

Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
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chicken farm
what do you use for fleas both cats and dogs....i used promeris last year. it is strange it paralizes the jaws of the fleas and they starve to death...jumping about the whole time, so if you dont get it on them before the fleas...the dogs and cats go nuts with the jumping fleas.

do you rotate meds for fleas and if so how?

do you give heartworm pills? i do but only every 6 months and only as long as the breeding cycle of skeeters is still going on. i stop in the winter.

so what have you found best for indoor and outdoor dogs?
We use frontline for fleas and ticks and interceptor for heartworm and intestinal worms.

FYI if you stop heartworm treatment for part of the year, you should be testing your dogs every year before starting the heartworm treatment again.

We give heartworm prevention all year round, the price of an appointment and the test is more than the cost of the extra months treatment.

And another FYI, If you buy products like frontline and heart guard on line or at a store, those products are NOT guaranteed by the manufacturer where if you buy them from a vet, they are.

For example, if you buy heartguard from petmeds express and you miss a month and your dog contracts heartworm, you are liable for all treatment costs. If you buy it from your vet, even if you forget to give it and your dog contracts heartworm, the cost of treatment will be paid by Merial.
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nothing, there are no fleas up here, or none that ever get on my cat....?

amazing really....we had no fleas in our yard or on our cat in massachusetts either?

ticks? whole nuther story, one skip in the woods and they probably got ya.
i know about the voiding and all...we live in a rather isolated area where heartworms are being brought in by floridians...the blain of the universe...i am very care to watch the weather when it hits a certian temp the skeeters breeding cycle is broken...i think we give our dogs way too much shit as is..and they do retest them ,,,vets hide a lot of little secrets....like that heartworms meds only need to be given every 6 weeks...not monthly...they dont think the customers are smart enough to remember ever 6 weeks....

i used frontline but it seem to stop working...i am thinking maybe you need to rotate them somehow...
Heartgard and in the summer for fleas and ticks he gets shaved, washed regularly, skin so soft, cutter if we are going outside, vitamin B. I only use Frontline or similar products part of the time for him. The chemicals are no better for the dogs than they are for the people.
Diatomaceous Earth It is 100% natural, totally harmless to all vertebrates (humans, pets, etc) and will also de-worm dogs and cats. Will destroy the heartworm too. Get some and put it in their bedding, litter boxes, food, etc and in their coat. You will never see a flea or tick again. Four pound bag lasts you for years. Keep the pesticides and chemicals out of your animals' lives.

Get it here:

Diatomaceous Earth, 4 lb - Worm's Way
i know about the voiding and all...we live in a rather isolated area where heartworms are being brought in by floridians...the blain of the universe...i am very care to watch the weather when it hits a certian temp the skeeters breeding cycle is broken...i think we give our dogs way too much shit as is..and they do retest them ,,,vets hide a lot of little secrets....like that heartworms meds only need to be given every 6 weeks...not monthly...they dont think the customers are smart enough to remember ever 6 weeks....

i used frontline but it seem to stop working...i am thinking maybe you need to rotate them somehow...

mosquitoes in all parts of the country can carry heart worm, you can't blame migration for that. I live in New England and we've been treating our dogs for heart worm for over 30 years. i remember when we had to put drops in the dog food daily now it's a once a month pill. there is a twice a year injection that Fort Dodge is rolling out as well called proheart.

And the manufacturer sets the dosing and frequency of meds, not the veterinarians.
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good point about manufactor and not the vets....

thanks for the link mm
I have been using D.E. for years and swear by it. There's not a pesticide or any type of anti-insect chemical in my house, or even on my property and never will be.

I haven't seen any type of bug in my house for at least three years, and never on any of my animals.
Diatomaceous Earth It is 100% natural, totally harmless to all vertebrates (humans, pets, etc) and will also de-worm dogs and cats. Will destroy the heartworm too. Get some and put it in their bedding, litter boxes, food, etc and in their coat. You will never see a flea or tick again. Four pound bag lasts you for years. Keep the pesticides and chemicals out of your animals' lives.

Get it here:

Diatomaceous Earth, 4 lb - Worm's Way
If you have carpet and animals Borax is a good all purpose dry cleaner too. I use it on the big throw rugs here before I vacuum.
frontline is the coolest shit to hit pet markets in the last 20 years. Even cooler than retractable leashes.
Diatomaceous Earth It is 100% natural, totally harmless to all vertebrates (humans, pets, etc) and will also de-worm dogs and cats. Will destroy the heartworm too. Get some and put it in their bedding, litter boxes, food, etc and in their coat. You will never see a flea or tick again. Four pound bag lasts you for years. Keep the pesticides and chemicals out of your animals' lives.

Get it here:

Diatomaceous Earth, 4 lb - Worm's Way

I have heard that cedar chips are a natural flea repellent as well when used for animal bedding.
frontline is the coolest shit to hit pet markets in the last 20 years. Even cooler than retractable leashes.
Very expensive, toxic and completely unnecessary.

whatever, dude. It's a price I gladly pay every year to keep fleas out of the house. I enjoy not having fleas jump out of the carpet onto white socks.. thats just how I roll.
frontline is the coolest shit to hit pet markets in the last 20 years. Even cooler than retractable leashes.
Very expensive, toxic and completely unnecessary.

whatever, dude. It's a price I gladly pay every year to keep fleas out of the house. I enjoy not having fleas jump out of the carpet onto white socks.. thats just how I roll.
As you might know if you've read this thread, I have no flea problem here and haven't for years. And I don't use any toxins in order to accomplish this. Oh and, spend a helluva lot less!:clap2:
Very expensive, toxic and completely unnecessary.

whatever, dude. It's a price I gladly pay every year to keep fleas out of the house. I enjoy not having fleas jump out of the carpet onto white socks.. thats just how I roll.
As you might know if you've read this thread, I have no flea problem here and haven't for years. And I don't use any toxins in order to accomplish this. Oh and, spend a helluva lot less!:clap2:

well dude, you go ahead and enjoy your mineral salt deodorant and I'll go ahead and use the speedstick equivalent. to think that your example is broadly applicable pretty much disregards how your location and climate might just differ from mine. Hell, just because Utah doesn't have a lot of outdoor bugs doesn't mean that Mississippi doesn't have mosquitoes. In Missouri, we have fleas and ticks. If cedar shavings and chakra mantras work for you then so be it. I wish you and your animal the best. Me and my animal will continue to enjoy the coolest pet product to hit the market since nylabones and retractable leashes.
whatever, dude. It's a price I gladly pay every year to keep fleas out of the house. I enjoy not having fleas jump out of the carpet onto white socks.. thats just how I roll.
As you might know if you've read this thread, I have no flea problem here and haven't for years. And I don't use any toxins in order to accomplish this. Oh and, spend a helluva lot less!:clap2:

well dude, you go ahead and enjoy your mineral salt deodorant and I'll go ahead and use the speedstick equivalent. to think that your example is broadly applicable pretty much disregards how your location and climate might just differ from mine. Hell, just because Utah doesn't have a lot of outdoor bugs doesn't mean that Mississippi doesn't have mosquitoes. In Missouri, we have fleas and ticks. If cedar shavings and chakra mantras work for you then so be it. I wish you and your animal the best. Me and my animal will continue to enjoy the coolest pet product to hit the market since nylabones and retractable leashes.

IMO fleas are not the problem. Ticks are.

Lyme Disease, Erlichia, Rocky Mountain Spotted fever are all tick borne diseases that affect dogs AND people.
well dude, you go ahead and enjoy your mineral salt deodorant and I'll go ahead and use the speedstick equivalent.

First of all it's not "mineral salt" and secondly, there IS no equivalent. Have you bothered to study it? It is 100% effective on ALL invertebrates. No matter the location, climate, whatever. PLUS, it kills heartworms and also ALL worms a pet might get. Does frontline? NO.

I really don't care what you do with your own animals, but if you really care about them you'll study garbage like frontline and others, and get these toxins out of their lives.
I take my dog and cat to the movies and buy them popcorn.

When the fleas get up to get a coke we all change seats.
Diatomaceous Earth It is 100% natural, totally harmless to all vertebrates (humans, pets, etc) and will also de-worm dogs and cats. Will destroy the heartworm too. Get some and put it in their bedding, litter boxes, food, etc and in their coat. You will never see a flea or tick again. Four pound bag lasts you for years. Keep the pesticides and chemicals out of your animals' lives.

Get it here:

Diatomaceous Earth, 4 lb - Worm's Way

MM, do you just rub some into your dog's coat and it keeps the fleas/ticks away? Since it's somewhat abrasive does it bother the dog at all or dry her skin? How often do you do this? How does it control heartworm?

We've been using Frontline since we got our dog. I hate the fact that it's a chemical but do not want fleas or ticks either. She was on heartguard but we ran out last fall and I didn't get anymore yet. The weather here is suppose to be warm right now but it's been damp, chilly and rainy for what seems like weeks on end. I was going to get more heartguard this week.

Oh, can it be found at a hardware type store or maybe a Lowe's or something?
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