For ALL the brave GOOD American Police

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
From me watching them from the outside far away get TRASHED in this disgusting way, I am stating this:


For a FEW BAD police WHY do American Leftists want to literally defund and abolish ALL the American Police? Logic dictates that the MAJORITY of American Police are NOT bad that the majority are good.

Remember how in America on the terrible day of September 11 2001 how Blue Lives Mattered and so many of those Blue Lives they GAVE in their DUTY to PROTECT Americans and also many citizens of other nations. More than FOUR HUNDRED brave American police GAVE their LIVES in the line of their DUTY, they were HEROES going into burning towers without THOUGHT for THEIR lives to save as MANY lives as possible, lives that were White, Black, Brown and all in between. They NEVER said "we will NOT save or ATTEMPT to save if someone trapped is Black or Brown"

They deserve MORE RESPECT and not this crap that is being thrown at them, they are out on American streets 24/7 putting their LIVES on the line EVERY SECOND of EVERY DAY in SERVICE to the American public. The trashing of the American police is a disgrace.

Watching what is happening now in America from the outside has been absolutely SHOCKING, the deliberate out of control rioting, violence, vandalism and looting, MANY who are affected by this are BLACK themselves or even HOMELESS peoples, who have had their things TRASHED by this crazed out of control mob of TOTAL thugs.

This has ZERO to do with the death of a drugged up former prisoner previously charged with Armed Robbery aka George Floyd. HOW is rioting and looting for eg. Apple Stores, Gucci Stores somehow "protesting" the death of George Floyd? How is burning the few belongings of some homeless peoples in Austin, Texas somehow "protesting" the death of George Floyd?

IF something happens and you feel in danger or you feel your family is in danger who do you phone? Do you phone the type of peoples who are out there rioting and looting? Or do you phone the American police?

Also WHAT EXACTLY is WRONG with saying All Lives Matter? Nothing that's what.





For a FEW BAD police WHY do American Leftists want to literally defund and abolish ALL the American Police? Logic dictates that the MAJORITY of American Police are NOT bad that the majority are good.
Fucking Democrat assholes. Don't play that good-cop-bad-cop game on me. One bad cop will ruin your life and destroy your career, and revoke your civil rights on a false and trumped-up charge, and railroad it right on through a red-light district court system, and the 99 "good cops" will enforce the punishment on you to the maximum extent of the law without any due process whatsoever.

The fly their own "thin blue line flag" while violently disrespecting the proper flag of the United States of America.

People who do not think I shoud be allowed to possess firearms cannot reasonably expect any aid or comfort from me; conversely I cannot expect any of these professional life-saving first responders to do anything to help, rather than hurt or kill, me in time of need or crisis.

That's utter tripe and incorrigible bullshit.
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From me watching them from the outside far away get TRASHED in this disgusting way, I am stating this:

View attachment 346146

For a FEW BAD police WHY do American Leftists want to literally defund and abolish ALL the American Police? Logic dictates that the MAJORITY of American Police are NOT bad that the majority are good.

Remember how in America on the terrible day of September 11 2001 how Blue Lives Mattered and so many of those Blue Lives they GAVE in their DUTY to PROTECT Americans and also many citizens of other nations. More than FOUR HUNDRED brave American police GAVE their LIVES in the line of their DUTY, they were HEROES going into burning towers without THOUGHT for THEIR lives to save as MANY lives as possible, lives that were White, Black, Brown and all in between. They NEVER said "we will NOT save or ATTEMPT to save if someone trapped is Black or Brown"

They deserve MORE RESPECT and not this crap that is being thrown at them, they are out on American streets 24/7 putting their LIVES on the line EVERY SECOND of EVERY DAY in SERVICE to the American public. The trashing of the American police is a disgrace.

Watching what is happening now in America from the outside has been absolutely SHOCKING, the deliberate out of control rioting, violence, vandalism and looting, MANY who are affected by this are BLACK themselves or even HOMELESS peoples, who have had their things TRASHED by this crazed out of control mob of TOTAL thugs.

This has ZERO to do with the death of a drugged up former prisoner previously charged with Armed Robbery aka George Floyd. HOW is rioting and looting for eg. Apple Stores, Gucci Stores somehow "protesting" the death of George Floyd? How is burning the few belongings of some homeless peoples in Austin, Texas somehow "protesting" the death of George Floyd?

IF something happens and you feel in danger or you feel your family is in danger who do you phone? Do you phone the type of peoples who are out there rioting and looting? Or do you phone the American police?

Also WHAT EXACTLY is WRONG with saying All Lives Matter? Nothing that's what.

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^^^^ Also they who want to Divide America are out there DEMANDING that ALL Americans who say All Lives Matter are racist because they don't say Black Lives Matter. WTF?! What INSANITY is THIS?!

Logically IF someone says All Lives Matter that would ALREADY INCLUDE Black lives would it not?

The actual racists are those who are DEMANDING that you ONLY say Black Lives Matter, they are saying therefore that you must EXCLUDE ALL other lives, they are saying therefore that Black lives matter MORE than ANY other life, more than the lives of Whites and of Asians etc this IS actual racism, the racists are NOT those who say All Lives Matter, the racists are those who are DEMANDING you ONLY say Black Lives Matter and Fuck Every Other Skin Colour Lives.
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For a FEW BAD police WHY do American Leftists want to literally defund and abolish ALL the American Police? Logic dictates that the MAJORITY of American Police are NOT bad that the majority are good.
Fucking Democrat assholes. Don't play that good-cop-bad-cop game on me. One bad cop will ruin your life and destroy your career, and revoke your civil rights on a false and trumped-up charge, and railroad it right on through a red-light district court system, and the 99 "good cops" will enforce the punishment on you to the maximum extent of the law without any due process whatsoever.

The fly their own "thin blue line flag" while violently disrespecting the proper flag of the United States of America.

People who do not think I shoud be allowed to possess firearms cannot reasonably expect any aid or comfort from me; conversely I cannot expect any of these professional life-saving first responders to do anything to help, rather than hurt or kill, me in time of need or crisis.

That's utter tripe and incorrigible bullshit.

I was attempting to post something positive in all of this crazy situation.
Lucy Hamilton has finally lost it. Soon she'll be posting gay porn.


I'm not asking.

I was attempting to suggest that you don't throw the baby out with the bath water. There are going to be corrupt police but you should be demanding they are rooted out, you do not literally defund the ENTIRE police with the probable intention of abolishing the police.

If that DID happen what would you have? Who would be the law enforcement? Would it be a random free for all? Would it be vigilantes? What would be next? Abolishing ALL prisons and releasing ALL criminals onto the streets? Oh wait, the Democrats in various States already released THOUSANDS of criminals onto the streets to "protect" them from COVID-19....hmmmm JUST in time to what join in with the riots, the violence, the vandalism and the looting?
Glad that the thin blue line is getting paid plenty of overtime!
While many mob protestors have to worry about homelessness, very, very soon.
The ranks of the lumpenproletariats will be significantly increasing and will deserve to be kicked to the curb!
Maybe, next time, they'll value what they HAD!
From me watching them from the outside far away get TRASHED in this disgusting way, I am stating this:

View attachment 346146

For a FEW BAD police WHY do American Leftists want to literally defund and abolish ALL the American Police? Logic dictates that the MAJORITY of American Police are NOT bad that the majority are good.

Remember how in America on the terrible day of September 11 2001 how Blue Lives Mattered and so many of those Blue Lives they GAVE in their DUTY to PROTECT Americans and also many citizens of other nations. More than FOUR HUNDRED brave American police GAVE their LIVES in the line of their DUTY, they were HEROES going into burning towers without THOUGHT for THEIR lives to save as MANY lives as possible, lives that were White, Black, Brown and all in between. They NEVER said "we will NOT save or ATTEMPT to save if someone trapped is Black or Brown"

They deserve MORE RESPECT and not this crap that is being thrown at them, they are out on American streets 24/7 putting their LIVES on the line EVERY SECOND of EVERY DAY in SERVICE to the American public. The trashing of the American police is a disgrace.

Watching what is happening now in America from the outside has been absolutely SHOCKING, the deliberate out of control rioting, violence, vandalism and looting, MANY who are affected by this are BLACK themselves or even HOMELESS peoples, who have had their things TRASHED by this crazed out of control mob of TOTAL thugs.

This has ZERO to do with the death of a drugged up former prisoner previously charged with Armed Robbery aka George Floyd. HOW is rioting and looting for eg. Apple Stores, Gucci Stores somehow "protesting" the death of George Floyd? How is burning the few belongings of some homeless peoples in Austin, Texas somehow "protesting" the death of George Floyd?

IF something happens and you feel in danger or you feel your family is in danger who do you phone? Do you phone the type of peoples who are out there rioting and looting? Or do you phone the American police?

Also WHAT EXACTLY is WRONG with saying All Lives Matter? Nothing that's what.

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^^^^ Also they who want to Divide America are out there DEMANDING that ALL Americans who say All Lives Matter are racist because they don't say Black Lives Matter. WTF?! What INSANITY is THIS?!

Logically IF someone says All Lives Matter that would ALREADY INCLUDE Black lives would it not?

The actual racists are those who are DEMANDING that you ONLY say Black Lives Matter, they are saying therefore that you must EXCLUDE ALL other lives, they are saying therefore that Black lives matter MORE than ANY other life, more than the lives of Whites and of Asians etc this IS actual racism, the racists are NOT those who say All Lives Matter, the racists are those who are DEMANDING you ONLY say Black Lives Matter and Fuck Every Other Skin Colour Lives.
You are correct in calling our current state of affairs insanity. We have a fraudulent organization with a fake name and a fake message that was endorsed and empowered by a fraudulent Black President. They use the bully pulpit and White Guilt to push their nonsensical agenda. If they truly cared about Black "Lives" they would be organizing demonstrations in the inner cities every week. They never do just like Obama never gave a shit about the inner city killing fields. Instead they participate in destroying the very neighborhoods where Black lives don't matter. Oh the irony.

As I posted before Black Lives Matter BLM should be named Some Black Deaths Matter SBDM. That would be far more honest and accurate.
I was attempting to post something positive in all of this crazy situation.
They revoked my rights a few short years out of college, and deprived me of my reputation and an entire lifetime of earnings by vicious and false mental health and petty crime allegations, and fraudulent claims of debt which I allegedly owe to the very doctors who deprived me of the right to earn a living through their hideously corrupt court system.

Don't worry! Be happy! It's all good! Just get AIDS and die!

I'm sorry. We are your enemies, and we don't die that easily.
For a FEW BAD police WHY do American Leftists want to literally defund and abolish ALL the American Police? Logic dictates that the MAJORITY of American Police are NOT bad that the majority are good.
Fucking Democrat assholes. Don't play that good-cop-bad-cop game on me. One bad cop will ruin your life and destroy your career, and revoke your civil rights on a false and trumped-up charge, and railroad it right on through a red-light district court system, and the 99 "good cops" will enforce the punishment on you to the maximum extent of the law without any due process whatsoever.

The fly their own "thin blue line flag" while violently disrespecting the proper flag of the United States of America.

People who do not think I shoud be allowed to possess firearms cannot reasonably expect any aid or comfort from me; conversely I cannot expect any of these professional life-saving first responders to do anything to help, rather than hurt or kill, me in time of need or crisis.

That's utter tripe and incorrigible bullshit.
Yeah, they will. Fortunately they are the minority, but need to be flushed out.
And it’s interesting to me people don’t see a correlation here with how the left has done the same thing to Trump as you describe a bad cop can do...
From me watching them from the outside far away get TRASHED in this disgusting way, I am stating this:

View attachment 346146

For a FEW BAD police WHY do American Leftists want to literally defund and abolish ALL the American Police? Logic dictates that the MAJORITY of American Police are NOT bad that the majority are good.

Remember how in America on the terrible day of September 11 2001 how Blue Lives Mattered and so many of those Blue Lives they GAVE in their DUTY to PROTECT Americans and also many citizens of other nations. More than FOUR HUNDRED brave American police GAVE their LIVES in the line of their DUTY, they were HEROES going into burning towers without THOUGHT for THEIR lives to save as MANY lives as possible, lives that were White, Black, Brown and all in between. They NEVER said "we will NOT save or ATTEMPT to save if someone trapped is Black or Brown"

They deserve MORE RESPECT and not this crap that is being thrown at them, they are out on American streets 24/7 putting their LIVES on the line EVERY SECOND of EVERY DAY in SERVICE to the American public. The trashing of the American police is a disgrace.

Watching what is happening now in America from the outside has been absolutely SHOCKING, the deliberate out of control rioting, violence, vandalism and looting, MANY who are affected by this are BLACK themselves or even HOMELESS peoples, who have had their things TRASHED by this crazed out of control mob of TOTAL thugs.

This has ZERO to do with the death of a drugged up former prisoner previously charged with Armed Robbery aka George Floyd. HOW is rioting and looting for eg. Apple Stores, Gucci Stores somehow "protesting" the death of George Floyd? How is burning the few belongings of some homeless peoples in Austin, Texas somehow "protesting" the death of George Floyd?

IF something happens and you feel in danger or you feel your family is in danger who do you phone? Do you phone the type of peoples who are out there rioting and looting? Or do you phone the American police?

Also WHAT EXACTLY is WRONG with saying All Lives Matter? Nothing that's what.

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View attachment 346149

^^^^ Also they who want to Divide America are out there DEMANDING that ALL Americans who say All Lives Matter are racist because they don't say Black Lives Matter. WTF?! What INSANITY is THIS?!

Logically IF someone says All Lives Matter that would ALREADY INCLUDE Black lives would it not?

The actual racists are those who are DEMANDING that you ONLY say Black Lives Matter, they are saying therefore that you must EXCLUDE ALL other lives, they are saying therefore that Black lives matter MORE than ANY other life, more than the lives of Whites and of Asians etc this IS actual racism, the racists are NOT those who say All Lives Matter, the racists are those who are DEMANDING you ONLY say Black Lives Matter and Fuck Every Other Skin Colour Lives.
You are correct in calling our current state of affairs insanity. We have a fraudulent organization with a fake name and a fake message that was endorsed and empowered by a fraudulent Black President. They use the bully pulpit and White Guilt to push their nonsensical agenda. If they truly cared about Black "Lives" they would be organizing demonstrations in the inner cities every week. They never do just like Obama never gave a shit about the inner city killing fields. Instead they participate in destroying the very neighborhoods where Black lives don't matter. Oh the irony.

As I posted before Black Lives Matter BLM should be named Some Black Deaths Matter SBDM. That would be far more honest and accurate.

Well IF Black Lives DO Matter, why didn't that crowd and the Leftists who support them CONDEMN the murder during the riots of retired police officer David Dorn? Or did David Dorn's life NOT matter? Do ONLY Militant Black Lives Matter? Why didn't that crowd and the Leftists who support them do that stupid going on the knee for David Dorn?



I was attempting to post something positive in all of this crazy situation.
They revoked my rights a few short years out of college, and deprived me of my reputation and an entire lifetime of earnings by vicious and false mental health and petty crime allegations, and fraudulent claims of debt which I allegedly owe to the very doctors who deprived me of the right to earn a living through their hideously corrupt court system.

Don't worry! Be happy! It's all good! Just get AIDS and die!

I'm sorry. We are your enemies, and we don't die that easily.

Sounds like you fucked up too much while expecting a wrist-slap.
I see prison in your future, loser.
I was attempting to post something positive in all of this crazy situation.
They revoked my rights a few short years out of college, and deprived me of my reputation and an entire lifetime of earnings by vicious and false mental health and petty crime allegations, and fraudulent claims of debt which I allegedly owe to the very doctors who deprived me of the right to earn a living through their hideously corrupt court system.

Don't worry! Be happy! It's all good! Just get AIDS and die!

I'm sorry. We are your enemies, and we don't die that easily.

Well yes I'm sorry you had that situation. IF you removed the police in total what would replace them? Vigilantes? UN Troops? What?

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