Forensic Statistical Analysis Shows Massive Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Come on lefties, time to start the "no evidence of fraud" shrieks again. You all panicked & screwed the pooch this time. I guess even after decades of practice it turns out you all still went overboard.
Just like it's tough to hide ill gotten wealth from a forensic audit, the same applies to massive election fraud. It is just too hard to hide at the scales you needed to win and the mail-in ballots actually make it easier to spot.
Go ahead & attack me, the MIT scientists and other statisticians saying this but you know it's true and deep down you're not feeling so confident any more. You see it coming & denial won't stop that queasy feeling in your stomach.

Come on lefties, time to start the "no evidence of fraud" shrieks again. You all panicked & screwed the pooch this time. I guess even after decades of practice it turns out you all still went overboard.
Just like it's tough to hide ill gotten wealth from a forensic audit, the same applies to massive election fraud. It is just too hard to hide at the scales you needed to win and the mail-in ballots actually make it easier to spot.
Go ahead & attack me, the MIT scientists and other statisticians saying this but you know it's true and deep down you're not feeling so confident any more. You see it coming & denial won't stop that queasy feeling in your stomach.

You cant fool a random distribution curve... 6 states show massive fraud and all on the same night after the counting had been halted... Imagine that...

From the link

Dr. Ayyadurai learned that in 2001, a weighted race feature was added to Global Election Systems (GEMS 1.18.1) voting systems. This feature allows elections to be skewed to one candidate or another based on the settings of the software. This is not a hack, but a built-in FEATURE of the software. Why this feature exists in US ballot tabulation machines has never been explained.​
Not only does the software allow for the weighting of election outcomes, but the way votes are stored and counted is also problematic. The systems store the votes as fractional decimals instead of whole numbers. This means the machines can be set to tabulate half a vote, which makes no sense at all, yet that’s how they were designed.​


This post is rated retarded.jpg
Come on lefties, time to start the "no evidence of fraud" shrieks again. You all panicked & screwed the pooch this time. I guess even after decades of practice it turns out you all still went overboard.
Just like it's tough to hide ill gotten wealth from a forensic audit, the same applies to massive election fraud. It is just too hard to hide at the scales you needed to win and the mail-in ballots actually make it easier to spot.
Go ahead & attack me, the MIT scientists and other statisticians saying this but you know it's true and deep down you're not feeling so confident any more. You see it coming & denial won't stop that queasy feeling in your stomach.

That study is foolish. Think about it. The more Republican a county is, the more likely a Republican voted for Biden. Well Duh Huh. The county is Republican because there are more Republicans in it. And the down ballot races. It is a Republican county, your best friend is running for county commissioner as a Republican. You like your best friend, Trump is an asshat. You don't vote straight ticket, you split the ticket, vote for your friend, and you vote for Biden. That shows voter fraud? Of course more Republican counties are going to have more split tickets. Your egghead MIT dude might know numbers, but he failed Poli Sci and Civics. Maybe if he went to Boy's State instead of being a Fulbright Scholar he might have a better understanding of how elections work.
Come on lefties, time to start the "no evidence of fraud" shrieks again. You all panicked & screwed the pooch this time. I guess even after decades of practice it turns out you all still went overboard.
Just like it's tough to hide ill gotten wealth from a forensic audit, the same applies to massive election fraud. It is just too hard to hide at the scales you needed to win and the mail-in ballots actually make it easier to spot.
Go ahead & attack me, the MIT scientists and other statisticians saying this but you know it's true and deep down you're not feeling so confident any more. You see it coming & denial won't stop that queasy feeling in your stomach.

That study is foolish. Think about it. The more Republican a county is, the more likely a Republican voted for Biden. Well Duh Huh. The county is Republican because there are more Republicans in it. And the down ballot races. It is a Republican county, your best friend is running for county commissioner as a Republican. You like your best friend, Trump is an asshat. You don't vote straight ticket, you split the ticket, vote for your friend, and you vote for Biden. That shows voter fraud? Of course more Republican counties are going to have more split tickets. Your egghead MIT dude might know numbers, but he failed Poli Sci and Civics. Maybe if he went to Boy's State instead of being a Fulbright Scholar he might have a better understanding of how elections work.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :clap2::clap2: Like I said, you can't deny the facts or the science behind them. You have talking points. I'll stick with math
not seen on cnn

Because it's bullshit.
Typical proglodyte reply backed by no proof. I have seen your fiscal policies and, apparently, you all think math is bullshit as well. Crying about it won't stop the reckoning when you F/U so badly. Gotta pay the piper for the cheating finally

Yeah, you run with that.

But keep clicking those OAN/Newsmax/Epoch Times links! They’re counting on it!
Come on lefties, time to start the "no evidence of fraud" shrieks again. You all panicked & screwed the pooch this time. I guess even after decades of practice it turns out you all still went overboard.
Just like it's tough to hide ill gotten wealth from a forensic audit, the same applies to massive election fraud. It is just too hard to hide at the scales you needed to win and the mail-in ballots actually make it easier to spot.
Go ahead & attack me, the MIT scientists and other statisticians saying this but you know it's true and deep down you're not feeling so confident any more. You see it coming & denial won't stop that queasy feeling in your stomach.

Preach it!
Your egghead MIT dude might know numbers, but he failed Poli Sci and Civics. Maybe if he went to Boy's State instead of being a Fulbright Scholar he might have a better understanding of how elections work.
This is about numbers, genius. 128,000-0 is statistically impossible. Didn't they teach that at Boy's State?
Beware political hack sites claiming statistical testing when empirical data is readily available ...

Like I said, you can't deny the facts or the science behind them. You have talking points. I'll stick with math

Let's see your math ... c'mon, don't be shy ... I'm certainly not a person who can be overly critical of simple arithmetic mistakes ... but it won't take me long to find your theroetical mistakes ... ha ha ha ... go ahead, I dare you ...
Beware political hack sites claiming statistical testing when empirical data is readily available ...

Like I said, you can't deny the facts or the science behind them. You have talking points. I'll stick with math

Let's see your math ... c'mon, don't be shy ... I'm certainly not a person who can be overly critical of simple arithmetic mistakes ... but it won't take me long to find your theroetical mistakes ... ha ha ha ... go ahead, I dare you ...
OK, how about this: in GA, only about 800 DT voters did not vote for any senators but almost 96,000 Biden voters did that. Huge red flag.
In Wisc, over 90% of registered voters supposedly voted. That is like Soviet Union turnout. Huge red flag.
In Pennsylvania, over 680,000 ballots were counted even though they did not receive the proper scrutiny from poll watchers. Illegal ballots.
It's all going to come out. MSM may keep a lid on it for the low info sheople but you can't stop the truth from coming out.
I don't know why I bother, you won't listen
Come on lefties, time to start the "no evidence of fraud" shrieks again. You all panicked & screwed the pooch this time. I guess even after decades of practice it turns out you all still went overboard.
Just like it's tough to hide ill gotten wealth from a forensic audit, the same applies to massive election fraud. It is just too hard to hide at the scales you needed to win and the mail-in ballots actually make it easier to spot.
Go ahead & attack me, the MIT scientists and other statisticians saying this but you know it's true and deep down you're not feeling so confident any more. You see it coming & denial won't stop that queasy feeling in your stomach.

This has already been debunked like 20 times. Do a search.

Wrong. Even trump's DHS officials were posting links to the rumor control website of the cybersecurity division; Rumor Control | CISA

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