Flash - More Crap On Palin Just LIke the Crap On Obama


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2008
What is she hiding? Will McCain be able to read her email. Is Willow really pregnant. And as the twig is bent so grows the tree.

Governor routinely uses private account for state business
Moments after Gov. Sarah Palin’s first speech as Republican John McCain’s running mate, she sat with her kids backstage, thumbing one of the two BlackBerrys that are always with her. You can see them in photographs from that day on the campaign blog of one of McCain’s daughters.

The tech-savvy governor has one of the devices (which allow users to read and send e-mails) for state business and another for personal matters, but those worlds intertwine.

Palin routinely uses a private Yahoo e-mail account to conduct state business. Others in the governor’s office sometimes use personal e-mail accounts, too.

The practice raises questions about backdoor secrecy in an administration that vowed during the 2006 campaign to be “open and transparent.”

Even before the McCain campaign plucked Palin from Alaska, a controversy was brewing over e-mails in the governor’s office. Was the administration trying to get around the public records law through broad exemptions or private e-mail accounts?

Did Karl Rove lose a million frigging emails? Is this some kind of right wing dyslexia thing?

Sarah ‘Law-Breaker’ Palin Uses Private Email accounts for Official Business GOV GAP
She feeds her family on the per diem from her salary, you idiots lose your mind.

She uses her money for comms instead of getting a state budget for yet another, you people complain.

If you're worried about security ask Obama's institutionalized zealots to lay the fuck off.

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