Future Governor Of Texas Exposes State's Communist Tax Laws


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"On Tuesday, Allen West, a former Tea Party congressman now issuing a primary challenge to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, suggested on Newsmax that the Lone Star State has "Communist" tax laws."Here in the state of Texas, we have a system of taxation that is really based upon Karl Marx's communist planks in the Communist Manifesto," West told right-wing talk show host Chris Salcedo."

Allen West finally exposed Texas for the communist controlled state it is.....but to be fair, Texas may be 0.7% above the national average in property taxes -- that is in large part due to them not having a state income tax...and since property taxes are settled at a local level, I don't see what a governor can do about it, but who cares...it's always good to shoe-horn Marxist, Communism, Socialism and a touch of CRT with a pinch of Sharia law in everything you say....

But he didn't stop there....he also called out the current governor for expanding early voting in 2020, being too soft on crime and the border and not being far enough to the right......which is really what this all boils down to....for any GOP candidate to challenge an incumbent, they have to be willing to be more batshit crazy than the current office holder....and Allen is well-versed in batshit crazy...
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Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, pointed out the necessity of taxation and of progressive tax rates. He also pointed out that unregulated capitalism devolves into corrupt monopolies and croneyism.

By current Trump cult standards, the father of capitialism was a raging commie.
Aren’t all taxes communist in nature?
Depends on if you think Alexander Hamilton was a commie or not...


"On Tuesday, Allen West, a former Tea Party congressman now issuing a primary challenge to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, suggested on Newsmax that the Lone Star State has "Communist" tax laws."Here in the state of Texas, we have a system of taxation that is really based upon Karl Marx's communist planks in the Communist Manifesto," West told right-wing talk show host Chris Salcedo."

Allen West finally exposed Texas for the communist controlled state it is.....but to be fair, Texas may be 0.7% above the national average in property taxes -- that is in large part due to them not having a state income tax...and since property taxes are settled at a local level, I don't see what a governor can do about it, but who cares...it's always good to shoe-horn Marxist, Communism, Socialism and a touch of CRT with a pinch of Sharia law in everything you say....

But he didn't stop there....he also called out the current governor for expanding early voting in 2020, being too soft on crime and the border and not being far enough to the right......which is really what this all boils down to....for any GOP candidate to challenge an incumbent, they have to be willing to be more batshit crazy than the current office holder....and Allen is well-versed in batshit crazy...

Seems like you just dislike West because he's black.

Seems like you just dislike West because he's black.
And the Trump cult throws another race card, as it so often does. Each Trump cultist needs to be constantly resupplied with new race card decks, being that tossing a race card is their go-to response to almost any topic. In this case, as is so often the case, it was done to deflect from a topic that the Trump cultist couldn't address intelligently.

"On Tuesday, Allen West, a former Tea Party congressman now issuing a primary challenge to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, suggested on Newsmax that the Lone Star State has "Communist" tax laws."Here in the state of Texas, we have a system of taxation that is really based upon Karl Marx's communist planks in the Communist Manifesto," West told right-wing talk show host Chris Salcedo."

Allen West finally exposed Texas for the communist controlled state it is.....but to be fair, Texas may be 0.7% above the national average in property taxes -- that is in large part due to them not having a state income tax...and since property taxes are settled at a local level, I don't see what a governor can do about it, but who cares...it's always good to shoe-horn Marxist, Communism, Socialism and a touch of CRT with a pinch of Sharia law in everything you say....

But he didn't stop there....he also called out the current governor for expanding early voting in 2020, being too soft on crime and the border and not being far enough to the right......which is really what this all boils down to....for any GOP candidate to challenge an incumbent, they have to be willing to be more batshit crazy than the current office holder....and Allen is well-versed in batshit crazy...
Wasn't West from Florida?
In 2,000 I mocked Hillary for choosing to let the people of New York elect her to the Senate. Her homes had been Illinois and Arkansas. She was IMO and that of many others a Carpet Bagger.

Alan West was elected to the House from Florida. Then he was voted out. So now he has decided to let the good people of Texas elect him to the Governors Mansion.

Carpet Bagger. Just like Hillary.

"On Tuesday, Allen West, a former Tea Party congressman now issuing a primary challenge to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, suggested on Newsmax that the Lone Star State has "Communist" tax laws."Here in the state of Texas, we have a system of taxation that is really based upon Karl Marx's communist planks in the Communist Manifesto," West told right-wing talk show host Chris Salcedo."

Allen West finally exposed Texas for the communist controlled state it is.....but to be fair, Texas may be 0.7% above the national average in property taxes -- that is in large part due to them not having a state income tax...and since property taxes are settled at a local level, I don't see what a governor can do about it, but who cares...it's always good to shoe-horn Marxist, Communism, Socialism and a touch of CRT with a pinch of Sharia law in everything you say....

But he didn't stop there....he also called out the current governor for expanding early voting in 2020, being too soft on crime and the border and not being far enough to the right......which is really what this all boils down to....for any GOP candidate to challenge an incumbent, they have to be willing to be more batshit crazy than the current office holder....and Allen is well-versed in batshit crazy...
Wasn't West from Florida?
West was born in Georgia....then moved to Florida where he became a congressman.....

Then in 2014 he moved to Texas......he lives in the same metro-area I live in....

"On Tuesday, Allen West, a former Tea Party congressman now issuing a primary challenge to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, suggested on Newsmax that the Lone Star State has "Communist" tax laws."Here in the state of Texas, we have a system of taxation that is really based upon Karl Marx's communist planks in the Communist Manifesto," West told right-wing talk show host Chris Salcedo."

Allen West finally exposed Texas for the communist controlled state it is.....but to be fair, Texas may be 0.7% above the national average in property taxes -- that is in large part due to them not having a state income tax...and since property taxes are settled at a local level, I don't see what a governor can do about it, but who cares...it's always good to shoe-horn Marxist, Communism, Socialism and a touch of CRT with a pinch of Sharia law in everything you say....

But he didn't stop there....he also called out the current governor for expanding early voting in 2020, being too soft on crime and the border and not being far enough to the right......which is really what this all boils down to....for any GOP candidate to challenge an incumbent, they have to be willing to be more batshit crazy than the current office holder....and Allen is well-versed in batshit crazy...

Seems like you just dislike West because he's black.
I'm black...so no....

I dislike West because he is a grifter at best, lunatic at worst....

"On Tuesday, Allen West, a former Tea Party congressman now issuing a primary challenge to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, suggested on Newsmax that the Lone Star State has "Communist" tax laws."Here in the state of Texas, we have a system of taxation that is really based upon Karl Marx's communist planks in the Communist Manifesto," West told right-wing talk show host Chris Salcedo."

Allen West finally exposed Texas for the communist controlled state it is.....but to be fair, Texas may be 0.7% above the national average in property taxes -- that is in large part due to them not having a state income tax...and since property taxes are settled at a local level, I don't see what a governor can do about it, but who cares...it's always good to shoe-horn Marxist, Communism, Socialism and a touch of CRT with a pinch of Sharia law in everything you say....

But he didn't stop there....he also called out the current governor for expanding early voting in 2020, being too soft on crime and the border and not being far enough to the right......which is really what this all boils down to....for any GOP candidate to challenge an incumbent, they have to be willing to be more batshit crazy than the current office holder....and Allen is well-versed in batshit crazy...

Seems like you just dislike West because he's black.
It's his outdated "flat top" haircut that really turns me off.

Seems like you just dislike West because he's black.
And the Trump cult throws another race card, as it so often does. Each Trump cultist needs to be constantly resupplied with new race card decks, being that tossing a race card is their go-to response to almost any topic. In this case, as is so often the case, it was done to deflect from a topic that the Trump cultist couldn't address intelligently.

That's a lot of protesting from you. I'll bet you don't like West because he's black, too.
How can taxation be considered communistic when it has in use thousands of years before Marx was spawned.
"Communist" or "Marxist" is like a catch-all term for right wing nuts to throw in the mix when they lack the brains to make an argument. It seems to be working as a lot of low educated types swallow it.

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