For the Wonks: "Fix the Debt" CEOs Enjoy Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay

Sorry, but that's not true. The moneyed interests and the 1% choose who we get to vote for in the first place AND they pay for and write all legislation in their favor. Average Americans have zero voice / influence at this point.

That in a nutshell is the exact truth - think you can get the partisan sheep to believe this? They and their goddamned partisan fucked up parties are ruining this country further!

Anyone who believes that is a certified moron.

Oh it's true alright. But you're not about to pick up a book or study it further, so enjoy your time as one more sheep led to the slaughter.
That in a nutshell is the exact truth - think you can get the partisan sheep to believe this? They and their goddamned partisan fucked up parties are ruining this country further!

Anyone who believes that is a certified moron.

Oh it's true alright. But you're not about to pick up a book or study it further, so enjoy your time as one more sheep led to the slaughter.

What is true? It's nonsensical gibberish.
"Fix the Debt" CEOs Enjoy Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay - IPS

Now this is the type of wealth redistribution that gets a stamp of approval :clap2:

*hard sarcasm*

How colossally stupid... your argument only works if one assumes that the federal government is entitled to 100% of everyone's income and by taking a legal deduction, you are somehow denying the government its money.

You need to grow up, seriously, just grow up and stop being such an ignoramus.

When they skip out, we pay the tab

Sure, keep telling yourself that.

Sorry, but that's not true. The moneyed interests and the 1% choose who we get to vote for in the first place AND they pay for and write all legislation in their favor. Average Americans have zero voice / influence at this point.

Mr. Peepers – disagree, that’s a defeated position.

The moneyed interests might tell us a candidate – like Obama – is the “best choice”, but are we forced at gunpoint to vote for that person?

What’s to stop 30 million people from taking 1 hr of their day (maybe once an election) to spend some time on google and research the candidates? What’s stopping those 30 million people from hitting the steets in protest when folks like Obama & Romney are presented?

Americans are so complacent these days, and that’s OUR fault. It’s our fault for not caring and choosing to watch Jersey Shore to pass the time. We still have the power to change it.
Then quit subsidizing those people....In fact, quit subsidizing everyone.

Problem solved.

What a concept....notice how liberals dont ever want to change existing programs.....they bitch a fit....
get rid of all tax deductions and subsidies.....lets see the democrats propose that......they never will.
Although I do not applaud anyone for exploiting a loophole, I will simply say it’s not their fault – it’s ours.

Why’s that?

Because it's US who are electing these lawmakers. All we have to do is get off our lazy collective asses, pay attention, and vote in genuine individuals who will fight for the whole vs fighting for just the guys with money. It's common sense that if we allow corrupted politicians to run Washington, we'll end up with corrupt laws.

Our fault.

Sorry, but that's not true. The moneyed interests and the 1% choose who we get to vote for in the first place AND they pay for and write all legislation in their favor. Average Americans have zero voice / influence at this point.

That in a nutshell is the exact truth - think you can get the partisan sheep to believe this? They and their goddamned partisan fucked up parties are ruining this country further!

Actually, that is utterly false. I can’t help if every damn time you go to the poll you pull the lever for one of the two major parties. There are options out there. There are options that are not the backers of the big money. Every time one of them gets the spotlight though, everyone calls them ‘crazy’ and a ‘kook.’ You only do not have a choice because you CHOOSE not to. Stop voting for the shills and you will find that there are not so many damn shills in the government.
How colossally stupid... your argument only works if one assumes that the federal government is entitled to 100% of everyone's income and by taking a legal deduction, you are somehow denying the government its money.

You need to grow up, seriously, just grow up and stop being such an ignoramus.

When they skip out, we pay the tab

Sure, keep telling yourself that.


Great counterpoint, something to consider
Actually, that is utterly false. I can’t help if every damn time you go to the poll you pull the lever for one of the two major parties. There are options out there. There are options that are not the backers of the big money. Every time one of them gets the spotlight though, everyone calls them ‘crazy’ and a ‘kook.’ You only do not have a choice because you CHOOSE not to. Stop voting for the shills and you will find that there are not so many damn shills in the government.

Wrong. It takes A LOT of money to run a campaign. If we publically funded elections, this would not be an issue, but since all of the candidates have to suck corporate cock just to be heard and seen on television, that isn't the case. If we had truly fair elections for the people / by the people, elections would be publically funded and all candidates would be included in debate. As it is, elections are paid for by billionaires for the billionaires.
Wrong. It takes A LOT of money to run a campaign. If we publically funded elections, this would not be an issue, but since all of the candidates have to suck corporate cock just to be heard and seen on television, that isn't the case. If we had truly fair elections for the people / by the people, elections would be publically funded and all candidates would be included in debate. As it is, elections are paid for by billionaires for the billionaires.

Defeated position once again.

How much disposable income do you think Americans spend on useless garbage? Entertainment?

What if every person in America were to skip on one fun activity and save $30 (once a year) and donate to a well-researched candidate of their choice? That’s $3 BILLION (if we go with maybe 100 million people) to work with every year to fund good Congressional candidates.

The moneyed interests get away with this because the most of us don’t know, don’t care, and let garbage get elected.

It's our fault, essentially.

We have so many ways to cheaply communicate with one another, cheaply gain knowledge (via the internet) that there are simply no excuses for playing the "we have no control", "we can't choose" card.

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Wrong. It takes A LOT of money to run a campaign. If we publically funded elections, this would not be an issue, but since all of the candidates have to suck corporate cock just to be heard and seen on television, that isn't the case. If we had truly fair elections for the people / by the people, elections would be publically funded and all candidates would be included in debate. As it is, elections are paid for by billionaires for the billionaires.

Defeated position once again.

How much disposable income do you think Americans spend on useless garbage? Entertainment?

What if every person in America were to skip on one fun activity and save $30 (once a year) and donate to a well-researched candidate of their choice? That’s $3 BILLION (if we go with maybe 100 million people) to work with every year to fund good Congressional candidates.

The moneyed interests get away with this because the most of us don’t know, don’t care, and let garbage get elected.

Our fault.


Your solution instead of taking money out of politics is to organize millions of ppl to do one thing. That's actually easier than going at the source.

Like instead of having a fire station we can hand out buckets to all the neighbors and if a fire breaks out rely on the actions, attitudes and willingness of everyone to put it out. How could that go wrong.
Actually, that is utterly false. I can’t help if every damn time you go to the poll you pull the lever for one of the two major parties. There are options out there. There are options that are not the backers of the big money. Every time one of them gets the spotlight though, everyone calls them ‘crazy’ and a ‘kook.’ You only do not have a choice because you CHOOSE not to. Stop voting for the shills and you will find that there are not so many damn shills in the government.

Wrong. It takes A LOT of money to run a campaign. If we publically funded elections, this would not be an issue, but since all of the candidates have to suck corporate cock just to be heard and seen on television, that isn't the case. If we had truly fair elections for the people / by the people, elections would be publically funded and all candidates would be included in debate. As it is, elections are paid for by billionaires for the billionaires.


Stop blaming your laziness on the evil billionaires. Do some research and don’t vote for the ones on the TV then. You know that you are not forced to vote for them right? Perhaps you could actually research the options and vote for one of the dozen candidates other than the established ones that are plastered all over the place.

You see, you want to blame the money and the rich because YOU and damn near the entire country has failed in its responsibility. Voting is a responsibility far more than a right. It has weight. It is the VOTERS that choose the candidate. It is the VOTERS that pick the president. You are never obligated to vote for one of the corporate shills yet I almost guarantee that you do every damn time. You can tell yourself that it is someone else’s fault so you feel better but that is a farce. No one is responsible for your actions but you. No one is responsible for the person’s name that you place on that ballot but you. If you truly want change then you will stop voting for the garbage that the parties keep putting up there.

Take responsibility for your vote and stop blaming others for it.
Logik thinks that getting sploog on his face from the 1% makes him part of the club...newsflash, it doesnt
Wrong. It takes A LOT of money to run a campaign. If we publically funded elections, this would not be an issue, but since all of the candidates have to suck corporate cock just to be heard and seen on television, that isn't the case. If we had truly fair elections for the people / by the people, elections would be publically funded and all candidates would be included in debate. As it is, elections are paid for by billionaires for the billionaires.

Defeated position once again.

How much disposable income do you think Americans spend on useless garbage? Entertainment?

What if every person in America were to skip on one fun activity and save $30 (once a year) and donate to a well-researched candidate of their choice? That’s $3 BILLION (if we go with maybe 100 million people) to work with every year to fund good Congressional candidates.

The moneyed interests get away with this because the most of us don’t know, don’t care, and let garbage get elected.

Our fault.


Your solution instead of taking money out of politics is to organize millions of ppl to do one thing. That's actually easier than going at the source.

Like instead of having a fire station we can hand out buckets to all the neighbors and if a fire breaks out rely on the actions, attitudes and willingness of everyone to put it out. How could that go wrong.

No, my point is that people are complaining about all these rich people taking over campaigns (which they do) while at the same time probably don't donate a single dollar to a candidate that they spent some time researching.

My point was that we waste so much money on other garbage that (at the very least) we could instead save some of that money and using it to fund GOOD candidates.

Until people start doing that, we have no room to complain. You can't do nothing and then complain about nothing happening.

Actually, that is utterly false. I can’t help if every damn time you go to the poll you pull the lever for one of the two major parties. There are options out there. There are options that are not the backers of the big money. Every time one of them gets the spotlight though, everyone calls them ‘crazy’ and a ‘kook.’ You only do not have a choice because you CHOOSE not to. Stop voting for the shills and you will find that there are not so many damn shills in the government.

Wrong. It takes A LOT of money to run a campaign. If we publically funded elections, this would not be an issue, but since all of the candidates have to suck corporate cock just to be heard and seen on television, that isn't the case. If we had truly fair elections for the people / by the people, elections would be publically funded and all candidates would be included in debate. As it is, elections are paid for by billionaires for the billionaires.


Stop blaming your laziness on the evil billionaires. Do some research and don’t vote for the ones on the TV then. You know that you are not forced to vote for them right? Perhaps you could actually research the options and vote for one of the dozen candidates other than the established ones that are plastered all over the place.

You see, you want to blame the money and the rich because YOU and damn near the entire country has failed in its responsibility. Voting is a responsibility far more than a right. It has weight. It is the VOTERS that choose the candidate. It is the VOTERS that pick the president. You are never obligated to vote for one of the corporate shills yet I almost guarantee that you do every damn time. You can tell yourself that it is someone else’s fault so you feel better but that is a farce. No one is responsible for your actions but you. No one is responsible for the person’s name that you place on that ballot but you. If you truly want change then you will stop voting for the garbage that the parties keep putting up there.

Take responsibility for your vote and stop blaming others for it.

I have not voted for a Corporate Party candidate in years.
Wrong. It takes A LOT of money to run a campaign. If we publically funded elections, this would not be an issue, but since all of the candidates have to suck corporate cock just to be heard and seen on television, that isn't the case. If we had truly fair elections for the people / by the people, elections would be publically funded and all candidates would be included in debate. As it is, elections are paid for by billionaires for the billionaires.


Stop blaming your laziness on the evil billionaires. Do some research and don’t vote for the ones on the TV then. You know that you are not forced to vote for them right? Perhaps you could actually research the options and vote for one of the dozen candidates other than the established ones that are plastered all over the place.

You see, you want to blame the money and the rich because YOU and damn near the entire country has failed in its responsibility. Voting is a responsibility far more than a right. It has weight. It is the VOTERS that choose the candidate. It is the VOTERS that pick the president. You are never obligated to vote for one of the corporate shills yet I almost guarantee that you do every damn time. You can tell yourself that it is someone else’s fault so you feel better but that is a farce. No one is responsible for your actions but you. No one is responsible for the person’s name that you place on that ballot but you. If you truly want change then you will stop voting for the garbage that the parties keep putting up there.

Take responsibility for your vote and stop blaming others for it.

I have not voted for a Corporate Party candidate in years.

You seem to support Obama and he is a HUGE corporate shill….??

Anyway, I’ll take that at face value then, congratulations on not being the problem. NOW, the rest of the nation needs to follow suit and damning the ‘rich’ for funding campaigns is not going to do it. Making people face the fact that not only are THEY the problem but that they are also the solution will. Hell, it is the ONLY way for change to occur; the people have to wake the fuck up.
Defeated position once again.

How much disposable income do you think Americans spend on useless garbage? Entertainment?

What if every person in America were to skip on one fun activity and save $30 (once a year) and donate to a well-researched candidate of their choice? That’s $3 BILLION (if we go with maybe 100 million people) to work with every year to fund good Congressional candidates.

The moneyed interests get away with this because the most of us don’t know, don’t care, and let garbage get elected.

Our fault.


Your solution instead of taking money out of politics is to organize millions of ppl to do one thing. That's actually easier than going at the source.

Like instead of having a fire station we can hand out buckets to all the neighbors and if a fire breaks out rely on the actions, attitudes and willingness of everyone to put it out. How could that go wrong.

No, my point is that people are complaining about all these rich people taking over campaigns (which they do) while at the same time probably don't donate a single dollar to a candidate that they spent some time researching.

My point was that we waste so much money on other garbage that (at the very least) we could instead save some of that money and using it to fund GOOD candidates.

Until people start doing that, we have no room to complain. You can't do nothing and then complain about nothing happening.


Individual dollars without organization will do nothing to level the playing field of unlimited corporate donations for their benefit. NO MATTER WHAT

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