Finally, a House Select Committee investigates Benghazi

I know that the democrats will defend Obama and his administration to the death if their dignity if necessary. It shows that democrats put victory above everything. Above human life, above truth, above justice, and above fairness.

This incident and the way the left defends it is illustrative of how out of rational and logical sense they all have become. The facts are obvious, even an idiot could piece them all together but they don't care.

The leaders if this country sacrificed human beings to their lust for power, and to hold onto the Whitehouse. In supprting them the democrats have given free rein to corruption.

Democrats are unforgivable and will never hold an ounce of credibility again. I frankly have no idea how these low life's can look themselves in the mirror every day.

They know it was wrong, they know that their leaders lied and continue to do so. Yet they cheer and support them. Disgusting in the extreme.
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Bonehead Boehner finally does what he should have done in 2012, appoints Trey Gohmert to head a Select Committee with subpoena powers to get to the bottom of what really happened in Benghazi, and more importantly in the White House on Sept. 11, 2012.

I want to see the hospital records of Hillary's convenient and timely stroke that kept her from appearing before the House Oversight Committee. If the stress caused her to have a stroke, she's not fit to be President, if she was faking it, she should be charged with obstruction of Congress, and not fit to be President.

Maybe he will find Obama's Kenyan birth certficate while he is at it! And the truth about 9/11 and Bigfoot!
My, my,...... but you Libtards are in a panic over the truth coming out!

Oh, I am very much looking forward to the truth coming out. Can't wait to see Rep. Issa trying to stuff it back in the bottle when it does.

I wonder if Rep. Issa gives a shit how many people suffer needlessly because the Republicans are sitting on legislation in the House. Concern for human life? I would laugh if it was not so sickening.
The anger over Benghazi against the Dems will never even come close to the anger against the GOP for the Iraq War clusterf____.

Nice try though.
I know that the democrats will defend Obama and his administration to the death if their dignity if necessary. It shows that democrats put victory above everything. Above human life, above truth, above justice, and above fairness.

This incident and the way the left defends it is illustrative of how out of rational and logical sense they all have become. The facts are obvious, even an idiot could piece them all together but they don't care.

The leaders if this country sacrificed human beings to their lust for power, and to hold onto the Whitehouse. In supprting them the democrats have given free rein to corruption.

Democrats are unforgivable and will never hold an ounce of credibility again. I frankly have no idea how these low life's can look themselves in the mirror every day.

They know it was wrong, they know that their leaders lied and continue to do so. Yet they cheer and support them. Disgusting in the extreme.

Is there a reason to think the new Select Committee headed by Trey Gowdy, will have any more luck getting information out of the diversion, stalling, lies, and stonewalling of the Democrats, than the old committee did?
Issa should have to pay out of his pocket for all these ghost chases . What a loser pos wasting tax payers dollars like he has .

ISSA batting aBIG FAT 0

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