Fox News Was Beyond The Pale This Sunday!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
I was just watching Fox News and as usual I was often dismissing a lot of what they say as promotion of a partisan, right wing, agenda. But tonight they crossed the line and really deserve to be called out on it. It was on the Steve Hilton program, he was reporting that children that have Covid 19 cannot spread covid 19 to adults. He cited one or more studies to support that conclusion. This is beyond the pale this deserves to make the history record of outrageous false information that bantered around during this pandemic. Fox management is forgetting that Americans are not stupid we have brains and we use them and we think it is incredibly wrong you peddle this extremely dangerous false information. Common sense indicates the same virus of covid 19 for a ten year old child is the same virus of covid 19 for an eighty year old man, the virus in both individuals has the same RNA, genetic code. Furthermore children that have the disease are a dangerous source of spread because they are so energetic, they touch a lot of things and move around a lot and don't as much as adults practice good hygiene when they cough they let their respiratory droplets fall in a place where other people could have contact with it! Steve's panels point was that they want schools open now which seems of minimal importance at the present time because school is out for the summer and if their focus is on summer school, it seems very imprudent because the system isn't reliably in place to do it safely. I am not one of these "cannot have any risk Americans" I think they should be opening up schools this fall because other countries do it safely and so there is no reason we can't; these other schools follow three major policies one -all children wear masks, two - sick children are tested for covid 19 and three - those children that test positive are quarantined. The testing system is not reliably in place in many locales across America so we shouldn't open schools for summer school. The President and Republican leaders should take heed, the re-opening of not only our schools but our entire economy all rely on Covid 19 testing being readily available across America, the Republicans vis-a-vis the Defense Production Act have the power to get this super critical job done for America you guys better not drop the ball here because if you do you will pay a dear price at the polls come November 3!

Steve Hilton's panel also trashed the Democrat, actually the Bi-partisan Governor's request for aid to the states and counties they said why should poor people in Alabama and Tennessee send their hard earned tax money to rich people in New York well one is the money isn't going to rich people in NY it is going to pay police, fire fighters and school teachers in New York and two you don't want to go there because how about we give your rinky dink state to some sorry butt third world country because that is all you deserve consider the paltry federal tax revenue your state generates, NY has a king size economy needs help so will get king size help. This being said the country has to live in wisdom this pandemic took a meat clever to our nation's economy individual states economies will be for the foreseeable future smaller so their governments will have to be smaller there should be an aid package in the order of $500 billion but that won't avoid the states need to shrink their governments! Steve Hilton's panel mocked Vice-President Biden for his leadership in implementing the 2009 stimulus package passed to aid the nation in recovering from the Great Recession. You right wing Republicans are really clueless it would be like a miracle if America recovers from this Pandemic like it recovered from the Great Recession, it is going to be ten times harder for an abundance of small and medium size businesses in America to make it thru this economic crisis, prudence calls for the assessment that the business loss in America from Covid 19 will dwarf that of the Great Recession.

President Trump sought to be the hero this past week issuing an Executive Order saying Houses of Worship are essential which means he essentially gave America's Governors an ultimatum on this issue. It's too bad the President cannot give an Executive Order to the coronaviruses in this Covid 19 pandemic that you cannot spread in Houses of Worship. Since this writer is Catholic these comments are restricted to the Catholic faith; Church services are occasions of significantly increased risk of spreading this disease especially during the reception of the eucharist. Why don't Catholic Diocese across America take protective steps like have a plexiglass shield as tall as an adult placed right in front of the priest when he is giving out communion with a rectangular cut out 4 inches x 18 inches where the communicant will stick his or her hands through the cut out and the priest will put his hand six to ten inches above the communicants hand and drop the host in the communicants hand and ten yards off to the side have a hand sanitizer station so after the communicant puts the host in his mouth he can sanitize his hands just in case they touched the plexiglass that was contaminated with the virus! Further, give people the option to receive communion after the Mass so at that time there won't be as many people receiving communion
so it will be easier to maintain the six feet social distancing rule!
I was just watching Fox News and as usual I was often dismissing a lot of what they say as promotion of a partisan, right wing, agenda. But tonight they crossed the line and really deserve to be called out on it. It was on the Steve Hilton program, he was reporting that children that have Covid 19 cannot spread covid 19 to adults. He cited one or more studies to support that conclusion. This is beyond the pale this deserves to make the history record of outrageous false information that bantered around during this pandemic. Fox management is forgetting that Americans are not stupid we have brains and we use them and we think it is incredibly wrong you peddle this extremely dangerous false information. Common sense indicates the same virus of covid 19 for a ten year old child is the same virus of covid 19 for an eighty year old man, the virus in both individuals has the same RNA, genetic code. Furthermore children that have the disease are a dangerous source of spread because they are so energetic, they touch a lot of things and move around a lot and don't as much as adults practice good hygiene when they cough they let their respiratory droplets fall in a place where other people could have contact with it! Steve's panels point was that they want schools open now which seems of minimal importance at the present time because school is out for the summer and if their focus is on summer school, it seems very imprudent because the system isn't reliably in place to do it safely. I am not one of these "cannot have any risk Americans" I think they should be opening up schools this fall because other countries do it safely and so there is no reason we can't; these other schools follow three major policies one -all children wear masks, two - sick children are tested for covid 19 and three - those children that test positive are quarantined. The testing system is not reliably in place in many locales across America so we shouldn't open schools for summer school. The President and Republican leaders should take heed, the re-opening of not only our schools but our entire economy all rely on Covid 19 testing being readily available across America, the Republicans vis-a-vis the Defense Production Act have the power to get this super critical job done for America you guys better not drop the ball here because if you do you will pay a dear price at the polls come November 3!

Steve Hilton's panel also trashed the Democrat, actually the Bi-partisan Governor's request for aid to the states and counties they said why should poor people in Alabama and Tennessee send their hard earned tax money to rich people in New York well one is the money isn't going to rich people in NY it is going to pay police, fire fighters and school teachers in New York and two you don't want to go there because how about we give your rinky dink state to some sorry butt third world country because that is all you deserve consider the paltry federal tax revenue your state generates, NY has a king size economy needs help so will get king size help. This being said the country has to live in wisdom this pandemic took a meat clever to our nation's economy individual states economies will be for the foreseeable future smaller so their governments will have to be smaller there should be an aid package in the order of $500 billion but that won't avoid the states need to shrink their governments! Steve Hilton's panel mocked Vice-President Biden for his leadership in implementing the 2009 stimulus package passed to aid the nation in recovering from the Great Recession. You right wing Republicans are really clueless it would be like a miracle if America recovers from this Pandemic like it recovered from the Great Recession, it is going to be ten times harder for an abundance of small and medium size businesses in America to make it thru this economic crisis, prudence calls for the assessment that the business loss in America from Covid 19 will dwarf that of the Great Recession.

President Trump sought to be the hero this past week issuing an Executive Order saying Houses of Worship are essential which means he essentially gave America's Governors an ultimatum on this issue. It's too bad the President cannot give an Executive Order to the coronaviruses in this Covid 19 pandemic that you cannot spread in Houses of Worship. Since this writer is Catholic these comments are restricted to the Catholic faith; Church services are occasions of significantly increased risk of spreading this disease especially during the reception of the eucharist. Why don't Catholic Diocese across America take protective steps like have a plexiglass shield as tall as an adult placed right in front of the priest when he is giving out communion with a rectangular cut out 4 inches x 18 inches where the communicant will stick his or her hands through the cut out and the priest will put his hand six to ten inches above the communicants hand and drop the host in the communicants hand and ten yards off to the side have a hand sanitizer station so after the communicant puts the host in his mouth he can sanitize his hands just in case they touched the plexiglass that was contaminated with the virus! Further, give people the option to receive communion after the Mass so at that time there won't be as many people receiving communion
so it will be easier to maintain the six feet social distancing rule!
Hey, knucklehead, would you like some cheese with that WHINE?
Uhh, he quoted experts
Who did he quote??
I was just watching Fox News and as usual I was often dismissing a lot of what they say as promotion of a partisan, right wing, agenda. But tonight they crossed the line and really deserve to be called out on it. It was on the Steve Hilton program, he was reporting that children that have Covid 19 cannot spread covid 19 to adults. He cited one or more studies to support that conclusion. This is beyond the pale this deserves to make the history record of outrageous false information that bantered around during this pandemic. Fox management is forgetting that Americans are not stupid we have brains and we use them and we think it is incredibly wrong you peddle this extremely dangerous false information. Common sense indicates the same virus of covid 19 for a ten year old child is the same virus of covid 19 for an eighty year old man, the virus in both individuals has the same RNA, genetic code. Furthermore children that have the disease are a dangerous source of spread because they are so energetic, they touch a lot of things and move around a lot and don't as much as adults practice good hygiene when they cough they let their respiratory droplets fall in a place where other people could have contact with it! Steve's panels point was that they want schools open now which seems of minimal importance at the present time because school is out for the summer and if their focus is on summer school, it seems very imprudent because the system isn't reliably in place to do it safely. I am not one of these "cannot have any risk Americans" I think they should be opening up schools this fall because other countries do it safely and so there is no reason we can't; these other schools follow three major policies one -all children wear masks, two - sick children are tested for covid 19 and three - those children that test positive are quarantined. The testing system is not reliably in place in many locales across America so we shouldn't open schools for summer school. The President and Republican leaders should take heed, the re-opening of not only our schools but our entire economy all rely on Covid 19 testing being readily available across America, the Republicans vis-a-vis the Defense Production Act have the power to get this super critical job done for America you guys better not drop the ball here because if you do you will pay a dear price at the polls come November 3!

Steve Hilton's panel also trashed the Democrat, actually the Bi-partisan Governor's request for aid to the states and counties they said why should poor people in Alabama and Tennessee send their hard earned tax money to rich people in New York well one is the money isn't going to rich people in NY it is going to pay police, fire fighters and school teachers in New York and two you don't want to go there because how about we give your rinky dink state to some sorry butt third world country because that is all you deserve consider the paltry federal tax revenue your state generates, NY has a king size economy needs help so will get king size help. This being said the country has to live in wisdom this pandemic took a meat clever to our nation's economy individual states economies will be for the foreseeable future smaller so their governments will have to be smaller there should be an aid package in the order of $500 billion but that won't avoid the states need to shrink their governments! Steve Hilton's panel mocked Vice-President Biden for his leadership in implementing the 2009 stimulus package passed to aid the nation in recovering from the Great Recession. You right wing Republicans are really clueless it would be like a miracle if America recovers from this Pandemic like it recovered from the Great Recession, it is going to be ten times harder for an abundance of small and medium size businesses in America to make it thru this economic crisis, prudence calls for the assessment that the business loss in America from Covid 19 will dwarf that of the Great Recession.

President Trump sought to be the hero this past week issuing an Executive Order saying Houses of Worship are essential which means he essentially gave America's Governors an ultimatum on this issue. It's too bad the President cannot give an Executive Order to the coronaviruses in this Covid 19 pandemic that you cannot spread in Houses of Worship. Since this writer is Catholic these comments are restricted to the Catholic faith; Church services are occasions of significantly increased risk of spreading this disease especially during the reception of the eucharist. Why don't Catholic Diocese across America take protective steps like have a plexiglass shield as tall as an adult placed right in front of the priest when he is giving out communion with a rectangular cut out 4 inches x 18 inches where the communicant will stick his or her hands through the cut out and the priest will put his hand six to ten inches above the communicants hand and drop the host in the communicants hand and ten yards off to the side have a hand sanitizer station so after the communicant puts the host in his mouth he can sanitize his hands just in case they touched the plexiglass that was contaminated with the virus! Further, give people the option to receive communion after the Mass so at that time there won't be as many people receiving communion
so it will be easier to maintain the six feet social distancing rule!

Damn (said each time in my best Will Smith in MIB imitation). I mean, Damn. I saw the first paragraph of the OP and was just going to reply with a link on how to do paragraphing. Then I scrolled down and saw two more. Damn. And this from a guy who probably writes among the longest posts on the site. But Damn.....

I hope you live alone. Anyone who lives with someone who is so triggered as you are (and I really, really dislike Steve Hilton as a EU-style social-progressive) and you stayed to watch the entire show; that's how domestic abuse starts. You realize that there are 500 channels on cable, right? Check your local guide for MeTV, GetTV, or INSP and get some low-stress, family safe, TV.
I was just watching Fox News and as usual I was often dismissing a lot of what they say as promotion of a partisan, right wing, agenda. But tonight they crossed the line and really deserve to be called out on it. It was on the Steve Hilton program, he was reporting that children that have Covid 19 cannot spread covid 19 to adults. He cited one or more studies to support that conclusion. This is beyond the pale this deserves to make the history record of outrageous false information that bantered around during this pandemic. Fox management is forgetting that Americans are not stupid we have brains and we use them and we think it is incredibly wrong you peddle this extremely dangerous false information. Common sense indicates the same virus of covid 19 for a ten year old child is the same virus of covid 19 for an eighty year old man, the virus in both individuals has the same RNA, genetic code. Furthermore children that have the disease are a dangerous source of spread because they are so energetic, they touch a lot of things and move around a lot and don't as much as adults practice good hygiene when they cough they let their respiratory droplets fall in a place where other people could have contact with it! Steve's panels point was that they want schools open now which seems of minimal importance at the present time because school is out for the summer and if their focus is on summer school, it seems very imprudent because the system isn't reliably in place to do it safely. I am not one of these "cannot have any risk Americans" I think they should be opening up schools this fall because other countries do it safely and so there is no reason we can't; these other schools follow three major policies one -all children wear masks, two - sick children are tested for covid 19 and three - those children that test positive are quarantined. The testing system is not reliably in place in many locales across America so we shouldn't open schools for summer school. The President and Republican leaders should take heed, the re-opening of not only our schools but our entire economy all rely on Covid 19 testing being readily available across America, the Republicans vis-a-vis the Defense Production Act have the power to get this super critical job done for America you guys better not drop the ball here because if you do you will pay a dear price at the polls come November 3!

Steve Hilton's panel also trashed the Democrat, actually the Bi-partisan Governor's request for aid to the states and counties they said why should poor people in Alabama and Tennessee send their hard earned tax money to rich people in New York well one is the money isn't going to rich people in NY it is going to pay police, fire fighters and school teachers in New York and two you don't want to go there because how about we give your rinky dink state to some sorry butt third world country because that is all you deserve consider the paltry federal tax revenue your state generates, NY has a king size economy needs help so will get king size help. This being said the country has to live in wisdom this pandemic took a meat clever to our nation's economy individual states economies will be for the foreseeable future smaller so their governments will have to be smaller there should be an aid package in the order of $500 billion but that won't avoid the states need to shrink their governments! Steve Hilton's panel mocked Vice-President Biden for his leadership in implementing the 2009 stimulus package passed to aid the nation in recovering from the Great Recession. You right wing Republicans are really clueless it would be like a miracle if America recovers from this Pandemic like it recovered from the Great Recession, it is going to be ten times harder for an abundance of small and medium size businesses in America to make it thru this economic crisis, prudence calls for the assessment that the business loss in America from Covid 19 will dwarf that of the Great Recession.

President Trump sought to be the hero this past week issuing an Executive Order saying Houses of Worship are essential which means he essentially gave America's Governors an ultimatum on this issue. It's too bad the President cannot give an Executive Order to the coronaviruses in this Covid 19 pandemic that you cannot spread in Houses of Worship. Since this writer is Catholic these comments are restricted to the Catholic faith; Church services are occasions of significantly increased risk of spreading this disease especially during the reception of the eucharist. Why don't Catholic Diocese across America take protective steps like have a plexiglass shield as tall as an adult placed right in front of the priest when he is giving out communion with a rectangular cut out 4 inches x 18 inches where the communicant will stick his or her hands through the cut out and the priest will put his hand six to ten inches above the communicants hand and drop the host in the communicants hand and ten yards off to the side have a hand sanitizer station so after the communicant puts the host in his mouth he can sanitize his hands just in case they touched the plexiglass that was contaminated with the virus! Further, give people the option to receive communion after the Mass so at that time there won't be as many people receiving communion
so it will be easier to maintain the six feet social distancing rule!

Damn (said each time in my best Will Smith in MIB imitation). I mean, Damn. I saw the first paragraph of the OP and was just going to reply with a link on how to do paragraphing. Then I scrolled down and saw two more. Damn. And this from a guy who probably writes among the longest posts on the site. But Damn.....

I hope you live alone. Anyone who lives with someone who is so triggered as you are (and I really, really dislike Steve Hilton as a EU-style social-progressive) and you stayed to watch the entire show; that's how domestic abuse starts. You realize that there are 500 channels on cable, right? Check your local guide for MeTV, GetTV, or INSP and get some low-stress, family safe, TV.

I suppose you prefer John Oliver’s gurning Pythonesque/Mr. Bean type of presentation.

Visuals so beloved by certain Americans.

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