Gay Satan Worshipers run this country


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2007
I am absolutly outraged at some stuff I have recently found on the net. Some of it I'm sure is bullshit but some of it is not, you decide. I really don't know what to believe anymore about 911, our govt., our federal reserve, the banking industries.
I will post here the links to the ones I found most disturbing.

lookout...welcome you have taken the red pill.... past the point of no return

it starts first with the the awakening to the corruption and lies the reality of 911 and then comes the question why? they have all the money the power what would drive them to do this and whats the end game ?and then you discover ,,its a religion a Luciferian death, cult a cabal that has been a work for century's

Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove

ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

expect a lot of stupid tinfoil hat lines and references to mental illness
most people are not able to deal with the fact all they think the know is a lie a charade...but regardless welcome brother
oh my fucking lord.

NOt the bohemian grove theory!
I've seen the video too, dude. You are not the only fan of conspiracy theories on the net.

just warn me before we get to wondering if the Queen is really an alien reptile.

Hey, there was a guy from my previous board who had a radio show that you might enjoy. Check him out: Radiorbit
I've seen the video too, dude. You are not the only fan of conspiracy theories on the net.

just warn me before we get to wondering if the Queen is really an alien reptile.

Hey, there was a guy from my previous board who had a radio show that you might enjoy. Check him out: Radiorbit


this is the standered response, to attach the facts of bohemian grove with Something that is clearly a theory to confuse the issue. you can be of the opinion that world leaders gathering and having homosexual activity's and satanic rituals is just harmless good fun and your alright with it, but there is no denying that it occurs...NONE
dude. this isnt' the 80s. the whole "satanic rituals" line got old in 1989. Like I've said, I've seen the video. I don't recall seeing jesse helms giving a handjob to ron reagans chief of staff in the middle of a pentegram. YOu have a stronger arguement with The Skulls or the Illuminati.

I appriciate that you are willing to give things like this consideration.... but...

like I said.. warn me before we get to the David Icke exit.
dude. this isnt' the 80s. the whole "satanic rituals" line got old in 1989. Like I've said, I've seen the video. I don't recall seeing jesse helms giving a handjob to ron reagans chief of staff in the middle of a pentegram. YOu have a stronger arguement with The Skulls or the Illuminati.

I appriciate that you are willing to give things like this consideration.... but...

like I said.. warn me before we get to the David Icke exit.

I think the main point of it is that people SHOULD be outraged that such influential people resort to such ridiculous behavior. I'm not going to get all CT in here, but I will say that mocking a human baby sacrifice to a big stone owl is a little disturbing to think of, in regards to the people who hold the highest positions in the world, politically and otherwise.

These kinds of behavior are continually alright with voters each and every election, but god forbid someone's supporters have questionable beliefs.

Imagine if the MSM actually REPORTED this kind of shit. Would Christians have voted for Bush if the MSM did a huge expose` on Bohemian Grove, and Bush's attendance?

I doubt it.

Makes you wonder, don't it? It's not like they don't know, or anything. Some of the media's biggest fat cats attend THEMSELVES.
dude. this isnt' the 80s. the whole "satanic rituals" line got old in 1989. Like I've said, I've seen the video. I don't recall seeing jesse helms giving a handjob to ron reagans chief of staff in the middle of a pentegram. YOu have a stronger arguement with The Skulls or the Illuminati.

I appriciate that you are willing to give things like this consideration.... but...

like I said.. warn me before we get to the David Icke exit.

david Ickes theorys are just that. we are disscusing facts
First published January 2004
Last updated March 2005

Tip: Click on the numbers in the text to navigate to the end notes then use the back arrow in the browser to return


Like the communists, the Western elite are attacking traditional social insitutions which challenge the moral authority of the state. They are promoting New Age religion because it is more suited to their political agendas.


New Age religion proposes the ascendancy of a ruling elite un-restrained by the moral strictures of ancient religious texts. Whereas monotheistic religions propose a deity who is apart from the world and judges man for his actions, New Age pantheism proposes that God is the collective whole of every entity in the world organized into a spiritual hierarchy. Evolution and reincarnation underpin a spiritual hierarchy headed by the Masters of Wisdom who can communicate telepathically with their followers. The Masters will bring humanity into the Age of Aquarius or The New World Order using their higher wisdom. These ideas stem from the Theosophical movement founded by a Russian woman called Helena Blavatsky born in 1831. The Nazis took Theosophy seriously and Hitler based his genocidal theories of master race, or supermen ( "Ubermenschen") on it.(1)Theosophy has been promoted at the U.N. by The Lucis Trust which enjoys consultative status with its Economic and Social Council.(2)The U.N. is regarded by New Agers as the supreme political instrument of the Hierarchy, which is appropriate given that the U.N. has always been controlled by the elite.(3)
Not only is pantheism used to justify the dictatorship of a ruling elite, it also tied into agendas such as eugenics / bioethics, population control, and radical environmentalism. Pantheistic Earth worship is promoted at the highest level of the environmental movement. As an atheistic parallel of the ten commandments, the U.N. Earth Charter, a 16 point plan for humanity written by Stephen Rockefeller and Mikhail Gorbachev, has been placed in a 500 pound chest called The Ark of Hope.
On page 60 of her book, Manual of the Co-Creators for the Quantam Leap, New Ager Barbara Marx Hubbard states that the spiritual elite will have to kill off one half of the population in order to evolve humanity to the next level: 'We are in charge of God's selection process for Planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death'. Hubbard was a former member of the Presidential Committee on National Curriculum and Democratic Party nominee for Vice-President in 1984.(5) (6)


On 2nd August 1982 Newsweek magazine reported:

... the world's most prestigious summer camp - the Bohemian Grove - is now in session 75 miles north of San Francisco. The fiercely guarded, 2,700 acre retreat is the country extension of San Francisco's all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged. With its high-powered clientèle, coveted privacy and cabalistic rituals, the Bohemian Grove has prompted considerable suspicion... The most important events, however are the "lakeside talks" (past orators: Alexander Hague and Casper Weinberger). This year's speaker was Henry Kissinger on The Challenge of the '80s.(7)
lookout...welcome you have taken the red pill.... past the point of no return

it starts first with the the awakening to the corruption and lies the reality of 911 and then comes the question why? they have all the money the power what would drive them to do this and whats the end game ?and then you discover ,,its a religion a Luciferian death, cult a cabal that has been a work for century's

Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove

ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

expect a lot of stupid tinfoil hat lines and references to mental illness
most people are not able to deal with the fact all they think the know is a lie a charade...but regardless welcome brother

Thanks Eots. I first took the red pill in 1986. It led me in a slightly different direction in the rabbit hole. This new to me info is just another step in a slightly different direction in the hole. I went past the point of no return about 20 years ago. I can't go into it on the board because...well...I don't want to die! I spent about 10 years of my life uncovering things. Going places I shouldn't have and seeing things that wern't meant for human eyes. I am very familiar with psy-ops, black-ops and places of interest. Infact, for a time in my life I was so glad I took the red pill. Now I'm not so sure. Sometimes the blue pill seems so...appealing.
It's not paranoia if they really are following you......Fox
I am absolutly outraged at some stuff I have recently found on the net. Some of it I'm sure is bullshit but some of it is not, you decide. I really don't know what to believe anymore about 911, our govt., our federal reserve, the banking industries.
I will post here the links to the ones I found most disturbing.

Man, it was bad enough that they were gay. Sheesh, gay satan worshippers? That's pretty bad. :eusa_hand:
Thanks Eots. I first took the red pill in 1986. It led me in a slightly different direction in the rabbit hole. This new to me info is just another step in a slightly different direction in the hole. I went past the point of no return about 20 years ago. I can't go into it on the board because...well...I don't want to die! I spent about 10 years of my life uncovering things. Going places I shouldn't have and seeing things that wern't meant for human eyes. I am very familiar with psy-ops, black-ops and places of interest. Infact, for a time in my life I was so glad I took the red pill. Now I'm not so sure. Sometimes the blue pill seems so...appealing.
It's not paranoia if they really are following you......Fox

Better to live in this sweet suffering than ignorant bliss...but I hear you
I didn't know that Haliburton, neocons, the Illuminati, Bilderbergs, da Joos and all the Bushes were gay Satan worshippers?

Man, I learn a lot here...

PAUL M. RODRIGUEZ AND GEORGE ARCHIBALD WASHINGTON TIMES, 1989: A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington's political elite, documents obtained by The Washington Times reveal. One of the ring's high-profile clients was so well-connected, in fact, that he could arrange a middle-of-the-night tour of the White House for his friends on Sunday, July 3, of last year. Among the six persons on the extraordinary 1 a.m. tour were two male prostitutes . . . Reporters for this newspaper examined hundreds of credit-card vouchers, drawn on both corporate and personal cards and made payable to the escort service operated by the homosexual ring . . . Among the client names contained in the vouchers - and identified by prostitutes and escort operators - are government officials, locally based U.S. military officers, businessmen, lawyers, bankers, congressional aides and other professionals .
And we care..why?

Because presidents, maybe even one or more that you personally voted for, attend this place, have chants in black and red robes, have mock human baby sacrifices, and dance around naked pissing on each other.

That doesn't bother you?

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