Fox News did the right thing this time!

NY Post and Wall Street Journal came out with scathing editorials bashing Trump. Both owned by Rupert Murdoch.

He sees that America has moved on from Trump, and that most want him prosecuted. Even Republicans.
Naaaaaaah, that was just Hogan using the WSJ as a platform to whine bitterly about his proxy defeat to the Trump proxy in the recent gubernatorial contest Hogan lost. Nobody has moved on from Trump, but we SURE have moved on from Hogan! So much for his hopes for the presidency.
No conservative haas trusted Fox News since selection night. There are still conservative commentators on there but out side of them nobody cares. Libs proping them up is like conservatives propping up Elon musk. He’s still a huge liberal with some conservative tendencies.
"This time"? Why is Fox on the defensive? The NYT recently did the right thing by apologizing for intentionally misleading subscribers about the Trump-Russian collusion scam nut the apology was calculated to slip under the left wing radar. Does the NYT and WAPO ever "do the right thing" or are the dying rag news conglomerates content to ride along as a propaganda arm of the democrat party?

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