Five reasons why campaign cash is rolling in for Trump and even Goldman Sachs is forecasting victory

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The reasons:

One, the Trump economy is spectacular.

Two, the Democratic clown car of candidates keeps driving ever more crazily.

Third, the Democratic-led House is a good reminder to voters just why giving Democrats more power is a bad idea.

Four, there’s the behavior of Democratic-run cities and municipalities

Fifth, there is a massive border crisis

The democrats are going to destroy my wealth and country, I might as spend it on Trump!


Here's something to give the Trump-hating left some heartburn, from Axios:

The Trump campaign told the AP on Sunday that it raised more than $30 million in the first quarter of 2019, bringing its total cash on hand to $40.8 million.

Why it matters: The AP notes that this is "an unprecedented war chest for an incumbent president this early in a campaign," especially with the Republican National Committee also raising $45.8 million in the first quarter — bringing the pro-Trump effort's total cash on hand to $82 million. 99% of donations were $200 or less, with an average contribution of $34.26.

Massive money amounts. Tiny dollar increments. For every $100 dollar check, there were probably a dozen $5 checks based on an average like that. It spells massive grassroots support. The deplorables are roused.

Axios thinks it's because President Trump started his fundraising early. I am sure it was an advantage and good leaders always plan ahead.

But more likely, other factors, far more painful for leftists to accept, are at work:

One, the Trump economy is spectacular. After being ignored and patronized for decades by Republican and Democratic president alike, workers are now in charge of the job market under President Trump's policies and leadership, seeing an array of jobs before their eyes. Not only do they now have jobs after a long, long drought, they have their choice of jobs. The jobless numbers are at record lows and it extends well into the disadvantaged groups in the job market who always see less of them - blacks, Hispanics, women, handicapped people, ex-convicts. They're all seeing record-low unemployment. That's empowerment unlike anything a welfare 'program' can hand out. It's also reason enough to re-elect anyone.

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