Forget It, Joe (Biden)


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Ex-Vice President Joe Biden was on a late night TV show recently, and gave the impression that he might run for POTUS in 2020. Forget it, Joe. Some folks are saying Biden is too old, being that he'll be 78, when taking office in 2021, and would be 86 at the end of an 8 era reign (if he could elected at all).

I don't think age is the problem or Biden. I'd say he just has an Obama-like attitude about politics (globalist) that has already been rejected by the American voter. This showed up in both the electoral and the popular vote in 2016.

Biden displayed his passe', out-of-touch perspective, when he criticized what he called the "crazy nationalism" that is popular today. Problem for Biden is that it is his globalist view that is what's crazy, not nationalism.

There's nothing crazy about nationalism. It is simply the affirmation of a nation, to be what a nation actually is >>

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, and a distinctive language and culture. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

Note the words "territory", and "distinctive language and culture". That excludes the goofy globalist notions of "open borders" and "multiculturalism". One can't have a territory with borders around that territory, to define it, and distinguish it from adjacent territories. And one cannot have a distinctive language and culture, in which numerous language and cultures exist.

When President Trump ran for the office in 2016, he made it clear that nationalism was the cornerstone of his campaign, and his politics. The American people overwhelmingly agreed and responded. As the next years go by, we will see more and more gains occuring for the US, and our nationalism reinforced, repeatedly. Biden and other globalist liberals are deluded if they think their unAmerican ideas can come back, and prevail.

Obama called himself a "citizen of the world". If Biden thinks of himself that way (apparently he does), he ought to try to get some position in the UN, or other worldwide org. POTUS is for the American people, not the world, and the American people recognize that.
joe biden has already been showing signs of all those mental deccrapitation disorders,,he still thinks we have slaves picking cotton in the racist south
joe biden has already been showing signs of all those mental deccrapitation disorders,,he still thinks we have slaves picking cotton in the racist south
If Democrats would even consider nominating him, they're even worse off than we thought.
While I hadn't paid much attention to Biden - simply because Obama was so many orders of magnitude more loathsome, it made Biden look like a generic, unimportant background extra. But having said that, I always found something rather "off" about him, but I could never put my finger on exactly what it was.

I don't like Biden, but I don't think he could inflict the damage to America Obama did even if he tried as hard as he could. In my 40-something years on this planet, I have NEVER seen an American politician besides Gov. Brown with such a vindictive, chip-on-shoulder, paranoid, ingrate CONTEMPT for his public (in both race and nationality) than that Obamaggot. His shit-stirring and the chip-on-shoulder hate showed me that both blacks and muslims (of any race) are humanity's most vile, violent bags of garbage that demonstrate EVERY detestable quality known to man and even discovered a few new ones. Blacks and muslims are the ultimate, entitled ingrates so all you hear from both these humanoid minorities is GIMME! GIMME! GIMME! GIMME! GIMME respect even though I haven't done a fucking thing to EARN it, GIMME special treatment under the law or I'll be OFFENDED and you'll be WAAAYCIST. Well, I'm sick to the back of my fucking molars of hearing it 24/7, and I'm sick of the baby-tantrum VIOLENCE epidemic wherever either of these humanoids go.
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This going to burn men on both sides as 80% of us do this sort of shit.

Anyone that has ever dated a women or acted a little friendly...

This is one of those times maybe we should look at reality and look in the mirror as it is becoming destructive of liberty.
P.S. the Kaepernick drooling retard is nothing but a puppet of his muslim girlfriend - I don't believe his Starburst-sized brain is honestly capable of giving a fuck one way or another. Any more than I think that microphone-looking-head of his could write his own name or even be toilet-housebroken. The reason why muslim detritus are the ultimate ingrates is because their hate-ideology (which I've read for YEARS) dictates that non-believers OWE muslims everything anyway just for the crime of being non-believers. How fucking DARE mass-inbred, primitive, barbaric, stone-age throwbacks demand ANYTHING from us real, modern, bona-fide humans because they're too spoiled-punk to accept that not everyone shares or indulges their ideology of swaggering-ego, baby-tantrum-cruelty against their own females. When muslim arachnids have NEVER ONCE achieved a modern, humane, educated 1st-world simply can't achieve that on an ideology of pure HATE!
Ex-Vice President Joe Biden was on a late night TV show recently, and gave the impression that he might run for POTUS in 2020. Forget it, Joe. Some folks are saying Biden is too old, being that he'll be 78, when taking office in 2021, and would be 86 at the end of an 8 era reign (if he could elected at all).

I don't think age is the problem or Biden. I'd say he just has an Obama-like attitude about politics (globalist) that has already been rejected by the American voter. This showed up in both the electoral and the popular vote in 2016.

Biden displayed his passe', out-of-touch perspective, when he criticized what he called the "crazy nationalism" that is popular today. Problem for Biden is that it is his globalist view that is what's crazy, not nationalism.

There's nothing crazy about nationalism. It is simply the affirmation of a nation, to be what a nation actually is >>

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, and a distinctive language and culture. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

Note the words "territory", and "distinctive language and culture". That excludes the goofy globalist notions of "open borders" and "multiculturalism". One can't have a territory with borders around that territory, to define it, and distinguish it from adjacent territories. And one cannot have a distinctive language and culture, in which numerous language and cultures exist.

When President Trump ran for the office in 2016, he made it clear that nationalism was the cornerstone of his campaign, and his politics. The American people overwhelmingly agreed and responded. As the next years go by, we will see more and more gains occuring for the US, and our nationalism reinforced, repeatedly. Biden and other globalist liberals are deluded if they think their unAmerican ideas can come back, and prevail.

Obama called himself a "citizen of the world". If Biden thinks of himself that way (apparently he does), he ought to try to get some position in the UN, or other worldwide org. POTUS is for the American people, not the world, and the American people recognize that.

I hope he does run, it’ll be a win for the GOP.
Ex-Vice President Joe Biden was on a late night TV show recently, and gave the impression that he might run for POTUS in 2020.
I'm sure you thought he said that so that you could masturbate to all the possibilities of hate topics you can create about Biden for the next four years, but Biden has unequivocally stated he has no intention of running in 2020.

Biden Tells NPR He Has 'No Plans' To Run In 2020
Although I am a Republican, I feel that the Democrats have a chance of winning in 2020 if they select a candidate who can appeal to liberals, moderates, and some conservatives.

That person should be relatively young and have an attractive personality.

That person should run a positive campaign.

I believe that Vice President Biden should be content with being an elder statesman of the party.
Ex-Vice President Joe Biden was on a late night TV show recently, and gave the impression that he might run for POTUS in 2020. Forget it, Joe. Some folks are saying Biden is too old, being that he'll be 78, when taking office in 2021, and would be 86 at the end of an 8 era reign (if he could elected at all).

I don't think age is the problem or Biden. I'd say he just has an Obama-like attitude about politics (globalist) that has already been rejected by the American voter. This showed up in both the electoral and the popular vote in 2016.

Biden displayed his passe', out-of-touch perspective, when he criticized what he called the "crazy nationalism" that is popular today. Problem for Biden is that it is his globalist view that is what's crazy, not nationalism.

There's nothing crazy about nationalism. It is simply the affirmation of a nation, to be what a nation actually is >>

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, and a distinctive language and culture. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

Note the words "territory", and "distinctive language and culture". That excludes the goofy globalist notions of "open borders" and "multiculturalism". One can't have a territory with borders around that territory, to define it, and distinguish it from adjacent territories. And one cannot have a distinctive language and culture, in which numerous language and cultures exist.

When President Trump ran for the office in 2016, he made it clear that nationalism was the cornerstone of his campaign, and his politics. The American people overwhelmingly agreed and responded. As the next years go by, we will see more and more gains occuring for the US, and our nationalism reinforced, repeatedly. Biden and other globalist liberals are deluded if they think their unAmerican ideas can come back, and prevail.

Obama called himself a "citizen of the world". If Biden thinks of himself that way (apparently he does), he ought to try to get some position in the UN, or other worldwide org. POTUS is for the American people, not the world, and the American people recognize that.

This topic is just an excuse to masturbate in public.
Ex-Vice President Joe Biden was on a late night TV show recently, and gave the impression that he might run for POTUS in 2020. Forget it, Joe. Some folks are saying Biden is too old, being that he'll be 78, when taking office in 2021, and would be 86 at the end of an 8 era reign (if he could elected at all).

I don't think age is the problem or Biden. I'd say he just has an Obama-like attitude about politics (globalist) that has already been rejected by the American voter. This showed up in both the electoral and the popular vote in 2016.

Biden displayed his passe', out-of-touch perspective, when he criticized what he called the "crazy nationalism" that is popular today. Problem for Biden is that it is his globalist view that is what's crazy, not nationalism.

There's nothing crazy about nationalism. It is simply the affirmation of a nation, to be what a nation actually is >>

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, and a distinctive language and culture. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

Note the words "territory", and "distinctive language and culture". That excludes the goofy globalist notions of "open borders" and "multiculturalism". One can't have a territory with borders around that territory, to define it, and distinguish it from adjacent territories. And one cannot have a distinctive language and culture, in which numerous language and cultures exist.

When President Trump ran for the office in 2016, he made it clear that nationalism was the cornerstone of his campaign, and his politics. The American people overwhelmingly agreed and responded. As the next years go by, we will see more and more gains occuring for the US, and our nationalism reinforced, repeatedly. Biden and other globalist liberals are deluded if they think their unAmerican ideas can come back, and prevail.

Obama called himself a "citizen of the world". If Biden thinks of himself that way (apparently he does), he ought to try to get some position in the UN, or other worldwide org. POTUS is for the American people, not the world, and the American people recognize that.

Trump won because he was not Clinton. He was less awful. It had noting to do with nationalism. Voters disagree with Republicans on nearly every issue including issues that Trump ran on. If Biden had run, he would have beaten Trump. I don't think Biden would run as he said he would only because there is not a consensus candidate.
Latest Horse Farting Poll,,,if it was Biden/Trump 2016 and "Legal American Votes" only......Trump 67% Biden 30% That dumb bitch who called for a recount 00.042%

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