Future V.P. Ryan NAILS it on the Benghazi debate topic


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Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Ryan: If Obama Knew It Was Terror, Why Did He Send Rice Out To Say It Was The Video?

"If that was the case, George, then why send [U.N. Ambassador] Susan Rice out four days later to say this was the result of a spontaneous mob reacting to a YouTube video? Why go on “The View”? Why go on these other shows and not say the same thing? Look, that does not even hold water. What's troubling about this is as we learn more about it, these facts just don’t add up. That’s why we need to get to the bottom of this, so we can prevent something like this from happening again," Paul Ryan said about President Obama's claim that he labeled the Libya attack a terror attack the day after.
-- Ryan: If Obama Knew It Was Terror, Why Did He Send Rice Out To Say It Was The Video? | RealClearPolitics
There is NO Benghazi "debate." This was drummed up by right wing talk radio propagandists (like Sean Hannity in particular) to maintain the FEAR level of stupid Americans.

"Terrorism" is NOT a problem for Americans, despite the repeated screaching from the right wing fascists.
There is NO Benghazi "debate." This was drummed up by right wing talk radio propagandists (like Sean Hannity in particular) to maintain the FEAR level of stupid Americans.

"Terrorism" is NOT a problem for Americans, despite the repeated screaching from the right wing fascists.

This wasn't drummed up. It happened under O and he repeatedly blamed it on a video.
Ryan: If Obama Knew It Was Terror, Why Did He Send Rice Out To Say It Was The Video?

"If that was the case, George, then why send [U.N. Ambassador] Susan Rice out four days later to say this was the result of a spontaneous mob reacting to a YouTube video? Why go on “The View”? Why go on these other shows and not say the same thing? Look, that does not even hold water. What's troubling about this is as we learn more about it, these facts just don’t add up. That’s why we need to get to the bottom of this, so we can prevent something like this from happening again," Paul Ryan said about President Obama's claim that he labeled the Libya attack a terror attack the day after.
-- Ryan: If Obama Knew It Was Terror, Why Did He Send Rice Out To Say It Was The Video? | RealClearPolitics

you know... you guys don't even try anymore...

the whole future v.p. ryan thing (ptoi...don't conjure evil spirits)...

my boss would call it 'talking smack'.. its a means of trying to undermine and demoralize ones opponent... like when you play basketball.

the fact that these things are real life and not a game apparently escapes people.
Wow....you're pretty stupid aren't you?
Just another Obama ass kisser....he can do no wrong!
Keep it up, you sound like a moron.
Ryan: If Obama Knew It Was Terror, Why Did He Send Rice Out To Say It Was The Video?

"If that was the case, George, then why send [U.N. Ambassador] Susan Rice out four days later to say this was the result of a spontaneous mob reacting to a YouTube video? Why go on “The View”? Why go on these other shows and not say the same thing? Look, that does not even hold water. What's troubling about this is as we learn more about it, these facts just don’t add up. That’s why we need to get to the bottom of this, so we can prevent something like this from happening again," Paul Ryan said about President Obama's claim that he labeled the Libya attack a terror attack the day after.
-- Ryan: If Obama Knew It Was Terror, Why Did He Send Rice Out To Say It Was The Video? | RealClearPolitics
well that be a good question for romney to obama next week debate
There is NO Benghazi "debate." This was drummed up by right wing talk radio propagandists (like Sean Hannity in particular) to maintain the FEAR level of stupid Americans.

"Terrorism" is NOT a problem for Americans, despite the repeated screaching from the right wing fascists.

This wasn't drummed up. It happened under O and he repeatedly blamed it on a video.

Who gives a flying fuck? You guys want to outlaw abortion, suppress voting rights, destroy labor unions, and force health care into emergency rooms.

Who gives a fuck about a remote embassey in Benghazi? I'm sorry, but it is immensely unimportant.
There is NO Benghazi "debate." This was drummed up by right wing talk radio propagandists (like Sean Hannity in particular) to maintain the FEAR level of stupid Americans.

"Terrorism" is NOT a problem for Americans, despite the repeated screaching from the right wing fascists.

Ok. So you do not want to talk about it, got it. Those who want to discuss Benghazi will continue on then.
Susan Rice's comments:

RICE: [O]ur current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.

We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to — or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in — in the wake of the revolution in Libya are — are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there.

We’ll wait to see exactly what the investigation finally confirms, but that’s the best information we have at present.

Instead of relying on Hannity et. al. to report this accurately, maybe you should just watch her comments yourself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxf77xQ_NLU]Susan Rice 'This Week' Interview: U.S. Ambassador to UN Discusses Muslim Protest (09/2012) - YouTube[/ame]
Wow....you're pretty stupid aren't you?
Just another Obama ass kisser....he can do no wrong!
Keep it up, you sound like a moron.

from you, that's hysterical.

my favorite thing is you loons think everyone who disagrees with you is an 'ass kisser' (classy, btw)... or a 'fluffer' (also really really classy) or an obamabot...

but you rant and rave and spew the rightwing talking points... have your heads so far up the butt of the radical right that you don't even know what moderate is...

but that's ok?

There is NO Benghazi "debate." This was drummed up by right wing talk radio propagandists (like Sean Hannity in particular) to maintain the FEAR level of stupid Americans.

"Terrorism" is NOT a problem for Americans, despite the repeated screaching from the right wing fascists.

Tell that to Mrs. Stevens.
No debacle??

Well if thats correct then why is Barry doing all he can to cover his ass.

Anybody let Hilary know that she threw herself under the bus for nothing??
When you are talking about small, local ideological groups like the group that attacked the Libyan embassy, you are talking about rather unorganized groups of easily inflamed individuals with access to weapons who may have multiple motives and goals.

And, the individuals involved in the attack were known to the NY Times reporter who was on the scene (a local Libyan journalist). They articulated TO HIM that the video played a role in motivating the attacks, but it certainly wasn't the only factor.

There is NO Benghazi "debate." This was drummed up by right wing talk radio propagandists (like Sean Hannity in particular) to maintain the FEAR level of stupid Americans.

"Terrorism" is NOT a problem for Americans, despite the repeated screaching from the right wing fascists.

Tell that to Mrs. Stevens.

ya..i guess you can't say mr. stevens, his dad, given he's the one who said you rightwingnuts should stop politicizing his son's death.

and when someone goes to work in libya, they know there are safety issues. believing anything else is simply ignorant.

and the fact is, this is a tragedy...i don't think anyone says it isn't.

using it for cheap political points? darrell issa running trumped up hearings...

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Susan Rice's comments:

RICE: [O]ur current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.

We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to — or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in — in the wake of the revolution in Libya are — are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there.

We’ll wait to see exactly what the investigation finally confirms, but that’s the best information we have at present.

Instead of relying on Hannity et. al. to report this accurately, maybe you should just watch her comments yourself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxf77xQ_NLU]Susan Rice 'This Week' Interview: U.S. Ambassador to UN Discusses Muslim Protest (09/2012) - YouTube[/ame]
still bit odd though in video why she said might be anti musium video when in was terror attack . Romeny bound to press obama about rice,
Here is Obama speaking at the United Nations two weeks after the four Americans were killed:

That is what we saw play out the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.

I know that not all countries in this body share this understanding of the protection of free speech. Yet in 2012, at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with the click of a button, the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete. The question, then, is how we respond. And on this we must agree: there is no speech that justifies mindless violence.

There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There is no video that justifies an attack on an Embassy.

He mentions the video several times, but not once does he mention an "act of terror".


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There is NO Benghazi "debate." This was drummed up by right wing talk radio propagandists (like Sean Hannity in particular) to maintain the FEAR level of stupid Americans.

"Terrorism" is NOT a problem for Americans, despite the repeated screaching from the right wing fascists.

This wasn't drummed up. It happened under O and he repeatedly blamed it on a video.

Who gives a flying fuck? You guys want to outlaw abortion, suppress voting rights, destroy labor unions, and force health care into emergency rooms.

Who gives a fuck about a remote embassey in Benghazi? I'm sorry, but it is immensely unimportant.

OMG we have a poster who is jerking off to Kim Kardashian and lecturing about important world events at the same time.

Heinrich have you just re registered again?

There is NO Benghazi "debate." This was drummed up by right wing talk radio propagandists (like Sean Hannity in particular) to maintain the FEAR level of stupid Americans.

"Terrorism" is NOT a problem for Americans, despite the repeated screaching from the right wing fascists.

This wasn't drummed up. It happened under O and he repeatedly blamed it on a video.

Who gives a flying fuck? You guys want to outlaw abortion, suppress voting rights, destroy labor unions, and force health care into emergency rooms.

Who gives a fuck about a remote embassey in Benghazi? I'm sorry, but it is immensely unimportant.

Your statement is not factual....just emotional.
Susan Rice's comments:

RICE: [O]ur current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.

We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to — or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in — in the wake of the revolution in Libya are — are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there.

We’ll wait to see exactly what the investigation finally confirms, but that’s the best information we have at present.

Instead of relying on Hannity et. al. to report this accurately, maybe you should just watch her comments yourself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxf77xQ_NLU]Susan Rice 'This Week' Interview: U.S. Ambassador to UN Discusses Muslim Protest (09/2012) - YouTube[/ame]
still bit odd though in video why she said might be anti musium video when in was terror attack . Romeny bound to press obama about rice,

You can't spell in english at all.

Wow. And I'm very well versed in foreign languages. I speak English, French, Ukrainian and every bad word you could hear at a hockey tournament. :lol:

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