Five minutes of hate on NPR radio “Tribal News”

This moment of anti-American hatred brought to you in part by the US Taxpayers.

US Taxpayers... footing the bill for Communist insurrection since 1917.
Sounds more like Anti Canadian hatred, that's where these boarding schools were discovered recently. How the hell are US taxpayers putting the bill for communist insurrection? You're out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super Duper Hater Dupe L O L... health care and a living wage cheap college And taxing the rich their fair share are not communist just intelligent. Your love and admiration for rich lying scumbags is noted.
I noticed Ben&Jerry ice cream stacking up on the shelves. Maybe if they do the right thing and sell the company and give the property back to the Indians.
NPR is in Part funded by the US government. They are to be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to this one’s great program.

NPR used to be this amazing thing where you got to hear from all Americans now it is a far left wing rag and it is rightfully labeled as state propaganda by Twitter. They are to be ashamed of themselves. God bless all the people who work at NPR in the 1980s and 1990s.

Let’s make NPR great again
You sure type a boatload of nonsense. Now link us to the piece that got you ranting.
OK, what you’re saying is a debate for another thread by the way this is about NPR blasting propaganda. They are basically singling out native Americans dedicating entire segments to “tribal news. “I’ve never heard that before on NPR. You know what about the white man the black man, the native American, struggling the struggle is equal.

NPR has fallen under the spell of the "Noble Savage" paradigm.

The American natives did not murder each other, or enslave one another - it never existed until big bad whitey showed up.

It's an embarrassing pseudo-intellectual exercise on par with a kindergartener's daydream.

Only not as accurate.
NPR has fallen under the spell of the "Noble Savage" paradigm.

The American natives did not murder each other, or enslave one another - it never existed until big bad whitey showed up.

It's an embarrassing pseudo-intellectual exercise on par with a kindergartener's daydream.

Only not as accurate.
Well said. And I feel for the struggling workingman, whether he is Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida Cherokee, you name it. Their plight is the exact same as that of the white man or the black man who is struggling in this country.
Actually, the Indians didn't worry that much about death, they were more worried about being embarrassed by being hit by a club than by being killed. They fought, each side would get a chance to charge and a chance for glory no matter who is winning. They were a lot better to their slaves than we were and they also were a heck of a lot more tolerant of gays and trans people. But you don't know a damn thing about it just mouth off. How about those bills I believe you're from Buffalo too....
Franco listen to what you’re saying, brother. This is a result of influence from racists. Slavery was a worldwide thing, some masters treated their slaves better than others all over the world.

I don’t think he read the Britannica article on slavery. It was posted, either in this thread, or the other slavery was a worldwide issue.

I just hope you don’t think that the Indians all solved the problems by having dance competition with each other. Sir, they engaged in warfare and the slave trade, just like the African man did, and just like that European did. If you want to proclaim anything else, based on what millionaire politicians and multi millionaire Indians are telling you, there’s absolutely no room for that. If you’re trying to say that the white man was worse than the Indian or the African that’s completely crazy. I know it’s not you saying that it’s evil People influencing you to say that.

You should never allow multi millionaire Democrats and their neocon Ally’s to divide us by race. Every man in this country must be proud of their ancestors. Noman will ever apologize for his skin color. No man will ever look at someone because of their skin color and feel bad for them. There’s no room for that in this country. It’s all about love and unity and common sense.

Yes, I’m from Buffalo go bills. I’m kind of upset with the bills recently more into the Buffalo Sabres.. I do sports betting, and Poker and I got a pretty good future bet on the Baltimore orioles and Cincinnati Reds for the World Series. Self made Man, sir.

I have never clicked on one of your posts and hit the “fake news” emoticon or the “disagree” I don’t do that. Do you wanna have a conversation? Let’s do it. Post in my other threads and show you care for the workingman post in some of my threads about unions, or the high cost of homes because of the Joe Biden inflation.

I’ve worked at an inner city Islamic school school for two years. I’ve done more for the inner city communities then probably 95% of all the left-wing posters on this board they would like to talk a big game fly a BLM flag fly or Ukraine. Flag they ain’t doing a damn thing for the poor.

I was literally wearing a seven nations tribal T-shirt today. And I also have an Andrew Jackson t shirt because I respect Andrew Jackson because he was an Irishman like me and he expanded this country. He is no different morally speaking then the Indians of his time. God bless Andrew Jackson.
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Tl dr

Pro BLM multimillionaires and their neo conservative Republican Ally was like Mitt Romney and Kinzinger…. Along with multi millionaire Indians in this country, they like to get in front of a crowd of working class Americans and act like they’re doing anything for the working class. They did that back in 2020. Imagine that multimillionaires telling working class people that you should feel bad for people because they’re black or native or they’re trans. Imagine In the United States of America the most free in Liberal country in the world. It’s complete insanity.

It’s a total distraction from our horrendous economy. The average price of a home in America is $250,000. That should be the number one concern in our country, uplifting every working class American. The politicians and media want to go after Donald Trump or Hunter Biden’s personal life and talk about race to distract us from this terrible economy.

No man of honor would ever except that. You go down to the inner city of Buffalo New York there ain’t gonna be no black folks or white folks there that support BLM because they know that BLM is a con artist organization. Come on down to South Buffalo try that garbage down here it ain’t gonna work. And the working class people of Buffalo whether they are from the Seneca nation whether they are white whether they are black whether they are Christian whether they are Jewish or Muslim are united. It’s all about love.
Tl dr

Pro BLM multimillionaires and their neo conservative Republican Ally was like Mitt Romney and Kinzinger…. Along with multi millionaire Indians in this country, they like to get in front of a crowd of working class Americans and act like they’re doing anything for the working class. They did that back in 2020. Imagine that multimillionaires telling working class people that you should feel bad for people because they’re black or native or they’re trans. Imagine In the United States of America the most free in Liberal country in the world. It’s complete insanity.

It’s a total distraction from our horrendous economy. The average price of a home in America is $250,000. That should be the number one concern in our country, uplifting every working class American. The politicians and media want to go after Donald Trump or Hunter Biden’s personal life and talk about race to distract us from this terrible economy.

No man of honor would ever except that. You go down to the inner city of Buffalo New York there ain’t gonna be no black folks or white folks there that support BLM because they know that BLM is a con artist organization. Come on down to South Buffalo try that garbage down here it ain’t gonna work. And the working class people of Buffalo whether they are from the Seneca nation whether they are white whether they are black whether they are Christian whether they are Jewish or Muslim are united. It’s all about love.
Buffalo has a long history of racial division. Can you make one post without lying? Just one. I challenge you.
Ok tl dr this time for real lol

One side, the far left wing on the US message board claims The white man is the most evil thing to ever exist. The other side, traditional Democrats and Trump supporters are saying no history shows us Indians owned slaves, Africans owned slaves and Europeans owned slaves and they all engaged in warfare. There you go.
Buffalo has a long history of racial division. Can you make one post without lying? Just one. I challenge you.
That’s incorrect brother Buffalo is known as the city of good neighbors. My grandfather working at a steel plant in the 1950s had a black boss.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and doing what they can to make themselves better and improve the country.

I was just listening to a segment on NPR radio. It’s good to see what the opposition has to say. This was anti-American hatred on NPR radio. It was some kind of a segment about tribal news. First off what’s going on here this is a publicly funded program, and the whole segment is dedicated to tribal news. I’ve never seen this or heard of this before, on NPR radio.

Anyways, the segment was about anti-Americanism, made up propaganda. They’re using terms like indigenous people, and the elitist white hosts are being all careful with regard to the terms they use. They’re talking about “systemic racism“ some made up propaganda idea that white people oppressed the Indian . Not true at all history shows us Indians owned slaves and engage in expansionist warfare just like Europeans and Africans did.

It was five minutes of anti-Americanism. They were talking about Indian boarding schools. Well here’s an idea. Get rid of reservations they’re a joke the great majority of Native Americans hate them. Everyone can honor their own people

We have Irish events. We have Italian American events we have events for African-Americans. We should and do have events for native Americans. Reservations are awful. They’re the most impoverished areas in this country. We need to all unite as Americans were all in this together. We’re all equal. We all must be proud of our ancestors. Many of us white people immigrated to this country after 1900 and literally have nothing to do with this country pre-Civil War. Besides that before the Civil War in 1865 tons of Africans owned slaves, tons of Indians owned slaves, tons of white people owned slaves.

Stop believing far left wing propaganda. My fellow Democrats it gets us nothing but misery. We need to help uplift all poor Americans, white black Indian. We need to help them all. End modern day slavery in America so many people are on government assistance and have to work three jobs a day that Has to stop ….that is modern day slavery in America.

God bless everyone. Have a wonderful day.
"It was five minutes of anti-Americanism. They were talking about Indian boarding schools. Well here’s an idea. Get rid of reservations they’re a joke the great majority of Native Americans hate them. Everyone can honor their own people."​
I know you are well meaning, Mr. Roosevelt, but 2 things about native american people today. (1) They were given the choice of confining themselves to badlands designated by politicians in coordination with the military of the day. And they were banned from the best lands for hunting, fishing, and other necessities of survival that requires fertile lands for the hunter-gatherers original native indians had. (2) The other thing about native Americans is their shunning of their relatives resulting from an Indian/white person marriage. They're human and refuse to accept their genetic kin who married whites. (3) It's likely that whites refused to accept Indian/white marriages also, as they sanctioned against half-breeds as they called the progeny of their own relatives who married native Americans. Somehow, the half-breeds survived but without much love lost for those who were shunned by their own people on both sides. And that's the truth of the matter. Even so, real estate changed and under the existing system, It will likely will stay that way.
"It was five minutes of anti-Americanism. They were talking about Indian boarding schools. Well here’s an idea. Get rid of reservations they’re a joke the great majority of Native Americans hate them. Everyone can honor their own people."​
I know you are well meaning, Mr. Roosevelt, but 2 things about native american people today. (1) They were given the choice of confining themselves to badlands designated by politicians in coordination with the military of the day. And they were banned from the best lands for hunting, fishing, and other necessities of survival that requires fertile lands for the hunter-gatherers original native indians had. (2) The other thing about native Americans is their shunning of their relatives resulting from an Indian/white person marriage. They're human and refuse to accept their genetic kin who married whites. (3) It's likely that whites refused to accept Indian/white marriages also, as they sanctioned against half-breeds as they called the progeny of their own relatives who married native Americans. Somehow, the half-breeds survived but without much love lost for those who were shunned by their own people on both sides. And that's the truth of the matter. Even so, real estate changed and under the existing system, It will likely will stay that way.
If you look at the Britannica article, my friend, you will see that various tribes of America engaged in similar actions as did the white Europeans.

And there were many tribes in this country so many various treaties that were perhaps at times broken by the Indian or broken by the white man …the thing goes both ways. We’re talking about events hundreds of years ago by the way.

When it comes to interracial or interfaith marriage, this occurs throughout all of human history. Individuals within societies approved of it and disapproved of it.

The key to all of this is the multi millionaire politicians and celebrities attempting to fan the flames of division by trying to get people to feel bad for other people based on their skin color. There’s no room for that in this country when the average price of a home is $350,000.
That’s incorrect brother Buffalo is known as the city of good neighbors. My grandfather working at a steel plant in the 1950s had a black boss.
"Local leaders have often invoked the city’s invented “good neighbors” moniker to promote an ethos of gritty unity in Buffalo. In the aftermath of a racially motivated mass shooting at a Tops grocery store, which left ten African Americans dead, the current mayor of Buffalo, Byron Brown, made the familiar plea, saying, “We’re standing strong as a community and working to not let this horrible act of hate detract from us being a loving, warm, welcoming community. Buffalo is known as the City of Good Neighbors, nationally and internationally.” Hiding Buffaloâs History of Racism Behind a Cloak of Unity

"Buffalo is one of the most segregated urban centers in the United States"

Still waiting for that one post where you don't lie. And once again, I'm not your brother, nor will I ever be your brother, shithead. Your anecdotal stories (probably lies as well) are meaningless.
Franco listen to what you’re saying, brother. This is a result of influence from racists. Slavery was a worldwide thing, some masters treated their slaves better than others all over the world.

I don’t think he read the Britannica article on slavery. It was posted, either in this thread, or the other slavery was a worldwide issue.

I just hope you don’t think that the Indians all solved the problems by having dance competition with each other. Sir, they engaged in warfare and the slave trade, just like the African man did, and just like that European did. If you want to proclaim anything else, based on what millionaire politicians and multi millionaire Indians are telling you, there’s absolutely no room for that. If you’re trying to say that the white man was worse than the Indian or the African that’s completely crazy. I know it’s not you saying that it’s evil People influencing you to say that.

You should never allow multi millionaire Democrats and their neocon Ally’s to divide us by race. Every man in this country must be proud of their ancestors. Noman will ever apologize for his skin color. No man will ever look at someone because of their skin color and feel bad for them. There’s no room for that in this country. It’s all about love and unity and common sense.

Yes, I’m from Buffalo go bills. I’m kind of upset with the bills recently more into the Buffalo Sabres.. I do sports betting, and Poker and I got a pretty good future bet on the Baltimore orioles and Cincinnati Reds for the World Series. Self made Man, sir.

I have never clicked on one of your posts and hit the “fake news” emoticon or the “disagree” I don’t do that. Do you wanna have a conversation? Let’s do it. Post in my other threads and show you care for the workingman post in some of my threads about unions, or the high cost of homes because of the Joe Biden inflation.

I’ve worked at an inner city Islamic school school for two years. I’ve done more for the inner city communities then probably 95% of all the left-wing posters on this board they would like to talk a big game fly a BLM flag fly or Ukraine. Flag they ain’t doing a damn thing for the poor.

I was literally wearing a seven nations tribal T-shirt today. And I also have an Andrew Jackson t shirt because I respect Andrew Jackson because he was an Irishman like me and he expanded this country. He is no different morally speaking then the Indians of his time. God bless Andrew Jackson.
My problem with the new BSGOP is that everything they know is BS propaganda, hence fake news a lot.. Jackson was horrible to the Indians in Georgia et cetera 15 percent of them died on the trail of tears, and there were tribes in Georgia that were really well integrated into society.... I love the Orioles this year but I hate the Yankees. Red Sox Cubs fan lol.... Bills fans since 1964 sixty three actually because I saw my first game, was the divisional playoff against the Patriots. lost.

Voting Democrat is the best thing you can do for the poor- we need a landslide so the Democrats can raise taxes on the rich and give us a living wage health care for all finally daycare help cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations like every other modern country for crying out loud.
"Local leaders have often invoked the city’s invented “good neighbors” moniker to promote an ethos of gritty unity in Buffalo. In the aftermath of a racially motivated mass shooting at a Tops grocery store, which left ten African Americans dead, the current mayor of Buffalo, Byron Brown, made the familiar plea, saying, “We’re standing strong as a community and working to not let this horrible act of hate detract from us being a loving, warm, welcoming community. Buffalo is known as the City of Good Neighbors, nationally and internationally.” Hiding Buffaloâs History of Racism Behind a Cloak of Unity

"Buffalo is one of the most segregated urban centers in the United States"

Still waiting for that one post where you don't lie. And once again, I'm not your brother, nor will I ever be your brother, shithead. Your anecdotal stories (probably lies as well) are meaningless.

'' Conservative common sense''... He is not lying, he is misinformed or not informed at all....

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