Figuring out what to do with Trump's base


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Hit the nail on the head without weasel words

"in order to heal the great divide in the United States we're going to have to admit what Trump's popularity is all about: A fading, racist white majority is struggling to maintain primacy."

We've got white power assholes threatening post-election violence. A reality-tv-created egotistical monster is closer to being elected President of the United States than anyone should believe possible.

I get that we want to be nice to one another, but just waiting for education and time to solve this problem is perhaps not working fast enough. At some point we're going to need to point out that some beliefs, regardless how passionately held, are what they are. Someone holding on to racist beliefs who finds the mantle of 'Racist' too ugly to wear should reconsider their position, not couch it in a cute slogan. They aren't Tea Party Patriots clamoring for a birth certificate, they aren't the New Alt-Right, they are just racist.

Figuring out what to do with Trump's base means admitting they are racist
Bring them back into the GOP fold by making the GOP the anti deranged-men-in-women's-showers party. That's something the Trumpees, the evangelists & independents all agree strongly on.
Nobody cares about racism anymore, you all overplayed the race card to such an extent that it no longer has any meaning.

Trumps base will only grow even if he loses. The problems that caused his ascension will not go away and we are the only ones who can solve them.

We will make America great again.
No, what you are seeking to do is make America hate again. However, your generation is dying, and the young don't have any use for your drivel. In a decade, you will be just a memory.
No, what you are seeking to do is make America hate again. However, your generation is dying, and the young don't have any use for your drivel. In a decade, you will be just a memory.

Youre a cuck celebrating your own extinction. What you don't understand is that it is the democrats who are becoming a memory. As the percentage of whites declines whites will gradually move to the republican party. Identity will determine political allegiance and your skin color will be your uniform.
Resegregation is the quintessential key to start making America great again. Blacks are incapable of getting along with civilized Whites in a White dominated civilized society built and paid for by White working taxpayers. Again, resegregation is the catalyst to rebuilding America to make it great again.

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