Frauds Throughout History


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
1. Atheism - Everything did not come from nothing
2. Islam - I have been made victorious through terror. - Surah
3. Darwinism - Adaptation, yes, all organisms from one, impossible
4. Marxism and The Democratic Party - Babies aren't human, men can become women, "racist, racist, racist" (bearing false witness), class warfare through covetousness (a sin)
5. Global Warming - NOT man-made
6. Covid 19 - The disease is real, the political posturing and insanity constitute the fraud
Off the top of my head;

Manifest Destiny-
Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Communist are taking over the world
2 airplanes brought down 3 buildings in near identical fashion
1. Atheism - Everything did not come from nothing
2. Islam - I have been made victorious through terror. - Surah
3. Darwinism - Adaptation, yes, all organisms from one, impossible
4. Marxism and The Democratic Party - Babies aren't human, men can become women, "racist, racist, racist" (bearing false witness), class warfare through covetousness (a sin)
5. Global Warming - NOT man-made
6. Covid 19 - The disease is real, the political posturing and insanity constitute the fraud
Your post is the biggest fraud in the history of the universe!
Frank Sinatra, The Mob, and my Daddy bought the election for me.

Frank Sinatra, The Mob, and my Daddy got my brains all over Jackie's face.

I love this thread.
1. Atheism - Everything did not come from nothing
2. Islam - I have been made victorious through terror. - Surah
3. Darwinism - Adaptation, yes, all organisms from one, impossible
4. Marxism and The Democratic Party - Babies aren't human, men can become women, "racist, racist, racist" (bearing false witness), class warfare through covetousness (a sin)
5. Global Warming - NOT man-made
6. Covid 19 - The disease is real, the political posturing and insanity constitute the fraud
Actually the biggest frauds have typically been religious. I believe you to be a Christian so assuming that religion is NOT a fraud, every other religion must be.

I was about to spill the beans that Monday. I happened to die mysteriously just before. Tag Team Partner Bobby was there that day pleading.....................HMMMMM...........................Can't blame the Clintons.

1. Atheism - Everything did not come from nothing

Atheism is a desperate attempt to prove God's existence through the persecution of those who already know. Atheism is perhaps the grandest pacifier in human history. All atheists suck the thumb of fear of the unknown.

2. Islam - I have been made victorious through terror. - Surah

Some truly good Muslims do exist. Let us not confuse them with those who proselytize death. One day soon we Christians will rely on an unprecedented alliance with all other ancient faiths in order to stand against the evil of atheists, sadists and the rest. After we faithful of all faiths are victorious, we can then get back to slaughtering each other in the cause of the same God known by so many different names.

3. Darwinism - Adaptation, yes, all organisms from one, impossible


4. Marxism and The Democratic Party - Babies aren't human, men can become women, "racist, racist, racist" (bearing false witness), class warfare through covetousness (a sin)

Postmodernism and sadism are the names of the enemy you're looking for.

5. Global Warming - NOT man-made


6. Covid 19 - The disease is real, the political posturing and insanity constitute the fraud

If novel coronavirus is real then it is a bioweapon selectively released by China in Trump voter strongholds at the democrats request. True story. Otherwise, it is fraud colossus.
1. Atheism - Everything did not come from nothing
2. Islam - I have been made victorious through terror. - Surah
3. Darwinism - Adaptation, yes, all organisms from one, impossible
4. Marxism and The Democratic Party - Babies aren't human, men can become women, "racist, racist, racist" (bearing false witness), class warfare through covetousness (a sin)
5. Global Warming - NOT man-made
6. Covid 19 - The disease is real, the political posturing and insanity constitute the fraud
1. conservatism.
2. trumpism.
3. Rush Limbaugh and other right wing "media" that are actually just entertainment.
4. Climate denial paid for by the fossil fuel industry.

You starting to get the picture here? Pretty much everything the right currently venerates is a fraud. Fake news. A conspiracy theory.

Not to mince words: you guys are a buncha liars.
Every family will save $2500 per year on healthcare.

Even though your premiums will quadruple with a 6,000 deductible. The damage this law did.

My daughter's family insurance tripled after Obama's socialized disaster became law. He lied through his Islamic, homosexual teeth.
Health insurance professional since Reagan.

What do you find peculiar with this statement.

Before that disaster, around 25 million were uninsured. Today guess how many are uninsured pre pandemic.....Yep around 25 million.
1. Atheism - Everything did not come from nothing
2. Islam - I have been made victorious through terror. - Surah
3. Darwinism - Adaptation, yes, all organisms from one, impossible
4. Marxism and The Democratic Party - Babies aren't human, men can become women, "racist, racist, racist" (bearing false witness), class warfare through covetousness (a sin)
5. Global Warming - NOT man-made
6. Covid 19 - The disease is real, the political posturing and insanity constitute the fraud
Actually the biggest frauds have typically been religious. I believe you to be a Christian so assuming that religion is NOT a fraud, every other religion must be.
Leftism is by far the most successful religion in modern times. It has murdered and oppressed far more people last century than any other ideology in human history, yet it is still wildly popular today.
1. Atheism - Everything did not come from nothing
2. Islam - I have been made victorious through terror. - Surah
3. Darwinism - Adaptation, yes, all organisms from one, impossible
4. Marxism and The Democratic Party - Babies aren't human, men can become women, "racist, racist, racist" (bearing false witness), class warfare through covetousness (a sin)
5. Global Warming - NOT man-made
6. Covid 19 - The disease is real, the political posturing and insanity constitute the fraud
Actually the biggest frauds have typically been religious. I believe you to be a Christian so assuming that religion is NOT a fraud, every other religion must be.
Leftism is by far the most successful religion in modern times. It has murdered and oppressed far more people last century than any other ideology in human history, yet it is still wildly popular today.
Authoritarian regimes have been killing people for millennia, they are hardy a recent invention. Monarchies are good examples.
1. Atheism - Everything did not come from nothing
2. Islam - I have been made victorious through terror. - Surah
3. Darwinism - Adaptation, yes, all organisms from one, impossible
4. Marxism and The Democratic Party - Babies aren't human, men can become women, "racist, racist, racist" (bearing false witness), class warfare through covetousness (a sin)
5. Global Warming - NOT man-made
6. Covid 19 - The disease is real, the political posturing and insanity constitute the fraud
Actually the biggest frauds have typically been religious. I believe you to be a Christian so assuming that religion is NOT a fraud, every other religion must be.
Leftism is by far the most successful religion in modern times. It has murdered and oppressed far more people last century than any other ideology in human history, yet it is still wildly popular today.
Authoritarian regimes have been killing people for millennia, they are hardy a recent invention. Monarchies are good examples.
Centralized governments gravitate towards being authoritarian. Tyrants from these collectivist utopias come in many flavors, communism, Nazism, Socialism, Fascism, Progressivism, etc.

Which flavor do you prefer?
1. Atheism - Everything did not come from nothing
2. Islam - I have been made victorious through terror. - Surah
3. Darwinism - Adaptation, yes, all organisms from one, impossible
4. Marxism and The Democratic Party - Babies aren't human, men can become women, "racist, racist, racist" (bearing false witness), class warfare through covetousness (a sin)
5. Global Warming - NOT man-made
6. Covid 19 - The disease is real, the political posturing and insanity constitute the fraud
7. Relativity - Eddington made make ups to plaques to validate it
8. Black holes - They exist in abstract calculations only, theory made to back up relativity
9. Big Bang - The entire universe formed from a microscopic particle which expanded... sure, right
10. Evolution - No species have even evolved.
Centralized governments gravitate towards being authoritarian. Tyrants from these collectivist utopias come in many flavors, communism, Nazism, Socialism, Fascism, Progressivism, etc.

Which flavor do you prefer?
My preferences:
  • Politics: democracy
  • Economy: mixed (communism, socialism, and capitalism all have a role to play)

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