GAME CHANGER: Trump to counter Democrats’ ‘ballot harvesting’ with his own


Be very afraid.

Following years of opposition to early voting, former President Donald Trump is warming up to crafting an election strategy around it.

Trump's campaign is poring through state election laws about absentee voting, mail-in voting, and ballot collection to stake out a strategy for ginning up votes in the 2024 election cycle, the Wall Street Journal reported.

What makes you think that Judas Iscariot Benedict Arnold Ronald Rump is ever going to be President again? Ain't gonna happen. Why? January 6, 2021.
What makes you think that Judas Iscariot Benedict Arnold Ronald Rump is ever going to be President again? Ain't gonna happen. Why? January 6, 2021.

Why don't you just copy this post and hit paste every time you want to contribute?

It would save you time. And less chance of carpal tunnel.
Quite the contrary, I suspect poor people will have problems getting to polling places or keeping ID's current.

But just like Cleetus the redneck didn't have to take that literacy test and got a pass on the poll tax 60 years ago, he'll get a pass on the ID requirement, too.

You actually believe that if ID is required to vote that white people would get a pass? If so, do you also think that black people would get a pass in urban areas with all black poll workers? Lets fix that problem by requiring a scan of the ID at the polling station. Deal? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Thinking Chinese women are attractive is a problem?

I couldn't care less about your fetishes. I am mainly concerned with your proclivity to support the tenants of Communism and being able to vote in this country.
Frankly, nothing in what you say is a big problem.

You know, funny thing. We submit taxes and census information and no one complains about that information being tampered with or verified. In the case of the Census, they send people around to find the ones who didn't send it in.

I can even see an advantage to doing your ballot at home. Frankly, when I go into a polling station, I know who I am voting for President, Governor, Senator and Congressman, but the rest of these offices, I have no idea.

Put a ballot in front of me, I can take the time to research the contenders.

That's how you avoid getting a clown like Santos in.

It is actually a big problem and does open the door for fraud, which is why Democrats like the new rules.

Also, there were shenanigans with the census in 2020. They overcounted Delaware, Hawaii, Minnesota, Massachusetts ,New York, Rhode Island and Utah. They undercounted Tennessee, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, Illinois and Arkansas. Notice a pattern? This wasn't known until AFTER the 2020 election. Just another example.

2020 Census Undercounts in Six States, Overcounts in Eight
Right, it is not illegal perse, however, it lends itself to fraud and other illegal activity. For example, do these harvesters go door to door with their Biden shirts and hats on? Do they pass out Biden paraphernalia? Do they "assist" voters on which boxes to check? Who is verifying that this is or isn't going on? The answer is nobody, which is exactly why it is hard to prove, particularly in mass. Again, this is why Democrats like it and want to keep it. We can very easily eliminate the possibility all of this, but not surprisingly, Democrats aren't interested.
You seem to have lots of "questions". If they were a real concern there ought to be evidence...testimony...witnesses to that.

There isn't
It is actually a big problem and does open the door for fraud, which is why Democrats like the new rules.

Also, there were shenanigans with the census in 2020. They overcounted Delaware, Hawaii, Minnesota, Massachusetts ,New York, Rhode Island and Utah. They undercounted Tennessee, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, Illinois and Arkansas. Notice a pattern? This wasn't known until AFTER the 2020 election. Just another example.

2020 Census Undercounts in Six States, Overcounts in Eight

Trump fucking things up again.
You actually believe that if ID is required to vote that white people would get a pass? If so, do you also think that black people would get a pass in urban areas with all black poll workers? Lets fix that problem by requiring a scan of the ID at the polling station. Deal? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Again, why not bring back a poll tax and a literacy test while you are at it.
If you are putting up a hurdle to keep people from voting, you KNOW it's going to be selectively enforced.

I couldn't care less about your fetishes. I am mainly concerned with your proclivity to support the tenants of Communism and being able to vote in this country.

Hey, guy, socialism is probably inevitable, because for most of us, Capitalism is a shit sandwich.

It is actually a big problem and does open the door for fraud, which is why Democrats like the new rules.

Except you've been screaming about fraud for three years now, and you are missing that thing called proof.

Hey, we need to start spraying unicorn repellant around... because if we don't, it opens the doors to Unicorns.

Also, there were shenanigans with the census in 2020. They overcounted Delaware, Hawaii, Minnesota, Massachusetts ,New York, Rhode Island and Utah. They undercounted Tennessee, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, Illinois and Arkansas. Notice a pattern? This wasn't known until AFTER the 2020 election. Just another example.

Uh, Trump's incompetence is not shenanigan's. Yes, I knew that the 2020 Census was going to have problems, because of Covid making it impossible to send out enumerators to get the households that were missed and his fights over the unnecessary citizenship question slowed down preparations.

For a sense of scale, I was an enumerator in 2000 and 2010. And, yeah, it was usually the right wing nuts who didn't like cooperating. I could imagine they were worse in 2020.
Yep. Democrats won in 2020 and 2022 in the senate, because they have a better ground presence, to get out the vote.

You are right, it makes no difference whether voted in person on election day or voting early in person, or absentee voting.... A vote is a vote.

Trump tried to claim in 2020 only election day votes should count and tried to stop the count for more than half the citizen's vote....

Now he is admitting he lost because he encouraged his voters to not cast an absentee ballot in 2020....and has done an about face....
We’ll, don’t get me wrong here, I still don’t agree with mass mail out ballots. I think having hundreds of millions of ballots floating around the country is a disaster waiting to happen. I think absentee voting with a reason is fine, and should be limited.

I think ballot boxes should be municipal and not privately owned….no more zuckerboxes…they should be under uninterrupted 24 hour a day video surveillance, and even have 24 hour hour bi partisan guards.

But, I do agree that the left generally seems to do better at “get out the vote” campaigns.
Again, why not bring back a poll tax and a literacy test while you are at it.
If you are putting up a hurdle to keep people from voting, you KNOW it's going to be selectively enforced.

Hey, guy, socialism is probably inevitable, because for most of us, Capitalism is a shit sandwich.

Except you've been screaming about fraud for three years now, and you are missing that thing called proof.

Hey, we need to start spraying unicorn repellant around... because if we don't, it opens the doors to Unicorns.

Uh, Trump's incompetence is not shenanigan's. Yes, I knew that the 2020 Census was going to have problems, because of Covid making it impossible to send out enumerators to get the households that were missed and his fights over the unnecessary citizenship question slowed down preparations.

For a sense of scale, I was an enumerator in 2000 and 2010. And, yeah, it was usually the right wing nuts who didn't like cooperating. I could imagine they were worse in 2020.
Come on dude..nobody is trying to keep black people from voting. The whole idea of voter ID is based on illegals flooding across the border, and the lefts state rules on voter registration…the lax rules for voter registration and, in many cases, automatic voter registration.

I’ve yet to see or hear republicans call for voter suppression in any case, they just want to make sure every voter is a legal voter. I don’t see a problem with that as long as every effort is made to make sure every legal voter has the proper ID.

I can’t see how anyone would have a problem with that.
No, they are just usually on the right side of issues... that's why they get more votes.

Didn't used to be that way. The GOP used to be relatively sane. Then Clinton got into the white house and you all started getting progressively crazier.
No, they are not on the right side of the issues, but they do good at pushing voting, more than the right does. In the progressive shows I listen to, during voting season, those prog shows are always pushing the importance of voting, whereas in the right leaning shows I listen to, they don’t talk about it as much.

It’s something the right needs to step up with.
Come on dude..nobody is trying to keep black people from voting. The whole idea of voter ID is based on illegals flooding across the border, and the lefts state rules on voter registration…the lax rules for voter registration and, in many cases, automatic voter registration.

Really? So when the voters of Florida voted to restore voting rights to felons who had served their sentences, and DeSatan came up with a scheme to keep them off the voting rolls, who do you think that was aimed at? Get real, this is totally about suppressing the vote.

I’ve yet to see or hear republicans call for voter suppression in any case, they just want to make sure every voter is a legal voter. I don’t see a problem with that as long as every effort is made to make sure every legal voter has the proper ID.

Sure, give it a nice sounding name. They did the same thing with literacy tests and poll taxes.

No, they are not on the right side of the issues, but they do good at pushing voting, more than the right does. In the progressive shows I listen to, during voting season, those prog shows are always pushing the importance of voting, whereas in the right leaning shows I listen to, they don’t talk about it as much.

Actually, if the right wing was honest about their real agenda, screwing the working class to benefit the investor class, they'd probably never win another election. Which is why they spend so much time talking about fake issues like Grooming and illegal aliens.

It’s something the right needs to step up with.

Hey, here's what you guys ought to do. Actually fight for policies that help working people instead of finding new ways to screw them.
I still don’t agree with mass mail out ballots. I think having hundreds of millions of ballots floating around the country is a disaster waiting to happen.

Which, as we know, didn't happen.
So much ado over nothing.
Really? So when the voters of Florida voted to restore voting rights to felons who had served their sentences, and DeSatan came up with a scheme to keep them off the voting rolls, who do you think that was aimed at? Get real, this is totally about suppressing the vote.

Sure, give it a nice sounding name. They did the same thing with literacy tests and poll taxes.

Actually, if the right wing was honest about their real agenda, screwing the working class to benefit the investor class, they'd probably never win another election. Which is why they spend so much time talking about fake issues like Grooming and illegal aliens.

Hey, here's what you guys ought to do. Actually fight for policies that help working people instead of finding new ways to screw them.

Really? So when the voters of Florida voted to restore voting rights to felons who had served their sentences, and DeSatan came up with a scheme to keep them off the voting rolls, who do you think that was aimed at? Get real, this is totally about suppressing the vote.

What does a his have to do with keeping black voters from voting? Did desantis say he was going to target black voters with his pay for vote scheme?

This also has nothing to do with voter ID.

Sure, give it a nice sounding name. They did the same thing with literacy tests and poll taxes.

I mean, are you really not interested in making sure all voters are legally eligible? I did a post awhile back that showed some of the voter registration laws in some states…and how full of holes those procedures are.

trying to make sure every voter is legally eligible is not a poll tax or a literacy test.

Actually, if the right wing was honest about their real agenda, screwing the working class to benefit the investor class, they'd probably never win another election. Which is why they spend so much time talking about fake issues like Grooming and illegal aliens.

Really? You want to go there? Show me a rich democrat who hasn’t taken advantage of the exact same system, the exact same tax breaks, loopholes, and other deductions that anyone in the right has. Are they also screwing the working class? The left always likes to complain about those evil rich right wing bastards…while they’re tucking their billions away in a bank somewhere….probably offshore.

Hey, here's what you guys ought to do. Actually fight for policies that help working people instead of finding new ways to screw them.

How are the right screwing anyone? Because some corporations got some tax cuts? You mean those people who provide jobs for the millions of Americans?

Ya know what though…I really do hope the left gets their wish. I really hope you all get like a complete and totally bulletproof majority in the house, the senate, and get the white house too, so that you can, unimpeded , have the opportunity to pass any legislation you want….because I’m curious to see what will happen…my guess is nothing..because you had an opportunity before, and didn’t do anything. However, I hope you all don’t balk…I hope you pass those tax increases….and do it good…none of this 15% silliness. Go for that 40% corporate tax, and the 90% tax on billionaires or whatever….then watch as those people try to shift their money offshore ….or just move their headquarters out of the country altogether, and they leave all those communities they are in, and they shut down businesses across the country, and all those jobs dry up, as people overseas start enjoying their newfound employment. I really hope you get these things.

I have a feeling you won’t though, because the left love money just like the right, and those democrat politicians love those donations just like anyone else. The left politicians love to use evil rich people as the scapegoat for their rhetoric and talking points, but at the end of the day, they REALLY don’t want those high taxes, because people like Zuckerberg, bezos, and all those liberals in Hollywood, and all those liberal ceos of Fortune 500 companies all use the same tax system, and all love their money too, and if those politicians start making waves to take their money, we’ll, they just won’t give money to those politicians., they won’t build hospitals in their districts…they won’t build warehouses in those communities.

Which makes you wonder…if liberals are so generous and giddy for the government to take more of their money…why don’t they just write checks to Uncle Sam? I mean…when’s the last time Zuckerberg said “I have too much money, and the government needs more…so I’m going to write a 10 billion dollar check to the government….I think never would be that answer.

The point here is that, you think it’s just the right who’s greedy….seems like the left has their share as well, and they are no different than the right when it comes to the keeping of their money.

Which, as we know, didn't happen.
So much ado over nothing.

No, but there were states that did mass mail outs, and the left wants that system for the whole country…which means, yes, there would be hundreds of millions of ballots floating around.

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