black dude gets shot by cops for grabbing taser.

here is video. the black yelling don't sound very articulate.

Welcome to the blacks of Louisiana. The welfare Biden loving Obama loving Trump hating blacks. Most didn't make it through high school, if they did they graduated with a criminal record and have 4 or 5 baby-mommas.

That's why so many people in LA can't stand black people.
More whites are shot in armed standoffs with police than blacks. Blacks get shot while unarmed. And I'm not lying, there are all kinds of stories and videos showing what I said.
Blacks have a deadly habit of fighting with armed cops. Blacks are too stupid to know how to behave in civilization
Welcome to the blacks of Louisiana. The welfare Biden loving Obama loving Trump hating blacks. Most didn't make it through high school, if they did they graduated with a criminal record and have 4 or 5 baby-mommas.

That's why so many people in LA can't stand black people.
this happens in lot states with blacks. they just dont know how to obey the laws and obey lawful others and want to do what ever the hell they want.
I think there are some bigots. And most of us get accused of it for no reason whatsoever. I'm to the point where I am like "what the hell" if I'm gonna do the time, may as well do the crime.

And superconspiracybrother is a HUGE bigot. He's almost to IM2 levels.
BootyLeeFarnsworth, you have some of the most racist ish right on this forum. For you to try and label anyone as a bigot is laughable when you are nothing more than a racist POS.
Welcome to the blacks of Louisiana. The welfare Biden loving Obama loving Trump hating blacks. Most didn't make it through high school, if they did they graduated with a criminal record and have 4 or 5 baby-mommas.

That's why so many people in LA can't stand black people.
Hmmm, so why do you love whites who are on welfare so much? There are a lot of dumb ass whites who didn't make it through HS either and white criminals as well.
Whites fight police, take tasers, steal police cars and don't get shot. This is another thread by that racist horselightning.
And get shot more than Blacks. It's not news to the national media so that don't report it.
can you prove he tried to grab the taser???

you do know cops lie a lot dont you??
Criminals lie more than anyone though, right? If you think he didnt grab the taser, it is going to require a tremendous amount of proof you to prove to us that he didnt.

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