Forced to deny my Christian faith to enter a Christian website? What?

Parture is going to do suicide by Moderator, and then on his website claim he was martyred for the faith.

I invited everyone to his web site to call him out.

True story, he has already done it once, then called me out on his site-actually twisting what I said.
He has learning difficulties, His postings admit that.

We can continue over there to give him the attention he so wants and deserves.
Parture is going to do suicide by Moderator, and then on his website claim he was martyred for the faith.

I invited everyone to his web site to call him out.

True story, he has already done it once, then called me out on his site-actually twisting what I said.
He has learning difficulties, His postings admit that.

We can continue over there to give him the attention he so wants and deserves.
Your hostility to Christians is because you are not a Christian.
OK, so you got a warning about spamming. Understand what you just posted is trolling as well as spamming.

Your fellow Christians are trying to work with you, and you simply say anyone who corrects you is not a Christian.

That is against scripture and brotherly love.
No Christian disagrees with scripture.

All real Christians disagree with you anti-Christian spirit and misuse of scripture.
Clearly, Parture, you are a non-Christian.

You may be a gnostic masquerading as one.
Jesus claimed to be God when He forgave sins and the Pharisees wanted to kill Him for making this claim. The Holy Spirit is the life of the Father and the Son. And the Father is never confused with the Spirit or the Son. Hence, you have the Trinity. The point of Jesus showing obedience to the Father is to enter His creation to show us how to live in such perfect obedience. In the OT you will see reference to the Father, other times the Son, and still other times the Holy Spirit.

The 3 Persons of the Godhead are co-equal and co-inherent in the Godhead. With God's 3 Persons He shows His personableness and that He is relational in His monotheistic character.

You wouldn't want to be atoned by mere man, but God in His creation as fully God and fully man.

^ This shows me Parture has consistent knowledge and is gifted in summarizing voluminous content in
short plain terms ^
Clearly he is lacking in his empathy and connection with others in Christ.
He gets it in concept but not in application or relations to others.
I would not encourage picking on him any more than I would bullying an autistic person who doesn't
understand or read people socially.

He comes across as secular gentile who needs to see proof that others are consistent,
and if he is going to be corrected he needs proof he understands. So that is a secular approach,
to require proof first before belief.

This can still be done in Christ, but it takes someone more forgiving than Parture has social faults.
So that would bring out the saint in all of us to look past all else and seek to explain to him in
Parture terms so he can get what we are saying.

Let us pray that we all rise to the challenge of perfect sainthood in order to speak perfectly to Parture.

In the future, if there is one to this conversation, I will address him as a secular gentile under
natural laws that requires proof and consent before accepting something.

He understands Christ but his approach is that of a gentile.
So he is right, that I am also like that, so we can address each other under natural laws,
reach agreement first, and then try again to approach the Bible AFTER that, AFTER we
agree and connect. We never got past the conflict or proof of who was or was not a believer.

Will try this again if given another chance. Let us pray!
emily, I want some of what you're smoking. this guy doesn't think he needs anything we have. He never has and never will. I spent a good portion of last night over at his site and that is all that site is about. It has a very large set of prerogatives set down that if you do not believe in every jot and tittle of them, you are not one of them. Any descention is treated by many others the same way Parture treated us here. Many of the elders there are very much the same as Parture has been here.

Your ban has been lifted there. Go try it out and let us know how it works out for you.

No he's been there five years and therefore has a long history of banishing people to hell, any one who does not agree with him in any way shape or form. Go read. He says the racquetball people are all going to Hell because they kicked him out. He has many rants over there. And then there's his youtube channel. No, he may be a Christian, but not one I will fellowship with, Jesus forgive me, but he is too much for me to take.
I looked at his site.

He is a low level concrete learner, possibly high level special needs who is unable to relate to and understand others who say "no."
emily, I want some of what you're smoking. this guy doesn't think he needs anything we have. He never has and never will. I spent a good portion of last night over at his site and that is all that site is about. It has a very large set of prerogatives set down that if you do not believe in every jot and tittle of them, you are not one of them. Any descention is treated by many others the same way Parture treated us here. Many of the elders there are very much the same as Parture has been here.

Your ban has been lifted there. Go try it out and let us know how it works out for you.

No he's been there five years and therefore has a long history of banishing people to hell, any one who does not agree with him in any way shape or form. Go read. He says the racquetball people are all going to Hell because they kicked him out. He has many rants over there. And then there's his youtube channel. No, he may be a Christian, but not one I will fellowship with, Jesus forgive me, but he is too much for me to take.

teddyearp and JakeStarkey Thank you for your messages and I continue to pray
in support of everyone drawn here

This whole experience does present to us a challenge in forgiveness.
So at least that helps us to grow in compassion and understanding of souls that need greater than we can give them.

How can we expect to reach the terrorist who is violent,
if we give up on someone who is at least committing wrongs using words and not physical weapons.

At least we are given clues to what's wrong by sharing in words,
so there is a chance to work this out verbally without violence as some cults go to extremes with.

Some good points were brought up to me, anyway, that there is disunity in teaching
about Salvation and if some people are predestined to be elders and others go to a secondary process,
and if all souls can be saved from going to hell, etc.

I would like to see consensus on this so there is agreement among denominations
or else drop it and agree just to teach points and principles common to all where nobody is left out still dissenting.
Let's resolve all these conflicts and we won't see any more of this condemnation to hell business.
We can either resolve them or agree it is up to God and not us and drop those secondary points
as not necessary for OUR PART in our path to salvation. Some parts are up to God beyond our control and choice.
So we can sort out which is which and have a consensus among believers in Christ.

The forgiveness is takes to receive each other and share rebukes and corrections
is unfortunately likely to be the same level it would take to deal with conversations we just had here.
this is an indication of how far we would have to stretch to meet each other halfway.
So we do need to work in teams to deal with that challenge.

When I saw how great the gap was between other spiritualists on the farther extreme
and where I am in the middle and where the opposite extreme is of rejecting any such knowledge,
that was overwhelming to me and would take 100% forgiveness to bridge gaps that wide
and stick to points where we can agree in Christ and forgive the rest not judge each other for them.

So this was a huge indication of the furthest extremes.
If we can deal with this, there is hope for humanity.
If we as Christians cannot accept this, how can we ask others to have faith if we don't.
Troy's problem may be derangement or outright deviancy. It is hard to draw consensus on the matters of God when one is substituting himself for God.

I wonder if a Background Report would reveal a pattern of violence.
Troy's problem may be derangement or outright deviancy. It is hard to draw consensus on the matters of God when one is substituting himself for God.

I wonder if a Background Report would reveal a pattern of violence.

1. if there are "elders" running that group, that is what is being substituted for God like the JW do through their elders who have the last word. I thought that was a one man job. I was guessing the emails I got were all one person, but maybe not.

on that website, yes I am reduced to an agnostic who can honestly answer "I don't know" to all the questions and that is true, none of us really know

2. it could be this online outreach and verbal interactions substitutes for any need to take out aggression other ways
I would much prefer people hash out issues this way than physically.
That's why I'm such a free speech freak and encourage using that for open therapy.

I didn't "read" any real anger, just "righteous indignance" that "people are not perfect Christians"
Seemed "too consistent" to be a lost case.
Very focused.

I've run into the "speaking in tongues" business that was barely cohesive or decipherable at all.
I offered to translate/interpret, but didn't look at all the rants and history you saw.

I saved all my "hysterical writings" when I went through my revelation phase and couldn't interpret
the ideas as fast as they poured through in symbols. I know what that looks like and how much
work and how many years it takes to sort through the haystack and get a nice neat woven basket out of all that hay.
So I've seen worse cases, been through that myself to practice how to interpret from pure nonsense and get something meaningful out of symbolic visions, and these interactions seems cohesive and ordered, and actually very articulate.

If there is a risk of volatile or violent behavior, even more reason to try to get help for someone in trouble.
The idea of setting up local governance per locale is the right direction, but it will take teamwork and
diversity of tribes to reach and organize all people under such an umbrella.
But cutting off your nose and shooting yourself in the foot is not the way to build a team.

Quite ironic that exclusive approach of shutting people out
is the exact opposite extreme of my radical inclusion of drawing everyone in.

I frighten people for the opposite reasons. Wherever these two extremes meet,
those points should be unifying and universal to everyone else on the spectrum.

I'm glad I have friends who do spiritual healing that can overcome even worse extremes of demonic illness
(the type that is totally out of control where voices spout things from the pits of hell and have no control at all)
so I am not afraid of things like this, but know there are ministries that can handle them and rein them in.

All the more reason to push for medical proof of healing and treatment/management for criminal illness
so people can be referred for effective help, instead of letting them run free in society and run into trouble.
We need to do better and this is a reminder of the task ahead.

Thanks JakeStarkey
I always thought I was so messed up that my role was to make everyone else feel better they weren't me.
Now I know the feeling....
I know I have made some mistakes, I was in some ways 'hostile' in the tone of some of my posts. But isn't ignoring questions and others' posts and just blanket condemning everyone to Hell hostile even more? However that too is wrong of me, I should just forgive. And I should not let this guy bug me so much, but he really does. Over at his forum site, he trashes everyone to Hell. Everyone who does not believe exactly as he does. He even claims that if you pick your nose, you are going to Hell.


I made a comment on one of his videos on youtube which he promptly deleted and now has sent me three messages through youtube already today. One was to point out a post he has made at his forum site trashing emily, maxgrit, ninja, Jake, this whole site and I. And sure enough it is there. And it is taunting us to reply by saying something like, "Lets see how they respond to this" as if we could even get through the registration process let alone not have any of our posts and accounts immediately deleted.

I was reading Luke today and found that this guys claim that we sleep until (??whenever he says) and stuff, but there it was with the rich man and the beggar in Luke 16 verse 19 to the end of the chapter. The rich man looked across and say and talked to the beggar in Abraham's bosom.

But this is still a weakness of mine. I was reading Matthew 18:21-35 last night about forgiving my brother 70 times and read the parable of the king and the servant who owed the king 10,000 dinari. I feel as though I have the rage of the forgiven subject when I want to strangle Parture for his wrongs against me.

Sorry for such a long post. Help!
Forgive me for continuing, but I just can not help myself. I feel it is needed for those who have been condemned in this thread to further know the depths of the person who claims to be Christian (and may be) but has no love of Christ evident in his heart.

Not only does he condemn to Hell people who pick their nose, but he condemns the leaders of the Canadian racquetball league as well to Hell. Why? Because they would not accept His ideas in how a local team/league should be run. After all, he seems to be the end all of all knowledge, right? He got banned from them. He also called out on his little boy's sandbox forum site another christian forum site where he apparently got banned from as well.

And another kicker is that on his little sandbox forum site he has a whole section devoted to some silly computer game called Grey goo. Not at all without violence and hostility at all. And he calls us hostile. In fact in one of his youtube messages to me, he said I responded here with much violence.

That would imply I threatened him with physical harm, wouldn't it? Did I? Jesus forgive me, I was tempted.

Grey Goo:

Grey Goo video game - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
He believes he is as an apostle of the days of old.

He is a charlatan, nothing more, seeking power and money from others.
I know I have made some mistakes, I was in some ways 'hostile' in the tone of some of my posts. But isn't ignoring questions and others' posts and just blanket condemning everyone to Hell hostile even more? However that too is wrong of me, I should just forgive. And I should not let this guy bug me so much, but he really does. Over at his forum site, he trashes everyone to Hell. Everyone who does not believe exactly as he does. He even claims that if you pick your nose, you are going to Hell.


I made a comment on one of his videos on youtube which he promptly deleted and now has sent me three messages through youtube already today. One was to point out a post he has made at his forum site trashing emily, maxgrit, ninja, Jake, this whole site and I. And sure enough it is there. And it is taunting us to reply by saying something like, "Lets see how they respond to this" as if we could even get through the registration process let alone not have any of our posts and accounts immediately deleted.

I was reading Luke today and found that this guys claim that we sleep until (??whenever he says) and stuff, but there it was with the rich man and the beggar in Luke 16 verse 19 to the end of the chapter. The rich man looked across and say and talked to the beggar in Abraham's bosom.

But this is still a weakness of mine. I was reading Matthew 18:21-35 last night about forgiving my brother 70 times and read the parable of the king and the servant who owed the king 10,000 dinari. I feel as though I have the rage of the forgiven subject when I want to strangle Parture for his wrongs against me.

Sorry for such a long post. Help!
teddyearp Thank you for your honesty Indeed this is part of what we all go through.
How else can you or I help others when this happens to them
except that we walk in these shoes and know how hard it is to forgive!

Bless you brother. What helps me is when I feel SORRY for someone, compassion,
it is hard to be angry.
When I reminded this person has not the knowledge we have of Christ,
and he doesn't know WHY everyone hates his posts when he feels he is correcting us!
I would not want to be him.
I hate that feeling.

So as we struggle, and you can see my immediate reaction when I first posted this
and felt slapped or slammed out, then we give this up to God and know that all others, where
we are stepping in for them, have been through this and worse.

I think I could see a host of angels all coming to help straighten out the messes.
These are hardly different from what JW need to resolve, or other splinter groups.

We are not the only ones, and this is not the only splinter group doing this.
A lot more good can come from this in the future.

Because no one ever fully resolved this before,
then the problems came to our doorstep.

Whatever we can do, small steps or big steps,
is still better than where this was before it got our attention.

So God will use this for good purposes!
Take care Teddy and know you have my respect, my support and prayers!

Yours in Christ,
Love, Emily
Forgive me for continuing, but I just can not help myself. I feel it is needed for those who have been condemned in this thread to further know the depths of the person who claims to be Christian (and may be) but has no love of Christ evident in his heart.

Not only does he condemn to Hell people who pick their nose, but he condemns the leaders of the Canadian racquetball league as well to Hell. Why? Because they would not accept His ideas in how a local team/league should be run. After all, he seems to be the end all of all knowledge, right? He got banned from them. He also called out on his little boy's sandbox forum site another christian forum site where he apparently got banned from as well.

And another kicker is that on his little sandbox forum site he has a whole section devoted to some silly computer game called Grey goo. Not at all without violence and hostility at all. And he calls us hostile. In fact in one of his youtube messages to me, he said I responded here with much violence.

That would imply I threatened him with physical harm, wouldn't it? Did I? Jesus forgive me, I was tempted.

Grey Goo:

Grey Goo video game - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
teddyearp I'm sorry for the pain and hurt which means you are
a deeply compassionate soul to feel the suffering of others. God bless you!

the deeper the anger and anguish that you give up for forgiveness
the greater reward replaces that space in your heart as you give all this to God

If someone has a tiny bit of upset and forgives it
that is not as meaningful as someone like you struggling with mixed grief

So your sacrifice is greater and the rewards are greater, too.
So justice will be done.

You will be greatly blessed as you work through this grief
and let the Lord bear this burden and lift it all up.

As long as you ask God's help to forgive, you are doing the right thing,
God will answer and bless you. So you will receive wisdom on what
to do to correct the part you can effect in these matters.

I am so glad we met and sorry for the unfortunate circumstances,
but I know the good that comes will outweigh the bad

So again, the worse the bad side of the scale,
the better the good side that tips in the favor of justice.

Take care and I pray that all that is not God's perfect will and ways
be removed from your path, your life and your relations,
and God bless you abundantly with even greater things to come
that will make you forget the troubles that brought you to this point.

Your feelings of grief are on behalf of many others,
so that's why it feels disproportionate -- it's not all your pain,
so it is for the Lord to carry, not for us to bear this weight that is more than our share!

I wish you could have seen me when I first found out all the child abuse
cases and deaths from Jehovah's Witnesses their members complained of.
I found websites full of these tragic stories and just cried at my computer,
in shock that religious abuses like this could happen unseen in America!

I was so upset and aggrieved for that entire group, and had to get past this
in order to be effective and work toward corrections in accordance with the
way their hierarchy works. So that was hard, and I learned not to judge people
when they don't know how to handle the denominational difference and hierarchy politics.

Thank you Teddy for being here
and I hope you begin to catch sight of the blessings and benefits
that await as we figure out how to best help our neighbors
facing this or similar issues. As Christians we do need to do more,
and God will show us and will order our steps so that it stays on plan.

My prayers to uplift you and resolve the issues on your conscience
so you become a more powerful effective witness and helper in Christ.

Yours truly,
Love hugs and Praise,
emily- I'm serious. I got him/her on ignore for a reason; posting false doctrine.

Mr. Faith without works is dead, and you should do them and we are saved by grace after all we can do doth dare discredit doctrine of another.

What a joke ye are :banana:
He believes he is as an apostle of the days of old.

He is a charlatan, nothing more, seeking power and money from others.

Dear me, I can deal with when it is a hierarchy issue of calling people to
their respective fold of the flock, and then organizing rebukes from there.

but if money is involved, that is just one more layer of complication to add on top.
I hope that money is used for counseling therapy.

I only posted a few msgs while I was checking out that place,
and one person was a recovering ex member of a cult.
so there could be good going on there, if the people who
get in are 'forgiving' enough to get past all the yuck, they
may be very nonjudgmental saintly people there to help others who are lost.

There could be some very fine people who get past the maze of
conditions in order to screen out anyone but the most unconditional souls.

I'm too much of a free speech freak to give up that freedom.
But if I am needed there by someone, then things will work out.
I have a feeling this is not over. Will probably have to make peace anyway
because that's closer to perfection. We should all end up in a better position after this.

but I believe in free speech and free help, free mediation to keep conditions
and pressure off the process. That's the best way I know that healing works.

This authoritarian stuff is foreign to me and the opposite of my nature
to accommodate and walk with others. I didn't agree to walk on fire as a test of faith.

Exact opposites, so if I can learn how to be more authoritative and set boundaries up front,
maybe I can influence others to be more flexible and listen/include without judging and rejecting right off the bat.

We'll see what happens in future rounds.
Take care Jake and thanks for looking into this.
As the Heisenberg Principle goes, we can't observe something without changing it.
So even having a more compassionate conscientious person like you
look into the history and patterns of what's happening injects a bit of influence there
to push in the right direction. Every little bit helps, and is better than nothing!

Yours truly,
Love, Emily
Hellbound Universalist

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