Fish oil, Krill oil...


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013

Maybe I will give this a try for my RA. I'm burned out on not being able to walk like I used to. I miss it. Hell, I could book all over town with the furkids and not break a sweat but the past couple of years...oy. PAIN. Especially in my left hip. Double oy! I take nothing for the RA. I refuse to poison my body over something that cannot be cured anyway, but I am game to try something that will ease the joint pain. From the second link...Fish Oil seems to work on many medical issues..and some, not so much.

Anyone take Fish Oil? And if much do you take?
From what I have read, most fish oil capsules are unsafe. Most are processed which removes most of the healthful nutrients, plus they often are old. If they smell fishy, throw them out.

You are much better off using flax seed oil.

  • Supplement with flax seed oil each day, and purchase them in light-resident capsules. Eat a source of sulfur proteins at around the same time, for the best results. Plain yogurt (preferably organic) and cottage cheese are excellent options. We prefer yogurt because it has the added benefit of boosting the intestinal flora, which helps to fight candida (yeast). The use of a sulfur protein combined with flax seed oil is part of the Budwig Protocol. This happens to be a cheap and easy cure for cancer. Our research indicates that the ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is 2:1 (respectively). This ratio is nearly impossible to obtain through a typical Western diet, which is usually 15:1 in favor of omega-6. Thus, it should not be surprising that Western societies tend to be so sickly, and that peaceful, natural deaths have become a thing of the past.Basic Tips For Being Healthy
Nest time you are in a Walgreens or CVS look at how many bottles of fish oil are on the shelves. Now ask your self "Am I being hoodwinked". Why not but frozen raw filets and fry or broil which takes from 6-10 minutes and eat the real thing. Remember the Metabolife craze? Fish oil is snake oil.

Maybe I will give this a try for my RA. I'm burned out on not being able to walk like I used to. I miss it. Hell, I could book all over town with the furkids and not break a sweat but the past couple of years...oy. PAIN. Especially in my left hip. Double oy! I take nothing for the RA. I refuse to poison my body over something that cannot be cured anyway, but I am game to try something that will ease the joint pain. From the second link...Fish Oil seems to work on many medical issues..and some, not so much.

Anyone take Fish Oil? And if much do you take?

If you want Omegas, get them via Flaxseed, not Fish Oil. Risk ingestion of ocean contaminents like mercury eating seafood these days. Especially for women who maybe haven't completely ruled out having a baby someday.
You're probably better off with glucosamine with condroitan but you could have a worse condition. I know a 61 yo petite female that needs both hips replaced. How's you weight? Excess weight is hell on joints.
I could stand to lose 20 lbs. Maybe 25 but no more than that. I would look like a walking skeleton if I did. I already eat like a bird. And glucosamine gives me bad heartburn for some reason so that it out.
There's been some study to suggest a few grams will have a fair antidepressant-like effect of Omegas.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Facts

"How They Help Your Health

* Blood fat (triglycerides). Fish oil supplements can lower elevated triglyceride levels. Having high levels of this blood fat puts you at risk for heart disease. DHA alone has also been shown to lower triglycerides.
* Rheumatoid arthritis. Fish oil supplements (EPA+DHA) can curb stiffness and joint pain. Omega-3 supplements also seem to boost the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs.
* Depression. Some researchers have found that cultures that eat foods with high levels of omega-3s have lower levels of depression. Fish oil also seems to boost the effects of antidepressants and may help the depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder.
* Baby development. DHA appears to be important for visual and neurological development in infants.
* Asthma. A diet high in omega-3s lowers inflammation, a key component in asthma. But more studies are needed to show if fish oil supplements improve lung function or cut the amount of medication a person needs to control the condition.
* ADHD. Some studies show that fish oil can reduce the symptoms of ADHD in some children and improve their mental skills, like thinking, remembering, and learning. But more research is needed in this area, and omega-3 supplements should not be used as a primary treatment.
* Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Some research suggests that omega-3s may help protect against Alzheimer's disease and dementia, and have a positive effect on gradual memory loss linked to aging. But that's not certain yet.
I could stand to lose 20 lbs. Maybe 25 but no more than that. I would look like a walking skeleton if I did. I already eat like a bird. And glucosamine gives me bad heartburn for some reason so that it out.
Basically, Gracie, the damage has been done.

Like planting trees for profit, losing weight is something that should have been done 30 years ago.

I'd suggest good weed, and accept that you broke your body down, and will have to live with it.

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