Former House Speaker Reportedly Received At Least $1.6 Million From Housing Giant

You guys go on and on...

Freddie and Fannie are liberal creations. And to be fair, they weren't the source of the problem. The source was the housing market itself, how we all thought we were going to get rich and use our houses as ATM's.

i'm not certain how your statement is relevant to the issue of newt being paid over a million dollars to lobby for fannie and freddie...

oops... i mean "consult"
you would think that dumbassed liberals would learn to stop trusting huffpo for news.

Political Benefits

“I spent about three hours with him talking about the substance of the issues and the politics of the issues, and he really got it,” said Delk, adding that the two discussed “what the benefits are to communities, what the benefits could be for Republicans and particularly their relationship with Hispanics.”

One idea that the former Georgia congressman proposed that Freddie Mac didn’t pursue was initiating a program with the Boy Scouts of America to teach youngsters the importance of saving money and maintaining good credit so they would qualify to buy a home later in life.

In 2001, according to one person familiar with the work Gingrich performed, company officials asked him for feedback on their plan to publicly embrace “six voluntary commitments.”

The six items included a pledge to periodically issue subordinated debt, manage liquidity, undergo capital stress tests and expand various types of risk disclosures. Gingrich applauded the ideas, saying they would enable Freddie Mac to demonstrate benefits to the taxpayer, the person said.

Not a Lobbyist

“What he did was provide counsel on public policy issues,” Delk said in an interview. “There was no expectation that he would do any lobbying, and he did not do any lobbying.”

While campaigning in Iowa this week, Gingrich, 68, was asked about his relationship with Freddie Mac. He said he did no lobbying “of any kind.”
Gingrich Said to Be Paid $1.6M by Freddie Mac - Yahoo! Finance

also, because you don't know what this is, i figure you may need an example

Newt Gingrich to Release Freddie Mac Records, Denies Lobbying - ABC News

Transparency... I know you've heard of it.

lets see...

newt says he didn't lobby
F&F says no only he didn't lobby, but he was never expected to
Newts contract has a no lobbying clause
No oversite authority has alleged he lobbied
No regulatory agency said he was lobbying

But we're supposed to believe it, because dumabassed liberals WANT it to be true.
Last edited:
like you dont? come you dont get on your buddy Dean when he mentions the same shit over and over? the 9-1 ratio....6% of scientist.....90% of the Republicans are White....are you scared of Dean Flaylo?......he cant hurt you.....OH ....and its FACK....and you can use the Adult words?.....what happened?.....

I've seen no evidence that dean has done that, you have a personal crush or grudge against Dean.

He's angry over a number of things. He called me a liar when I said the Republican Party in Texas are virulently anti gay. He called me a liar when I posted the Republican Party Texas Platform that makes marrying gays a FELONY and they want to remove the sodomy laws so they can go back to prosecuting gays. It's right there in their party platform for everyone to read. These aren't "fringe". This is the mainstream Republican Party that gives us Rick Perry and George Bush. Worse, this platform is from only last year.

He's mad that I said the Republican Party held millions of Americans hostage to force Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts. Either extend the Bush tax cuts or they would let millions of Americans suffer, no problem. I linked to multiple articles from the conservative "Christian Science Monitor" who covered this issue in detail. Obama just couldn't let millions of Americans suffer. Republicans could. Even ones who would be badly affected. They hate Obama that much.

He's angry that the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China working with Republicans. He's angry the Chamber gives 9 to 1 to Republicans and if the parties were really the SAME, it would be 50/50.

He's angry that it was Obama that got Osama.

He's angry that Obama was able to pass even a gutted Health Care Bill that helps Americans. Because he hates Obama more than he loves America. Like many Republicans.

He's angry that he can't explain why he hates Obama. He doesn't want to say it's about race because that would be embarrassing.

He's angry because he is involved with a party that applauds hundreds of executions.

All of this makes Harry a very sad and angry person. That's why he lashes out. He may consider becoming a Democrat if he is so unhappy with the terrible things his party is doing and has done.

He's angry over a number of things. He called me a liar when I said the Republican Party in Texas are virulently anti gay.

you lying fucking sack of said the Texas Republican Party has in their Charter that they want it to be a crime to be Gay.....and it said no such said Gay Marriage Asshole not BEING Gay.....

He called me a liar when I posted the Republican Party Texas Platform that makes marrying gays a FELONY

:lol: you fucking piece of shit....i told you thats what it said....

He's mad that I said the Republican Party held millions of Americans hostage to force Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts. Either extend the Bush tax cuts or they would let millions of Americans suffer, no problem. I linked to multiple articles from the conservative "Christian Science Monitor" who covered this issue in detail. Obama just couldn't let millions of Americans suffer. Republicans could. Even ones who would be badly affected. They hate Obama that much.

were did we talk about this Dean? you have to make things up?....

He's angry that the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China working with Republicans. He's angry the Chamber gives 9 to 1 to Republicans and if the parties were really the SAME, it would be 50/50.

thank you tell Flaylo you have said this numerous he he wont have to lie for you.....
He's angry that it was Obama that got Osama.

i am? me where i said this Dean and i will ban myself from here for ever....another one of your "Stories"......

He's angry that Obama was able to pass even a gutted Health Care Bill that helps Americans. Because he hates Obama more than he loves America. Like many Republicans.

once me where....
He's angry that he can't explain why he hates Obama. He doesn't want to say it's about race because that would be embarrassing.

once again....SHOW ME WHERE i have ever mentioned ANYONES Race here in a hateful way.....while a bigot like you mentions Race every other Post......and that should embarrass EVERY decent Liberal here.....
He's angry because he is involved with a party that applauds hundreds of executions.

what party do i belong to Dean?....i want you to tell me

All of this makes Harry a very sad and angry person. That's why he lashes out. He may consider becoming a Democrat if he is so unhappy with the terrible things his party is doing and has done.

i think if we took a poll here Dean about who is a happier person,me or you.....or who is disliked more by the people here,me or would lose by a decent margin Dean....we have been here about the same amount of time,about the same amount of Posts.....and yet my Rep is way above yours.....WHY?.....people dont rep you if they dont like you.....people rep people if they say something they agree with or like.....why are you so low Dean?.....Jill is a Liberal.....she is over a thousand.....EZ is a Liberal....she is over a thousand....Sallow another Liberal,way more Rep than you....matter of fact your down at the lower rung with guys like Douger.....Basically Dean most people here think your a fucking Asshole.....a Dishonest one.....but an prove all your phony bullshit.....or shut the fuck up.....your bullshit is getting old......
Gingrich is another, in Caribou Barbie's parlance: "flavor of the week":
Rep. Barney Frank: Gingrich
Frank rejected Gingrich’s claims, saying “there are two ‘L’ words that have to do with Newt — lobbyist and liar.”

“He was clearly there as a lobbyist and slipped and acknowledged that … you don’t enhance your academic credentials by serving as Speaker, you enhance your credentials as a lobbyist.”

I know that you all are smart enough to know one has to be registered to be a lobbyist.
So, find it!

Frank should be deft enough to recognize a fellow liar...
Just scroll down to where it talks about "marriage and sodomy". Hey Harry, who is that targeting???????????????? Come on Harry! I can't hear you? What? Speak up. You got something in your mouth. You shouldn't talk with it full of crow.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]


nice Dance lets go back to YOUR said that it makes BEING FUCKING GAY makes GAY MARRIAGE where in that does it say IF YOU ARE GAY YOU WILL BE me where it says if you are will be in violation of the law and will be arrested for being Gay.....and if you find wording to that Dean i will apologize to you here in front of everyone.....BUT if you cant....i will expect YOU to apologize to me here in front of everyone....and remember Dean....this is not Dancing with the Stars....
You guys go on and on...

Freddie and Fannie are liberal creations. And to be fair, they weren't the source of the problem. The source was the housing market itself, how we all thought we were going to get rich and use our houses as ATM's.

i'm not certain how your statement is relevant to the issue of newt being paid over a million dollars to lobby for fannie and freddie...

oops... i mean "consult"

I think the question is, why did Freddie (there is no evidence he consulted for Fannie, which is where most of the Shenannigans were going on) feel they needed his advice?

Could it be because.... they were sucking at the governnment teet, and needed advice on how to navigate a Republican congress.

Obviously, they found his advice useful, since they kept coming back for more.
Newt Gingrich Freddie Mac Fees: Former House Speaker Reportedly Received At Least $1.6 Million From Housing Giant

In recent months, GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has strongly criticized Freddie Mac and sister company Fannie Mae, as well as Democrats in Congress that he claims played a key role in the collapse of the housing market. And yet two former Freddie Mac officials recently told Bloomberg that Gingrich made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees from the mortgage company.

That amount is significantly larger than the $300,000 payment that Gingrich was asked about during a Republican presidential debate on Nov. 9.

The Freddie Mac officials also told Bloomberg that Gingrich was asked to build bridges with Capitol Hill Republicans and help sell the mortgage company's public-private structure to conservatives.

Money talks, bs walks, blame the Democrats, right Newt?

I know this is a difficult concept for you to grasp.. but here goes... it was for work done on consulting on how to clean the place up.

And would you say they got their money's worth?
You KNOW the nation is toast when the best argument PARTISANS can come up with the defend the corrupted behaviors of their team is to say

"But but but...the other side is WORSE!"

Seriously, are you partisans paid to be that stupid or does this come naturally?
Politicians are paid to be stupid by US!
You KNOW the nation is toast when the best argument PARTISANS can come up with the defend the corrupted behaviors of their team is to say

"But but but...the other side is WORSE!"

Seriously, are you partisans paid to be that stupid or does this come naturally?

Seriously.. I agree.. WTF is up with Barry and Solyndra? Fast and Furious? The socialist take over of private enterprise? The unconstitutional power grab in healthcare?

The Solydra claim is pure bullshit that some Tea Party website came up with, at least know the facts before you talk your partisan bullshit.

PolitiFact Florida | Solyndra ad claims President Barack Obama gave taxpayer money to help his campaign donors at failed solar company

Read it and read it well dumbass, you partisan fairies look stupid, none look more stupid than you.
Have you looked in the mirror lately commie? You libtards are the stupid ones.
I thought you lefties kept saying Freddie and Fannie did nothing wrong and played no part in the housing bubble? Now all the sudden ties to them are a negative? Make up your damn minds. Or is it too much to expect you to take a position and hold it?
They would have to have a mind to make it up.
I've seen no evidence that dean has done that, you have a personal crush or grudge against Dean.

He's angry over a number of things. He called me a liar when I said the Republican Party in Texas are virulently anti gay. He called me a liar when I posted the Republican Party Texas Platform that makes marrying gays a FELONY and they want to remove the sodomy laws so they can go back to prosecuting gays. It's right there in their party platform for everyone to read. These aren't "fringe". This is the mainstream Republican Party that gives us Rick Perry and George Bush. Worse, this platform is from only last year.

He's mad that I said the Republican Party held millions of Americans hostage to force Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts. Either extend the Bush tax cuts or they would let millions of Americans suffer, no problem. I linked to multiple articles from the conservative "Christian Science Monitor" who covered this issue in detail. Obama just couldn't let millions of Americans suffer. Republicans could. Even ones who would be badly affected. They hate Obama that much.

He's angry that the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China working with Republicans. He's angry the Chamber gives 9 to 1 to Republicans and if the parties were really the SAME, it would be 50/50.

He's angry that it was Obama that got Osama.

He's angry that Obama was able to pass even a gutted Health Care Bill that helps Americans. Because he hates Obama more than he loves America. Like many Republicans.

He's angry that he can't explain why he hates Obama. He doesn't want to say it's about race because that would be embarrassing.

He's angry because he is involved with a party that applauds hundreds of executions.

All of this makes Harry a very sad and angry person. That's why he lashes out. He may consider becoming a Democrat if he is so unhappy with the terrible things his party is doing and has done.

He's angry over a number of things. He called me a liar when I said the Republican Party in Texas are virulently anti gay.

you lying fucking sack of said the Texas Republican Party has in their Charter that they want it to be a crime to be Gay.....and it said no such said Gay Marriage Asshole not BEING Gay.....

He called me a liar when I posted the Republican Party Texas Platform that makes marrying gays a FELONY

:lol: you fucking piece of shit....i told you thats what it said....

He's mad that I said the Republican Party held millions of Americans hostage to force Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts. Either extend the Bush tax cuts or they would let millions of Americans suffer, no problem. I linked to multiple articles from the conservative "Christian Science Monitor" who covered this issue in detail. Obama just couldn't let millions of Americans suffer. Republicans could. Even ones who would be badly affected. They hate Obama that much.

were did we talk about this Dean? you have to make things up?....

He's angry that the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China working with Republicans. He's angry the Chamber gives 9 to 1 to Republicans and if the parties were really the SAME, it would be 50/50.

thank you tell Flaylo you have said this numerous he he wont have to lie for you.....
He's angry that it was Obama that got Osama.

i am? me where i said this Dean and i will ban myself from here for ever....another one of your "Stories"......

He's angry that Obama was able to pass even a gutted Health Care Bill that helps Americans. Because he hates Obama more than he loves America. Like many Republicans.

once me where....
He's angry that he can't explain why he hates Obama. He doesn't want to say it's about race because that would be embarrassing.

once again....SHOW ME WHERE i have ever mentioned ANYONES Race here in a hateful way.....while a bigot like you mentions Race every other Post......and that should embarrass EVERY decent Liberal here.....
He's angry because he is involved with a party that applauds hundreds of executions.

what party do i belong to Dean?....i want you to tell me

All of this makes Harry a very sad and angry person. That's why he lashes out. He may consider becoming a Democrat if he is so unhappy with the terrible things his party is doing and has done.

i think if we took a poll here Dean about who is a happier person,me or you.....or who is disliked more by the people here,me or would lose by a decent margin Dean....we have been here about the same amount of time,about the same amount of Posts.....and yet my Rep is way above yours.....WHY?.....people dont rep you if they dont like you.....people rep people if they say something they agree with or like.....why are you so low Dean?.....Jill is a Liberal.....she is over a thousand.....EZ is a Liberal....she is over a thousand....Sallow another Liberal,way more Rep than you....matter of fact your down at the lower rung with guys like Douger.....Basically Dean most people here think your a fucking Asshole.....a Dishonest one.....but an prove all your phony bullshit.....or shut the fuck up.....your bullshit is getting old......

I can back up dean on a couple of those facts he stated, the others I know nothing about but what about proving your claims against Dean?
I've seen no evidence that dean has done that, you have a personal crush or grudge against Dean.
you sound just like a crooked dishonest Politician now have never seen Evidence of that my aching ass.....:lol:

Hey Harry! I got sumthin' for ya! Go here to the Texas GOP Republican Party Website:

About the Party :: TexasGOP - Republican Party of Texas

Under "About the Party", click on:

2010 RPT Platform

NO? Here let me help you:

Just scroll down to where it talks about "marriage and sodomy". Hey Harry, who is that targeting???????????????? Come on Harry! I can't hear you? What? Speak up. You got something in your mouth. You shouldn't talk with it full of crow.


Considering that he lied and this wasn't the case what will his response be?
$Million? Chump-Change in today's world of Cronyism. Check out (D) Robert Kennedy Jr.'s $1.4 BILLION Taxpayer Bailout scam. Now that's some seriously expensive Cronyism right there. Not excusing Gingrich's trangression though.
Yeah we would, we just expect him to be a legal citizen and have the intelligence to do the job, not a brain dead commie like you.

ANOTHER birfer comes out of the woodwork? :eusa_eh:


It must really bother you Obama was punked by trump.

And to think the democrats gave us that one too.

What? Obama was punked by Trump? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: What fucking planet are you living on? Trump got his ass handed to him at least twice by Obama. First, at the Correspondent's Dinner, where Obama made Trump the joke of the night; then once more when Obama released the official long form BC - the one Trump said doesn't exist. Nice try, but you fail.
Yeah we would, we just expect him to be a legal citizen and have the intelligence to do the job, not a brain dead commie like you.

ANOTHER birfer comes out of the woodwork? :eusa_eh:


It must really bother you Obama was punked by trump.

And to think the democrats gave us that one too.

Really? Trump "punked" Obama?

Interesting, because Obama is still President, while Dumbass the Chump is still working on a reality show, not making much money and STILL has a crappy hairdo.

If Chump "punked" Obama, why did Chump drop out of the race?
Yeah we would, we just expect him to be a legal citizen and have the intelligence to do the job, not a brain dead commie like you.

ANOTHER birfer comes out of the woodwork? :eusa_eh:


It must really bother you Obama was punked by trump.

And to think the democrats gave us that one too.

Trump did, indeed, punk someone. It was the GOP base which flew in his direction like a gaggle of blind geese responding to the sounds of a hunter using Tim Grounds short reed polycarbonate super mag goose caller.
He's angry over a number of things. He called me a liar when I said the Republican Party in Texas are virulently anti gay. He called me a liar when I posted the Republican Party Texas Platform that makes marrying gays a FELONY and they want to remove the sodomy laws so they can go back to prosecuting gays. It's right there in their party platform for everyone to read. These aren't "fringe". This is the mainstream Republican Party that gives us Rick Perry and George Bush. Worse, this platform is from only last year.

He's mad that I said the Republican Party held millions of Americans hostage to force Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts. Either extend the Bush tax cuts or they would let millions of Americans suffer, no problem. I linked to multiple articles from the conservative "Christian Science Monitor" who covered this issue in detail. Obama just couldn't let millions of Americans suffer. Republicans could. Even ones who would be badly affected. They hate Obama that much.

He's angry that the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China working with Republicans. He's angry the Chamber gives 9 to 1 to Republicans and if the parties were really the SAME, it would be 50/50.

He's angry that it was Obama that got Osama.

He's angry that Obama was able to pass even a gutted Health Care Bill that helps Americans. Because he hates Obama more than he loves America. Like many Republicans.

He's angry that he can't explain why he hates Obama. He doesn't want to say it's about race because that would be embarrassing.

He's angry because he is involved with a party that applauds hundreds of executions.

All of this makes Harry a very sad and angry person. That's why he lashes out. He may consider becoming a Democrat if he is so unhappy with the terrible things his party is doing and has done.

He's angry over a number of things. He called me a liar when I said the Republican Party in Texas are virulently anti gay.

you lying fucking sack of said the Texas Republican Party has in their Charter that they want it to be a crime to be Gay.....and it said no such said Gay Marriage Asshole not BEING Gay.....

He called me a liar when I posted the Republican Party Texas Platform that makes marrying gays a FELONY

:lol: you fucking piece of shit....i told you thats what it said....

He's mad that I said the Republican Party held millions of Americans hostage to force Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts. Either extend the Bush tax cuts or they would let millions of Americans suffer, no problem. I linked to multiple articles from the conservative "Christian Science Monitor" who covered this issue in detail. Obama just couldn't let millions of Americans suffer. Republicans could. Even ones who would be badly affected. They hate Obama that much.

were did we talk about this Dean? you have to make things up?....

He's angry that the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China working with Republicans. He's angry the Chamber gives 9 to 1 to Republicans and if the parties were really the SAME, it would be 50/50.

thank you tell Flaylo you have said this numerous he he wont have to lie for you.....
He's angry that it was Obama that got Osama.

i am? me where i said this Dean and i will ban myself from here for ever....another one of your "Stories"......

He's angry that Obama was able to pass even a gutted Health Care Bill that helps Americans. Because he hates Obama more than he loves America. Like many Republicans.

once me where....
He's angry that he can't explain why he hates Obama. He doesn't want to say it's about race because that would be embarrassing.

once again....SHOW ME WHERE i have ever mentioned ANYONES Race here in a hateful way.....while a bigot like you mentions Race every other Post......and that should embarrass EVERY decent Liberal here.....
He's angry because he is involved with a party that applauds hundreds of executions.

what party do i belong to Dean?....i want you to tell me

All of this makes Harry a very sad and angry person. That's why he lashes out. He may consider becoming a Democrat if he is so unhappy with the terrible things his party is doing and has done.

i think if we took a poll here Dean about who is a happier person,me or you.....or who is disliked more by the people here,me or would lose by a decent margin Dean....we have been here about the same amount of time,about the same amount of Posts.....and yet my Rep is way above yours.....WHY?.....people dont rep you if they dont like you.....people rep people if they say something they agree with or like.....why are you so low Dean?.....Jill is a Liberal.....she is over a thousand.....EZ is a Liberal....she is over a thousand....Sallow another Liberal,way more Rep than you....matter of fact your down at the lower rung with guys like Douger.....Basically Dean most people here think your a fucking Asshole.....a Dishonest one.....but an prove all your phony bullshit.....or shut the fuck up.....your bullshit is getting old......

I can back up dean on a couple of those facts he stated, the others I know nothing about but what about proving your claims against Dean? which one of those "FACTS" of Dean are you talking about?.....and which ones do you want me to prove?......
You guys go on and on...

Freddie and Fannie are liberal creations. And to be fair, they weren't the source of the problem. The source was the housing market itself, how we all thought we were going to get rich and use our houses as ATM's.

This thread is about Newt.

If this is correct, it pretty much confirms my suspicion that he has a screw loose when it comes to "Do unto others...." or what we (in the Christian world) call Mote-Beam sickness.