For The Brave Only!

So to summarize. We are not a nation of racists who have problems regarding race. And even if we were we have good reason because the other races are bad.
Euro race is blamed for everything. However it was in the forefront of more liberty for people compared to other races. Humanity has a history of blood on its hands. There are not exceptions as per race.

Oh. So Europeans were not spreading around the globe with the message. ā€œWe own you.ā€ My bad.

Iā€™ll be sure to notify the Carib Indians of that.
Just so we know youā€˜re credibleā€¦ Link us to all your posts detesting the Spanish Conquistadors and the Aztecs.
Thanks in advance.
So to summarize. We are not a nation of racists who have problems regarding race. And even if we were we have good reason because the other races are bad.


You mean 'dodge.'

What are you so afraid of?

If you ever get around to reading.....

View attachment 504289

No. I havenā€™t read it. But here are some conclusions from some who have.

No. I havenā€™t read it. But here is some words from some who have.

He ignores data. He cherry picks his data to fit his conclusion.

Every one of his books has been soundly discredited. Well. By everyone except Whites desperate to find some shred of proof of their superiority. This is of course to justify their fear and hatred driven racism.

What is hilarious to me is how on one hand the idiots rush about talking about how much more intelligent whites are and how much more civilized they are. Then they shove some Black Conservative out there and scream they get it. Democrats are awful. Well if the Black is so much less intelligent than you Whites, why bother quoting one? Odd how so few get elected as Republicans. As one example. How is Congresswoman Mia Love doing? Oh wait. She never got past the primary.

You are free to believe whatever nonsense you want to. That is your right. You can even scream it is science. It isnā€™t. But continue. And the more you shout it the less support you get. Party affiliation continues to drop for Republicans. Public support continues to drop. And the inevitable totalitarian future gets a little closer.

None of his books or conclusions have been debunked.

Here is the level of your indoctrination coming through.

"324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years


Over the past 35 years in America, an estimated 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks, proving ā€œracistā€ white cops are the least of their worries.
Yet most of the media, blinded black leaders and liberals still try to make the case that the biggest problem today in America is white cops killing innocent black males. This myth has been repeated over and over again, but, according to statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks have more to fear from fellow blacks than they do from police officers across the country.

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph William Louis ā€œRudyā€ Giuliani was excoriated by the mainstream media for citing statistics that prove white cops killing black males is minor compared to the thousands who are killed every year by other blacks.

Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson, questioned that statistic, Giuliani responded by citing another figure from a 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report that did, indeed, conclude that 93% of black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008 were killed by black offenders.

This reporter took a look at the 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report. In that study, the agency reported that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005. It corroborated Giulianiā€™s claim that 93% of blacks were killed by other blacks, or about 7,440 murders in that year alone.

Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.
324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years ā€“ American Free Press

"White supremacy 'most lethal' threat to America, Biden say

Crypto bull Barry Silbert said he bet on a leveraged stock-market volatility fund earlier, to some derisionā€¦now itā€™s up about 20% on the week

White supremacist terrorism is the deadliest threat to the United States, President Joe Biden told lawmakers Wednesday night as he aimed to pivot from the country's post-9/11 foreign fights to one at home.
The president then urged Congress to pass police reform legislation just days after a jury convicted Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin of murder in the death of George Floyd. Chauvin is a former white police officer. Floyd was a black man.

"My fellow Americans, look, we have to come together to heal the soul of this nation," he added, telling lawmakers that nearly one year has passed since he spoke with Floydā€™s young daughter, Gianna.

"She said to me, 'Daddy changed the world,'" Biden continued. "After the conviction of George Floydā€™s murderer, we can see how right she was ā€” if we have the courage to act. We have all seen the knee of injustice on the neck of black America. Now is our opportunity to make real progress. "

The Biden administration has called on Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, but Democrats appear unwilling to compromise on issues of qualified immunity for law enforcement officers, a must-have for many GOP members."
White supremacy 'most lethal' threat to America, Biden says


As Charles Murray writes.....time for "Facing Reality"

Crime ran rampant in poor white Neighborhoods too. Where do you think the Mafia got its start? Poor Italian neighborhoods. Crime paid better than honest work, if they could find some.

Irish Mobs got their start in poor neighborhoods too. Violence followed.

Yet we seem to forget that while discussing Black Crime. We want to forget that historically it is the poor neighborhoods that breed crime. Not the color of the skin. Although racists of the era were quick to point out the ethnic groupings.

That is but one problem with the assertions. We have to pretend that it never happened in history. It is a whole new thing that never happened before. Instead of learning from history. We are doomed to repeat it. Well some of us are. You and the rest of the racists are certainly doomed.

That is but one thing among many that has been debunked. And why people with more than a 6th grade understanding reject the asinine assertions.

I posted a link. Where Professors explained what was wrong with those books you put up next to Scripture. You say they didnā€™t debunk it.

You donā€™t want to know. You want to find evidence to justify and support your racism. That is your problem. Not societies. And it is the downfall of the Republicans.

Personally. If I was King. Iā€™d fence in Wyoming and dump you all there. The Black Racists. The Whites. And let you all kill each other until there were none left. We would all be better off without you.

I predicted that my post #30 would put a cork in your pie hole.......

And it has!

As always, your cut and paste skills are awesome.

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?

Your lesson:

1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ā€˜simply cut and paste,ā€™ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ā€˜pasted selectionā€™ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ā€˜over your headā€™ or is this source too elementary? Ibid.

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the authorā€™s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert oneā€™s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ā€˜cut and pasteā€™ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. ā€œā€¦footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.ā€

While a public message board is the exact venue for giving opinions no matter their provenance, their attachment to reality, or even whether they are on a cognitive wavelength of any human on the planet, one should invest more credence to those that are able to show relevance, documentation and/or links.
Yep....they do it every compose a post and they scream LINK LINK LINK! You post a link and they scream PASTE PASTE PASTE!

You know the old saying, 'You don't get any flak until you're over the target."
Damn Straight
But if, under Democrat governance, we are to be judged as groups, as races, rather than the American ideal, as individuals, then the truth about certain statistical aspects of each group must be part of the ā€˜conversation.

It is done under Republican governance also, did you notice the race riots during Trump, yeah, those little things that tell you the Repubs are ignoring the situation.
Well they are doing a lousy job of compiling the data in any case.....there is always data and there is always an interpretation for it...ignore it and suffer.


They control the dissemination of information, and use it to support lies of omission and of commission.

The government collects any and all data related to the needs of authorized 'victims' of general nastiness by white America, but somehow it neglects to collect data about criminality of illegal aliens...who, by definition....are criminals!
Seems all Democrats rely on illegal aliens do to is what they were allowed to come here to do: vote Democrat.
And they do.

If you'd like to see how scrupulous the data-miners have been, to actually hide the crime statistics on illegal aliens, pick any infinitesimal bit of information you'd like to know about inhabitants of America ....oh, how many occupants of American Samoa have battery powered radios in their homes.....
Wanna know? It's actually here: American FactFinder - Using FactFinder
(2,651 in 2010)

Now try to find data on how many legal and illegal aliens are arrested and convicted for crimes...and what those crimes are.

And, based on this obfuscation and/or outright refusal to collect this data, Liberals can simply sneer at the logic and experience of the other side's attempts to estimate the numbers of illegal aliens, how many vote, the financial burden they place on the public services they require, the costs to the judicial system, increases in police forces, prison guards.....and rape counselors.
So to summarize. We are not a nation of racists who have problems regarding race. And even if we were we have good reason because the other races are bad.


You mean 'dodge.'

What are you so afraid of?

If you ever get around to reading.....

View attachment 504289

No. I havenā€™t read it. But here are some conclusions from some who have.

No. I havenā€™t read it. But here is some words from some who have.

He ignores data. He cherry picks his data to fit his conclusion.

Every one of his books has been soundly discredited. Well. By everyone except Whites desperate to find some shred of proof of their superiority. This is of course to justify their fear and hatred driven racism.

What is hilarious to me is how on one hand the idiots rush about talking about how much more intelligent whites are and how much more civilized they are. Then they shove some Black Conservative out there and scream they get it. Democrats are awful. Well if the Black is so much less intelligent than you Whites, why bother quoting one? Odd how so few get elected as Republicans. As one example. How is Congresswoman Mia Love doing? Oh wait. She never got past the primary.

You are free to believe whatever nonsense you want to. That is your right. You can even scream it is science. It isnā€™t. But continue. And the more you shout it the less support you get. Party affiliation continues to drop for Republicans. Public support continues to drop. And the inevitable totalitarian future gets a little closer.

None of his books or conclusions have been debunked.

Here is the level of your indoctrination coming through.

"324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years


Over the past 35 years in America, an estimated 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks, proving ā€œracistā€ white cops are the least of their worries.
Yet most of the media, blinded black leaders and liberals still try to make the case that the biggest problem today in America is white cops killing innocent black males. This myth has been repeated over and over again, but, according to statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks have more to fear from fellow blacks than they do from police officers across the country.

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph William Louis ā€œRudyā€ Giuliani was excoriated by the mainstream media for citing statistics that prove white cops killing black males is minor compared to the thousands who are killed every year by other blacks.

Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson, questioned that statistic, Giuliani responded by citing another figure from a 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report that did, indeed, conclude that 93% of black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008 were killed by black offenders.

This reporter took a look at the 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report. In that study, the agency reported that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005. It corroborated Giulianiā€™s claim that 93% of blacks were killed by other blacks, or about 7,440 murders in that year alone.

Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.
324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years ā€“ American Free Press

"White supremacy 'most lethal' threat to America, Biden say

Crypto bull Barry Silbert said he bet on a leveraged stock-market volatility fund earlier, to some derisionā€¦now itā€™s up about 20% on the week

White supremacist terrorism is the deadliest threat to the United States, President Joe Biden told lawmakers Wednesday night as he aimed to pivot from the country's post-9/11 foreign fights to one at home.
The president then urged Congress to pass police reform legislation just days after a jury convicted Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin of murder in the death of George Floyd. Chauvin is a former white police officer. Floyd was a black man.

"My fellow Americans, look, we have to come together to heal the soul of this nation," he added, telling lawmakers that nearly one year has passed since he spoke with Floydā€™s young daughter, Gianna.

"She said to me, 'Daddy changed the world,'" Biden continued. "After the conviction of George Floydā€™s murderer, we can see how right she was ā€” if we have the courage to act. We have all seen the knee of injustice on the neck of black America. Now is our opportunity to make real progress. "

The Biden administration has called on Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, but Democrats appear unwilling to compromise on issues of qualified immunity for law enforcement officers, a must-have for many GOP members."
White supremacy 'most lethal' threat to America, Biden says


As Charles Murray writes.....time for "Facing Reality"
1. The US either needs to add a "mixed" race to the census, or eliminate race entirely. We are all Americans. We don't need "protected classes" anymore.
2. We need to eliminate CRT and the 1619 Project from further discussion. They are simply a Marxist ploy.

Critical Race Theory, and anything that deals with race no matter how peripherally, is given unprecedented platform.

Today, most people have heard of CRT, and all of the associated lies, ā€˜white privilege,ā€™ ā€˜white supremacy,ā€™ ā€˜systemic racism,ā€™ all bogus, due to the state media.

The constant lies will be repeated until the Democrats no longer need them.
Have to shill anti-CRT now....can't use "Blue Lives Matter" anymore...............that one would be totally awkward for you.

Did you find anything in the OP that you could dispute??



So to summarize. We are not a nation of racists who have problems regarding race. And even if we were we have good reason because the other races are bad.


You mean 'dodge.'

What are you so afraid of?

If you ever get around to reading.....

View attachment 504289

No. I havenā€™t read it. But here are some conclusions from some who have.

No. I havenā€™t read it. But here is some words from some who have.

He ignores data. He cherry picks his data to fit his conclusion.

Every one of his books has been soundly discredited. Well. By everyone except Whites desperate to find some shred of proof of their superiority. This is of course to justify their fear and hatred driven racism.

What is hilarious to me is how on one hand the idiots rush about talking about how much more intelligent whites are and how much more civilized they are. Then they shove some Black Conservative out there and scream they get it. Democrats are awful. Well if the Black is so much less intelligent than you Whites, why bother quoting one? Odd how so few get elected as Republicans. As one example. How is Congresswoman Mia Love doing? Oh wait. She never got past the primary.

You are free to believe whatever nonsense you want to. That is your right. You can even scream it is science. It isnā€™t. But continue. And the more you shout it the less support you get. Party affiliation continues to drop for Republicans. Public support continues to drop. And the inevitable totalitarian future gets a little closer.

None of his books or conclusions have been debunked.

Here is the level of your indoctrination coming through.

"324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years


Over the past 35 years in America, an estimated 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks, proving ā€œracistā€ white cops are the least of their worries.
Yet most of the media, blinded black leaders and liberals still try to make the case that the biggest problem today in America is white cops killing innocent black males. This myth has been repeated over and over again, but, according to statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks have more to fear from fellow blacks than they do from police officers across the country.

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph William Louis ā€œRudyā€ Giuliani was excoriated by the mainstream media for citing statistics that prove white cops killing black males is minor compared to the thousands who are killed every year by other blacks.

Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson, questioned that statistic, Giuliani responded by citing another figure from a 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report that did, indeed, conclude that 93% of black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008 were killed by black offenders.

This reporter took a look at the 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report. In that study, the agency reported that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005. It corroborated Giulianiā€™s claim that 93% of blacks were killed by other blacks, or about 7,440 murders in that year alone.

Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.
324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years ā€“ American Free Press

"White supremacy 'most lethal' threat to America, Biden say

Crypto bull Barry Silbert said he bet on a leveraged stock-market volatility fund earlier, to some derisionā€¦now itā€™s up about 20% on the week

White supremacist terrorism is the deadliest threat to the United States, President Joe Biden told lawmakers Wednesday night as he aimed to pivot from the country's post-9/11 foreign fights to one at home.
The president then urged Congress to pass police reform legislation just days after a jury convicted Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin of murder in the death of George Floyd. Chauvin is a former white police officer. Floyd was a black man.

"My fellow Americans, look, we have to come together to heal the soul of this nation," he added, telling lawmakers that nearly one year has passed since he spoke with Floydā€™s young daughter, Gianna.

"She said to me, 'Daddy changed the world,'" Biden continued. "After the conviction of George Floydā€™s murderer, we can see how right she was ā€” if we have the courage to act. We have all seen the knee of injustice on the neck of black America. Now is our opportunity to make real progress. "

The Biden administration has called on Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, but Democrats appear unwilling to compromise on issues of qualified immunity for law enforcement officers, a must-have for many GOP members."
White supremacy 'most lethal' threat to America, Biden says


As Charles Murray writes.....time for "Facing Reality"

Crime ran rampant in poor white Neighborhoods too. Where do you think the Mafia got its start? Poor Italian neighborhoods. Crime paid better than honest work, if they could find some.

Irish Mobs got their start in poor neighborhoods too. Violence followed.

Yet we seem to forget that while discussing Black Crime. We want to forget that historically it is the poor neighborhoods that breed crime. Not the color of the skin. Although racists of the era were quick to point out the ethnic groupings.

That is but one problem with the assertions. We have to pretend that it never happened in history. It is a whole new thing that never happened before. Instead of learning from history. We are doomed to repeat it. Well some of us are. You and the rest of the racists are certainly doomed.

That is but one thing among many that has been debunked. And why people with more than a 6th grade understanding reject the asinine assertions.

I posted a link. Where Professors explained what was wrong with those books you put up next to Scripture. You say they didnā€™t debunk it.

You donā€™t want to know. You want to find evidence to justify and support your racism. That is your problem. Not societies. And it is the downfall of the Republicans.

Personally. If I was King. Iā€™d fence in Wyoming and dump you all there. The Black Racists. The Whites. And let you all kill each other until there were none left. We would all be better off without you.

I predicted that my post #30 would put a cork in your pie hole.......

And it has!

Well. You helped me decide to start voting again. I opted for Republicans in 2016. I didnā€™t vote in 2020. Iā€™m voting Democratic in the midterms.

Fuck you racist pigs.
9. Hereā€™s why we need that national conversation on race: it involves public policy.

Under Democrat ā€˜social justiceā€™ or ā€˜identity politics,ā€™ā€¦.

ā€œIt is appropriate for the government to play racial favorites, to dispense favors and penalties according to the group to which individuals belong.

My view is that this position has proved to be toxic. It is based on the premise that all groups are equal in the ways that shape economic, social, and political outcomes for groups and that therefore all differences in group outcomes are artificial and indefensible. That premise is factually wrong. Hence this book about race differences in cognitive ability and criminal behavior.ā€

But Democrat voters have never thought through the policies they support. They premise their group-identity policies on a false premise.

Now.....what is it about this that is racist, and hated by the Democrat Party????

View attachment 504384
The governments in the US have ALWAYS played racial favorites, starting with slavery, then Jim Crow, then 'separate but equal' and, most recently, redlining. Seems fitting that the 'favorites' should change for awhile.
So to summarize. We are not a nation of racists who have problems regarding race. And even if we were we have good reason because the other races are bad.


You mean 'dodge.'

What are you so afraid of?

If you ever get around to reading.....

View attachment 504289

No. I havenā€™t read it. But here are some conclusions from some who have.

No. I havenā€™t read it. But here is some words from some who have.

He ignores data. He cherry picks his data to fit his conclusion.

Every one of his books has been soundly discredited. Well. By everyone except Whites desperate to find some shred of proof of their superiority. This is of course to justify their fear and hatred driven racism.

What is hilarious to me is how on one hand the idiots rush about talking about how much more intelligent whites are and how much more civilized they are. Then they shove some Black Conservative out there and scream they get it. Democrats are awful. Well if the Black is so much less intelligent than you Whites, why bother quoting one? Odd how so few get elected as Republicans. As one example. How is Congresswoman Mia Love doing? Oh wait. She never got past the primary.

You are free to believe whatever nonsense you want to. That is your right. You can even scream it is science. It isnā€™t. But continue. And the more you shout it the less support you get. Party affiliation continues to drop for Republicans. Public support continues to drop. And the inevitable totalitarian future gets a little closer.

None of his books or conclusions have been debunked.

Here is the level of your indoctrination coming through.

"324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years


Over the past 35 years in America, an estimated 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks, proving ā€œracistā€ white cops are the least of their worries.
Yet most of the media, blinded black leaders and liberals still try to make the case that the biggest problem today in America is white cops killing innocent black males. This myth has been repeated over and over again, but, according to statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks have more to fear from fellow blacks than they do from police officers across the country.

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph William Louis ā€œRudyā€ Giuliani was excoriated by the mainstream media for citing statistics that prove white cops killing black males is minor compared to the thousands who are killed every year by other blacks.

Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson, questioned that statistic, Giuliani responded by citing another figure from a 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report that did, indeed, conclude that 93% of black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008 were killed by black offenders.

This reporter took a look at the 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report. In that study, the agency reported that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005. It corroborated Giulianiā€™s claim that 93% of blacks were killed by other blacks, or about 7,440 murders in that year alone.

Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.
324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years ā€“ American Free Press

"White supremacy 'most lethal' threat to America, Biden say

Crypto bull Barry Silbert said he bet on a leveraged stock-market volatility fund earlier, to some derisionā€¦now itā€™s up about 20% on the week

White supremacist terrorism is the deadliest threat to the United States, President Joe Biden told lawmakers Wednesday night as he aimed to pivot from the country's post-9/11 foreign fights to one at home.
The president then urged Congress to pass police reform legislation just days after a jury convicted Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin of murder in the death of George Floyd. Chauvin is a former white police officer. Floyd was a black man.

"My fellow Americans, look, we have to come together to heal the soul of this nation," he added, telling lawmakers that nearly one year has passed since he spoke with Floydā€™s young daughter, Gianna.

"She said to me, 'Daddy changed the world,'" Biden continued. "After the conviction of George Floydā€™s murderer, we can see how right she was ā€” if we have the courage to act. We have all seen the knee of injustice on the neck of black America. Now is our opportunity to make real progress. "

The Biden administration has called on Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, but Democrats appear unwilling to compromise on issues of qualified immunity for law enforcement officers, a must-have for many GOP members."
White supremacy 'most lethal' threat to America, Biden says


As Charles Murray writes.....time for "Facing Reality"

Crime ran rampant in poor white Neighborhoods too. Where do you think the Mafia got its start? Poor Italian neighborhoods. Crime paid better than honest work, if they could find some.

Irish Mobs got their start in poor neighborhoods too. Violence followed.

Yet we seem to forget that while discussing Black Crime. We want to forget that historically it is the poor neighborhoods that breed crime. Not the color of the skin. Although racists of the era were quick to point out the ethnic groupings.

That is but one problem with the assertions. We have to pretend that it never happened in history. It is a whole new thing that never happened before. Instead of learning from history. We are doomed to repeat it. Well some of us are. You and the rest of the racists are certainly doomed.

That is but one thing among many that has been debunked. And why people with more than a 6th grade understanding reject the asinine assertions.

I posted a link. Where Professors explained what was wrong with those books you put up next to Scripture. You say they didnā€™t debunk it.

You donā€™t want to know. You want to find evidence to justify and support your racism. That is your problem. Not societies. And it is the downfall of the Republicans.

Personally. If I was King. Iā€™d fence in Wyoming and dump you all there. The Black Racists. The Whites. And let you all kill each other until there were none left. We would all be better off without you.

I predicted that my post #30 would put a cork in your pie hole.......

And it has!

Well. You helped me decide to start voting again. I opted for Republicans in 2016. I didnā€™t vote in 2020. Iā€™m voting Democratic in the midterms.

Fuck you racist pigs.

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.
9. Hereā€™s why we need that national conversation on race: it involves public policy.

Under Democrat ā€˜social justiceā€™ or ā€˜identity politics,ā€™ā€¦.

ā€œIt is appropriate for the government to play racial favorites, to dispense favors and penalties according to the group to which individuals belong.

My view is that this position has proved to be toxic. It is based on the premise that all groups are equal in the ways that shape economic, social, and political outcomes for groups and that therefore all differences in group outcomes are artificial and indefensible. That premise is factually wrong. Hence this book about race differences in cognitive ability and criminal behavior.ā€

But Democrat voters have never thought through the policies they support. They premise their group-identity policies on a false premise.

Now.....what is it about this that is racist, and hated by the Democrat Party????

View attachment 504384
The governments in the US have ALWAYS played racial favorites, starting with slavery, then Jim Crow, then 'separate but equal' and, most recently, redlining. Seems fitting that the 'favorites' should change for awhile.



Were you ever....EVER.....honest????
9. Hereā€™s why we need that national conversation on race: it involves public policy.

Under Democrat ā€˜social justiceā€™ or ā€˜identity politics,ā€™ā€¦.

ā€œIt is appropriate for the government to play racial favorites, to dispense favors and penalties according to the group to which individuals belong.

My view is that this position has proved to be toxic. It is based on the premise that all groups are equal in the ways that shape economic, social, and political outcomes for groups and that therefore all differences in group outcomes are artificial and indefensible. That premise is factually wrong. Hence this book about race differences in cognitive ability and criminal behavior.ā€

But Democrat voters have never thought through the policies they support. They premise their group-identity policies on a false premise.

Now.....what is it about this that is racist, and hated by the Democrat Party????

View attachment 504384
The governments in the US have ALWAYS played racial favorites, starting with slavery, then Jim Crow, then 'separate but equal' and, most recently, redlining. Seems fitting that the 'favorites' should change for awhile.



Were you ever....EVER.....honest????
I guess the GOP never elected a President or controlled Congress between Lincoln and Trump so they were powerless to change US policy.
10. Here is a typical Biden voter showing his belief in identical group-abilities and aims:

ā€œWhite Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.ā€ The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

And, of course, there are no such laws in America.

Again: It is based on the premise that all groups are equal in the ways that shape economic, social, and political outcomes for groups and that therefore all differences in group outcomes are artificial and indefensible. That premise is factually wrong.

"If there were a contest for the most stupid idea in politics, my choice would be the assumption that people would be evenly or randomly distributed in incomes, institutions, occupations or awards, in the absence of somebody doing somebody wrong."
Thomas Sowell - The Dumbest Idea

ā€œsystemic racismā€ and ā€œinstitutional racismā€ are anti-American myths spread by oppression-model dogmatists. Ever since the ascendance of Bernie Sanders, the platforms of the Democrat Party have been shaped by these myths. Thus the 2016 platform regards social and economic disparities as prima facie evidence of racial or gender oppression and attributes such disparities not to individual decisions, capabilities, and performances, but to unidentified ā€œpoliciesā€ which, if they actually existed, would be illegal. Thomas Sowell, Discrimination and Disparities,​

11. Nowā€¦that ā€˜braveā€™ part in the title: while Democrats/Liberal want group-treatmentā€¦.they deny group differences in ways that determine social and economic outcomes. In the current political milieu, one must be brave to bring up group-differences on violence, criminality, various abilities, and culture.

ā€œI am aware of the dangers of being misread. I am not talking about racial superiority or inferiority, but about differences in group averages and overlapping distributions. Differences in averages do not affect the abilities of any individual. They should not affect our approach, positively or negatively, to any person we meet. But experience has taught me how hard it is for people to accept those assurances. I am also aware of a paradox: I want America to return to the ideal of treating people as individuals, so I have to write a book that treats Americans as groups. But thereā€™s no way around it.

Those of us who want to defend the American creed have been unwilling to say openly that races have significant group differences. Since we have been unwilling to say that, we have been defenseless against claims that racism is to blame for unequal outcomes. What else could it be? We have been afraid to answer candidly. Because we have not talked openly about group differences, we have kidded ourselves that the differences are temporary and can be made to go away.

If you are on the center left, the material in this book is unlikely to be treated accurately in the newspapers you read, the blogs you follow, your social media feeds, or the news that you watch or listen to.

For whatever has happened with the progressive left, the importance of equality before the law and of treating people as individuals has historically been at the core of American liberal principles ā€“ just as it has been at the core of American conservative principles, ā€¦

As for the realities I describe, thereā€™s no way to sugar-coat them, and I decided not to try. But having described the realities we must face, I can try to convey the peril we are in if we ignore them. That is the subject of the concluding chapter.ā€
Charles Murray

The queen of racism presents one more thread to promote her cause!
I have to commend you for not trying to hide your evil disposition hon!
As always, your cut and paste skills are awesome.
She is excellent and cutting and pasting. Especially cutting and pasting you with facts and figgers you can't handle....................BAAAWWWWWHAHA

She's way out of her league posting to you dumb dumbs
The queen of racism presents one more thread to promote her cause!
I have to commend you for not trying to hide your evil disposition hon!
Why don't you go back to your dumb intro thread and gibber Ninny

An intro thread after a year and a half you dumb fucking Canadian
She is excellent and cutting and pasting. Especially cutting and pasting you with facts and figgers you can't handle....................BAAAWWWWWHAHA

She's way out of her league posting to you dumb dumbs
More like out of her tree.
Why don't you go back to your dumb intro thread and gibber Ninny

An intro thread after a year and a half you dumb fucking Canadian
No, your request is denied. I didn't start that thread to chat, I started it because some members were asking questions on my identity.

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