Finally Getting Smart about the Clintons

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
and what's really important to them.

Questions for the Clintons
By Bob Herbert, The New York Times
January 26, 2008

Still, it’s legitimate to ask, given the destructive developments of the last few weeks, whether the Clintons are capable of being anything but divisive. The electorate seems more polarized now than it was just a few weeks ago, and the Clintons have seemed positively gleeful in that atmosphere.

It makes one wonder whether they have any understanding or regard for the corrosive long-term effects — on their party and the nation — of pitting people bitterly and unnecessarily against one another.

What kind of people are the Clintons? What role will Bill Clinton play in a new Clinton White House? Can they look beyond winning to a wounded nation’s need for healing and unifying?

These are questions that need to be answered. Stay tuned.

for full article:
Their divisive race-baiting in SC was inexcusable.

Agree completely. Obama had it right when he said he didn't know if he was running against Hillary or "Billary". Many people are coming to the conclusion that he's running against them both so they can get around the law (one of the Clintons' favorite pursuits) and serve a third term. "Two for one", as Bill so fondly put it in his drive for the presidency.

The best thing coming out of all this is that many Democrats are finally beginning to wise up to the kind of people the Clintons really are. When you have Bob Herbert asking "What kind of people are the Clintons?", you know the tipping point has been reached.

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