Old Fogey
- Sep 25, 2011
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Lots of talk about what conservatives are in this election, so I thought I would toss a couple of thoughts in here.
A Reflective Conservative is an ideologue most often in the mold of William F. Buckley Jr, or at least they think they are. More of them are Libertarians these days, but Buckley was not a libertarian because as a Catholic, he abhorred the notion that the poor should go unhelped. He simply felt that the government was not the best helper for the poor if it gave them fish, and he advocated the government teaching the poor how to fish instead. The conservative principles of prudence, prescription, institutional variety, freedom being linked to property rights, etc are detailed here, but most conservatives are not familiar with them any more and more quickly speak of Ayn Rand, who is not a conservative.
The critique of reflective Conservatism is that it is only half of the apple, and there has long existed a flip side to conservatism, Liberalism, and the two worked quite well together, but both spiral into wreckage when separated and unlinked. Reflective Conservatism and Liberalism are two broad perspectives on Judeo-Christian society and norms over the centuries, and while liberals have brought many changes to Western Civilization, that these institutions have endured at all till 1970 testifies to its effectiveness as well. Liberals like to see what can be done to right wrongs and perfect our society and Reflective Conservatives are the tapping brake, saying 'Not so fast; let us not throw out the baby with the bathwater.'
The Reflexive Conservative is far more common than the Reflective sort. It is typically the liberal youth who sees everything to be going to hell in a hand basket in his old age. He sees many of the flawed assumptions of Liberal change and reflexively denounces it for unnecessary change of things he is familiar with and loves. Where the Liberal sees evil segregation, the Reflexive Conservative sees people having the freedom to live in the kind of neighborhoods they want to. Where the Liberal sees churches that need to be denounced and attacked for opposing social change, the Reflexive Conservative sees ancient institutions that harbor Eternal Truths that bubble Gum philosophers cant even comprehend, let alone validate. The Reflexive Conservative is at eternal war with change in society which he tends to see as another manifestation of Entropy rather than evolution. And he has no use for Liberalism in any of its forms, the Destroyer of the way of life the Reflexive Conservative has come to love and hold dear. Many of the Reflexive conservatives of today are reformed liberals of 20 years ago and are identifiable by what year they thought things were best and want things to be restored to.
The 'new conservatives' or Neocons are ideological refugees from the Democratic Party, the Scoop Jackson wing, that fled, with their money and connections, to the Republican Party. Welcomed as allies by the long standing conservatives, the neocons first befriended them and then betrayed them by buying out the conservative publications then purging them of their old Conservative authors like Schlafley, Roberts, Sobran and Novak. They are strong central statists who value religion and tradition for their roles in strengthening the state, and see no genuine independent Truth to any of it. They believe that Truth is merely a lie well told, and consider the previous two types of conservatives as useful relics, but nonetheless still relics of a bygone age of Enlightenment thinking. They are only concerned with attaining and using power to advance their Pax Americana as the last hope of saving Planet Earth from the Marxism that surrounds us all, and so they undermine all other resistance to Marxism as not ideologically pure enough. They are a form of what I think of as 'Fascism Light', having a strong central government regulating the economy instead of outright Socialism, Nationalistic, Militaristic, Amoral and Elitist.
The 'Real Conservative' is a figure of speech, and nothing more. He is what a speakers opponents are not. Undefined, ambiguous and malleable to the need of the moment, 'Real Conservatism' implies that there is only one way to be a conservative, which has to be the biggest crock of bullshit since Das Kapital.
Then, finally, there is the Classic Conservative who wants to preserve eternal values and Truths, independent of local and transitional ideology. He is both Liberal and Conservative by today's jargon. He wants to feed the poor and evaluate our root assumptions and knows that every nation is only here for a moment, while at the same time he deeply loves the variety of humanity and beliefs, loves our institutions that he has seen so much good come from and that in his heart he knows but One thing; the Creator will weigh and measure his life and how he spent it. He is the Timeless Conservative who tries to take the Heavenly perspective and is not going to trade any of it for temporal political advantage.
He is the Defender of Judeo-Christian Western Civilization.
A Reflective Conservative is an ideologue most often in the mold of William F. Buckley Jr, or at least they think they are. More of them are Libertarians these days, but Buckley was not a libertarian because as a Catholic, he abhorred the notion that the poor should go unhelped. He simply felt that the government was not the best helper for the poor if it gave them fish, and he advocated the government teaching the poor how to fish instead. The conservative principles of prudence, prescription, institutional variety, freedom being linked to property rights, etc are detailed here, but most conservatives are not familiar with them any more and more quickly speak of Ayn Rand, who is not a conservative.
The critique of reflective Conservatism is that it is only half of the apple, and there has long existed a flip side to conservatism, Liberalism, and the two worked quite well together, but both spiral into wreckage when separated and unlinked. Reflective Conservatism and Liberalism are two broad perspectives on Judeo-Christian society and norms over the centuries, and while liberals have brought many changes to Western Civilization, that these institutions have endured at all till 1970 testifies to its effectiveness as well. Liberals like to see what can be done to right wrongs and perfect our society and Reflective Conservatives are the tapping brake, saying 'Not so fast; let us not throw out the baby with the bathwater.'
The Reflexive Conservative is far more common than the Reflective sort. It is typically the liberal youth who sees everything to be going to hell in a hand basket in his old age. He sees many of the flawed assumptions of Liberal change and reflexively denounces it for unnecessary change of things he is familiar with and loves. Where the Liberal sees evil segregation, the Reflexive Conservative sees people having the freedom to live in the kind of neighborhoods they want to. Where the Liberal sees churches that need to be denounced and attacked for opposing social change, the Reflexive Conservative sees ancient institutions that harbor Eternal Truths that bubble Gum philosophers cant even comprehend, let alone validate. The Reflexive Conservative is at eternal war with change in society which he tends to see as another manifestation of Entropy rather than evolution. And he has no use for Liberalism in any of its forms, the Destroyer of the way of life the Reflexive Conservative has come to love and hold dear. Many of the Reflexive conservatives of today are reformed liberals of 20 years ago and are identifiable by what year they thought things were best and want things to be restored to.
The 'new conservatives' or Neocons are ideological refugees from the Democratic Party, the Scoop Jackson wing, that fled, with their money and connections, to the Republican Party. Welcomed as allies by the long standing conservatives, the neocons first befriended them and then betrayed them by buying out the conservative publications then purging them of their old Conservative authors like Schlafley, Roberts, Sobran and Novak. They are strong central statists who value religion and tradition for their roles in strengthening the state, and see no genuine independent Truth to any of it. They believe that Truth is merely a lie well told, and consider the previous two types of conservatives as useful relics, but nonetheless still relics of a bygone age of Enlightenment thinking. They are only concerned with attaining and using power to advance their Pax Americana as the last hope of saving Planet Earth from the Marxism that surrounds us all, and so they undermine all other resistance to Marxism as not ideologically pure enough. They are a form of what I think of as 'Fascism Light', having a strong central government regulating the economy instead of outright Socialism, Nationalistic, Militaristic, Amoral and Elitist.
The 'Real Conservative' is a figure of speech, and nothing more. He is what a speakers opponents are not. Undefined, ambiguous and malleable to the need of the moment, 'Real Conservatism' implies that there is only one way to be a conservative, which has to be the biggest crock of bullshit since Das Kapital.
Then, finally, there is the Classic Conservative who wants to preserve eternal values and Truths, independent of local and transitional ideology. He is both Liberal and Conservative by today's jargon. He wants to feed the poor and evaluate our root assumptions and knows that every nation is only here for a moment, while at the same time he deeply loves the variety of humanity and beliefs, loves our institutions that he has seen so much good come from and that in his heart he knows but One thing; the Creator will weigh and measure his life and how he spent it. He is the Timeless Conservative who tries to take the Heavenly perspective and is not going to trade any of it for temporal political advantage.
He is the Defender of Judeo-Christian Western Civilization.
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