former CIA analysist says americans rightfully so,should fear CIA.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
HE is not alone either.

He isnt alone either. Truman who created the CIA,in later years said it was the worst mistake he made.

That he helped created a monster because his original intention was for it to gather intelliegence on other countries and report it directy to the president.
Which is what it DID do under while he was president.

When Eisenhower got into office though,thats when it became a policy making firm instead and overthrew governments of other countries and installed dictaterships.

read the link and see for yourself.

'The Only Thing We Have to Fear...' is the CIA | Common Dreams
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HE is not alone either.

He isnt alone either. Truman who created the CIA,in later years said it was the worst mistake he made.

That he helped created a monster because his original intention was for it to gather intelliegence on other countries and report it directy to the president.
Which is what it DID do under while he was president.

When Eisenhower got into office though,thats when it became a policy making firm instead and overthrew governments of other countries and installed dictaterships.

read the link and see for yourself.

'The Only Thing We Have to Fear...' is the CIA | Common Dreams is a popular website founded in 1996 by radical activist Craig Brown "to develop use of the Internet as a progressive political organizing tool." It not only banners the day's hottest news and commentary selected by Editor Brown but also provides a large number of hyperlinks to other leftist and liberal columnists, periodicals, radio outlets, news services, and websites.

The left-leaning sources hyperlinked by range from mild (e.g., Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne, Jr. and Newsweek) to radical (e.g., Noam Chomsky and Monkeyfist Collective) to explicitly Marxist (e.g., Monthly Review and Howard Zinn). Other writers and publications whose commentaries are linked from include Ali Abunimah, Eric Alterman, Robert Borosage, Alexander Cockburn, Jeff Cohen, Juan Cole, Joe Conason, David Corn, Barbara Ehrenreich, Tom Engelhardt, Robert Fisk, Tom Hayden, Bob Herbert, Arianna Huffington, Sam Husseini, Jesse Jackson, Naomi Klein, Paul Krugman, Michael Lerner, Manning Marable, Michael Moore, Ralph Nader, Ted Rall, Robert Reich, Frank Rich, Arundhati Roy, Robert Scheer, Norman Solomon, Michael Tomasky, Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Black Commentator, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Institute for Public Accuracy, The American Prospect, CounterPunch, Harper's Magazine, The Nation, Sojourners, and Z Magazine.'s name was inspired by a co-founder and former President of the Students for a Democratic Society, Todd Gitlin, whose book The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America Is Wracked by Culture Wars was published in 1995, only months before Brown launched his website. is closely tied to two other entities -- NewsCenter, launched by Brown in May 1997, and the Progressive NewsWire, which publishes de facto press releases by leftist groups to promote their own rallies, protests and other activities.
Well I for one am quite glad we have the CIA. They do a stand out job.
I really appreciate that you took all this time to try and help us. I like your post. It is good to see you verbalize from the heart and clarity on this important subject can be easily observed.
Well I for one am quite glad we have the CIA. They do a stand out job.

Ya, the heads-up about 9/11 was especially invaluable. ...Oh wait. And if they're so bad and scary, why is Snowden still alive?

you're funny.the sheep are so much afraid and denial here as always.I understand with godBOY.His posts always consists of that just that,a boys so i expect his ignorance to emerge.

You're funny because In a case like Snowden,if they killed him off everybody would know.That would just reinforce what everybody has been saying about the CIA.:rolleyes: so the best thing to do is leave him alone. When the case is too well known like Snowdens,when they cant kill you,they do the next thing,try and discredit you.

I expected that out of god kid,he never reads anything that is negative about the government,but you did the same thing,didnt even bother to read the post,just the thread title. so in your warped logic you share with Godkid,Harry Truman was just a nutcase who was imagining things.great comedy there.:cuckoo:

again,had you read the post instead of just the thread title,you would know what I am talking about. :rolleyes:

Btw,the CIA has even ADMITTED recently they were behind the assassination coup that toppled Iran.

Oh and even former CIA operative E Howard Hunt who was a CIA covert operation specialist for Nixon when he was vice president under Eisenhower,he even came out and confessed not too many years ago on his deathbed confession while his son tape recorded his last final days before dying,that he was indeed in dallas that day as part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy after denying it for years. guess he is a nutcase thought right?:cuckoo:

and guess one of the investigaters on the HSCA in the 70's who wrote a book about his experience on that panel of investigations,i guess he was nutty as well when we wrote that he resigned from that investigation in disgust because they did not pursue a lead they had of two CIA officers coming forward when the investigation was winding down and said-we did it,where do you want to go with this investigation. again since they did not pursoe that lead,he resigned.

But I guess according to people like you and godkid troll,people like those 2 CIA men,Hunt,and Truman are all nutcases who had no idea what they were talking about right?:lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo::cuckoo:

yeah the CIA does such a stand up job alright.murdering the president of the united states because he did good things for the people and then murdering 3000 plus americans on 9/11 as well. But I guess some lady CIA opertaive who was imprisoned by the government coming out and spilling the beans on the CIA'S role in that as well,that she is also a nutcase as well right?:lol::lol::lol:
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I really appreciate that you took all this time to try and help us. I like your post. It is good to see you verbalize from the heart and clarity on this important subject can be easily observed.

good to see some people out there that are awake and not afraid and dont go into things only seeing what they want to see.
Well I for one am quite glad we have the CIA. They do a stand out job.

What standout out job is that? What have they done for us in the past 20 years or so?
BTW you do know that: By law, the CIA is specifically prohibited from collecting intelligence concerning the domestic activities of U.S. citizens.

But the CIA also ignores that little point too.

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