Former Israeli PM Olmert gets 6 years


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2014
Former Israeli PM Olmert sentenced to six years for corruption

Whenever anyone in Palestine lets of a chinese firework this place is jam packed with people lining up to be outraged and yet when a political story this big happens you can see the tumbleweeds go across and hear the town clock in the distance.

Anyway it seems that Ehud Olmert has been jailed for 6 years for being as bent as a 9 dollar bill. His crimes included, according to the court, "moral turpitude" which to me sounds pretty serious. Surekly this is a scandal akin to Watergate if the ex leader of a developed nation get such a long stretch in jail?

This is one where Israelis feel they "should be allowed to sort it out in private".

Let no one mention that Israel is as shot through with corruption from top to toe as Russia was at its worst.
Natural of course, as half of them are Russian gangsters.

This is one where Israelis feel they "should be allowed to sort it out in private".

Let no one mention that Israel is as shot through with corruption from top to toe as Russia was at its worst.
Natural of course, as half of them are Russian gangsters.

'Israel is as shot through with corruption from top to toe'

What do you base this comment on Weezelbub??
Reality mate.

Are you attempting to disagree, or just wondering which of the many scandals were most prominent in mind?
Reality mate.

Are you attempting to disagree, or just wondering which of the many scandals were most prominent in mind?

All I'm asking is how you came to that conclusion....

Maybe you're right, maybe not. But when you make a bold comparison like that, you need to back it up.
So, show me some proof, or admit you're a lying propagandist.
Google is your friend Toasty.

I have better things to do than search to prove to you things that you already agree with.
Google is your friend Toasty.

I have better things to do than search to prove to you things that you already agree with.

You're the one who made the claim beezle, not me.

I notice every time I ask you to back up your claim, you have an excuse.

But don't worry, you're not alone. Most pro Palestinians do the same :cool:
Look, watch this Toastman:

"I claim the sun shines each day"
Now, I have no intention of finding a link for you to prove the point,

Do you really expect to tie me up from all the very useful and interesting things I do, just to salve your ego? Come on mate. Try to connect to reality.
That's because everyone knows that the sun shines each day. Terrible comparison.

I asked you a simple question, and so far all I'm getting from you is song and dance :eusa_whistle:

Looks like I caught you making up shit again. That's line the fourth time and you've been here leas than a month.
You sure are fitting in with the pro Palestinians very well

Since you insist.
I have 3 minutes :)

Netanyahu lost favor with the Israeli public after a long chain of scandals involving his marriage and corruption charges. In 1997, police recommended that Netanyahu be indicted on corruption charges for influence-peddling. He was accused of appointing an attorney general who would reduce the charges and prosecutors ruled that there was insufficient evidence to go to trial.[39] In 1999, Netanyahu faced another scandal when the Israel Police recommended that he be tried for corruption for $100,000 in free services from a government contractor; Israel's attorney general did not prosecute, citing difficulties with evidence.[40]

Throughout his premiership, Olmert was accused of corruption. ... On 30 August 2009, an indictment against Olmert was served at the Jerusalem District Court. The indictment included the following five criminal counts: obtaining by fraud under aggravating circumstances, fraud, breach of trust, falsifying corporate documents, and tax evasion. The indictment refers to three out of the four corruption-related cases outstanding against him: "Rishon Tours", "Talansky" (also known as the "money envelopes" affair), and the "Investment Center".[2]
In July 2012, he was convicted on one count of "breach of trust" and acquitted on two fraud counts.[3] In March 2014, he was convicted of bribery[4] and he was sentenced in May to six years' imprisonment.[5]

The Israeli attorney general has decided that there is not enough evidence to bring charges against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in a bribery case. BBC News Online looks at the key questions about the corruption scandals that have hung over Mr Sharon.
What was Ariel Sharon alleged to have done wrong?

Mr Sharon has been facing two separate investigations. Both involve his sons and both relate to alleged infringements of election fund-raising laws.

He will not face charges in the first of these cases, known as the Greek Island affair.

He was alleged to have accepted bribes from Israeli businessman David Appel to use his influence when foreign minister in the 1990s over a property deal in Greece.

Mr Appel was alleged to have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to Mr Sharon's son Gilad, whom he employed as a consultant in the scheme to develop the island of Patroklos. Gilad had no previous experience in the tourism industry.

Attorney General Menachem Mazuz decided that there was insufficient evidence to warrant charges against Mr Sharon, contrary to recommendations by the chief prosecutor.

Now, one leader implicated might be unfortunate. Two, unlucky. Three, reveals a pattern.

Since you insist.
I have 3 minutes :)

Netanyahu lost favor with the Israeli public after a long chain of scandals involving his marriage and corruption charges. In 1997, police recommended that Netanyahu be indicted on corruption charges for influence-peddling. He was accused of appointing an attorney general who would reduce the charges and prosecutors ruled that there was insufficient evidence to go to trial.[39] In 1999, Netanyahu faced another scandal when the Israel Police recommended that he be tried for corruption for $100,000 in free services from a government contractor; Israel's attorney general did not prosecute, citing difficulties with evidence.[40]

Throughout his premiership, Olmert was accused of corruption. ... On 30 August 2009, an indictment against Olmert was served at the Jerusalem District Court. The indictment included the following five criminal counts: obtaining by fraud under aggravating circumstances, fraud, breach of trust, falsifying corporate documents, and tax evasion. The indictment refers to three out of the four corruption-related cases outstanding against him: "Rishon Tours", "Talansky" (also known as the "money envelopes" affair), and the "Investment Center".[2]
In July 2012, he was convicted on one count of "breach of trust" and acquitted on two fraud counts.[3] In March 2014, he was convicted of bribery[4] and he was sentenced in May to six years' imprisonment.[5]

The Israeli attorney general has decided that there is not enough evidence to bring charges against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in a bribery case. BBC News Online looks at the key questions about the corruption scandals that have hung over Mr Sharon.
What was Ariel Sharon alleged to have done wrong?

Mr Sharon has been facing two separate investigations. Both involve his sons and both relate to alleged infringements of election fund-raising laws.

He will not face charges in the first of these cases, known as the Greek Island affair.

He was alleged to have accepted bribes from Israeli businessman David Appel to use his influence when foreign minister in the 1990s over a property deal in Greece.

Mr Appel was alleged to have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to Mr Sharon's son Gilad, whom he employed as a consultant in the scheme to develop the island of Patroklos. Gilad had no previous experience in the tourism industry.

Attorney General Menachem Mazuz decided that there was insufficient evidence to warrant charges against Mr Sharon, contrary to recommendations by the chief prosecutor.

Now, one leader implicated might be unfortunate. Two, unlucky. Three, reveals a pattern.

Implicated doesn't mean too much, unless you're charged.

But your comment was that the Israeli government was corrupt from top to toe, and to be honest I don't agree.
But hey, at least Israel had no problem putting former PM Olmert in jail. That tells me that the government won't tolerate corruption.
I agree Olmert going to prison, FINALLY is a good sign.

How you doing on the International corruption rankings there toastman? Not so good.

Add to that the systematic way that IDF soldiers get off charges of brutality, murder or racketeering ("our brave boys" I'm sure they're called) you have a bit of a problem. Unless, sidestepping legal process is a state objective.

What were they doing recently? Stealing their own IDF equipment ...
Soldier indicted with theft of night vision gear - Israel News, Ynetnews
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This is one where Israelis feel they "should be allowed to sort it out in private".

Let no one mention that Israel is as shot through with corruption from top to toe as Russia was at its worst.
Natural of course, as half of them are Russian gangsters.

The haters are all here to gloat.

Let the venom flood your lips, guys; why the hell not.

I'm glad for the punishment, though. The fish stinks from the head, they say.

It's good to know that Israel is the only place in the middle east that actually does justice with the leaders repeatedly, whenever they're mistaken or doing something wrong.

That says much about us.
Former Israeli PM Olmert sentenced to six years for corruption

Whenever anyone in Palestine lets of a chinese firework this place is jam packed with people lining up to be outraged and yet when a political story this big happens you can see the tumbleweeds go across and hear the town clock in the distance.

Anyway it seems that Ehud Olmert has been jailed for 6 years for being as bent as a 9 dollar bill. His crimes included, according to the court, "moral turpitude" which to me sounds pretty serious. Surekly this is a scandal akin to Watergate if the ex leader of a developed nation get such a long stretch in jail?

Do enlighten the board as to how many Palestinian politicians have been arrested, charged and found guilty of a crime similar to this one. He is now a convicted criminal and could lose his Israeli citizenship once his sentence is served. Now what the punishment those two Palestinian policemen received for murdering those Jewish children again. Something to do with a 5 year holiday at a casino/country club with their families in return for services rendered.
I agree Olmert going to prison, FINALLY is a good sign.

How you doing on the International corruption rankings there toastman? Not so good.

Add to that the systematic way that IDF soldiers get off charges of brutality, murder or racketeering ("our brave boys" I'm sure they're called) you have a bit of a problem. Unless, sidestepping legal process is a state objective.

What were they doing recently? Stealing their own IDF equipment ...
Soldier indicted with theft of night vision gear - Israel News, Ynetnews

Funny you should ask about international corruption rankings, because I recently read an article about it. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somali and North Korea were on the list.

As for IDF soldiers not getting charged for their alleged ' crimes', do you nit see the irony of a pro Palestinian like yourself asking that question??
What happens when a Palestinian commits a murder or vicious attack against Israelis? They're hailed as heroes! So please, don't complain about IDF soldiers not receiving punishment.

This is one where Israelis feel they "should be allowed to sort it out in private".

Let no one mention that Israel is as shot through with corruption from top to toe as Russia was at its worst.
Natural of course, as half of them are Russian gangsters.

If that was the case then the world would not be aware of any wrong doings. But the dirty washing has been hung out for the world to see and you cant hold that up against the Israelis. It is the muslims that don't like having their wrongdoings held open to scrutiny, if you remember the Saudi princess incident that caused international incidents when the civilised west condemned their barbaric nature.
Reality mate.

Are you attempting to disagree, or just wondering which of the many scandals were most prominent in mind?

How about the many Palestinian scandals that the muslims have tried to cover up. Two at least involving Arafat who bought young boys and stole Palestinian money.

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