Former Acting Attorney General Testifies About Trump’s Efforts to Subvert Election


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Pretty interesting, if true:

Jeffrey A. Rosen, who was acting attorney general during the Trump administration, has told the Justice Department watchdog and congressional investigators that one of his deputies tried to help former President Donald J. Trump subvert the results of the 2020 election, according to a person familiar with the interviews.
Mr. Rosen had a two-hour meeting on Friday with the Justice Department’s office of the inspector general and provided closed-door testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday.
The investigations were opened following a New York Times article that detailed efforts by Jeffrey Clark, the acting head of the Justice Department’s civil division, to push top leaders to falsely and publicly assert that ongoing election fraud investigations cast doubt on the Electoral College results. That prompted Mr. Trump to consider ousting Mr. Rosen and installing Mr. Clark at the top of the department to carry out that plan.
Mr. Rosen has emerged as a key witness in multiple investigations that focus on Mr. Trump’s efforts to undermine the results of the election. He has publicly stated that the Justice Department did not find enough fraud to impact the outcome of the election.
Mr. Rosen on Friday told investigators from the inspector general’s office about five encounters with Mr. Clark, including one in late December during which his deputy admitted to meeting with Mr. Trump and pledged that he would not do so again, according to a person familiar with the interview.
Mr. Rosen also described subsequent exchanges with Mr. Clark, who continued to press colleagues to make statements about the election that they found to be untrue, according to a person familiar with the interview.
He also discovered that Mr. Clark had been engaging in unauthorized conversations with Mr. Trump about ways to have the Justice Department publicly cast doubt on President Biden’s victory, particularly in battleground states that Mr. Trump was fixated on, like Georgia. Mr. Clark drafted a letter that he asked Mr. Rosen to send to Georgia state legislators, wrongly asserting that they should void Mr. Biden’s victory because the Justice Department was investigating accusations of voter fraud in the state.
Such a letter would effectively undermine efforts by Mr. Clark’s colleagues to prevent the White House from overturning the election results, and Mr. Rosen and his top deputy, Richard P. Donoghue, rejected the proposal.
Um, Ok. Meanwhile back at the ranch: Democrats are burning down cities and sanctioning the defund the police movement whilst the murder and crime rates soar. Democrat are totally absorbed & obsessed with Mr. Trump and in the meanwhile destroying our cities. Focus on the facts not arcane bullshitery.
Pretty interesting, if true:

Jeffrey A. Rosen, who was acting attorney general during the Trump administration, has told the Justice Department watchdog and congressional investigators that one of his deputies tried to help former President Donald J. Trump subvert the results of the 2020 election, according to a person familiar with the interviews.
Mr. Rosen had a two-hour meeting on Friday with the Justice Department’s office of the inspector general and provided closed-door testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday.
The investigations were opened following a New York Times article that detailed efforts by Jeffrey Clark, the acting head of the Justice Department’s civil division, to push top leaders to falsely and publicly assert that ongoing election fraud investigations cast doubt on the Electoral College results. That prompted Mr. Trump to consider ousting Mr. Rosen and installing Mr. Clark at the top of the department to carry out that plan.
Mr. Rosen has emerged as a key witness in multiple investigations that focus on Mr. Trump’s efforts to undermine the results of the election. He has publicly stated that the Justice Department did not find enough fraud to impact the outcome of the election.
Mr. Rosen on Friday told investigators from the inspector general’s office about five encounters with Mr. Clark, including one in late December during which his deputy admitted to meeting with Mr. Trump and pledged that he would not do so again, according to a person familiar with the interview.
Mr. Rosen also described subsequent exchanges with Mr. Clark, who continued to press colleagues to make statements about the election that they found to be untrue, according to a person familiar with the interview.
He also discovered that Mr. Clark had been engaging in unauthorized conversations with Mr. Trump about ways to have the Justice Department publicly cast doubt on President Biden’s victory, particularly in battleground states that Mr. Trump was fixated on, like Georgia. Mr. Clark drafted a letter that he asked Mr. Rosen to send to Georgia state legislators, wrongly asserting that they should void Mr. Biden’s victory because the Justice Department was investigating accusations of voter fraud in the state.
Such a letter would effectively undermine efforts by Mr. Clark’s colleagues to prevent the White House from overturning the election results, and Mr. Rosen and his top deputy, Richard P. Donoghue, rejected the proposal.
Not surprising. Trump treated the department of Justice as something he could command, and his Attorney Generals as his personal lawyers. He just couldn't get Barr to help illegally throw or help invalidate the election, as he was losing in the courts, the state house and Governors mansion across the country.
Meanwhile back at the ranch: Democrats are burning down cities....

No kidding?
I follow daily news middling closely and I've seen no coverage in either the Rightfield, Leftfield or the Centerfield media that describes a 'city burned down' (let's not include Greenville CA, OK?).

Can the good poster Mary kinda fill in the forum on this developing news?

Saddle up, Mary.


"Democrats sanctioning race riots is just a minor segway (sic) to you?"

Umm, similar question as above.
If there were "race riots" of late, where were they?
And how can we know, poster Mary, that they were 'race riots'......and how can we know they were "sanctioned" by Democrats?
And, importantly, name some names that were doing the "sanctioning" --- for which 'race riot' --- in which city. Regardless if that city "burned down" or not.

And, also importantly, poster do YOU know?
You vetting, like sources, like proof?

Batter up, Mary.
Aw, shux, poster EvilEye, it is not my intention to assist in de-railing your pertinent thread topic. Poster Mary throws out a red-herring that she imagined and I followed the scent. Mea culpa.

So, more important than Mary's fantasies about cities burned the real world reality that our former president ...while he was president, actively, aggressively attempted to de-rail our American system of elections, of law & order, and of the peaceful transfer of power. And continues to do so.

I look forward to seeing or reading the testimony of Jeffery Rosen, Richard Donaghue and most especially Jeffery Clark.
That oughta be good TV.


Notably, the Ides of August approach. And as we know, several of our fellow posters, along with their QAnon therapy group have claimed Mr. Trump will again be seated behind the Resolute Desk. Sometime in the next 24 days.

Could be an interesting month.
However, I'm going on a fishing trip. Will likely miss it.
So will catch up when I return.

Personally, I hope Joe is still in the Oval.
After all, as we have so credibly been informed ---- his predecessor was fired due to the perception he was untrustworthy (duh!), and incompetent.

Neither character defect is a career builder. IMHO
"So, like my grandma babushka would ask...."

You know, poster Mary, I really do think some of your postings are more along the lines of keyboard enemas that contemplated and reasoned thoughts.
But then, on this venue, you certainly ain't alone in that demographic.

But, I digress.
I really wanted to comment on your colorful phrase "my grandma babushka".
That is simply a great nickname.

I had one of those grandmas too.
Granma Kate.
"Frau Kate" as she was known in our farm world.
She told the tale: When she was young her mother sternly warned her ----"Katie, never marry a German. They will work you to death. Go find some English, or Czech, or Polish guy. You'll have an easier life and live longer. "

ps.....she didn't listen. She married my grandpop who was about as Kraut as one could get and not live in Deutschland. They spoke Deutsch in the house, and on the farm, and my pop, their son......was first taught English by the nuns in elementary school. Not by his parents.

So, that's my nostalgic indulgence for the day.
Thank you, for the term...'grandma babushka'. I had never seen it before.
Pretty interesting, if true:

Jeffrey A. Rosen, who was acting attorney general during the Trump administration, has told the Justice Department watchdog and congressional investigators that one of his deputies tried to help former President Donald J. Trump subvert the results of the 2020 election, according to a person familiar with the interviews.
Mr. Rosen had a two-hour meeting on Friday with the Justice Department’s office of the inspector general and provided closed-door testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday.
The investigations were opened following a New York Times article that detailed efforts by Jeffrey Clark, the acting head of the Justice Department’s civil division, to push top leaders to falsely and publicly assert that ongoing election fraud investigations cast doubt on the Electoral College results. That prompted Mr. Trump to consider ousting Mr. Rosen and installing Mr. Clark at the top of the department to carry out that plan.
Mr. Rosen has emerged as a key witness in multiple investigations that focus on Mr. Trump’s efforts to undermine the results of the election. He has publicly stated that the Justice Department did not find enough fraud to impact the outcome of the election.
Mr. Rosen on Friday told investigators from the inspector general’s office about five encounters with Mr. Clark, including one in late December during which his deputy admitted to meeting with Mr. Trump and pledged that he would not do so again, according to a person familiar with the interview.
Mr. Rosen also described subsequent exchanges with Mr. Clark, who continued to press colleagues to make statements about the election that they found to be untrue, according to a person familiar with the interview.
He also discovered that Mr. Clark had been engaging in unauthorized conversations with Mr. Trump about ways to have the Justice Department publicly cast doubt on President Biden’s victory, particularly in battleground states that Mr. Trump was fixated on, like Georgia. Mr. Clark drafted a letter that he asked Mr. Rosen to send to Georgia state legislators, wrongly asserting that they should void Mr. Biden’s victory because the Justice Department was investigating accusations of voter fraud in the state.
Such a letter would effectively undermine efforts by Mr. Clark’s colleagues to prevent the White House from overturning the election results, and Mr. Rosen and his top deputy, Richard P. Donoghue, rejected the proposal.
Bull shit.
Rosen was a back-stabbing asshole.
He's lying.
They only opened this investigation after a story was released by the communists in the New York Slimes.
Aw, shux, poster EvilEye, it is not my intention to assist in de-railing your pertinent thread topic. Poster Mary throws out a red-herring that she imagined and I followed the scent. Mea culpa.

So, more important than Mary's fantasies about cities burned the real world reality that our former president ...while he was president, actively, aggressively attempted to de-rail our American system of elections, of law & order, and of the peaceful transfer of power. And continues to do so.

I look forward to seeing or reading the testimony of Jeffery Rosen, Richard Donaghue and most especially Jeffery Clark.
That oughta be good TV.


Notably, the Ides of August approach. And as we know, several of our fellow posters, along with their QAnon therapy group have claimed Mr. Trump will again be seated behind the Resolute Desk. Sometime in the next 24 days.

Could be an interesting month.
However, I'm going on a fishing trip. Will likely miss it.
So will catch up when I return.

Personally, I hope Joe is still in the Oval.
After all, as we have so credibly been informed ---- his predecessor was fired due to the perception he was untrustworthy (duh!), and incompetent.

Neither character defect is a career builder. IMHO

Post more often please - And tell us about your fishing trip. I'm going for Silver Salmon here on the Central Oregon Coast this coming Friday - Season just opened and they are frisky. The trick is you have to get the hatchery Coho with clipped adipose fin to keep, and they are catching about 50/50 right now. But should be some good action, with potential for hefty ling cod and halibut! :D

What astonishes me is that the vast majority of the people in this country still haven't figured out that both parties are taking us down a path of no return.
That's your response to Trump, among many other things, abusing his office to get DOJ to declare election fraudulent based on nothing?

When Democrats lost they conceeded. No QAnon bamboo paper conpiracies, no mr.Pillow guys, no never ending partisan recounts.

False equivalence and ridiculous deflection is what you are doing here.
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Um, Ok. Meanwhile back at the ranch: Democrats are burning down cities and sanctioning the defund the police movement whilst the murder and crime rates soar. Democrat are totally absorbed & obsessed with Mr. Trump and in the meanwhile destroying our cities. Focus on the facts not arcane bullshitery.
Buh…buh…but Democrats!
Um, Ok. Meanwhile back at the ranch: Democrats are burning down cities and sanctioning the defund the police movement whilst the murder and crime rates soar. Democrat are totally absorbed & obsessed with Mr. Trump and in the meanwhile destroying our cities. Focus on the facts not arcane bullshitery.

What city is burned down?
Bull shit.
Rosen was a back-stabbing asshole.
Hear all hear all, anyone that doesn't go with insane Trump plots to subvert an election he stolle is a back-stabber.

Barr who told you there is no evidence? Back-stabber.
Rosen who declined to baselessly declare election result a fraud? Back-stabber.

Has it ever occured to you that Trump is the problem, not everyone else?
Bull shit.
Rosen was a back-stabbing asshole.
He's lying.
They only opened this investigation after a story was released by the communists in the New York Slimes.
The OP linked to a laughably BIASED article by MSN. Note how the MSC dickheads refer to Trump as "Mr. Trump" not "President Trump". Also Rosen can go fuck himself. If the POTUS wants to talk to someone in the DOJ the POTUS can do so without Rosen's f'ing permission.

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