Forbes Magazine: How Trump’s Deregulation Sowed The Seeds For Silicon Valley Bank’s Demise

Says the pusher of the trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory
A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – four other U.S. citizens, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.

The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.
He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans.

On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.

In early July 2017, it was reported that then-President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.
The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys.

In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.
Cultist you thought Trump was going to start a nuclear war. But here we are starting shit with a country that has nuclear weapons and not a peep from you cultist.
Biden isn't starting any war, moron.
Figures, you would side with Trump.
A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – four other U.S. citizens, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.

The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.
He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans.

On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.

In early July 2017, it was reported that then-President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.
The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys.

In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.
Yes there you go spewing the cult message conspiracy theorist
Yes he is
You're just like Trump.

February 23 2022
Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday described Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy,” praising his onetime counterpart for a move that has spurred sanctions and universal condemnation from the U.S. government and its trans-Atlantic allies.

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.” “He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”

November 21 2019
President Donald Trump and his GOP allies pressed a defense Thursday that he acted appropriately in withholding military aid to Ukraine out of concern over the country’s corruption and claimed the House impeachment hearings amounted to a rogue process.

The claims don’t match up with known facts.

A look at some of the remarks on Day 5 of public hearings in the impeachment inquiry by the House Intelligence Committee and Trump’s response:

CALIFORNIA REP. DEVIN NUNES, the top Republican on the committee: “President Trump had good reason to be wary of Ukrainian election meddling against his campaign.”
A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – four other U.S. citizens, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.

The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.
He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans.

On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.

In early July 2017, it was reported that then-President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.
The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys.

In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – four other U.S. citizens, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.

How did Natalia get into the country?
Are you angry that Reagan won the Cold War?
Teabagger revisionists "history", as if republicans had any other version.

The Soviet Union fell, all on their own.
Reagan's last day as president was January 20 1989.
The Soviet Union fell on December 25 1991.
Of course republicans want to take credit for it.
A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – four other U.S. citizens, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.

How did Natalia get into the country?
An immigration parole was granted, because she was representing a Russian oligarch in NYC, in a money laundering case.
Why was Trump meeting with her?
A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – four other U.S. citizens, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.

The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.
He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans.

On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.

In early July 2017, it was reported that then-President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.
The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys.

In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.
Progs come up with all dis shit and we see prog derive people dead to right in guilt like Hunter and it is denied to the rafters. Joe is guilty. The family is corrupted beyond imagination. Fifty years of Joe. A Quinn Martin Production.
Progs come up with all dis shit and we see prog derive people dead to right in guilt like Hunter and it is denied to the rafters. Joe is guilty. The family is corrupted beyond imagination. Fifty years of Joe. A Quinn Martin Production.
Sure, teabaggers claim...........but just can't PROVE it, even a little bit.
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Fannie and Freddie lost hundreds of billions of dollars on federally backed loans?

You've gotten even more retarded since you joined this thread. LOL!
Teabagger revisionists "history", as if republicans had any other version.

The Soviet Union fell, all on their own.
Reagan's last day as president was January 20 1989.
The Soviet Union fell on December 25 1991.
Of course republicans want to take credit for it.

The Soviet Union fell, all on their own.

Of course they did. After Reagan showed they couldn't compete.

Reagan's last day as president was January 20 1989.
The Soviet Union fell on December 25 1991.


Of course republicans want to take credit for it.

Demtards sucking Russian dick since 1917 don't deserve credit.

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