Forget October, Anonymous Sources Say November Surprise in the Works


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Anonymous reports coming out of the Middle East indicate President Obama may be planning military action to take place in the days before the U.S. presidential election.

Certain individuals currently deployed in various U.S. land, sea, and/or air missions in the Middle East are indicating they've heard about possibilities that could take place one to two days before the election: perhaps against Iran, perhaps elsewhere in the Middle East.

These individuals have no idea what might be coming, but some of them indicate receiving upgraded clearances and travel documents that will allow them to move more easily between countries should something big take place in the region.

When Gov. Romney began threatening to overtake Obama in the polls two weeks ago, various commentators wondered aloud whether Obama would use a military strike to try to show his toughness and bolster his numbers. And when Gallup showed a consistent 6-point lead for Romney last week, callers asked Rush Limbaugh if he thought such an attack-for-votes scheme were actually possible?

Limbaugh did not confirm or deny whether he thought such an attack were possible. Rather, he simply said such an attack would be seen for what it really was -- a desperate attempt to get votes.

Some of our brave men and women in uniform in the Middle East not only believe such attack is possible, but that a November surprise is actually in the works.

From Forget October, Anonymous Sources Say November Surprise in the Works

So Obama is going to get a bunch of our guys killed to advance himself politically at the election booth.

Color me shocked.
He's already lobbing bombs around. Literally.

The LOLberals are only peace oriented when a republican is doing the war ordering. When it is one of their own, they believe it is a necessity to murder civilians.
The LOLberals are only peace oriented when a republican is doing the war ordering. When it is one of their own, they believe it is a necessity to murder civilians.

I have never heard a Libberhoid refer to Obama as a Never-Serving Warmongering Chickenhawk - and yet, that's exactly what he is.
This is a perfect example of partisan reporting. The story here: "some of them indicate receiving upgraded clearances and travel documents that will allow them to move more easily between countries" Everything else is pure speculation unless told directly by the guy or guys who made the call and why.

It might suggest something is in the works. Or, maybe it suggests reaction to the terrorist attacks in Libya which could be the smart thing to do to possibly prevent a similar attack on another consulate in another ME country.

I'm not going to condemn Obama for something that hasn't happened yet. I've got plenty of stuff that has happened already to work with.
The only November surprise is the surprising margin of victory Romney will have against Obama, and how surprised the Media Obama fluffers will be.
The only November surprise is the surprising margin of victory Romney will have against Obama, and how surprised the Media Obama fluffers will be.

Chris Mathews adn Ed Shultz are going to shed tears if Romney wins. :lmao:

It's going to be the highlight of the election should it go that route.
There is NOTHING this administration wouldn't do to retain power. I would only hope that, if some military stunt was ordered days before the election, the DOD would decline to participate.

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