Furious BLM protesters clash with Chicago cops after video showed Dexter Reed being shot almost 100 times in less than a minute

Was the man a felon? Yes.
Did he shoot first? Yes.
Did a cop get shot? Yes.

So much for your claim of "proof"

We do not know for a fact he shot anyone. Cops lie. The video is inconclusive at best.

Why was he stopped to start with? It wasn't over a seat belt violation.
Overwhelming force for a seat belt violation they couldn't even see? We are being lied to.
The only one lying is you.
He refused to comply, and kept rolling his window up when a cop came up to him.
Then an officer saw he had a gun, that is when the weapons came out.
ONE officer was at the door, when HE SHOT AT HER FIRST.... and OBVIOUSLY they fired back.

Stop lying, it makes you look stupid
Has the official report come out that it was entirely over a seatbelt violation?

It's almost like you WANT people to riot over this.

he fucking shot first.

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. We know the cops lied. This wasn't over a seat belt violation.
His crime was not wearing a seat belt. A seat belt that they couldn't even have seen through the tinted glass from where they were at.

Then it took 5 officers to make a stop for not wearing a seat belt? Do cops generally surround a car with their guns drawn for a seat belt violation?
They have a good idea they are dealing with a violent repeat felon as soon as the plate# is sent in. Precautions to stay alive mist be taken. They somewhat know who is going where and why on their streets.
You send 5 armed plain clothed officers to pull someone over for a seat belt violation?

That's how we operate in this country?

was known criminal in his way to his job with all paperwork in order? Had he been on 5 or more warnings? You don’t know jack jack.
Probably 95 or so. That's the way it works in blue cities, though. They LOVE it.
In the old days when cops had six shot revolvers it was wise to aim each shot. Today with semiautomatic pistols with 17 round magazines it is easy to use the “fill the air with lead” tactic In a life or death shootout.
Questions we need answered.
He was probably under investigation, and rightfully so by his reaction in a traffic stop.

Anyone engaging in rioting and destruction of property should be locked up for a significant amount of time. The bull shite narratives that causes citizen's to react in unlawful ways should be investigated and dealt with in a highly publicized way. This bull shite must stop, and it should have stopped yesterday. It's time for the party of Lincoln to rise up in this country for justice and peace to prevail, and not instead to sit back and wait or instigate for war and chaos to go unchecked.
And yet some so-called "liberals" still keep saying that the United States of America has a bright future!!!

Can you even imagine what this country will be like by the end of this century?
96 rounds is EXCESSIVE no matter how you slice it.

If they were all fired by one cop, you MIGHT have a point. Again, here are the questions I would ask.

How many shots were fired by Dexter Reed?
How many cops fired their weapons?
How many of them managed to hit Reed?
Did they keep firing when he went down, or did they stop when he fell?
Did the plainsclothes officers identify themselves as such?

The thing that doesn't quite sit right with me is how they used this much force (multiple officers responding) to what the CPD is describing as a seat belt violation. There's more to the story here.

But this is not a case like the shooting of Laquan McDonald, where one officer fired 16 shots, at least 10 of them after the suspect was already on the ground, but none of the other officers even felt the need to draw their weapons.

The other thing that is different is the level of transparency. Information is being released to the public in a prompt manner, and a full investigation is under way.
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This 26yr old thug shot a cop while in his car.

pknopp says “we dont know if that happened” in other thread. Says it repeatedly. Says “Cops lied” etc. anti American anti-Police got to stir pot to get BLM riot going for excitment in their otherwise miserable existence. LW kook should work for dirty MSM in some fashion.
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