Freddie Grey suckered liberals everywhere.

I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.

Probably running away from the cops due to the drugs he probably just dumped, or maybe had on him, we will find out, like it or not libs, and they took him down, and he was fine, until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America.

In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it. How hard, hell, they burned their own city down, and now, they party because a few charges have been pressed, and they actually think those charges will stick.

"there's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to PT Barnum, though he probably is not the one to say it, it sure does describe all those who have already bought into the game that Freddie suckered you with.

Now, Freddie is dead, and trash is taken out, good riddance, if the man was white, no one would care, thing about me is, I just like the fact that the trash is in the garbage can now, I don't care what color the trash was, it was still trash.

Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself, now we don't have to pay for your criminal ass for the next 60 years, we just have to clean up Baltimore and tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it, because there is no way you could have outsmarted them.

What was heard inside the Freddie Gray van - CBS News

Prisoner in van thought Gray was trying to injure himself - The Washington Post

Report Gray died of broken neck suffered in van Fox News

YOU are the trash in America.
Aww, did the warden give you permission to use the computer today? That's sooo sweet. What kind of favor did you have to do for the warden to get computer privileges?

One thing is for certain, you are a criminal lover, and now you have one less to love, sucks to be you.

You're confused...and a statist who supports a Gestapo in my country...

I am not a criminal lover, I just don't believe we should have a Gestapo who is judge, jury and executioner...
I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.

Probably running away from the cops due to the drugs he probably just dumped, or maybe had on him, we will find out, like it or not libs, and they took him down, and he was fine, until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America.

In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it. How hard, hell, they burned their own city down, and now, they party because a few charges have been pressed, and they actually think those charges will stick.

"there's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to PT Barnum, though he probably is not the one to say it, it sure does describe all those who have already bought into the game that Freddie suckered you with.

Now, Freddie is dead, and trash is taken out, good riddance, if the man was white, no one would care, thing about me is, I just like the fact that the trash is in the garbage can now, I don't care what color the trash was, it was still trash.

Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself, now we don't have to pay for your criminal ass for the next 60 years, we just have to clean up Baltimore and tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it, because there is no way you could have outsmarted them.

What was heard inside the Freddie Gray van - CBS News

Prisoner in van thought Gray was trying to injure himself - The Washington Post

Report Gray died of broken neck suffered in van Fox News

YOU are the trash in America.
Aww, did the warden give you permission to use the computer today? That's sooo sweet. What kind of favor did you have to do for the warden to get computer privileges?

One thing is for certain, you are a criminal lover, and now you have one less to love, sucks to be you.

You're confused...and a statist who supports a Gestapo in my country...

I am not a criminal lover, I just don't believe we should have a Gestapo who is judge, jury and executioner...
oh wow, If you voted for Obama you are the one who supports a Gestapo. so what you put on YOUR country and the rest of us in should be ashamed.
gawd help us if all you people are still: this naïve

I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.

Probably running away from the cops due to the drugs he probably just dumped, or maybe had on him, we will find out, like it or not libs, and they took him down, and he was fine, until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America.

In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it. How hard, hell, they burned their own city down, and now, they party because a few charges have been pressed, and they actually think those charges will stick.

"there's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to PT Barnum, though he probably is not the one to say it, it sure does describe all those who have already bought into the game that Freddie suckered you with.

Now, Freddie is dead, and trash is taken out, good riddance, if the man was white, no one would care, thing about me is, I just like the fact that the trash is in the garbage can now, I don't care what color the trash was, it was still trash.

Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself, now we don't have to pay for your criminal ass for the next 60 years, we just have to clean up Baltimore and tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it, because there is no way you could have outsmarted them.

What was heard inside the Freddie Gray van - CBS News

Prisoner in van thought Gray was trying to injure himself - The Washington Post

Report Gray died of broken neck suffered in van Fox News

YOU are the trash in America.
Aww, did the warden give you permission to use the computer today? That's sooo sweet. What kind of favor did you have to do for the warden to get computer privileges?

One thing is for certain, you are a criminal lover, and now you have one less to love, sucks to be you.

You're confused...and a statist who supports a Gestapo in my country...

I am not a criminal lover, I just don't believe we should have a Gestapo who is judge, jury and executioner...
Freddie committed involuntary suicide...HAHA...that's just too funny...the only things the cops did wrong was not buckle him in, if they did, then he would still be alive, and garbage, don't forget, he would still be garbage. Now he is just dead garbage needing to be disposed of.
I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.

Probably running away from the cops due to the drugs he probably just dumped, or maybe had on him, we will find out, like it or not libs, and they took him down, and he was fine, until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America.

In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it. How hard, hell, they burned their own city down, and now, they party because a few charges have been pressed, and they actually think those charges will stick.

"there's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to PT Barnum, though he probably is not the one to say it, it sure does describe all those who have already bought into the game that Freddie suckered you with.

Now, Freddie is dead, and trash is taken out, good riddance, if the man was white, no one would care, thing about me is, I just like the fact that the trash is in the garbage can now, I don't care what color the trash was, it was still trash.

Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself, now we don't have to pay for your criminal ass for the next 60 years, we just have to clean up Baltimore and tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it, because there is no way you could have outsmarted them.

What was heard inside the Freddie Gray van - CBS News

Prisoner in van thought Gray was trying to injure himself - The Washington Post

Report Gray died of broken neck suffered in van Fox News

YOU are the trash in America.
Aww, did the warden give you permission to use the computer today? That's sooo sweet. What kind of favor did you have to do for the warden to get computer privileges?

One thing is for certain, you are a criminal lover, and now you have one less to love, sucks to be you.

You're confused...and a statist who supports a Gestapo in my country...

I am not a criminal lover, I just don't believe we should have a Gestapo who is judge, jury and executioner...
Freddie committed involuntary suicide...HAHA...that's just too funny...the only things the cops did wrong was not buckle him in, if they did, then he would still be alive, and garbage, don't forget, he would still be garbage. Now he is just dead garbage needing to be disposed of.

oh dear, put on your flame suit my dear. lol
I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.

Probably running away from the cops due to the drugs he probably just dumped, or maybe had on him, we will find out, like it or not libs, and they took him down, and he was fine, until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America.

In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it. How hard, hell, they burned their own city down, and now, they party because a few charges have been pressed, and they actually think those charges will stick.

"there's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to PT Barnum, though he probably is not the one to say it, it sure does describe all those who have already bought into the game that Freddie suckered you with.

Now, Freddie is dead, and trash is taken out, good riddance, if the man was white, no one would care, thing about me is, I just like the fact that the trash is in the garbage can now, I don't care what color the trash was, it was still trash.

Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself, now we don't have to pay for your criminal ass for the next 60 years, we just have to clean up Baltimore and tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it, because there is no way you could have outsmarted them.

What was heard inside the Freddie Gray van - CBS News

Prisoner in van thought Gray was trying to injure himself - The Washington Post

Report Gray died of broken neck suffered in van Fox News

YOU are the trash in America.
Aww, did the warden give you permission to use the computer today? That's sooo sweet. What kind of favor did you have to do for the warden to get computer privileges?

One thing is for certain, you are a criminal lover, and now you have one less to love, sucks to be you.

You're confused...and a statist who supports a Gestapo in my country...

I am not a criminal lover, I just don't believe we should have a Gestapo who is judge, jury and executioner...
Freddie committed involuntary suicide...HAHA...that's just too funny...the only things the cops did wrong was not buckle him in, if they did, then he would still be alive, and garbage, don't forget, he would still be garbage. Now he is just dead garbage needing to be disposed of.

The only folks who considered fellow humans as "garbage" to be incinerated were the Nazis. You are in good company.

Freddie Gray not the first to come out of Baltimore police van with serious injuries
Baltimore Sun

When a handcuffed Freddie Gray was placed in a Baltimore police van on April 12, he was talking and breathing. When the 25-year-old emerged, "he could not talk and he could not breathe," according to one police official, and he died a week later of a spinal injury.

But Gray is not the first person to come out of a Baltimore police wagon with serious injuries.

Relatives of Dondi Johnson Sr., who was left a paraplegic after a 2005 police van ride, won a $7.4 million verdict against police officers. A year earlier, Jeffrey Alston was awarded $39 million by a jury after he became paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a van ride. Others have also received payouts after filing lawsuits.

For some, such injuries have been inflicted by what is known as a "rough ride" — an "unsanctioned technique" in which police vans are driven to cause "injury or pain" to unbuckled, handcuffed detainees, former city police officer Charles J. Key testified as an expert five years ago in a lawsuit over Johnson's subsequent death.

As daily protests continue in the streets of Baltimore, authorities are trying to determine how Gray was injured, and their focus is on the 30-minute van ride that followed his arrest. "It's clear what happened, happened inside the van," Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Monday at a news conference.

Christine Abbott, a 27-year-old assistant librarian at the Johns Hopkins University, is suing city officers in federal court, alleging that she got such a ride in 2012. According to the suit, officers cuffed Abbott's hands behind her back, threw her into a police van, left her unbuckled and "maniacally drove" her to the Northern District police station, "tossing [her] around the interior of the police van."

"They were braking really short so that I would slam against the wall, and they were taking really wide, fast turns," Abbott said in an interview that mirrored allegations in her lawsuit. "I couldn't brace myself. I was terrified."

The lawsuit states she suffered unspecified injuries from the arrest and the ride.

"You feel like a piece of cargo," she added. "You don't feel human."
I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.

Probably running away from the cops due to the drugs he probably just dumped, or maybe had on him, we will find out, like it or not libs, and they took him down, and he was fine, until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America.

In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it. How hard, hell, they burned their own city down, and now, they party because a few charges have been pressed, and they actually think those charges will stick.

"there's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to PT Barnum, though he probably is not the one to say it, it sure does describe all those who have already bought into the game that Freddie suckered you with.

Now, Freddie is dead, and trash is taken out, good riddance, if the man was white, no one would care, thing about me is, I just like the fact that the trash is in the garbage can now, I don't care what color the trash was, it was still trash.

Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself, now we don't have to pay for your criminal ass for the next 60 years, we just have to clean up Baltimore and tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it, because there is no way you could have outsmarted them.

What was heard inside the Freddie Gray van - CBS News

Prisoner in van thought Gray was trying to injure himself - The Washington Post

Report Gray died of broken neck suffered in van Fox News

YOU are the trash in America.
Aww, did the warden give you permission to use the computer today? That's sooo sweet. What kind of favor did you have to do for the warden to get computer privileges?

One thing is for certain, you are a criminal lover, and now you have one less to love, sucks to be you.

You're confused...and a statist who supports a Gestapo in my country...

I am not a criminal lover, I just don't believe we should have a Gestapo who is judge, jury and executioner...
Freddie committed involuntary suicide...HAHA...that's just too funny...the only things the cops did wrong was not buckle him in, if they did, then he would still be alive, and garbage, don't forget, he would still be garbage. Now he is just dead garbage needing to be disposed of.

The only folks who considered fellow humans as "garbage" to be incinerated were the Nazis. You are in good company.

Freddie Gray not the first to come out of Baltimore police van with serious injuries
Baltimore Sun

When a handcuffed Freddie Gray was placed in a Baltimore police van on April 12, he was talking and breathing. When the 25-year-old emerged, "he could not talk and he could not breathe," according to one police official, and he died a week later of a spinal injury.

But Gray is not the first person to come out of a Baltimore police wagon with serious injuries.

Relatives of Dondi Johnson Sr., who was left a paraplegic after a 2005 police van ride, won a $7.4 million verdict against police officers. A year earlier, Jeffrey Alston was awarded $39 million by a jury after he became paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a van ride. Others have also received payouts after filing lawsuits.

For some, such injuries have been inflicted by what is known as a "rough ride" — an "unsanctioned technique" in which police vans are driven to cause "injury or pain" to unbuckled, handcuffed detainees, former city police officer Charles J. Key testified as an expert five years ago in a lawsuit over Johnson's subsequent death.

As daily protests continue in the streets of Baltimore, authorities are trying to determine how Gray was injured, and their focus is on the 30-minute van ride that followed his arrest. "It's clear what happened, happened inside the van," Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Monday at a news conference.

Christine Abbott, a 27-year-old assistant librarian at the Johns Hopkins University, is suing city officers in federal court, alleging that she got such a ride in 2012. According to the suit, officers cuffed Abbott's hands behind her back, threw her into a police van, left her unbuckled and "maniacally drove" her to the Northern District police station, "tossing [her] around the interior of the police van."

"They were braking really short so that I would slam against the wall, and they were taking really wide, fast turns," Abbott said in an interview that mirrored allegations in her lawsuit. "I couldn't brace myself. I was terrified."

The lawsuit states she suffered unspecified injuries from the arrest and the ride.

"You feel like a piece of cargo," she added. "You don't feel human."
The Nazi's felt that anyone not of the Arian race was garbage, I feel that anyone who is arrested multiple times, and a convicted felon, is garbage. From drunk drivers to mass murderers, they are all garbage of varying degrees.

I'm just glad Freddie decided to take out the garbage himself.
I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.

Probably running away from the cops due to the drugs he probably just dumped, or maybe had on him, we will find out, like it or not libs, and they took him down, and he was fine, until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America.

In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it. How hard, hell, they burned their own city down, and now, they party because a few charges have been pressed, and they actually think those charges will stick.

"there's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to PT Barnum, though he probably is not the one to say it, it sure does describe all those who have already bought into the game that Freddie suckered you with.

Now, Freddie is dead, and trash is taken out, good riddance, if the man was white, no one would care, thing about me is, I just like the fact that the trash is in the garbage can now, I don't care what color the trash was, it was still trash.

Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself, now we don't have to pay for your criminal ass for the next 60 years, we just have to clean up Baltimore and tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it, because there is no way you could have outsmarted them.

What was heard inside the Freddie Gray van - CBS News

Prisoner in van thought Gray was trying to injure himself - The Washington Post

Report Gray died of broken neck suffered in van Fox News

I find the liberals who care about him are a small minority.
It was a reflex for him to run when he saw cops.
He was a criminal, and was used to being arrested. He also was, according to another cop, a drama queen when he was arrested. Always making sure the other criminals he hung around were convinced he wasn't a snitch.

Much like the reflex the Baltimore police have for arresting young men of color without probable cause no doubt.
Hi jake.
I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.

Probably running away from the cops due to the drugs he probably just dumped, or maybe had on him, we will find out, like it or not libs, and they took him down, and he was fine, until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America.

In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it. How hard, hell, they burned their own city down, and now, they party because a few charges have been pressed, and they actually think those charges will stick.

"there's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to PT Barnum, though he probably is not the one to say it, it sure does describe all those who have already bought into the game that Freddie suckered you with.

Now, Freddie is dead, and trash is taken out, good riddance, if the man was white, no one would care, thing about me is, I just like the fact that the trash is in the garbage can now, I don't care what color the trash was, it was still trash.

Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself, now we don't have to pay for your criminal ass for the next 60 years, we just have to clean up Baltimore and tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it, because there is no way you could have outsmarted them.

What was heard inside the Freddie Gray van - CBS News

Prisoner in van thought Gray was trying to injure himself - The Washington Post

Report Gray died of broken neck suffered in van Fox News

I find the liberals who care about him are a small minority.

Very small. But they want to make it seem like it's much bigger so they can whip the hate and division on us
Standing up in a moving van hands cuffed, feet shackled could make you fall and break your neck, no ?
YOU are the trash in America.
Aww, did the warden give you permission to use the computer today? That's sooo sweet. What kind of favor did you have to do for the warden to get computer privileges?

One thing is for certain, you are a criminal lover, and now you have one less to love, sucks to be you.

You're confused...and a statist who supports a Gestapo in my country...

I am not a criminal lover, I just don't believe we should have a Gestapo who is judge, jury and executioner...
Freddie committed involuntary suicide...HAHA...that's just too funny...the only things the cops did wrong was not buckle him in, if they did, then he would still be alive, and garbage, don't forget, he would still be garbage. Now he is just dead garbage needing to be disposed of.

The only folks who considered fellow humans as "garbage" to be incinerated were the Nazis. You are in good company.

Freddie Gray not the first to come out of Baltimore police van with serious injuries
Baltimore Sun

When a handcuffed Freddie Gray was placed in a Baltimore police van on April 12, he was talking and breathing. When the 25-year-old emerged, "he could not talk and he could not breathe," according to one police official, and he died a week later of a spinal injury.

But Gray is not the first person to come out of a Baltimore police wagon with serious injuries.

Relatives of Dondi Johnson Sr., who was left a paraplegic after a 2005 police van ride, won a $7.4 million verdict against police officers. A year earlier, Jeffrey Alston was awarded $39 million by a jury after he became paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a van ride. Others have also received payouts after filing lawsuits.

For some, such injuries have been inflicted by what is known as a "rough ride" — an "unsanctioned technique" in which police vans are driven to cause "injury or pain" to unbuckled, handcuffed detainees, former city police officer Charles J. Key testified as an expert five years ago in a lawsuit over Johnson's subsequent death.

As daily protests continue in the streets of Baltimore, authorities are trying to determine how Gray was injured, and their focus is on the 30-minute van ride that followed his arrest. "It's clear what happened, happened inside the van," Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Monday at a news conference.

Christine Abbott, a 27-year-old assistant librarian at the Johns Hopkins University, is suing city officers in federal court, alleging that she got such a ride in 2012. According to the suit, officers cuffed Abbott's hands behind her back, threw her into a police van, left her unbuckled and "maniacally drove" her to the Northern District police station, "tossing [her] around the interior of the police van."

"They were braking really short so that I would slam against the wall, and they were taking really wide, fast turns," Abbott said in an interview that mirrored allegations in her lawsuit. "I couldn't brace myself. I was terrified."

The lawsuit states she suffered unspecified injuries from the arrest and the ride.

"You feel like a piece of cargo," she added. "You don't feel human."
The Nazi's felt that anyone not of the Arian race was garbage, I feel that anyone who is arrested multiple times, and a convicted felon, is garbage. From drunk drivers to mass murderers, they are all garbage of varying degrees.

I'm just glad Freddie decided to take out the garbage himself.

Gray was not a felon. And there nothing in his record that warrants a death sentence.
Aww, did the warden give you permission to use the computer today? That's sooo sweet. What kind of favor did you have to do for the warden to get computer privileges?

One thing is for certain, you are a criminal lover, and now you have one less to love, sucks to be you.

You're confused...and a statist who supports a Gestapo in my country...

I am not a criminal lover, I just don't believe we should have a Gestapo who is judge, jury and executioner...
Freddie committed involuntary suicide...HAHA...that's just too funny...the only things the cops did wrong was not buckle him in, if they did, then he would still be alive, and garbage, don't forget, he would still be garbage. Now he is just dead garbage needing to be disposed of.

The only folks who considered fellow humans as "garbage" to be incinerated were the Nazis. You are in good company.

Freddie Gray not the first to come out of Baltimore police van with serious injuries
Baltimore Sun

When a handcuffed Freddie Gray was placed in a Baltimore police van on April 12, he was talking and breathing. When the 25-year-old emerged, "he could not talk and he could not breathe," according to one police official, and he died a week later of a spinal injury.

But Gray is not the first person to come out of a Baltimore police wagon with serious injuries.

Relatives of Dondi Johnson Sr., who was left a paraplegic after a 2005 police van ride, won a $7.4 million verdict against police officers. A year earlier, Jeffrey Alston was awarded $39 million by a jury after he became paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a van ride. Others have also received payouts after filing lawsuits.

For some, such injuries have been inflicted by what is known as a "rough ride" — an "unsanctioned technique" in which police vans are driven to cause "injury or pain" to unbuckled, handcuffed detainees, former city police officer Charles J. Key testified as an expert five years ago in a lawsuit over Johnson's subsequent death.

As daily protests continue in the streets of Baltimore, authorities are trying to determine how Gray was injured, and their focus is on the 30-minute van ride that followed his arrest. "It's clear what happened, happened inside the van," Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Monday at a news conference.

Christine Abbott, a 27-year-old assistant librarian at the Johns Hopkins University, is suing city officers in federal court, alleging that she got such a ride in 2012. According to the suit, officers cuffed Abbott's hands behind her back, threw her into a police van, left her unbuckled and "maniacally drove" her to the Northern District police station, "tossing [her] around the interior of the police van."

"They were braking really short so that I would slam against the wall, and they were taking really wide, fast turns," Abbott said in an interview that mirrored allegations in her lawsuit. "I couldn't brace myself. I was terrified."

The lawsuit states she suffered unspecified injuries from the arrest and the ride.

"You feel like a piece of cargo," she added. "You don't feel human."
The Nazi's felt that anyone not of the Arian race was garbage, I feel that anyone who is arrested multiple times, and a convicted felon, is garbage. From drunk drivers to mass murderers, they are all garbage of varying degrees.

I'm just glad Freddie decided to take out the garbage himself.

Gray was not a felon. And there nothing in his record that warrants a death sentence.
Then he should not have killed himself.
You're confused...and a statist who supports a Gestapo in my country...

I am not a criminal lover, I just don't believe we should have a Gestapo who is judge, jury and executioner...
Freddie committed involuntary suicide...HAHA...that's just too funny...the only things the cops did wrong was not buckle him in, if they did, then he would still be alive, and garbage, don't forget, he would still be garbage. Now he is just dead garbage needing to be disposed of.

The only folks who considered fellow humans as "garbage" to be incinerated were the Nazis. You are in good company.

Freddie Gray not the first to come out of Baltimore police van with serious injuries
Baltimore Sun

When a handcuffed Freddie Gray was placed in a Baltimore police van on April 12, he was talking and breathing. When the 25-year-old emerged, "he could not talk and he could not breathe," according to one police official, and he died a week later of a spinal injury.

But Gray is not the first person to come out of a Baltimore police wagon with serious injuries.

Relatives of Dondi Johnson Sr., who was left a paraplegic after a 2005 police van ride, won a $7.4 million verdict against police officers. A year earlier, Jeffrey Alston was awarded $39 million by a jury after he became paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a van ride. Others have also received payouts after filing lawsuits.

For some, such injuries have been inflicted by what is known as a "rough ride" — an "unsanctioned technique" in which police vans are driven to cause "injury or pain" to unbuckled, handcuffed detainees, former city police officer Charles J. Key testified as an expert five years ago in a lawsuit over Johnson's subsequent death.

As daily protests continue in the streets of Baltimore, authorities are trying to determine how Gray was injured, and their focus is on the 30-minute van ride that followed his arrest. "It's clear what happened, happened inside the van," Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Monday at a news conference.

Christine Abbott, a 27-year-old assistant librarian at the Johns Hopkins University, is suing city officers in federal court, alleging that she got such a ride in 2012. According to the suit, officers cuffed Abbott's hands behind her back, threw her into a police van, left her unbuckled and "maniacally drove" her to the Northern District police station, "tossing [her] around the interior of the police van."

"They were braking really short so that I would slam against the wall, and they were taking really wide, fast turns," Abbott said in an interview that mirrored allegations in her lawsuit. "I couldn't brace myself. I was terrified."

The lawsuit states she suffered unspecified injuries from the arrest and the ride.

"You feel like a piece of cargo," she added. "You don't feel human."
The Nazi's felt that anyone not of the Arian race was garbage, I feel that anyone who is arrested multiple times, and a convicted felon, is garbage. From drunk drivers to mass murderers, they are all garbage of varying degrees.

I'm just glad Freddie decided to take out the garbage himself.

Gray was not a felon. And there nothing in his record that warrants a death sentence.
Then he should not have killed himself.

The only question you need to answer is: Are you THAT stupid, or THAT dishonest?

Did you READ the article Freddie Gray not the first to come out of Baltimore police van with serious injuries ?

When a handcuffed Freddie Gray was placed in a Baltimore police van on April 12, he was talking and breathing. When the 25-year-old emerged, "he could not talk and he could not breathe," according to one police official, and he died a week later of a spinal injury.

But Gray is not the first person to come out of a Baltimore police wagon with serious injuries.

Relatives of Dondi Johnson Sr., who was left a paraplegic after a 2005 police van ride, won a $7.4 million verdict against police officers. A year earlier, Jeffrey Alston was awarded $39 million by a jury after he became paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a van ride. Others have also received payouts after filing lawsuits.

For some, such injuries have been inflicted by what is known as a "rough ride" — an "unsanctioned technique" in which police vans are driven to cause "injury or pain" to unbuckled, handcuffed detainees, former city police officer Charles J. Key testified as an expert five years ago in a lawsuit over Johnson's subsequent death.
I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.
until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America
In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it
"there's a sucker born every minute"
into the game that Freddie suckered you with.
Now, Freddie is dead
Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself
tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it

The only suckers are the people that believe Freddie inflicted self-torture until he killed himself in order to start a giant political movement ('liberal sympathy').

No offense, but you actually seem like you're a hired left-wing troll using this as a sock account to make the pro-police-state right wingers look bad (like really bad/worse than they already are).
I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.

Probably running away from the cops due to the drugs he probably just dumped, or maybe had on him, we will find out, like it or not libs, and they took him down, and he was fine, until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America.

In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it. How hard, hell, they burned their own city down, and now, they party because a few charges have been pressed, and they actually think those charges will stick.

"there's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to PT Barnum, though he probably is not the one to say it, it sure does describe all those who have already bought into the game that Freddie suckered you with.

Now, Freddie is dead, and trash is taken out, good riddance, if the man was white, no one would care, thing about me is, I just like the fact that the trash is in the garbage can now, I don't care what color the trash was, it was still trash.

Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself, now we don't have to pay for your criminal ass for the next 60 years, we just have to clean up Baltimore and tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it, because there is no way you could have outsmarted them.

What was heard inside the Freddie Gray van - CBS News

Prisoner in van thought Gray was trying to injure himself - The Washington Post

Report Gray died of broken neck suffered in van Fox News

YOU are the trash in America.

ah no, that would be all you who voted for black thugs, Obama, Holder, Sharpton, etc and put them in charge of our LIVES. and then still sit around supporting every disgusting action they do to us. so trash is the people you all put in our government and is running our country INTO THE GROUND. thanks very frikken much
I find it hilarious that Freddie has played all yall for fools.

Probably running away from the cops due to the drugs he probably just dumped, or maybe had on him, we will find out, like it or not libs, and they took him down, and he was fine, until he decided to play on the sympathy created in today's liberal America.

In todays liberal America, he decided he would beat himself up, and since the idiot driving the van didn't buckle him in, he was able to do this. Throwing his body around inside the van, I wonder if he meant to do any actual damage, or just superficial damage, anyway, libs every where fell for it. How hard, hell, they burned their own city down, and now, they party because a few charges have been pressed, and they actually think those charges will stick.

"there's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to PT Barnum, though he probably is not the one to say it, it sure does describe all those who have already bought into the game that Freddie suckered you with.

Now, Freddie is dead, and trash is taken out, good riddance, if the man was white, no one would care, thing about me is, I just like the fact that the trash is in the garbage can now, I don't care what color the trash was, it was still trash.

Good riddance Freddie, thanks for killing yourself, now we don't have to pay for your criminal ass for the next 60 years, we just have to clean up Baltimore and tell the idiots that you played them, they wont believe it, because there is no way you could have outsmarted them.

What was heard inside the Freddie Gray van - CBS News

Prisoner in van thought Gray was trying to injure himself - The Washington Post

Report Gray died of broken neck suffered in van Fox News

YOU are the trash in America.

ah no, that would be all you who voted for black thugs, Obama, Holder, Sharpton, etc and put them in charge of our LIVES. and then still sit around supporting every disgusting action they do to us. so trash is the people you all put in our government and is running our country INTO THE GROUND. thanks very frikken much

Fuck the thugs and the Marxist Elite in the White House and their supporters (Obama, Holder, Sharpton) and fuck tyrannical and despotic police and the police-state supporters (like you).

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