France's Macron appoints new prime minister after government resigns


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday appointed Jean Castex to replace Eduoard Philippe as prime minister.

Castex is a senior civil servant who has held several posts in local, regional and national governments. In April, he was charged with managing the easing of France's lockdown during the novel coronavirus pandemic. Earlier, Philippe resigned along with the rest of the French government.

The move paves the way for a government reshuffle, which was widely expected as French President Emmanuel Macron seeks to boost his credentials with disillusioned voters. Macron aims to reorient his final two years in office.

The rest of the government is expected to be named by Wednesday.

Nothing says confidence like the government resigning.
Phillipe was elected mayor of Le Havre and cannot also serve as Premiere Ministre at the same time. Jean Castex, who handled the transition from "lock down", has been tapped to replace him. There is no specific government crisis in France. This is normal procedure. That said, it is a prudent move by everyone.
Phillipe was elected mayor of Le Havre and cannot also serve as Premiere Ministre at the same time. Jean Castex, who handled the transition from "lock down", has been tapped to replace him. There is no specific government crisis in France. This is normal procedure. That said, it is a prudent move by everyone.
Phillippe run away after having forcibly passed in force the pension reform with 49.3 and the new prime minister is there to only pass it even more by force even if the French do not want it and also the choice of the prime minister for the new Minister of the Interior Darmanin is also very contested in France because he is accused of rape this government is completely rotten to the bone

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