Finally, a House Select Committee investigates Benghazi

Bonehead Boehner finally does what he should have done in 2012, appoints Trey Gohmert to head a Select Committee with subpoena powers to get to the bottom of what really happened in Benghazi, and more importantly in the White House on Sept. 11, 2012.

I want to see the hospital records of Hillary's convenient and timely stroke that kept her from appearing before the House Oversight Committee. If the stress caused her to have a stroke, she's not fit to be President, if she was faking it, she should be charged with obstruction of Congress, and not fit to be President.

She never had a stroke.
She passed out from Dehydration from having the flu. she didn't get her flu shot.........She got every shot required by all Government employees, including Flu Shots.
She was faking it to get out of appearing before the committee and to rehearse her, "What does it matter, at this point in time...................." , act.

Maybe it was fake but it has not been proved either way.
I was addressing that you said she had a stroke when she didn't.
The flu shot does not prevent you from getting the flu.
The shot just keeps you from getting really bad case.
She had the stomach flu.

Flu vaccines do not prevent the stomach flu. The reason is that the stomach flu is not a type of the flu at all. It is a virus, or in some cases a bacteria, but it is not related to the influenza virus that causes seasonal flu. It is more accurately known as gastroenteritis, but that is an awfully big word, so most people just call it the stomach flu.

Sadly, there is no vaccine to prevent the stomach flu.
Flu Shot Stomach Flu - Does the Flu Shot Prevent Stomach Flu
Trey. Gowdy. Game, set, match.

About the time the Select Committee gets up and rolling, we'll have the Senate in our back pockets and we can form a Committee there, too.

And we can appoint a Special Prosecutor.

This ain't going away. Not until some people are behind bars.

One Special Prosecutor for Benghazi alone and one for the IRS and Fast and Furious. Eric Himmler belongs in prison.
Do we even have such a position in our government anymore? I thought the Republicans killed that law that allowed for a Special Prosecutor after Iran/Contra. Clinton replaced it with something but after the Ken Star debacle it was allowed to expire and never replaced.
How many lawyers will we need to investigate whether Hillary had a stroke, a flu or a face lift?

As many as it takes, it was a phony act to delay appearing before Congress and that's 'Obstruction Of Justice' in any scenario.

The debacle was the Democrats. Ken Star provided all the evidence needed for a conviction of the charges, Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Suborning perjury. That is what Clinton was charged with and guilty of.
The Democrats, aided by the Liberal Media, turned it into a pornography circus.
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Darrell Issa’s never ending “investigations” have become background noise:eusa_whistle:

then you need to just stfu and watch.

things are different now. if you have nothing to hide then what is the problem?

You know what you're completely right. Come on fellow dems let's let the righties have their fun. They've been so sad over the last few years that we should leave them alone with whatever little hopes they cling to.

Carry on cons :eusa_clap:
W actually increased his vote % after he failed to heed intelligence before 9-11 and lied us into a disasterous war. I think the gop needs to focus on cheaper heathcare and increasing the econ well being of the middle class.
255 employees have spent 97,542 hours responding to congressional investigations..
Darrel Issa's proclivity for scandal or that it's also a common bond within the bulk of the republican party today, and that as Jed Lewison reported, has wasted $14 million tax payer dollars - so far.., there is a very persuasive argument being made explaining why Issa won't let this particular scandal die.:eusa_whistle:
You think you have some real power to shut people up! Little man

Darrell Issa’s never ending “investigations” have become background noise:eusa_whistle:

then you need to just stfu and watch.

things are different now. if you have nothing to hide then what is the problem?
Finally? How many hearings have they had? The only thing they have done more than whine about Benghazi is to vote to repeal the ACA. Both have been huge wastes of time and money. The Do Nothing Congress is Doing Nothing again.
Bonehead Boehner finally does what he should have done in 2012, appoints Trey Gohmert to head a Select Committee with subpoena powers to get to the bottom of what really happened in Benghazi, and more importantly in the White House on Sept. 11, 2012.

I want to see the hospital records of Hillary's convenient and timely stroke that kept her from appearing before the House Oversight Committee. If the stress caused her to have a stroke, she's not fit to be President, if she was faking it, she should be charged with obstruction of Congress, and not fit to be President.

Hundreds of Thousands of U.S. Tax Payer Dollars wasted by the Resident Car Thief and Arsonist Darryl Issa and they ain't found shit yet.

Hospital Records by Law of covered by Patient Confidentiality. Nice try, epic fail.
Isn't their main bitch about monies spent. Then this fellow (Issa) spends millions upon millions and they think this is needed money spent.
A little on the hypocritical side.
“I want seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks,” republican chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Darrell Issa announced.

Darrell Issa’s never ending “investigations” have become background noise:eusa_whistle:

then you need to just stfu and watch.

things are different now. if you have nothing to hide then what is the problem?

You know what you're completely right. Come on fellow dems let's let the righties have their fun. They've been so sad over the last few years that we should leave them alone with whatever little hopes they cling to.

Carry on cons :eusa_clap:
W actually increased his vote % after he failed to heed intelligence before 9-11 and lied us into a disasterous war. I think the gop needs to focus on cheaper heathcare and increasing the econ well being of the middle class.

I forgot! Let's have more investigations on why W ignored the intelligence before 911 that said terrorist were prepared to fly airplanes into buildings? I would like to know.
Bonehead Boehner finally does what he should have done in 2012, appoints Trey Gohmert to head a Select Committee with subpoena powers to get to the bottom of what really happened in Benghazi, and more importantly in the White House on Sept. 11, 2012.

I want to see the hospital records of Hillary's convenient and timely stroke that kept her from appearing before the House Oversight Committee. If the stress caused her to have a stroke, she's not fit to be President, if she was faking it, she should be charged with obstruction of Congress, and not fit to be President.

She never had a stroke.
She passed out from Dehydration from having the flu.

I had the exact same thing. Spent five days in the hospital. It was horrible. When we refer to it now we call it the "Hillary disease".

:lol: Yeah........right.........and you were also called to appear before the House Oversight Committee the next day too, I guess?:lol:
Her own assistants first reported is as a stroke brought on by the, "stress of it all", their words, not mine.

how bout you just stop lying through your teeth?
If they had just sent over the requested information in the first place rather than stonewalling and redacting everything, we would not have had to spent so much money on the hearings.
Whenever any administration stonewalls and redacts large amounts of information, that means that they are covering up something.
My, my,...... but you Libtards are in a panic over the truth coming out!
She never had a stroke.
She passed out from Dehydration from having the flu.

I had the exact same thing. Spent five days in the hospital. It was horrible. When we refer to it now we call it the "Hillary disease".

:lol: Yeah........right.........and you were also called to appear before the House Oversight Committee the next day too, I guess?:lol:
Her own assistants first reported is as a stroke brought on by the, "stress of it all", their words, not mine.

how bout you just stop lying through your teeth?

No they said it was the stomach flu,
She was diagnosed with blood clot.

On Dec. 9, a day before Clinton was to depart for a trip to North Africa, her staff announced that she had caught a stomach virus and the trip was cancelled. On Dec. 15, Reines issued a statement saying that, "while suffering from a stomach virus, Secretary Clinton became dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a concussion." On Dec. 18, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Clinton was "on the mend," and by Dec. 28 Nuland added that Clinton would be returning to work the following week. But the discovery of the clot on Sunday seems to be another health setback.
YES!! More Money wasting Investigations!! Yipee!

It'll go like this:

What happened in Bengaaahzi?

People were attacked

Cool. That'll be 70 million dollars

but I thought the Repubs said they were "deficit hawks"?

They SAY a lot of things. Their actions tell a different story.

They actually believe someone is going to jail because someone got attacked overseas for the umpteenth time.

But but but THIS one is different!!! :badgrin:
YES!! More Money wasting Investigations!! Yipee!

It'll go like this:

What happened in Bengaaahzi?

People were attacked

Cool. That'll be 70 million dollars

but I thought the Repubs said they were "deficit hawks"?

They SAY a lot of things. Their actions tell a different story.

They actually believe someone is going to jail because someone got attacked overseas for the umpteenth time.

But but but THIS one is different!!! :badgrin:

it IS different leftard; the President sent people out to LIE this time
Lets remember this when republicans start squawking about Obama's Vacations costing money lol
Darrell Issa’s Witchhunt Caused 150 IRS Employees to Work 70,000 Hours
Darrell Issa, Charged With Reining In Wasteful Spending, May Be Biggest Offender
The sweeping and specific hearing agenda shows that Issa plans to cut a wide swath as chairman, latching onto hot-button issues that could make his committee the center of attention in the opening months of the 112th Congress. By grabbing such a wide portfolio — especially in national security matters — Issa is also laying down a marker of sorts, which could cement his panel as the go-to place for investigations.

Rep. Darrell Issa's agenda in 2014: IRS, Benghazi and Fast and Furious

Read more: Rep. Darrell Issa's agenda in 2014: IRS, Benghazi and Fast and Furious | TheHill
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Republicans! LOL

Lets remember this when republicans start squawking about Obama's Vacations costing money lol

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