First Gay Couple Receives Marriage License At Jailed Kentucky Clerk's Office

No, a typical intolerant member of the party of slavery and Jim Crow sits in jail. Just proof that, despite the TALK from Democrats, their actions really haven't changed much from the 1800's.
She is a social conservative, who happens to be a member of the Democratic Party.

She's an intolerant bigot who is a member of the Democratic Party and has been supported by other Democrats so she could represent them and their views.
She's an intolerant bigot conservative who is a member of the Democratic Party. They are conservative Democrats there.
Religious conviction do not mean you're a bigot. What has she said about gays that is bigoted?
Huh? She had no problem with marriage till the gays were allowed then she refused to hand out marriage licenses... that's the definition of bigotry.
Bigotry is cheering the jailing of Christians and suppression of their beliefs in public. A high school football coach is about to be sued for being baptized in front of his football team. Any public display of Christianity is threatened by lawsuits.
Must be terrible for the white christian rightwing to see their world collapsing around them , especially this year since every court ruling has gone against them. Won't be get any better for them with the cultural and demographic shift running over them.
Plus Denali...what terrible year..
Three lesbians and a homo gave you your victory. They will be replaced and Ms ?Davis will once again happily sign licenses again.
Only in your dreams. Other decisions have been over turned, but this will stay.
When judges go against the will of the people, they get evicted like the three judges in Iowa's Supreme Court who shove gay marriage down our throats.

Those judges in Iowa may have lost their seats but gay marriage was still the law of the land afterwards. Too bad, so sad for you.
That shows the gay marriage decision will be reversed once that old lesbian dies or quits and that old homo too. They will be replaced by the choice of a President Cruz or Huckabee. Then we will revisit this gay marriage shit. The Court will order the government to amend the Constutition by taking it to the States. Fat chance it will pass.
Must be terrible for the white christian rightwing to see their world collapsing around them , especially this year since every court ruling has gone against them. Won't be get any better for them with the cultural and demographic shift running over them.
Plus Denali...what terrible year..
Three lesbians and a homo gave you your victory. They will be replaced and Ms ?Davis will once again happily sign licenses again.
Only in your dreams. Other decisions have been over turned, but this will stay.
When judges go against the will of the people, they get evicted like the three judges in Iowa's Supreme Court who shoved gay marriage down our throats. Equal treatment doesn't mean dudes should be able to get married because it's an unnatural pairing.

You don't get to vote on peoples civil rights, plowboy
Fag marriage is not a civil right. It's unnatural.
Plus Denali...what terrible year..
Three lesbians and a homo gave you your victory. They will be replaced and Ms ?Davis will once again happily sign licenses again.
Only in your dreams. Other decisions have been over turned, but this will stay.
When judges go against the will of the people, they get evicted like the three judges in Iowa's Supreme Court who shove gay marriage down our throats.

Those judges in Iowa may have lost their seats but gay marriage was still the law of the land afterwards. Too bad, so sad for you.
That shows the gay marriage decision will be reversed once that old lesbian dies or quits and that old homo too. They will be replaced by the choice of a President Cruz or Huckabee. Then we will revisit this gay marriage shit. The Court will order the government to amend the Constutition by taking it to the States. Fat chance it will pass.

Do you still have a wish left on your Monkey's Paw? lol
She's an intolerant bigot conservative who is a member of the Democratic Party. They are conservative Democrats there. I note that not one GOP county clerk in the country has the strength of character to go to jail over the ruling.

In other words, counter to the narrative dishonest Democrats want to put forward, no Republicans displayed the same level of hate and intolerance as that ELECTED Democrat did.
No, they were too scared to. You know that. Social conservatives are cowards generally, the GOP breed anway. Mrs. Davis is an ass kicking blue-dog Democrat afraid only of God, certainly not any social con Republicans. I wish you freaks were not in our party, but we made a pact with the devil about 30 years to include you.

You're not in my party and you are obviously not honest. The FACT is that Mrs. Davis is a typical, intolerant member of the Party of Slavery and Jim Crow laws who has once again shown that the Democrats care more about their personal feelings that the laws of our nation.
She's an intolerant bigot conservative who is a member of the Democratic Party. They are conservative Democrats there. I note that not one GOP county clerk in the country has the strength of character to go to jail over the ruling.

In other words, counter to the narrative dishonest Democrats want to put forward, no Republicans displayed the same level of hate and intolerance as that ELECTED Democrat did.
No, they were too scared to. You know that. Social conservatives are cowards generally, the GOP breed anway. Mrs. Davis is an ass kicking blue-dog Democrat afraid only of God, certainly not any social con Republicans. I wish you freaks were not in our party, but we made a pact with the devil about 30 years to include you.
Here's to hoping all the religious whack nuts go back to the democrat party.
Not much chance. :lol: Most in the Democratic Party went to the Republican Party.

Really? Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms did. That's two.

But did Al Gore, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright,. John Sparkman, Harry Byrd, Sr, Russell Long, Absalom Willis Robertson, Iris Blitch, Hale Boggs, Wilbur Mills leave? No, in fact they all rose to prominent positions within the Party even after they signed "The Southern Manifesto" or more properly, "The Declaration of Constitutional Principles." Perhaps if you were really as smart as you think you are, you'd not say such stupid things. MOST of the Dixiecrats went back to the Democratic Party, a fact that liars like you try so hard to hide. The truth is that the South remained largely Democratic for another generation, until the Democratic Party went so far to the Left that the Conservative South turned on them. Surely you remember “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.” Ronald Reagan turned the South with that line.
Most of the white non-racists stayed Democratic Party, yes.

Most of the white racists went Republican Party.

You know this.
Money and anarchy always win in the end. Hallmarks of the Dem party

Utah doesn't force clerks to sign gay marriage licenses, but they have a state law that someone has to be on duty who is willing to do it.

The judge who sat in this case offered the same deal to Davis. With 5 of the 6 clerks in the office willing to issue the licenses, the judge found that Davis wouldn't be in contempt if she merely didn't interfere with the other clerks.

Davis refused, insisting she would do everything in her power to interfere. Even in Utah, she'd be in contempt.

That shows that she's lying when she says it's a religious thing.

If it was just a religious thing she would have allowed the other workers there to hand out the licenses. She's not handing them out so she wouldn't be violating any so called beliefs of hers. She shouldn't care at all if gays get married with a license that she didn't give them.

Since she won't let others hand them out that means this is a bigotry thing. She wants to make sure no homosexuals in her county get married.
She is a social conservative, who happens to be a member of the Democratic Party.

She's an intolerant bigot who is a member of the Democratic Party and has been supported by other Democrats so she could represent them and their views.
She's an intolerant bigot conservative who is a member of the Democratic Party. They are conservative Democrats there.
Religious conviction do not mean you're a bigot. What has she said about gays that is bigoted?
Huh? She had no problem with marriage till the gays were allowed then she refused to hand out marriage licenses... that's the definition of bigotry.
Bigotry is cheering the jailing of Christians and suppression of their beliefs in public. A high school football coach is about to be sued for being baptized in front of his football team. Any public display of Christianity is threatened by lawsuits.
What is the problem with someone being baptised....they did it at their church and not on school property making students come and participate I hope...that would be a problem if they did it that way.
Plus Denali...what terrible year..
Three lesbians and a homo gave you your victory. They will be replaced and Ms ?Davis will once again happily sign licenses again.
Only in your dreams. Other decisions have been over turned, but this will stay.
When judges go against the will of the people, they get evicted like the three judges in Iowa's Supreme Court who shoved gay marriage down our throats. Equal treatment doesn't mean dudes should be able to get married because it's an unnatural pairing.

You don't get to vote on peoples civil rights, plowboy
Fag marriage is not a civil right. It's unnatural.
Well, if you got to institute your christian sharia law and supplant our Constitutional law, that would probably be true.
She is a social conservative, who happens to be a member of the Democratic Party.

She's an intolerant bigot who is a member of the Democratic Party and has been supported by other Democrats so she could represent them and their views.
She's an intolerant bigot conservative who is a member of the Democratic Party. They are conservative Democrats there.
Religious conviction do not mean you're a bigot. What has she said about gays that is bigoted?
Huh? She had no problem with marriage till the gays were allowed then she refused to hand out marriage licenses... that's the definition of bigotry.
Bigotry is cheering the jailing of Christians and suppression of their beliefs in public. A high school football coach is about to be sued for being baptized in front of his football team. Any public display of Christianity is threatened by lawsuits.
Huh? Who was jailed for being a christian? Anyone can be sued for anything. Don't like it? Move.
No one was jailed for being a Christian.

Some silly was jailed for denying equal access to government services.
Most of the white non-racists stayed Democratic Party, yes.

Most of the white racists went Republican Party.

You know this.
Racist democrats switched to the Republican Party who ended slavery and passed civil rights? LoL. How stupid can you get to fall for that?
Most of the white non-racists stayed Democratic Party, yes.

Most of the white racists went Republican Party.

You know this.
Racist democrats switched to the Republican Party who ended slavery and passed civil rights? LoL. How stupid can you get to fall for that?
Tell us, little GOPer, how much do you admire Lincoln, the founder of your party?
She's an intolerant bigot who is a member of the Democratic Party and has been supported by other Democrats so she could represent them and their views.
She's an intolerant bigot conservative who is a member of the Democratic Party. They are conservative Democrats there.
Religious conviction do not mean you're a bigot. What has she said about gays that is bigoted?
Huh? She had no problem with marriage till the gays were allowed then she refused to hand out marriage licenses... that's the definition of bigotry.
Bigotry is cheering the jailing of Christians and suppression of their beliefs in public. A high school football coach is about to be sued for being baptized in front of his football team. Any public display of Christianity is threatened by lawsuits.
What is the problem with someone being baptised....they did it at their church and not on school property making students come and participate I hope...that would be a problem if they did it that way.
The coach was still threatened. Christians have to deal with thus shit from atheists all the time.
Last edited:
Three lesbians and a homo gave you your victory. They will be replaced and Ms ?Davis will once again happily sign licenses again.
Only in your dreams. Other decisions have been over turned, but this will stay.
When judges go against the will of the people, they get evicted like the three judges in Iowa's Supreme Court who shoved gay marriage down our throats. Equal treatment doesn't mean dudes should be able to get married because it's an unnatural pairing.

You don't get to vote on peoples civil rights, plowboy
Fag marriage is not a civil right. It's unnatural.
Well, if you got to institute your christian sharia law and supplant our Constitutional law, that would probably be true.
Bodecca, I want you to know I don't hate gays. I have no problem with their lifestyle if they keep it to their self, but marriage simply isn't something I will agree with. Sorry if it offends but gays using this SCOTUS decision to persecute Christians Is as wrong as persecuting gays. If gays would live and let live, this gay marriage issue might be overcome. But pushing gay marriage down the throats of the unwilling and expecting them to participate in the celebration is going to get pushback.
Only in your dreams. Other decisions have been over turned, but this will stay.
When judges go against the will of the people, they get evicted like the three judges in Iowa's Supreme Court who shoved gay marriage down our throats. Equal treatment doesn't mean dudes should be able to get married because it's an unnatural pairing.

You don't get to vote on peoples civil rights, plowboy
Fag marriage is not a civil right. It's unnatural.
Well, if you got to institute your christian sharia law and supplant our Constitutional law, that would probably be true.
Bodecca, I want you to know I don't hate gays. I have no problem with their lifestyle if they keep it to their self, but marriage simply isn't something I will agree with. Sorry if it offends but gays using this SCOTUS decision to persecute Christians Is as wrong as persecuting gays. If gays would live and let live, this gay marriage issue might be overcome. But pushing gay marriage down the throats of the unwilling and expecting them to participate in the celebration is going to get pushback.
Push-back how? Oh right, by bitching on the Internet since you got nothin' else...
It's your story, so I guess you can tell it as you choose, but the FACT is that she's a Democrat. No Republican County Clerk is in jail over this.
But a social conservative sits in jail despite her party affiliation.

No, a typical intolerant member of the party of slavery and Jim Crow sits in jail. Just proof that, despite the TALK from Democrats, their actions really haven't changed much from the 1800's.
She is a social conservative, who happens to be a member of the Democratic Party.

She's an intolerant bigot who is a member of the Democratic Party and has been supported by other Democrats so she could represent them and their views.
Ya mean Democrats like Mike Huckabee and Li'l Ricky Santorum?

There's a difference between ideology and political party affiliation.

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