Florida Is Wrong On This African American Studies Curriculum Matter!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
What the Florida state government is doing in preventing the AP program for African American Studies is not good for the country, it may be following the Stop Woke Act in Florida law but it is not good in combating the harm to America from the Woke movement - I hope other states don't follow Florida's lead! If the issue was about things like elementary school teachers teaching elementary school children to question their sexual identity that is their birth gender or that American is a racist society not that racism does exist in the country and it is wrong but things like white people are racists their values their behavior are racist even if no discriminatory actions can be identified of course that would be wrong and the state government would be doing its duty to protect children and stand up for the good by shutting it down. But the issue here is a high school Advanced Placement history or political science course on African American history/studies that teaches about woke subjects touching the African American community in America's history, this is exactly the type of discussions and perspectives we as a society want to have on these woke issues. Most woke issues aren't going to go away because half of the American people think they are illegitimate. They are going to go away because on their merits they deserve to go away. So as a society we to have responsible discussions about them. We need to clearly identify the issues and talk about them from a fairness and good public policy standpoint. We as a society need to approach these topics as learned individuals acting with good faith trying to determine the right thing to do; all behaviors that would be taught in good political science courses on the subjects. As a society America has largely always strived and should always strive to be a great society which in part means not to be afraid of ideas to separate the wheat ideas from the chaff ideas such endeavors move us forward as a country enabling us to giving effect to the wheat or good ideas. One topic that radiates this warranting of dismissal upon a responsible debate is this "reparations" topic, it really is a nutty idea if it is fully looked at and I believe as a society we should do things like give special help to Black schools and do affirmative action to make up for the harm of slavery but reparations - Not! A skilled comedian could make a hilarious show on this topic just breaking down the issue it presents so many wacky sub-issues. One that jumps out is why should descendants of slaves living today get reparations over such descendants living in later generations they seem to largely have the same case for damages; so if we decide to give every generation of descendants of slaves an economic damage award which the proponents seem to be seeking won't that incentivize the descendants not to work hard getting an education and pursuing career growth making the same wise choices that most achieving people of all races make in their life to sacrifice some good times short term to succeed in these valuable areas to achieve a good long term future because they know they are going to get a reparations pay day; wouldn't that be harming these descendants when the goal should be helping them!
What the Florida state government is doing in preventing the AP program for African American Studies is not good for the country, it may be following the Stop Woke Act in Florida law but it is not good in combating the harm to America from the Woke movement - I hope other states don't follow Florida's lead! If the issue was about things like elementary school teachers teaching elementary school children to question their sexual identity that is their birth gender or that American is a racist society not that racism does exist in the country and it is wrong but things like white people are racists their values their behavior are racist even if no discriminatory actions can be identified of course that would be wrong and the state government would be doing its duty to protect children and stand up for the good by shutting it down. But the issue here is a high school Advanced Placement history or political science course on African American history/studies that teaches about woke subjects touching the African American community in America's history, this is exactly the type of discussions and perspectives we as a society want to have on these woke issues. Most woke issues aren't going to go away because half of the American people think they are illegitimate. They are going to go away because on their merits they deserve to go away. So as a society we to have responsible discussions about them. We need to clearly identify the issues and talk about them from a fairness and good public policy standpoint. We as a society need to approach these topics as learned individuals acting with good faith trying to determine the right thing to do; all behaviors that would be taught in good political science courses on the subjects. As a society America has largely always strived and should always strive to be a great society which in part means not to be afraid of ideas to separate the wheat ideas from the chaff ideas such endeavors move us forward as a country enabling us to giving effect to the wheat or good ideas. One topic that radiates this warranting of dismissal upon a responsible debate is this "reparations" topic, it really is a nutty idea if it is fully looked at and I believe as a society we should do things like give special help to Black schools and do affirmative action to make up for the harm of slavery but reparations - Not! A skilled comedian could make a hilarious show on this topic just breaking down the issue it presents so many wacky sub-issues. One that jumps out is why should descendants of slaves living today get reparations over such descendants living in later generations they seem to largely have the same case for damages; so if we decide to give every generation of descendants of slaves an economic damage award which the proponents seem to be seeking won't that incentivize the descendants not to work hard getting an education and pursuing career growth making the same wise choices that most achieving people of all races make in their life to sacrifice some good times short term to succeed in these valuable areas to achieve a good long term future because they know they are going to get a reparations pay day; wouldn't that be harming these descendants when the goal should be helping them!
You have to learn how to make paragraphs. When people see a wall of words like this, they just move on by without reading it.
What the Florida state government is doing in preventing the AP program for African American Studies is not good for the country, it may be following the Stop Woke Act in Florida law but it is not good in combating the harm to America from the Woke movement - I hope other states don't follow Florida's lead! If the issue was about things like elementary school teachers teaching elementary school children to question their sexual identity that is their birth gender or that American is a racist society not that racism does exist in the country and it is wrong but things like white people are racists their values their behavior are racist even if no discriminatory actions can be identified of course that would be wrong and the state government would be doing its duty to protect children and stand up for the good by shutting it down. But the issue here is a high school Advanced Placement history or political science course on African American history/studies that teaches about woke subjects touching the African American community in America's history, this is exactly the type of discussions and perspectives we as a society want to have on these woke issues. Most woke issues aren't going to go away because half of the American people think they are illegitimate. They are going to go away because on their merits they deserve to go away. So as a society we to have responsible discussions about them. We need to clearly identify the issues and talk about them from a fairness and good public policy standpoint. We as a society need to approach these topics as learned individuals acting with good faith trying to determine the right thing to do; all behaviors that would be taught in good political science courses on the subjects. As a society America has largely always strived and should always strive to be a great society which in part means not to be afraid of ideas to separate the wheat ideas from the chaff ideas such endeavors move us forward as a country enabling us to giving effect to the wheat or good ideas. One topic that radiates this warranting of dismissal upon a responsible debate is this "reparations" topic, it really is a nutty idea if it is fully looked at and I believe as a society we should do things like give special help to Black schools and do affirmative action to make up for the harm of slavery but reparations - Not! A skilled comedian could make a hilarious show on this topic just breaking down the issue it presents so many wacky sub-issues. One that jumps out is why should descendants of slaves living today get reparations over such descendants living in later generations they seem to largely have the same case for damages; so if we decide to give every generation of descendants of slaves an economic damage award which the proponents seem to be seeking won't that incentivize the descendants not to work hard getting an education and pursuing career growth making the same wise choices that most achieving people of all races make in their life to sacrifice some good times short term to succeed in these valuable areas to achieve a good long term future because they know they are going to get a reparations pay day; wouldn't that be harming these descendants when the goal should be helping them!

Total bullshit.
What the Florida state government is doing in preventing the AP program for African American Studies is not good for the country, it may be following the Stop Woke Act in Florida law but it is not good in combating the harm to America from the Woke movement - I hope other states don't follow Florida's lead! If the issue was about things like elementary school teachers teaching elementary school children to question their sexual identity that is their birth gender or that American is a racist society not that racism does exist in the country and it is wrong but things like white people are racists their values their behavior are racist even if no discriminatory actions can be identified of course that would be wrong and the state government would be doing its duty to protect children and stand up for the good by shutting it down. But the issue here is a high school Advanced Placement history or political science course on African American history/studies that teaches about woke subjects touching the African American community in America's history, this is exactly the type of discussions and perspectives we as a society want to have on these woke issues. Most woke issues aren't going to go away because half of the American people think they are illegitimate. They are going to go away because on their merits they deserve to go away. So as a society we to have responsible discussions about them. We need to clearly identify the issues and talk about them from a fairness and good public policy standpoint. We as a society need to approach these topics as learned individuals acting with good faith trying to determine the right thing to do; all behaviors that would be taught in good political science courses on the subjects. As a society America has largely always strived and should always strive to be a great society which in part means not to be afraid of ideas to separate the wheat ideas from the chaff ideas such endeavors move us forward as a country enabling us to giving effect to the wheat or good ideas. One topic that radiates this warranting of dismissal upon a responsible debate is this "reparations" topic, it really is a nutty idea if it is fully looked at and I believe as a society we should do things like give special help to Black schools and do affirmative action to make up for the harm of slavery but reparations - Not! A skilled comedian could make a hilarious show on this topic just breaking down the issue it presents so many wacky sub-issues. One that jumps out is why should descendants of slaves living today get reparations over such descendants living in later generations they seem to largely have the same case for damages; so if we decide to give every generation of descendants of slaves an economic damage award which the proponents seem to be seeking won't that incentivize the descendants not to work hard getting an education and pursuing career growth making the same wise choices that most achieving people of all races make in their life to sacrifice some good times short term to succeed in these valuable areas to achieve a good long term future because they know they are going to get a reparations pay day; wouldn't that be harming these descendants when the goal should be helping them!
Paragraphs! No one likes a wall of text.
What the Florida state government is doing in preventing the AP program for African American Studies is not good for the country, it may be following the Stop Woke Act in Florida law but it is not good in combating the harm to America from the Woke movement - I hope other states don't follow Florida's lead! If the issue was about things like elementary school teachers teaching elementary school children to question their sexual identity that is their birth gender or that American is a racist society not that racism does exist in the country and it is wrong but things like white people are racists their values their behavior are racist even if no discriminatory actions can be identified of course that would be wrong and the state government would be doing its duty to protect children and stand up for the good by shutting it down. But the issue here is a high school Advanced Placement history or political science course on African American history/studies that teaches about woke subjects touching the African American community in America's history, this is exactly the type of discussions and perspectives we as a society want to have on these woke issues. Most woke issues aren't going to go away because half of the American people think they are illegitimate. They are going to go away because on their merits they deserve to go away. So as a society we to have responsible discussions about them. We need to clearly identify the issues and talk about them from a fairness and good public policy standpoint. We as a society need to approach these topics as learned individuals acting with good faith trying to determine the right thing to do; all behaviors that would be taught in good political science courses on the subjects. As a society America has largely always strived and should always strive to be a great society which in part means not to be afraid of ideas to separate the wheat ideas from the chaff ideas such endeavors move us forward as a country enabling us to giving effect to the wheat or good ideas. One topic that radiates this warranting of dismissal upon a responsible debate is this "reparations" topic, it really is a nutty idea if it is fully looked at and I believe as a society we should do things like give special help to Black schools and do affirmative action to make up for the harm of slavery but reparations - Not! A skilled comedian could make a hilarious show on this topic just breaking down the issue it presents so many wacky sub-issues. One that jumps out is why should descendants of slaves living today get reparations over such descendants living in later generations they seem to largely have the same case for damages; so if we decide to give every generation of descendants of slaves an economic damage award which the proponents seem to be seeking won't that incentivize the descendants not to work hard getting an education and pursuing career growth making the same wise choices that most achieving people of all races make in their life to sacrifice some good times short term to succeed in these valuable areas to achieve a good long term future because they know they are going to get a reparations pay day; wouldn't that be harming these descendants when the goal should be helping them!
Where is your link?
So here's the thing: America was agreed many years ago, that harmful racial discrimination was wrong, and should be stopped. Laws were passed. But it cannot be ignored that GOVERNMENT can be told what to do, but private entities have a great deal of discretion to treat people as they see fit. So harmful racial discrimination can never be completely eradicated by legislation.

With that agreement in mind, African Americans were welcome to cite cases of actual racial discrimination, and usually there was a remedy, but even if there wasn't, there is ALWAYS an alternative school, employer, or organization to the one that discriminates, so the the negative impacts of actual discrimination are largely gone.

But there remained (and remains) an obvious and profound difference between the wealth and incomes of Black people, and "everybody else." The causes of those differences are a matter of some disagreement. The horrific prevalence of illegitimacy in the Black community is the so-called "elephant in the room." In addition, there is a terrible school dropout rate, and an absolute disdain for "education" in the broader African American community. Blacks remain over-represented in both petty and serious crime. It's difficult to "get ahead" when you are illegitimate, a dropout, and engage in petty criminality as a matter of routine. And that description is applicable to the majority of African American Yoot.

On the contrary, Black "leadership" in American has chosen to blame invisible discrimination - discrimination that cannot be associated with a particular act or refusal to act. This invisible discrimination is called, "systemic," and "inherent," and "implicit," and who know what else? In fact, "we" have a strong and thriving grief industry that more than anything else seeks to claim the status of victim, even where no overt or measurable discrimination can be found.

The academic field of "African American Studies" is the platform by which non-aggrieved Blacks teach and indoctrinate Black young people in the philosophy of such victimhood.

States sponsoring African American Studies? Not a good thing. It is not even a legitimate academic field.
What the Florida state government is doing in preventing the AP program for African American Studies is not good for the country, it may be following the Stop Woke Act in Florida law but it is not good in combating the harm to America from the Woke movement - I hope other states don't follow Florida's lead! If the issue was about things like elementary school teachers teaching elementary school children to question their sexual identity that is their birth gender or that American is a racist society not that racism does exist in the country and it is wrong but things like white people are racists their values their behavior are racist even if no discriminatory actions can be identified of course that would be wrong and the state government would be doing its duty to protect children and stand up for the good by shutting it down. But the issue here is a high school Advanced Placement history or political science course on African American history/studies that teaches about woke subjects touching the African American community in America's history, this is exactly the type of discussions and perspectives we as a society want to have on these woke issues. Most woke issues aren't going to go away because half of the American people think they are illegitimate. They are going to go away because on their merits they deserve to go away. So as a society we to have responsible discussions about them. We need to clearly identify the issues and talk about them from a fairness and good public policy standpoint. We as a society need to approach these topics as learned individuals acting with good faith trying to determine the right thing to do; all behaviors that would be taught in good political science courses on the subjects. As a society America has largely always strived and should always strive to be a great society which in part means not to be afraid of ideas to separate the wheat ideas from the chaff ideas such endeavors move us forward as a country enabling us to giving effect to the wheat or good ideas. One topic that radiates this warranting of dismissal upon a responsible debate is this "reparations" topic, it really is a nutty idea if it is fully looked at and I believe as a society we should do things like give special help to Black schools and do affirmative action to make up for the harm of slavery but reparations - Not! A skilled comedian could make a hilarious show on this topic just breaking down the issue it presents so many wacky sub-issues. One that jumps out is why should descendants of slaves living today get reparations over such descendants living in later generations they seem to largely have the same case for damages; so if we decide to give every generation of descendants of slaves an economic damage award which the proponents seem to be seeking won't that incentivize the descendants not to work hard getting an education and pursuing career growth making the same wise choices that most achieving people of all races make in their life to sacrifice some good times short term to succeed in these valuable areas to achieve a good long term future because they know they are going to get a reparations pay day; wouldn't that be harming these descendants when the goal should be helping them!
Much more so than African-American studies, our public schools need to teach writing, specifically organizing essays into paragraphs rather than lenghty stream of consciousness spoken into a speech to text enabled device.

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