Forget About Biden Holding The CCP Accountable - He Just Outlawed Term 'Wuhan Virus'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The CCP's BILLION DOLLAR Man just outlawed / banned the federal use of the term 'Wuhan Virus' to describe COVID-19, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IS WHERE THE DEADLY VIRUS ORIGINATED.

Once again Biden proves to the world he is the CCP's BIT@H, bought & paid for!
The CCP's BILLION DOLLAR Man just outlawed / banned the federal use of the term 'Wuhan Virus' to describe COVID-19, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IS WHERE THE DEADLY VIRUS ORIGINATED.

Once again Biden proves to the world he is the CCP's BIT@H, bought & paid for!

Joe Biden is Chairman Xi's cock holster.
The CCP's BILLION DOLLAR Man just outlawed / banned the federal use of the term 'Wuhan Virus' to describe COVID-19, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IS WHERE THE DEADLY VIRUS ORIGINATED.

Once again Biden proves to the world he is the CCP's BIT@H, bought & paid for!
BIden just sold weapons to Taiwan.
What did China pay to Biden?


The CCP's BILLION DOLLAR Man just outlawed / banned the federal use of the term 'Wuhan Virus' to describe COVID-19, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IS WHERE THE DEADLY VIRUS ORIGINATED.

Once again Biden proves to the world he is the CCP's BIT@H, bought & paid for!
BIden just sold weapons to Taiwan.
What did China pay to Biden?
he will probably be die of old age before they ever get em' lol
Rather than represent the best interests of Americans Bidenaxts to defend the communist nation that unleashed the deadly virus on the world!
Biden continues to prove the only way he made it into the WH was because of a stolen election.
What a fuckin loser :lol:
The only losers are the American people. Who is this fuck that deletes our freedom of speech, our right to possess arms, and all the rest once the Second is out of the way. Jefferson said to keep government honest and working for the people there would have to be a revolution every 20 years. It's long over due. Before personal income tax we had law enforcement, fire departments, government, trash pick up and everything in between. Now you need a costly permit to work, play, or wipe your ass. Once we lose rights neither party will allow those rights to ever be gotten back. They will use them as a talking point the next election but that is as far as it ever goes. To regain all the freedoms we lost it will never happen at the voting booth. Jefferson also said to keep our freedom the blood of patriots and tyrants must be spilled.
The CCP's BILLION DOLLAR Man just outlawed / banned the federal use of the term 'Wuhan Virus' to describe COVID-19, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IS WHERE THE DEADLY VIRUS ORIGINATED.

Once again Biden proves to the world he is the CCP's BIT@H, bought & paid for!
I prefer the term KUNG-FLU anyways.
What a fuckin loser :lol:
The only losers are the American people. Who is this fuck that deletes our freedom of speech, our right to possess arms, and all the rest once the Second is out of the way. Jefferson said to keep government honest and working for the people there would have to be a revolution every 20 years. It's long over due. Before personal income tax we had law enforcement, fire departments, government, trash pick up and everything in between. Now you need a costly permit to work, play, or wipe your ass. Once we lose rights neither party will allow those rights to ever be gotten back. They will use them as a talking point the next election but that is as far as it ever goes. To regain all the freedoms we lost it will never happen at the voting booth. Jefferson also said to keep our freedom the blood of patriots and tyrants must be spilled.

President Biden restricted the Federal Government from the ability to call it the 'Wuhan Virus'.
It doesn't matter if they call it the 'Psychedelic Spars Virus on Steroids' is doesn't change where it came from, or stop you from calling it the 'Wuhan Virus'.

It's a nothing burger ... Intended to be nothing more than politically divisive ... :thup:


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