member gave this prescription, exemplifies the principles of the modern Democrat Party:
“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110
And, of course, “against anti-Communism” means pro-Communism and anti-religion.

4. Andrew McCarthy knows whereof he speaks:
"The Revolution Is Winning
Radicals from the 1960s and 1970s now hold powerful positions in government and academia
This is what the revolution looks like.
Weather Underground terrorists, who made no secret of being anti-AmeriKKKan “small-c” communists, are having more success than they could have dreamed of in the 1960s.

They are dominating the language. You know that whole “white privilege” nostrum that we’re paying universities $60K per year to drum into our children’s brains? It is derived from their lamentation of “white skin privilege.” In their ideology, the revolution to overthrow the capitalist, racist, imperialist system summoned them — lily white radicals — to abandon their privilege and embrace the armed struggle."

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

It was great while it lasted.

6. Here's the thing: the Leftists, the totalitarians are not rational, they will perish with the civilization that they destroy. They don't give it a thought.....they are like the scorpion in the fable:

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

We were warned.
We did nothing.
Now we reap the whirlwind.

Yep, you lost the revolution, but you still think that orange tub of lard can be elected. You already listed many of those who will fight to kick his ass out. What makes you think he has a chance? The only reason he won the first time was the sane people were complacent. That won't happen a second time for him.

damn right. the people be woke - hallelujah & pass the sanity.
1. There is 'looking' and there is 'seeing' and often they are not the same thing.
All of us are observing the anarcho-communists in our streets, burning, looting, assaulting. Looking at same, the reaction may be 'tsk, terrible.'
But seeing also means understanding what one is observing, and recognizing where it fits into time, and what it presages.

"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:
Note the themes of the Port Huron Statement (The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.): utopia; remaking human nature; anti-capitalism; dissent as the path to an authentic identity.
See Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” ch 5

3. One SDS member gave this prescription, exemplifies the principles of the modern Democrat Party:
“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110
And, of course, “against anti-Communism” means pro-Communism and anti-religion.

4. Andrew McCarthy knows whereof he speaks:
"The Revolution Is Winning
Radicals from the 1960s and 1970s now hold powerful positions in government and academia
This is what the revolution looks like.
Weather Underground terrorists, who made no secret of being anti-AmeriKKKan “small-c” communists, are having more success than they could have dreamed of in the 1960s.

They are dominating the language. You know that whole “white privilege” nostrum that we’re paying universities $60K per year to drum into our children’s brains? It is derived from their lamentation of “white skin privilege.” In their ideology, the revolution to overthrow the capitalist, racist, imperialist system summoned them — lily white radicals — to abandon their privilege and embrace the armed struggle."

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

It was great while it lasted.

6. Here's the thing: the Leftists, the totalitarians are not rational, they will perish with the civilization that they destroy. They don't give it a thought.....they are like the scorpion in the fable:

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

We were warned.
We did nothing.
Now we reap the whirlwind.
PoliticalChic, the statist left have crafted many titles for themselves through the decades. Titles like Communalists, Knotcies, Socialists, Anarchists, Fascists & a host of other titles & names of identity groups are nothing new for they have been around for quite some time. All those titles & names are like Cadillac, Chevrolet, Buick etc, they are just various identity tags of different models manufactured from the SAME COMPANY. You are correct in choosing the word "nature" for these types of people have enslaved themselves to the religion of "Idolatry Of The Masses"(groupthink). Emotions rule these type of people for logic fails them. When a certain Fuhrer was asked why he was so successful @ winning over the support of the German people, that Fuhrer's response was... "I use emotion for the masses & reserve LOGIC FOR THE FEW"(Google up A. H. quotes). While you are @ it Google up "A. Karl Eichmann quotes" about him being "politically left & more important WHY he was politically left. I appreciate the depth of thought you have put into your post I REALLY do!
1. There is 'looking' and there is 'seeing' and often they are not the same thing.
All of us are observing the anarcho-communists in our streets, burning, looting, assaulting. Looking at same, the reaction may be 'tsk, terrible.'
But seeing also means understanding what one is observing, and recognizing where it fits into time, and what it presages.

"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:
Note the themes of the Port Huron Statement (The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.): utopia; remaking human nature; anti-capitalism; dissent as the path to an authentic identity.
See Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” ch 5

3. One SDS member gave this prescription, exemplifies the principles of the modern Democrat Party:
“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110
And, of course, “against anti-Communism” means pro-Communism and anti-religion.

4. Andrew McCarthy knows whereof he speaks:
"The Revolution Is Winning
Radicals from the 1960s and 1970s now hold powerful positions in government and academia
This is what the revolution looks like.
Weather Underground terrorists, who made no secret of being anti-AmeriKKKan “small-c” communists, are having more success than they could have dreamed of in the 1960s.

They are dominating the language. You know that whole “white privilege” nostrum that we’re paying universities $60K per year to drum into our children’s brains? It is derived from their lamentation of “white skin privilege.” In their ideology, the revolution to overthrow the capitalist, racist, imperialist system summoned them — lily white radicals — to abandon their privilege and embrace the armed struggle."

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

It was great while it lasted.

6. Here's the thing: the Leftists, the totalitarians are not rational, they will perish with the civilization that they destroy. They don't give it a thought.....they are like the scorpion in the fable:

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

We were warned.
We did nothing.
Now we reap the whirlwind.
PoliticalChic, the statist left have crafted many titles for themselves through the decades. Titles like Communalists, Knotcies, Socialists, Anarchists, Fascists & a host of other titles & names of identity groups are nothing new for they have been around for quite some time. All those titles & names are like Cadillac, Chevrolet, Buick etc, they are just various identity tags of different models manufactured from the SAME COMPANY. You are correct in choosing the word "nature" for these types of people have enslaved themselves to the religion of "Idolatry Of The Masses"(groupthink). Emotions rule these type of people for logic fails them. When a certain Fuhrer was asked why he was so successful @ winning over the support of the German people, that Fuhrer's response was... "I use emotion for the masses & reserve LOGIC FOR THE FEW"(Google up A. H. quotes). While you are @ it Google up "A. Karl Eichmann quotes" about him being "politically left & more important WHY he was politically left. I appreciate the depth of thought you have put into your post I REALLY do!

Interesting post.
Thank you.
2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:

No, what's happening now is after decades of NICELY asking for police reform, people got fed up and decided to stop asking nicely. Probably the fact that 40 million of us are unemployed and a lot of us have been locked in our houses for months contributed to the anxiety level, but there it is.

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

Wow, such hysterics. Threatening peaceful protesters with guns is not "protecting your property". It's being a crazy maniac. Good thing someone stepped in before the hurt anyone.


Also, these people just look silly. Little man with big gun, big scary woman with little gun. Even the other rich people in that neighborhood who didn't threaten peaceful protesters with gun have no use for these two.

Oh, check this out.

The McCloskeys and the trustees of Portland Place are involved in a three-year legal dispute over a small piece of property. The McCloskeys claim they own it, but the trustees say it belongs to the neighborhood.
A judge on Monday ruled against motions from both sides to end the case without a trial. Details about the legal case were first reported Thursday by St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Mark McCloskey said in the affidavit that he and his wife purchased the home in 1988 and have taken several measures to improve the disputed piece of land.
The affidavit states they have “regularly prohibited all persons, including Portland Place residents, from crossing the Parcel including at least at one point, challenging a resident at gunpoint who refused to heed the McCloskeys’ warnings to stay off such property.”
2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:

No, what's happening now is after decades of NICELY asking for police reform, people got fed up and decided to stop asking nicely. Probably the fact that 40 million of us are unemployed and a lot of us have been locked in our houses for months contributed to the anxiety level, but there it is.

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

Wow, such hysterics. Threatening peaceful protesters with guns is not "protecting your property". It's being a crazy maniac. Good thing someone stepped in before the hurt anyone.

View attachment 364928
Also, these people just look silly. Little man with big gun, big scary woman with little gun. Even the other rich people in that neighborhood who didn't threaten peaceful protesters with gun have no use for these two.

Oh, check this out.

The McCloskeys and the trustees of Portland Place are involved in a three-year legal dispute over a small piece of property. The McCloskeys claim they own it, but the trustees say it belongs to the neighborhood.
A judge on Monday ruled against motions from both sides to end the case without a trial. Details about the legal case were first reported Thursday by St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Mark McCloskey said in the affidavit that he and his wife purchased the home in 1988 and have taken several measures to improve the disputed piece of land.
The affidavit states they have “regularly prohibited all persons, including Portland Place residents, from crossing the Parcel including at least at one point, challenging a resident at gunpoint who refused to heed the McCloskeys’ warnings to stay off such property.”

The rioters did property damage to his house. They weren't peaceful. These two supported blm. BLM is a communist organization that is anti america. They are an enemy.
The rioters did property damage to his house. They weren't peaceful. These two supported blm. BLM is a communist organization that is anti america. They are an enemy.

Not my enemy. I agree with what they are trying to accomplish. Our police are too fast to use violence against people of color.

These people were pulling guns on their neighbors LONG before this dispute happened. That's why they finally acted to take away their guns.
The rioters did property damage to his house. They weren't peaceful. These two supported blm. BLM is a communist organization that is anti america. They are an enemy.

Not my enemy. I agree with what they are trying to accomplish. Our police are too fast to use violence against people of color.

These people were pulling guns on their neighbors LONG before this dispute happened. That's why they finally acted to take away their guns.

No, they're not too fast to take action. Stats say otherwise. Yes, they are a communist organization that hates america and are looking to destroy it.
No, they're not too fast to take action. Stats say otherwise. Yes, they are a communist organization that hates america and are looking to destroy it.

Okay, let's look at those stats.

The police kill 1000 suspects a year. One out of 16 homicides in this country is a policeman killing a suspect.

MEANWHILE, in the United Kingdom, the police only shoot 2-7 people a year.
1. There is 'looking' and there is 'seeing' and often they are not the same thing.
All of us are observing the anarcho-communists in our streets, burning, looting, assaulting. Looking at same, the reaction may be 'tsk, terrible.'
But seeing also means understanding what one is observing, and recognizing where it fits into time, and what it presages.

"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:
Note the themes of the Port Huron Statement (The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.): utopia; remaking human nature; anti-capitalism; dissent as the path to an authentic identity.
See Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” ch 5

3. One SDS member gave this prescription, exemplifies the principles of the modern Democrat Party:
“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110
And, of course, “against anti-Communism” means pro-Communism and anti-religion.

4. Andrew McCarthy knows whereof he speaks:
"The Revolution Is Winning
Radicals from the 1960s and 1970s now hold powerful positions in government and academia
This is what the revolution looks like.
Weather Underground terrorists, who made no secret of being anti-AmeriKKKan “small-c” communists, are having more success than they could have dreamed of in the 1960s.

They are dominating the language. You know that whole “white privilege” nostrum that we’re paying universities $60K per year to drum into our children’s brains? It is derived from their lamentation of “white skin privilege.” In their ideology, the revolution to overthrow the capitalist, racist, imperialist system summoned them — lily white radicals — to abandon their privilege and embrace the armed struggle."

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

It was great while it lasted.

6. Here's the thing: the Leftists, the totalitarians are not rational, they will perish with the civilization that they destroy. They don't give it a thought.....they are like the scorpion in the fable:

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

We were warned.
We did nothing.
Now we reap the whirlwind.
the abyss is your brain
1. There is 'looking' and there is 'seeing' and often they are not the same thing.
All of us are observing the anarcho-communists in our streets, burning, looting, assaulting. Looking at same, the reaction may be 'tsk, terrible.'
But seeing also means understanding what one is observing, and recognizing where it fits into time, and what it presages.

"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:
Note the themes of the Port Huron Statement (The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.): utopia; remaking human nature; anti-capitalism; dissent as the path to an authentic identity.
See Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” ch 5

3. One SDS member gave this prescription, exemplifies the principles of the modern Democrat Party:
“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110
And, of course, “against anti-Communism” means pro-Communism and anti-religion.

4. Andrew McCarthy knows whereof he speaks:
"The Revolution Is Winning
Radicals from the 1960s and 1970s now hold powerful positions in government and academia
This is what the revolution looks like.
Weather Underground terrorists, who made no secret of being anti-AmeriKKKan “small-c” communists, are having more success than they could have dreamed of in the 1960s.

They are dominating the language. You know that whole “white privilege” nostrum that we’re paying universities $60K per year to drum into our children’s brains? It is derived from their lamentation of “white skin privilege.” In their ideology, the revolution to overthrow the capitalist, racist, imperialist system summoned them — lily white radicals — to abandon their privilege and embrace the armed struggle."

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

It was great while it lasted.

6. Here's the thing: the Leftists, the totalitarians are not rational, they will perish with the civilization that they destroy. They don't give it a thought.....they are like the scorpion in the fable:

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

We were warned.
We did nothing.
Now we reap the whirlwind.
the abyss is your brain

What a brilliant attempt at a post.

You left out "duhhhhhh....."
This is but a glitch. Capitalism is strong as ever, once a vaccine is developed the nation will quickly recover. Things are on the uptick.
1. There is 'looking' and there is 'seeing' and often they are not the same thing.
All of us are observing the anarcho-communists in our streets, burning, looting, assaulting. Looking at same, the reaction may be 'tsk, terrible.'
But seeing also means understanding what one is observing, and recognizing where it fits into time, and what it presages.

"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:
Note the themes of the Port Huron Statement (The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.): utopia; remaking human nature; anti-capitalism; dissent as the path to an authentic identity.
See Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” ch 5

3. One SDS member gave this prescription, exemplifies the principles of the modern Democrat Party:
“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110
And, of course, “against anti-Communism” means pro-Communism and anti-religion.

4. Andrew McCarthy knows whereof he speaks:
"The Revolution Is Winning
Radicals from the 1960s and 1970s now hold powerful positions in government and academia
This is what the revolution looks like.
Weather Underground terrorists, who made no secret of being anti-AmeriKKKan “small-c” communists, are having more success than they could have dreamed of in the 1960s.

They are dominating the language. You know that whole “white privilege” nostrum that we’re paying universities $60K per year to drum into our children’s brains? It is derived from their lamentation of “white skin privilege.” In their ideology, the revolution to overthrow the capitalist, racist, imperialist system summoned them — lily white radicals — to abandon their privilege and embrace the armed struggle."

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

It was great while it lasted.

6. Here's the thing: the Leftists, the totalitarians are not rational, they will perish with the civilization that they destroy. They don't give it a thought.....they are like the scorpion in the fable:

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

We were warned.
We did nothing.
Now we reap the whirlwind.

How can the Left's revolution not win?

Remember bomber Bill Ayer, who wrote Obama's 'biography,' who started Obama's political career, who gets paid to indoctrinate our children???

"Among their most influential thinkers was Bill Ayers. He got a windfall from the government’s failure to prosecute him for the bombings he carried out and the mass murders he planned but was insufficiently competent to execute. It was a second career as a “Distinguished Professor of Education” at the University of Illinois. As Sol Stern relates in a 2006 City Journal essay that should be required reading today, this entailed designing curricula used by today’s hard-Left academics, based on what Ayers saw as a moral imperative to convert schools into social-justice indoctrination labs.

It worked.

Of course, in the days before they brought the revolution into the classroom, they pursued it on urban streets, prioritizing war on cops. To the avant-garde, the police are the pointy end of the oppressive government spear, enforcing its laws and imposing the racist society’s caste system. For the revolution to succeed, the police have to be discredited, defunded, and defanged. For the Weather Underground, that meant branching into such radical offshoots as the May 19 Communist Organization and conspiring with black separatists."

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.

Now, we are circling the drain.
1. There is 'looking' and there is 'seeing' and often they are not the same thing.
All of us are observing the anarcho-communists in our streets, burning, looting, assaulting. Looking at same, the reaction may be 'tsk, terrible.'
But seeing also means understanding what one is observing, and recognizing where it fits into time, and what it presages.

"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

2. What is taking place is not the sort of short-lived riots we saw in LA, or Chicago, or Detroit. It is the destruction of our heritage, our nation, Western Civilization. It is the end-product of the post-war generation, that told us at Port Huron what they were going to do:
Note the themes of the Port Huron Statement (The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.): utopia; remaking human nature; anti-capitalism; dissent as the path to an authentic identity.
See Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” ch 5

3. One SDS member gave this prescription, exemplifies the principles of the modern Democrat Party:
“four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110
And, of course, “against anti-Communism” means pro-Communism and anti-religion.

4. Andrew McCarthy knows whereof he speaks:
"The Revolution Is Winning
Radicals from the 1960s and 1970s now hold powerful positions in government and academia
This is what the revolution looks like.
Weather Underground terrorists, who made no secret of being anti-AmeriKKKan “small-c” communists, are having more success than they could have dreamed of in the 1960s.

They are dominating the language. You know that whole “white privilege” nostrum that we’re paying universities $60K per year to drum into our children’s brains? It is derived from their lamentation of “white skin privilege.” In their ideology, the revolution to overthrow the capitalist, racist, imperialist system summoned them — lily white radicals — to abandon their privilege and embrace the armed struggle."

5. There is no longer a's over. It's too late, they own the schools, the media, the judiciary......the St Louis DA confiscated the weapon of law-abiding citizens simply protecting their property, Democrat elected officials encourage the rioters and release any arrested, police doing their duty to protect us are charged, our hope, the Republicans simply look on.

I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

It was great while it lasted.

6. Here's the thing: the Leftists, the totalitarians are not rational, they will perish with the civilization that they destroy. They don't give it a thought.....they are like the scorpion in the fable:

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

We were warned.
We did nothing.
Now we reap the whirlwind.

How can the Left's revolution not win?

Remember bomber Bill Ayer, who wrote Obama's 'biography,' who started Obama's political career, who gets paid to indoctrinate our children???

"Among their most influential thinkers was Bill Ayers. He got a windfall from the government’s failure to prosecute him for the bombings he carried out and the mass murders he planned but was insufficiently competent to execute. It was a second career as a “Distinguished Professor of Education” at the University of Illinois. As Sol Stern relates in a 2006 City Journal essay that should be required reading today, this entailed designing curricula used by today’s hard-Left academics, based on what Ayers saw as a moral imperative to convert schools into social-justice indoctrination labs.

It worked.

Of course, in the days before they brought the revolution into the classroom, they pursued it on urban streets, prioritizing war on cops. To the avant-garde, the police are the pointy end of the oppressive government spear, enforcing its laws and imposing the racist society’s caste system. For the revolution to succeed, the police have to be discredited, defunded, and defanged. For the Weather Underground, that meant branching into such radical offshoots as the May 19 Communist Organization and conspiring with black separatists."

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.

Now, we are circling the drain.

Yep. You and Trump and all his supporters are circling the drain. It was just a matter of time.
How can the Left, the Democrats, Progressives, BLM, Marxists, work tirelessly to destroy that which allows them to exist???

How about this explanation....

Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy.
Nihilism | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

".... an impulse to destroy."
Even themselves.

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