Florida Pulse gay club attacked

At the root of the problem is the gathering together of large groups creating inviting targets for terrorists.

Since governmental concerns over political correctness prevents even mention of the true nature of the problem there is an easy alternative.

Simply outlaw all gathering of people beyond some reasonable number.

Why not start with a generous limit of three and see what happens?

I think you could get that past Congress and signed into law in hours - unless, of course. Our Kenyan President reads this and it'a already an Executive Order!


Wow! Outlaw basic human rights, such as the right to assembly in order to appease the Muslims. Not a brilliant idea.


Democrats obviously want, and have in many cases, to outlaw the basic human right of self defense, so why would they flinch at outlawing the right to assembly?

I suppose that you are right. We do not allow you to buy an operating bazooka with ammo, and in some cases, a military grade fully automatic assault rifle.
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Then radical Muslims do not represent Islam?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Stupid? What is stupid is your saying that he was no Christian. No one is saying that he was a Christian. Your just resorting to a straw man with that one. And, if you had read the article, you would know that it's more than "two loons " that praised him. You would also have seen the hypocrisy of focusing on Islam and ignoring Christians contribution to the hate. Here is more for your convenience

Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump and other Republicans have hammered President Barack Obama for choosing not to use the term “radical Islam,” suggesting that his rhetoric reflects an unwillingness to get serious about a national security threat. They’ve also used the shooting to further blur the line between the tiny fraction of radical Muslims and the rest of the world’s 1.6 billion followers of Islam. They say the Quran teaches that homosexuality is punishable by death, which means Muslims must be anti-gay. Yet again, the actions of a single person are being used to cast a pall over an entire community.

Christians are rarely asked to answer these questions, because nobody is rushing to confront or condemn radical Christianity. But what does the Bible say about the LGBT community, and do we assume most Christians take it literally? Does Christianity promote violent homophobia? Should we interpret one preacher’s despicable anti-queer comments as the gospel of an entire religion? These have not traditionally been topics of political debate. Though to their credit, some Christian leaders have asked such questions of themselves over the past week.
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Then radical Muslims do not represent Islam?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
No more than radical Christians represent Christianity. Either the religious extremists represent the religion or they don't. You can't pick and choose which religions that applies to.
No more than radical Christians represent Christianity. Either the religious extremists represent the religion or they don't. You can't pick and choose which religions that applies to.

Great point you and your terrorist promoting friends have.

Let's look at the numbers; over the last decade, zero terror attacks by the Christians you hate have resulted in an astounding zero deaths. As a good Marxist, you are dedicated to doing something to stop such a shameful situation. In the same time frame a mere 31 attacks with a paltry 362 deaths have occurred at the hands of your close allies in radical Islam.

So of COURSE it is your duty to attack the hated Christians and end civil rights. :thup:
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Then radical Muslims do not represent Islam?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
No more than radical Christians represent Christianity. Either the religious extremists represent the religion or they don't. You can't pick and choose which religions that applies to.
Hey, that works for me. I'm not the one who supports the guy who wants to ban an entire religion because, you know, any one of them might be - you never know - one of the extremists.
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Then radical Muslims do not represent Islam?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I do not believe that ANYONE says that radical Islam represents all Muslims. If anyone has, I do not agree with them.
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Stupid? What is stupid is your saying that he was no Christian. No one is saying that he was a Christian. Your just resorting to a straw man with that one. And, if you had read the article, you would know that it's more than "two loons " that praised him. You would also have seen the hypocrisy of focusing on Islam and ignoring Christians contribution to the hate. Here is more for your convenience

Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump and other Republicans have hammered President Barack Obama for choosing not to use the term “radical Islam,” suggesting that his rhetoric reflects an unwillingness to get serious about a national security threat. They’ve also used the shooting to further blur the line between the tiny fraction of radical Muslims and the rest of the world’s 1.6 billion followers of Islam. They say the Quran teaches that homosexuality is punishable by death, which means Muslims must be anti-gay. Yet again, the actions of a single person are being used to cast a pall over an entire community.

Christians are rarely asked to answer these questions, because nobody is rushing to confront or condemn radical Christianity. But what does the Bible say about the LGBT community, and do we assume most Christians take it literally? Does Christianity promote violent homophobia? Should we interpret one preacher’s despicable anti-queer comments as the gospel of an entire religion? These have not traditionally been topics of political debate. Though to their credit, some Christian leaders have asked such questions of themselves over the past week.

I have just as much contempt for your point of view as I have for radical Islam and radical Christians. People who seek to condemn entire groups based on the most radical viewpoints are bigots.
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Then radical Muslims do not represent Islam?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I do not believe that ANYONE says that radical Islam represents all Muslims. If anyone has, I do not agree with them.
No. They just say that banning all Muslims is reasonable, because any one might be an extremist. Tell me how that is, substantively different?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Then radical Muslims do not represent Islam?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I do not believe that ANYONE says that radical Islam represents all Muslims. If anyone has, I do not agree with them.
No. They just say that banning all Muslims is reasonable, because any one might be am extremist. Tell me how that is, substantively different?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Who is "they", bigot boy?
Did someone say something about Islamic terrorism?

Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.

What you see below is radical Christianity. ( Read More...)
Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals

That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Then radical Muslims do not represent Islam?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I do not believe that ANYONE says that radical Islam represents all Muslims. If anyone has, I do not agree with them.
No. They just say that banning all Muslims is reasonable, because any one might be am extremist. Tell me how that is, substantively different?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Who is "they", bigot boy?
Donald Trump, and any of his supporters.
That's stupid. The shooter was no sort of Christian and the TWO loons that "praised" the shootings don't represent anything but their own ignorance. Go pound salt.
Then radical Muslims do not represent Islam?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I do not believe that ANYONE says that radical Islam represents all Muslims. If anyone has, I do not agree with them.
No. They just say that banning all Muslims is reasonable, because any one might be am extremist. Tell me how that is, substantively different?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Who is "they", bigot boy?
Donald Trump, and any of his supporters.

I've never been a Trump supporter, but I've never heard him call for "banning all Muslims". All I have EVER heard was that immigration be halted from some areas of the world, such as Syria, until we can vet them properly. I remember hearing FBI director James Comey saying during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S.

I believe our FBI director over a reactionary like you.
Then radical Muslims do not represent Islam?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I do not believe that ANYONE says that radical Islam represents all Muslims. If anyone has, I do not agree with them.
No. They just say that banning all Muslims is reasonable, because any one might be am extremist. Tell me how that is, substantively different?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Who is "they", bigot boy?
Donald Trump, and any of his supporters.

I've never been a Trump supporter, but I've never heard him call for "banning all Muslims". All I have EVER heard was that immigration be halted from some areas of the world, such as Syria, until we can vet them properly. I remember hearing FBI director James Comey saying during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S.

I believe our FBI director over a reactionary like you.
What do you think "hilting immigration" means? It means putting a ban on the people from those areas from entering the US. And, he isn't talking about haling all immigration from those areas - only those who are Muslim. So, if I were, say, a Christian, emigrating from Syria, me, Trump would allow in. So, how, precisely, is that not a ban on Muslims?
I do not believe that ANYONE says that radical Islam represents all Muslims. If anyone has, I do not agree with them.
No. They just say that banning all Muslims is reasonable, because any one might be am extremist. Tell me how that is, substantively different?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Who is "they", bigot boy?
Donald Trump, and any of his supporters.

I've never been a Trump supporter, but I've never heard him call for "banning all Muslims". All I have EVER heard was that immigration be halted from some areas of the world, such as Syria, until we can vet them properly. I remember hearing FBI director James Comey saying during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S.

I believe our FBI director over a reactionary like you.
What do you think "hilting immigration" means? It means putting a ban on the people from those areas from entering the US. And, he isn't talking about haling all immigration from those areas - only those who are Muslim. So, if I were, say, a Christian, emigrating from Syria, me, Trump would allow in. So, how, precisely, is that not a ban on Muslims?

You are ignorant and being willfully stupid. Now, you've gone from "banning all Muslims" to banning all Muslims from Syria.

And, your lie aside, Trump doesn't seem to have differentiated between Syrian Christians and Syrian Muslims. Before you lose ALL credibility, you might try to educate yourself.

Trump Says He Would Ban Syrian Refugees From Entering US

Grow up.
Last edited:
No one is pulling your gun or touch your gun. Law abiding citizens like you can still buy GUNS ......... Hillary and Obama never said .......... They will yank your guns or stop you from buying guns.
I don't understand your or other problems.

Would a new law help the FBI find out when current or past terror suspects are buying guns?

Will another law put more protection in gay bars?

Can a new law make it easier for citizens to buy a gun to protect themselves from terrorists when the police wait outside?

I can go to a gun store right now and I don't have a problem buying any gun that is available at the store. No problem.
Why are you so scared of any common sense gun law?
Why not just let it go instead of keep saying it doesn't work? How do you even know it doesn't work?

Because it is a steady inexorable road to total disarmament. We know for a fact it does not work by looking to cities, states and countries that have gone down this path ahead of us. How is it working for the dead in France? How much more peaceful is Chicago these days? This has no more to do with safety, than climate has to do with UN climate change policy. We are going to become more and more uneasy with the removal of our rights. The UN representatives in the White House don't want us to be able to do anything about that So, get rid of Amendment 2, continue the assault on 4.

Put America first this election. Don't vote for anyone who boasts of their global initiative. Global and Constitution are like oil and water.
More gun laws? Ban? Heroin is banned but pours in from Mexico by the TON from down south. So would guns, to the bad guys.

So in your world laws don't do anything so we shouldn't have any laws. All you have are Red Herrings and Strawmen fallacies. The go-to toolbox for the conservative trying desperately to make a fake argument.

Here is what you do. Since open borders invite terrorists, close them.
Because black market suppliers will continue to arm terrorists, then 1. do NOT disarm their targets, and 2. do not give them access to their targets.
An Afgan wishing to kill homosexuals in Florida would have to be a pretty good shot to hit one from Afghanistan.
More gun laws? Ban? Heroin is banned but pours in from Mexico by the TON from down south. So would guns, to the bad guys.

So in your world laws don't do anything so we shouldn't have any laws. All you have are Red Herrings and Strawmen fallacies. The go-to toolbox for the conservative trying desperately to make a fake argument.

Here is what you do. Since open borders invite terrorists, close them.
Because black market suppliers will continue to arm terrorists, then 1. do NOT disarm their targets, and 2. do not give them access to their targets.
An Afgan wishing to kill homosexuals in Florida would have to be a pretty good shot to hit one from Afghanistan.

Ironically, there are no terrorists coming in to the US from south of the border that you want to close (which would end $519 billion in trade with Mexico per year.) Even more ironically, the cartels in Mexico, who certainly are terrorists, get their arms from the USA black marketers. .

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