Should well-off jobless get food stamps? | Cincinnati Enquirer | Cincinnati.Com
County Administrator Dave Gully says the countys Human Services employees were upset because they recently were required to issue $500 a month in food stamps to a person who has lost their job, but has $80,000 in the bank, lives in a $300,000 house that is paid off, and drives a new Mercedes.
The family qualifies under a special federal category called Categorical Eligibility," according to a memo Gully sent to commissioners. Other local families in similar situations also have qualified for food stamps this way, Gully says.
Total Crap. This is total Bullshit.
County Administrator Dave Gully says the countys Human Services employees were upset because they recently were required to issue $500 a month in food stamps to a person who has lost their job, but has $80,000 in the bank, lives in a $300,000 house that is paid off, and drives a new Mercedes.
The family qualifies under a special federal category called Categorical Eligibility," according to a memo Gully sent to commissioners. Other local families in similar situations also have qualified for food stamps this way, Gully says.
Total Crap. This is total Bullshit.