Forget Trump...Democrats Have Been Saying That Whites And Christians Can't Be Objective All Along

I'm certainly no fan of Trump, but this outrage is pretty transparent.

The Regressive Left will scream and whine all day about the behaviors and motivations of whitey, but turn the tables and you're the biggest racist on the planet.

And look what the tactic has done here: Completely clouded the issue. That's the strategy, always.

Political Correctness: Strategic Hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

Right... so the Racists are soooo on the defensive they've nominated a guy who is PRETTY OPEN IN HIS RACISM.
Of course, that must be it: because we hate brown people. Is that the standard leftist reply because you people seem to use it regardless if the issue is about race or not?

Trump is the one out there screaming about Mexicans and Muslims... He's the one who made it about "Brown People", and you guys support him.

You don't want Trump to have the red button because he's a narcissist, but you're okay with a woman who claims she had to use separate cell phones for her different e-mail accounts because she never realized you can put more than one mail application on a smart phone? A woman who's husband admitted she often has conversations with dead people? A woman who claims people were shooting at her while getting off of a plane?

Wow. These were the best things you can come up with? I'm probably not voting for Hillary unless it's close (it won't be) but really, the best you can come up with is that she doesn't get cell phones? Or that she exaggerated about that time she went to a WAR ZONE.

Of course you're fine with that. You're a liberal, and as we all know, a liberal is never wrong.

Well, no, you see guy. I voted Republican in every election between 1980 and 2008. And for my troubles, I ended up with an underwater mortgage and a 401K and a boss who gleefully said he could screw me over because "he didn't have to deal with a union."

So I admit that I was wrong.

It's you idiots who look at the mess these people have made of the country and still think they have good ideas if they appeal to your racial, religious and sexual fears.
Well, no, you see guy. I voted Republican in every election between 1980 and 2008. And for my troubles, I ended up with an underwater mortgage and a 401K and a boss who gleefully said he could screw me over because "he didn't have to deal with a union."

So I admit that I was wrong.

It's you idiots who look at the mess these people have made of the country and still think they have good ideas if they appeal to your racial, religious and sexual fears.

Speaking of racial, it's the Democrats that led the charge to the housing collapse that caused your precious 401K to go underwater. It was they that forced the issue of minorities and the poor owning houses they couldn't afford. But you won't vote Republican for something they started.

Wow. These were the best things you can come up with? I'm probably not voting for Hillary unless it's close (it won't be) but really, the best you can come up with is that she doesn't get cell phones? Or that she exaggerated about that time she went to a WAR ZONE.

Oh, that's right. I forgot. Liberals don't lie, they exaggerate.

So what was the exaggeration? Were they shooting pellet guns at her? Were they throwing rocks? Spit balls? Yelling like really really loud????

No, those aren't the best things I could come up with, but the things that point out Hillary is much less stable than Donald when it comes to getting near that red button.

Trump is the one out there screaming about Mexicans and Muslims... He's the one who made it about "Brown People", and you guys support him.

Yes, he is screaming about this invasion of foreigners. What's wrong with that? They are bringing in terrorism, narcotics, murderers and workers that are taking American jobs and bringing down American pay. It's about time somebody did something about these problems.
Speaking of racial, it's the Democrats that led the charge to the housing collapse that caused your precious 401K to go underwater. It was they that forced the issue of minorities and the poor owning houses they couldn't afford. But you won't vote Republican for something they started.

Uh, it didn't. THe CRA did not cause the housing collapse. the CRA did not require the banks to make bad loans. The CRA merely said you can't disqualify people based on where they lived.

Oh, that's right. I forgot. Liberals don't lie, they exaggerate.

So what was the exaggeration? Were they shooting pellet guns at her? Were they throwing rocks? Spit balls? Yelling like really really loud????

No, those aren't the best things I could come up with, but the things that point out Hillary is much less stable than Donald when it comes to getting near that red button.

Meh, not really. Frankly, if you fly into a place and you are surrounded by people with guns, most sensible people DO get nervous. Just can't get worked up because a small bit of film contradicts her impressions of that day

Yes, he is screaming about this invasion of foreigners. What's wrong with that? They are bringing in terrorism, narcotics, murderers and workers that are taking American jobs and bringing down American pay. It's about time somebody did something about these problems.

Works on the assumption that they are really the problem. Should point out that of the whole whopping 45 Americans killed by "Terrorists" inside the united states since 2002, most of them were killed by Muslims who were born here.
Speaking of racial, it's the Democrats that led the charge to the housing collapse that caused your precious 401K to go underwater. It was they that forced the issue of minorities and the poor owning houses they couldn't afford. But you won't vote Republican for something they started.

Uh, it didn't. THe CRA did not cause the housing collapse. the CRA did not require the banks to make bad loans. The CRA merely said you can't disqualify people based on where they lived.

Oh, that's right. I forgot. Liberals don't lie, they exaggerate.

So what was the exaggeration? Were they shooting pellet guns at her? Were they throwing rocks? Spit balls? Yelling like really really loud????

No, those aren't the best things I could come up with, but the things that point out Hillary is much less stable than Donald when it comes to getting near that red button.

Meh, not really. Frankly, if you fly into a place and you are surrounded by people with guns, most sensible people DO get nervous. Just can't get worked up because a small bit of film contradicts her impressions of that day

Yes, he is screaming about this invasion of foreigners. What's wrong with that? They are bringing in terrorism, narcotics, murderers and workers that are taking American jobs and bringing down American pay. It's about time somebody did something about these problems.

Works on the assumption that they are really the problem. Should point out that of the whole whopping 45 Americans killed by "Terrorists" inside the united states since 2002, most of them were killed by Muslims who were born here.
Uh, it didn't. THe CRA did not cause the housing collapse. the CRA did not require the banks to make bad loans. The CRA merely said you can't disqualify people based on where they lived.

So who said anything about CRA's? I'm talking about the lowering of bank standards so they could get loans for their lowlifes without credit history and no money down. Trust me, I lost several good tenants in that process. Both of whom would otherwise not be able to get a home loan because of their extended credit. The lowlifes from the inner-city started to move to the suburbs and nearly destroyed mine. One year I had three murders all take place less than a mile from my home; two of them less than a quarter mile from my home. While the Republicans didn't do enough to stop it in fear of being labeled racist, the plot started under Clinton.

Meh, not really. Frankly, if you fly into a place and you are surrounded by people with guns, most sensible people DO get nervous. Just can't get worked up because a small bit of film contradicts her impressions of that day

Impression? Getting shot at is not an impression. When you get shot at, you remember it for the rest of your life.

Works on the assumption that they are really the problem. Should point out that of the whole whopping 45 Americans killed by "Terrorists" inside the united states since 2002, most of them were killed by Muslims who were born here.

I see you narrowed it down to just Muslims. I'm talking about all the foreigners like the one that inspired Kate's law that the Democrats shot down. And it doesn't negate all the other problems that come with them such as turning our country bilingual, taking our jobs, preponderation of political power, lowering our pay scales. These are just a few of the problems we now have to deal with.
So who said anything about CRA's? I'm talking about the lowering of bank standards so they could get loans for their lowlifes without credit history and no money down. Trust me, I lost several good tenants in that process. Both of whom would otherwise not be able to get a home loan because of their extended credit. The lowlifes from the inner-city started to move to the suburbs and nearly destroyed mine. One year I had three murders all take place less than a mile from my home; two of them less than a quarter mile from my home. While the Republicans didn't do enough to stop it in fear of being labeled racist, the plot started under Clinton.

Right. Um. Guy, the problem wasn't poor people buying homes in a Hole like Cleveland.

The problem was white people buying McMansions out in the burbs and hoping to flip them in two years.

Impression? Getting shot at is not an impression. When you get shot at, you remember it for the rest of your life.

and if you are forced to fly into a war zone, you are probably going to remember that for the rest of your life, too.

I see you narrowed it down to just Muslims. I'm talking about all the foreigners like the one that inspired Kate's law that the Democrats shot down. And it doesn't negate all the other problems that come with them such as turning our country bilingual, taking our jobs, preponderation of political power, lowering our pay scales. These are just a few of the problems we now have to deal with.

Oh, my, God... having to learn a second language? Most of you Bubba Rednecks can barely speak one!

Yes, Trump is the desperate last gasp of White Male Privilege,

100 years ago, people like you were whining about the Poles, Germans and Irish. Now it's the Mexicans.
So who said anything about CRA's? I'm talking about the lowering of bank standards so they could get loans for their lowlifes without credit history and no money down. Trust me, I lost several good tenants in that process. Both of whom would otherwise not be able to get a home loan because of their extended credit. The lowlifes from the inner-city started to move to the suburbs and nearly destroyed mine. One year I had three murders all take place less than a mile from my home; two of them less than a quarter mile from my home. While the Republicans didn't do enough to stop it in fear of being labeled racist, the plot started under Clinton.

Right. Um. Guy, the problem wasn't poor people buying homes in a Hole like Cleveland.

The problem was white people buying McMansions out in the burbs and hoping to flip them in two years.

Impression? Getting shot at is not an impression. When you get shot at, you remember it for the rest of your life.

and if you are forced to fly into a war zone, you are probably going to remember that for the rest of your life, too.

I see you narrowed it down to just Muslims. I'm talking about all the foreigners like the one that inspired Kate's law that the Democrats shot down. And it doesn't negate all the other problems that come with them such as turning our country bilingual, taking our jobs, preponderation of political power, lowering our pay scales. These are just a few of the problems we now have to deal with.

Oh, my, God... having to learn a second language? Most of you Bubba Rednecks can barely speak one!

Yes, Trump is the desperate last gasp of White Male Privilege,

100 years ago, people like you were whining about the Poles, Germans and Irish. Now it's the Mexicans.
Right. Um. Guy, the problem wasn't poor people buying homes in a Hole like Cleveland.

No, the problem was the poor people in Cleveland buying homes in the suburbs. Why should they care? They never had any intention of repaying the loan anyway. It was a vacation from the projects for them. Free room and board in the suburbs until the bank kicked you out. It took so long for the banks to catch up on foreclosures, that some stayed here for several years. They closed up our shops, ruined the schools, forced us to expand our police force and rescue services, just ruined the place.

The problem was white people buying McMansions out in the burbs and hoping to flip them in two years.

Actually much less time than that. But that wasn't the beginning of the housing bubble. That was the end. Banks handing out money like Cracker Jacks allowed everybody to get in on the game. They couldn't just give that money to minorities and poor. They had to change the laws for everybody.

Without that idiotic push, nobody would have gotten into the game. Banks would have only made loans to secured borrowers which left out a lot of minorities. A lot of minorities either didn't make enough money, had bad or no credit, or both. So HUD changed the lending rules to accommodate those that couldn't get homes on their own. That's how it started and it only grew from there.

and if you are forced to fly into a war zone, you are probably going to remember that for the rest of your life, too.

Obvious Hillary didn't remember all that did she?

Oh, my, God... having to learn a second language? Most of you Bubba Rednecks can barely speak one!

Yes, Trump is the desperate last gasp of White Male Privilege,

100 years ago, people like you were whining about the Poles, Germans and Irish. Now it's the Mexicans.

I doubt that since I am of European descent as most were at the time. And when our ancestors came, they learned English. Sure, in their own little communities, we spoke our nationality. But outside of those circles, people were out to become Americans--not use Americans. Our people didn't come here to change the country to their liking. We didn't have our people waving the flag of their country in the Americans face while burning their flag. Our people came here with the utmost respect and appreciation of being here. They came here legally because they respected the laws.
Actually much less time than that. But that wasn't the beginning of the housing bubble. That was the end. Banks handing out money like Cracker Jacks allowed everybody to get in on the game. They couldn't just give that money to minorities and poor. They had to change the laws for everybody.

Without that idiotic push, nobody would have gotten into the game. Banks would have only made loans to secured borrowers which left out a lot of minorities. A lot of minorities either didn't make enough money, had bad or no credit, or both. So HUD changed the lending rules to accommodate those that couldn't get homes on their own. That's how it started and it only grew from there.

Except not even the banking industry is making that claim. In fact, of the 25 top banks that defaulted, only ONE was making loans under the CRA.

You really need to stop believing whatever shit you've heard on Hate Radio like it was gospel.

No, Marco Rubio, government did not cause the housing crisis

The subprime mortgage boom and the subsequent crash are very much concentrated in the private market, not the public market. Subprime is a creature of the private label securitization channel (PLS) market, instead of the Government-Sponsored Entities (GSEs, or Fannie and Freddie). The fly-by-night lending boom, slicing and dicing mortgage bonds, derivatives and CDOs, and all the other shadiness of the mortgage market in the 2000s were Wall Street creations, and they drove all those risky mortgages.

Here's some data to back that up: "More than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending institutions... Private firms made nearly 83 percent of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year."

So next lame argument..

I doubt that since I am of European descent as most were at the time. And when our ancestors came, they learned English. Sure, in their own little communities, we spoke our nationality. But outside of those circles, people were out to become Americans--not use Americans. Our people didn't come here to change the country to their liking. We didn't have our people waving the flag of their country in the Americans face while burning their flag. Our people came here with the utmost respect and appreciation of being here. They came here legally because they respected the laws.

Really? Because I see a lot of Italian flags on Columbus Day and a lot of Irish flags on St. Patty's Day and a lot of Polish flags on Pulaski day and Polish independence Day.

But back in the day, the fear was EXACTLY what you guys say now. In fact, our whole dubious flirtation with Prohibition was because those nasty immigrants, mostly the Germans, were in their taverns getting drunk. (And as a third generation German drinker, I kind of resent that!) The second incarnation of the KKK wasn't anti-Black as it was anti-Immigrant and anti-Catholic.

Actually much less time than that. But that wasn't the beginning of the housing bubble. That was the end. Banks handing out money like Cracker Jacks allowed everybody to get in on the game. They couldn't just give that money to minorities and poor. They had to change the laws for everybody.

Without that idiotic push, nobody would have gotten into the game. Banks would have only made loans to secured borrowers which left out a lot of minorities. A lot of minorities either didn't make enough money, had bad or no credit, or both. So HUD changed the lending rules to accommodate those that couldn't get homes on their own. That's how it started and it only grew from there.

Except not even the banking industry is making that claim. In fact, of the 25 top banks that defaulted, only ONE was making loans under the CRA.

You really need to stop believing whatever shit you've heard on Hate Radio like it was gospel.

No, Marco Rubio, government did not cause the housing crisis

The subprime mortgage boom and the subsequent crash are very much concentrated in the private market, not the public market. Subprime is a creature of the private label securitization channel (PLS) market, instead of the Government-Sponsored Entities (GSEs, or Fannie and Freddie). The fly-by-night lending boom, slicing and dicing mortgage bonds, derivatives and CDOs, and all the other shadiness of the mortgage market in the 2000s were Wall Street creations, and they drove all those risky mortgages.

Here's some data to back that up: "More than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending institutions... Private firms made nearly 83 percent of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year."

So next lame argument..

I doubt that since I am of European descent as most were at the time. And when our ancestors came, they learned English. Sure, in their own little communities, we spoke our nationality. But outside of those circles, people were out to become Americans--not use Americans. Our people didn't come here to change the country to their liking. We didn't have our people waving the flag of their country in the Americans face while burning their flag. Our people came here with the utmost respect and appreciation of being here. They came here legally because they respected the laws.

Really? Because I see a lot of Italian flags on Columbus Day and a lot of Irish flags on St. Patty's Day and a lot of Polish flags on Pulaski day and Polish independence Day.

But back in the day, the fear was EXACTLY what you guys say now. In fact, our whole dubious flirtation with Prohibition was because those nasty immigrants, mostly the Germans, were in their taverns getting drunk. (And as a third generation German drinker, I kind of resent that!) The second incarnation of the KKK wasn't anti-Black as it was anti-Immigrant and anti-Catholic.

Except not even the banking industry is making that claim. In fact, of the 25 top banks that defaulted, only ONE was making loans under the CRA.

You really need to stop believing whatever shit you've heard on Hate Radio like it was gospel.

How many times do I have to tell you I didn't bring up CRA's--you did.? I'm talking about regulations that came down from HUD---Fanny and Freddy's boss. You can't sell your loans (good or bad) on the market unless they meet those standards.

The banks made those loans because they got commission. They sold those bad loans off to the market because they met F and F standards.

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

How HUD Mortgage Policy Fed The Crisis

Mortgage Meltdown: What Happens When Government Tries to "Do Good"

And before you criticize the last link, pay close attention to the hyperlinks in the article.

Really? Because I see a lot of Italian flags on Columbus Day and a lot of Irish flags on St. Patty's Day and a lot of Polish flags on Pulaski day and Polish independence Day.

But back in the day, the fear was EXACTLY what you guys say now. In fact, our whole dubious flirtation with Prohibition was because those nasty immigrants, mostly the Germans, were in their taverns getting drunk. (And as a third generation German drinker, I kind of resent that!) The second incarnation of the KKK wasn't anti-Black as it was anti-Immigrant and anti-Catholic.

The KKK has always been against anything but themselves including white people.

Now you're talking apples and oranges. Sure, people of European descent celebrate their heritage perhaps one day a year, but they don't force their heritage on everybody else. You don't have to press 1 on your phone to speak German, you don't have to press 1 on your phone to speak Polish. You never had bilingual signs at your voting place nor ballots specially made for French voters. You never had the illegal Irish protesting our laws or claiming this was their country and they are here to take it back.

Muslims come here demanding that our employers cater to their religion. Muslim cab drivers refuse to pick up fares with dogs including seeing eye dogs. Cashiers refuse to scan pork products. One story not long ago, a Muslim got fired from a trucking company because he refused to haul a load of alcohol beverages. He sued and actually won.

None of this nonsense ever took place when Europeans came to this country and doesn't today.
How many times do I have to tell you I didn't bring up CRA's--you did.? I'm talking about regulations that came down from HUD---Fanny and Freddy's boss. You can't sell your loans (good or bad) on the market unless they meet those standards.

The banks made those loans because they got commission. They sold those bad loans off to the market because they met F and F standards.

Right. Once again, a conservative blaming poor people for the bad behavior of rich people.
Now you're talking apples and oranges. Sure, people of European descent celebrate their heritage perhaps one day a year, but they don't force their heritage on everybody else. You don't have to press 1 on your phone to speak German, you don't have to press 1 on your phone to speak Polish. You never had bilingual signs at your voting place nor ballots specially made for French voters. You never had the illegal Irish protesting our laws or claiming this was their country and they are here to take it back.

Obviously, you haven't been to Chicago where you have a lot of bilingual signs in Polish to accommodate our large Polish population.

Nor has a Mexican ever really tried to "force" his heritage on anyone that I've seen.

Yes, Mexico does have a legitimate beef that we stole half their territory in a war of aggression in 1847, but I know of very few Mexicans who are still pissing up that rope. I'm sure you'll find one or two and claim they speak for everyone, though.

What I remember though, is that when I was in the Army, we had lost of Hispanics while privilaged white folks were nowhere to be found.

Muslims come here demanding that our employers cater to their religion. Muslim cab drivers refuse to pick up fares with dogs including seeing eye dogs. Cashiers refuse to scan pork products. One story not long ago, a Muslim got fired from a trucking company because he refused to haul a load of alcohol beverages. He sued and actually won.

As well he should have, as his boss was in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Sharia Law Is Taking Over Your BEER?

It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer ... to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin ...

The term "religion" includes all aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief, unless an employer demonstrates that he is unable to reasonably accommodate to an employee’s or prospective employee’s religious observance or practice without undue hardship on the conduct of the employer’s business.

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