GAME CHANGER: Trump to counter Democrats’ ‘ballot harvesting’ with his own

But once a labor activity has been determined to have value, then the proceeds of that activity should be distributed fairly, right.
And in a sane world, the person who did the work SHOULD get a living wage for doing so.

What is "fair"? Who determines the value of the activity?

Is it fair a baseball player makes more in one game than a nurse will make in her lifetime?

Hell, for that matter is it fair I make more money looking at data all day that a teacher does setting up our next generation for success?
What is "fair"? Who determines the value of the activity?

Is it fair a baseball player makes more in one game than a nurse will make in her lifetime?

Hell, for that matter is it fair I make more money looking at data all day that a teacher does setting up our next generation for success?

To Joe, “fair” is that everyone earns essentially the same, save athletes, because that they are largely a demographic for which he has a severe guilt complex.
To Joe, “fair” is that everyone earns essentially the same, save athletes, because that they are largely a demographic for which he has a severe guilt complex.
I don't get that.

Just exactly what is the poster 'DBA' suggesting?
Does he know for a verifiable fact that "Joe" wants everybody to earn the same?
If so, how does he know that? Does he have a source?
Or is he just self-pleasuring with made up stuff?

And the thoughtful though on athletes and "Joe's" guilt?
I don't get that.

Just exactly what is the poster 'DBA' suggesting?
Does he know for a verifiable fact that "Joe" wants everybody to earn the same?
If so, how does he know that? Does he have a source?
Or is he just self-pleasuring with made up stuff?

And the thoughtful though on athletes and "Joe's" guilt?

Have you read Joe’s posts? I have been back and forth with this guy for years. He has a severe case of white guilt, which he has exhibited many, many times. He continually bashes highly paid individuals and talks of wealth disparity.

Yes, I know this poster. He would be much happier in China as he agrees with many more of their polices than those of Capitalism.
Why wouldn’t I be happy? Do you think that only ditch diggers are making money for their employer? You don’t think engineers earn their keep? Proverbial ditch diggers like yourself wouldn’t have a job if it weren’t for entrepreneurs. Poor people don’t create jobs.
No, consumer demand does. Which is why it would be a good thing to pay everyone a living wage.

You can only sell so many dressage horses.

I don’t want to suppress the vote, but I do prefer we confirm that people that are voting are who they say they are and that they are eligible.
Translation, keep the darkies from voting.

Got it.
No, consumer demand does. Which is why it would be a good thing to pay everyone a living wage.

You can only sell so many dressage horses.

Translation, keep the darkies from voting.

Got it.
Without labor...entrepreneurs would make NOTHING. One person can only do so much. The "argument" is that labor is plentiful ,so it has little value. That someone else can step up and do that job.

That's a top down view. Without entrepreneurs, some of those laborers would step up and BECOME entrepreneurs. It's just not that special.
What is "fair"? Who determines the value of the activity?

Is it fair a baseball player makes more in one game than a nurse will make in her lifetime?

No, it isn't. We don't pay nurses enough.

Hell, for that matter is it fair I make more money looking at data all day that a teacher does setting up our next generation for success?

In a word- yes. We don't pay our teachers nearly enough. Then we wonder why they burn out so quickly and little Timmy can't read.

To Joe, “fair” is that everyone earns essentially the same, save athletes, because that they are largely a demographic for which he has a severe guilt complex.

I'd have no problem eliminating obscene salaries for athletes. Sports are kind of useless and I'd be just as happy if they went away.

Have you read Joe’s posts? I have been back and forth with this guy for years. He has a severe case of white guilt, which he has exhibited many, many times. He continually bashes highly paid individuals and talks of wealth disparity.

Uh, yeah, because they are part of the problem. Do you really think the CEO of Bed Bath and Beyond deserves a 12MM compensation package for running the company into the ground?

Yes, I know this poster. He would be much happier in China as he agrees with many more of their polices than those of Capitalism.
Well, that and Chinese women are HOT!
It wasn’t illegal in 1964.

Come on man, educate yourself for fk sake. Read the link!
At one time segregated lunch counters were legal.

You are an ignorant rube...ripe for The Grift..

If you know nothing, you'll believe anything.
At one time segregated lunch counters were legal.

You are an ignorant rube...ripe for The Grift..

If you know nothing, you'll believe anything.
It seems it’s you who ignore history!

What a shame, you’ll never learn anything.

You are a poster boi for stupid
No one cares.
No one cares in your Rumpian Minority-Opinion universe.

Vast legions of non-Rumpian voters ( REAL Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Reagan-Democrats ) care VERY DEEPLY.

If, by some chance, Rump actually GETS the GOP nomination again, then the GOP is going to lose again in 2024. Guaranteed.

It will be bad for the Republic to suffer through another four years of Idiot Democrat governance but at least we'll still have a Republic at the end of those four years.

So you go right ahead and nominate your modern-day Benedict Arnold again and SEE what happens... don't say the rest of the world didn't warn you.
Ballot Harvesting is not cheating.
DO you even know what the term means?
I think it is cheating and unAmerican

If someone is too lazy or too stupid to show up at the voting place on election day they dont deserve to vote

Libs taught America a new way to pervert the election process
Translation, keep the darkies from voting.

You said that, not me. It is YOU that believes that black people are unable to get ID's, but evidently poor white trash Republicans, as you call them, are able to do so.

Well, that and Chinese women are HOT!

I'm glad to see that your finally admit to having more in common with Communism than Capitalism. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step towards resolving it.

Trump warned us of democrat cheating bit in no way did that mean that repubs shouldnt vote
Shouldn't vote absentee ballot, but should vote on election day.

Well, he lost in part, because of it....he knows it. Thus his change to support absentee ballots.

Election day votes are a hit or miss.... Things can get in the way of making it to the voting place near your home in time if you wait for election day, like... Work, weather, traffic, sickness, covid, long lines, malfunctioning machines etc etc etc..... The only way for a citizen to guarantee they get to vote, is by voting via absentee ballot, or making and finding the time during the 15 to 21 days of early voting.

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